My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 706: I Have Absolutely No Impure And Inappropriate Desire

The truth is that there really is no viable strategy here.

In the face of an absolute disparity in strength, numbers are useless.

Among those present, only he and Bai Wushuang have any real fighting power, and the rest would only be a hindrance.

If they took the initiative to seek out the Night Wandering Ghost, they would be entering his illusory dream realm. And in the Ghost Mirage, the strength of the Night Wandering Ghost is at the level of the Transcendence Realm, so they have no chance of facing it.

After some thought, Qin Feng asked the original question again, “Elder, is there really no way for us to leave this city?”

The City God did not elaborate further, but simply waved his right hand, and a golden light shot into the sky.

To their astonishment, the bright day suddenly turned to night.

No, this was not a dark night. The surroundings of the huge Suiyang City was dim, as if it was shrouded in a dark curtain.

And above the curtain, everyone seemed to be able to see a pair of huge green eyes, overlooking the entire Suiyang City.

At this point, Qin Feng and the others finally understood the true nature of this illusory realm. Suiyang City was already under the control of the Night Wandering Ghost, and there was no easy way to escape.

Seeing this bizarre scene, Zhan Qingfeng and the others felt their legs turn to jelly.

“Brother Qin, what should we do now?”

Qin Feng’s brow furrowed before he replied, “If we go after the Night Wandering Ghost, once we enter its Ghost Mirage, we have no chance of winning.”

“It is best not to act rashly. Lord Deng will surely send people to look for us since we haven’t returned, and besides…”

Qin Feng glanced at Ya’an and left the rest unsaid.

If the Imperial Princess was trapped in Suiyang City, Emperor Ming would certainly not ignore it.

As long as they don’t provoke the enemy and the enemy doesn’t provoke them, they can wait for the reinforcements to arrive – a solid, stable situation.

The City God shook his head, “This is like waiting for death. From the moment you entered Suiyang City, it has seen through your every move.”

“Do you really think it will let you stay in Suiyang City without doing anything?”

As he said this, the City God’s gaze fell on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng immediately realized what he had missed. He had almost forgotten about the Primordial Qi within him that attracted the Night Wandering Ghost.

On the first night, that cunning old thing had somehow entered his dream and created the Ghost Mirage, almost taking his life. Given its impatience, how could it not actively seek an opportunity?

The members of the Demon Slaying Department had grim expressions on their faces – they couldn’t escape, they couldn’t hide, it seemed like they were doomed.

Zhan Qingfeng even spoke with a whimpering tone, “If I had known it would turn out like this, I wouldn’t have come, even if it meant insulting Lord Deng and losing my job in the Demon Slaying Department.”

“Unfortunately, I haven’t even married a woman yet, and now I’m going to die here. I even made a down payment on a Miss Yingchun, and I have a full one or two pieces of silver that I haven’t had a chance to spend ……”

Huh? The manager of Fragrant Pavilion seems to have some tricks up his sleeve. They even have subscription services. Impressive, even though the current situation is dire, Qin Feng couldn’t help but ask, “If one were to subscribe to one of their courtesans, how much would it cost per month?”

Zhan Qingfeng paused, then blurted out, “The monthly subscription is only for ordinary girls, if they offered it for the top courtesans, Fragrant Pavilion would go bankrupt.”

“I see.” Qin Feng nodded slightly, then felt a shiver run down his spine.

Turning around, Ya’an had a faint smile on his face, “Brother Qin seems rather carefree. At this critical moment, instead of devising a strategy to counter the enemy, you have the mind to discuss what happened in the red light district. “

“I wonder how your two wives would react if they knew about this.”

Qin Feng cleared his throat and explained, “I was just trying to lighten the tense atmosphere a bit, since you all seemed so stressed.”

After regaining his composure, Qin Feng respectfully addressed the elder, “I hope the elder can show us a clear path forward. If we can successfully overcome this disaster, I will not hesitate to go through fire and water to fulfill any request the elder may have.”

The City God calmly looked at Qin Feng and said, “Dealing with the Night Wandering Ghost is not completely impossible.”

“As I mentioned earlier, the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm need something to rely on to descend with the spiritual power of incense and wish.”

“If you can find a way to smash that object, his physical incarnation in this world will disappear.”

“And if my guess is correct, that thing is probably the object that is worshipped in its shrine.”

Upon hearing this method, the group’s expressions brightened.

However, Ya’an said, “If that’s the case, his shrine must be a tiger’s den. If we go in headfirst, won’t we be courting death?”

The city god spoke again, “The Night Wandering Ghost is not very good at fighting in the Immortal Realm, so it appears in the form of other gods and demons in the Ghost Mirage.”

“Although the power of the Ghost Mirage is formidable, it also has its limitations.”

“One is to stir up the desires in people’s hearts, causing them to be trapped in dreams, which is why the townspeople are unable to break free.”

“There are very few people in this world who have pure and unclouded hearts, because most of them have impure desires.”

Ya’an replied unperturbed, “I have studied the teachings of the sages since childhood, and my heart is filled with righteous qi, free of desires. If what the elder says is true, then this Ghost Mirage should not be too formidable for me.”

Qin Feng glanced at her nondescript breasts, wondering where else there would be room for such boundless righteous qi…

However, he also spoke up, “I have been studying for over a decade, and although I have not reached the level of a pure and unclouded heart, my heart is as clear as a polished mirror, free of any impure desires.”

The City God gave them a quick, dismissive look and continued, “The second method is for the Night Wandering Spirit to make a formation with his own hair.”

“Boy, the reason you were able to enter the Ghost Mirage last night was probably due to the latter.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng was alarmed – had someone tampered with the inn? He immediately suspected that Liu Qingsi, the captain of the Demon Slaying Department, was the only one capable of thoroughly understanding Suiyang City and secretly helping the Night Wandering Ghost lay the formation!

“I have some knowledge of formations. Now that I know this, I can carefully inspect the surroundings before entering the shrine to disrupt its formation. “

“However, Elder, without the help of the Ghost Mirage, what would be the strength of the physical incarnation of the Night Wandering Ghost in this world?”

“At the peak of the second tier.”

Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes widened.

“How are we going to fight this? Brother Qin and Miss Wushuang are our strongest, but they’re only at the third rank!” Zhan Qingfeng exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, the Night Wandering Ghost and I are mortal enemies, I will help you in this battle,” the City God said.

Upon hearing this, the group exchanged glances, wondering if the Night Wandering Ghost had somehow stolen the City God’s share of the spiritual power from the sacrifices, thus causing their enmity.

Only Qin Feng had an inkling of the truth – that the Night Wandering Ghost had rebelled against the Heavenly Emperor for some reason, and the City God was on the same side as the Heavenly Emperor…

Regardless of the reason, the fact that the City God was willing to help them was certainly reassuring.

Looking up at the sky, the City God had withdrawn his spiritual powers, and Suiyang City had returned to its daytime appearance.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and began to discuss a battle plan with the group.

Only Bai Wushuang remained by the sacrificial table, quietly waiting for the moment when the elder would let his guard down…

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