My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 703: Seeking the City God

“Are you talking about the old man who saved your life in the dream? But do you know where he is? ”

“After all, it was just a dream, so it’s uncertain if he really exists,” Ya’an expressed her concern.

Qin Feng replied with certainty, “He must exist, and he is in the City God Temple of Suiyang City!”

The group left the restaurant and followed the waiter’s directions to find the City God Temple.

While the new shrine was filled with beautiful women like the Brothel, which was bustling with visitors every day,

Then this City God Temple was a gathering place for elderly women, to the point that not even a single dog could be seen…

Zhan Qingfeng looked at the desolate street, the dilapidated stone wall, and the shrine, and asked in surprise, “Brother Qin, are you sure this person lives here? Is this even a place where humans live?”

“I never said he was human,” Qin Feng replied.

“What do you mean?” Yaan was confused.

“If I’m not mistaken, that elderly gentleman might be the City God residing in the City God Temple, and the mysterious night ghost in that shrine, they both are from the Immortal Realm!” Qin Feng’s words shocked everyone.

Although there are Demons and Ghosts in this world, the understanding of Gods and Demons among the people still remains in legend.

Even though the City God’s Temple existed in many cities in The Great Qian, people worshiped the City God mostly in the hope of finding peace of mind in troubled times.

Who would believe that the City God Lord really existed?

As for the so-called night ghost that Qin Feng mentioned, the others had not seen it themselves. Even though they trusted Qin Feng to a certain extent, they still had some doubts in their hearts.

Ya’an directly expressed her doubts, “According to the records in various local chronicles, there are at least ten City God Temples in Great Qian. If the City God really exists, why has no one ever mentioned it since the establishment of the Great Qian?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng looked up at the rift in the Immortal Realm in the sky, and the others followed his gaze.

“Perhaps, the immortal gods enshrined in the major ancestral shrines in The Great Qian originally existed, but because the connection between the Immortal Realm and the human world was blocked, they could not come to the world.”

“Now that the rift between the Immortal Realm and the mortal world has reopened, they have found a way to return to this world.”

At that moment, Bai Wushuang sniffed the air and said, “Hmm, I seem to smell the scent of alcohol and peanuts.”

‘Your nose must be made of dog, how come I can’t smell anything…’ Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and continued, “In the dream, that elderly gentleman was drinking alcohol and eating peanuts, so it seems like he is inside.”

The group arrived at the entrance of the shrine. As they looked around, the large courtyard looked desolate.

The weeds had grown to knee height because no one had cared for it for a long time. The walls and the ancestral hall were full of traces left by the ravages of time.

The wooden door outside the shrine was half collapsed, making a creaking sound when the breeze flew.

They scanned the area, but saw no one. There was only a two-zhang high statue in the dilapidated ancestral hall. The surface was covered with dust, and the paint was peeled off in many places.

“Brother Qin, are you sure he’s in there?” Zhan Qingfeng leaned in, but did not dare to step inside.

He now had an inexplicable fear of the shrine, especially after Qin Feng experienced the strange dream last night, which had left him deeply unsettled.

“Whether it’s him or not, we’ll know once we go in and take a look.” Qin Feng took the lead and stepped forward.

However, before he could put his foot down, a terrified scream came from behind him.

Zhan Qingfeng and the others immediately went on high alert, ready for danger. “What’s going on? Is there any danger?”

Ya’an instinctively took cover behind Qin Feng.

Qin Feng quickly retracted his foot and hastily mobilized the Righteous Qi within him, ready to face any crisis that might arise.

However, after a few breaths, nothing happened. The vast courtyard was filled with nothing but the wind blowing and dust swirling.

Everyone looked at Bai Wushuang, as if waiting for an explanation

Bai Wushuang scratched his head and said embarrassedly, “I just smelled the scent of peanuts and suddenly realized that I haven’t eaten anything today.


This small interruption helped to ease the tense atmosphere of the group.

Qin Feng and the others finally entered the shrine, but after a thorough inspection, they found no one there.

“Could it be that I guessed wrong? Could that old man not be the city god of this temple?” Qin Feng couldn’t help but have this suspicion.

Just then, he noticed that there were some empty plates and a small wine cup on the sacrificial table in front of the City God statue.

The wine in the cup was almost gone, and among the empty plates, only one had a few peanuts left.

It made sense, since the City God Temple was in such a dilapidated state, who would bother to make offerings here?

Qin Feng carefully examined the wine cup and the plate, and they were exactly the same as those used by the elderly gentleman in his dream last night.

A thought quickly formed in his mind: ‘Could it be that I need to make offerings to summon the old man?’

This thought seized him, and Qin Feng, being a man of action, did not hesitate. He took out wine and food from his spatial ring and placed them on the sacrificial table.

Qin Feng then clasped his hands and silently prayed, “Junior Qin Feng is here to express my gratitude for your kindness in saving my life last night. I have come to seek your advice, and I humbly request that you manifest before me.”

Seeing the delicious food spread out, Bai Wushuang’s fingers itched to grab a piece of the braised beef, but her hand was slapped away by a weathered voice, “Today’s children are so impudent that they even dared to steal offerings?”

“Has it been thousands of years since the people of this land showed respect to the gods?”

“Who is speaking? Where is this voice coming from?” Everyone was surprised, the group searched for the source of the voice, and then everyone turned pale with shock.

They saw that the statue of the City God actually bent down, like a living person.

As a burst of golden light lit up, a shadow walked out of the statue of the City God, and then transformed into an old man. He was the one Qin Feng saw in the mirage last night!

This old man was indeed the City God!

The old man picked up the wine jug, poured himself a full cup, and downed it in one gulp, letting out a satisfied sigh, “Excellent wine!”

“If the elder enjoys it, I have more to offer,” Qin Feng said respectfully.

The old man put down the cup, grabbed a handful of beef, and popped it into his mouth. After chewing, he calmly asked, “You are a young man who knows etiquette. Tell me, why did you come here to find me?”

Not wasting time with unnecessary pleasantries, Qin Feng recounted the matter of Mr. Jia in the Imperial City, and then explained the purpose of their visit.

“… According to what senior said last night, the being enshrined in another temple is the Night Wandering Ghost. I don’t know if the death of Mr. Jia and others is related to this god.”

“You should have the answer by now, so why bother asking me?” the old man said leisurely.

“I still have doubts, because this shrine has existed for half a year, yet Suiyang City remains peaceful. Moreover, we have made extensive inquiries, and the people seem to praise the Night Wandering Ghost in this shrine for granting their wishes without fail,” Qin Feng explained.

The old man snorted disdainfully, “Even the Heavenly Emperor cannot grant wishes without fail, how could a mere night spirit possess such power? What you have seen and heard is nothing but the deluded dreams of the ignorant.”

Qin Feng and the others were stunned. “What do you mean, elder?”

Could it be that everything they had seen and heard in the city was false?

The elder raised his head and calmly said, “One of the Dao controlled by the Night Wandering Ghost is called ‘Illusory Dream’, where the line between truth and falsehood is blurred and decided by a single thought.”

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