My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 692: Startling Changes in the Land of the Dead

At the East Gate of the Imperial City, Zhan Qingfeng was guarding and humming a little song. He had been living a remarkably comfortable life lately.

Due to the changes in Heaven and Earth, the once scarce Spiritual Qi had become abundant. 

Since the Imperial City was the convergence point of the Dragon Veins of the four Great Qian realms, the concentration of Spiritual Qi was extraordinary. Basking in it, his cultivation had progressed rapidly, and he had recently reached the Fifth Level.

With the improvement in his strength, his status had naturally increased as well. Now Zhan Qingfeng has become a demon slayer of the Jade Two Stars. 

Not only had his monthly salary increased, but the number of night shifts and business trips had also decreased drastically compared to the past.

For an old fox like him who just wanted to go through life, what could be better than this?

Looking at the bustling crowd, Zhan Qingfeng’s mind had already wandered off, thinking about going to Guichun Pavilion tonight to find a beautiful young lady to have some fun with.

“Maybe I should choose Yingchun, her bottom is so perky and firm, truly a heavenly beauty…” he mused.

Just then, a caravan of merchants approached and caught his attention.

According to the usual protocol, such caravans were required to stop at the gates to inspect the goods on their wagons to prevent any unusual items from entering the Imperial City.

Although Zhan Qingfeng liked to be lax, he wouldn’t be lax when it came to his duties. He ordered the caravan to stop.

“Stop the carriage and remove the curtain, I need to inspect the cargo.”

Normally, no one would dare to disobey the words of a Demon Slayer guarding the gate, but the well-groomed leader of the caravan simply ignored him and continued towards the gate.

Zhan Qingfeng’s eyebrows furrowed as he reached out to grab the man’s shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me? I told you to stop!”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, there was a loud “bang” sound.

The man’s head suddenly burst open like a watermelon.

The surrounding screams were deafening!

Zhan Qingfeng stared at the bloody scene, completely dumbfounded.

In the courtyard of the Qin residence, Qin Feng was cultivating when Black Charcoal Head suddenly appeared with a jade-green-robed demon slayer.

Upon hearing the commotion, Qin Feng recognized the person as Zhan Qingfeng, whom he had crossed paths with a few times before. 

However, Zhan Qingfeng’s current demeanor was clearly different – he was frantic, and there was a foul, pungent smell about him. The stench of blood!

“What happened?” Qin Feng asked curiously.

Zhan Qingfeng spoke urgently, “Brother Qin, something has happened. Lord Deng requests that you come to the Land of the Dead, please come with me quickly!”

“Alright.” Qin Feng’s brow furrowed slightly, but he didn’t ask any further questions as he followed Zhan Qingfeng as they left the Qin residence.

The so-called “Land of the Dead” was the imperial mausoleum within the imperial city where the deceased were placed.

The two of them rode fast on horseback, and when they arrived, the entrance to the Land of the Dead was already blocked by a group of Demon Slayers, preventing anyone from entering.

Lord Deng was standing outside, and after nodding to Qin Feng, they entered the Land of the Dead together.

There, they were greeted by a scene of headless corpses scattered on the ground, the horrible state of the bodies permeating the air with a thick, sickening smell of blood.

“What happened?” Qin Feng asked in bewilderment.

Zhan Qingfeng recounted the entire sequence of events. Apparently, after the lead merchant died in such a gruesome manner, Zhan Qingfeng had taken all the attendants and corpses back to the Demon Slaying Department.

After all, the man had died a gruesome death in front of Zhan Qingfeng with numerous witnesses, so he naturally became a suspect in the murder.

After meeting with Lord Deng, the department head, and hearing the report, he had summoned the coroners to examine the bodies.

In this day and age, with demons and ghosts running rampant, there were countless arcane arts and deadly poisons that could have caused the man’s sudden demise. 

However, the mysterious events only escalated – the coroners who had examined the corpses also died in the same way, their heads exploding within the time it took for a single incense stick to burn!

Faced with this situation, Deng Mo had no choice but to seal off the Land of the Dead. However, without determining the cause of these mysterious deaths, the uneasiness would remain. After much deliberation, Deng Mo thought of summoning Qin Feng…

“I see.” Qin Feng nodded slightly, then unleashed his Dual Pupil ability to examine the corpses.

He observed the conditions inside the corpses.

“There are no demonic insects, nor are there any signs of poisoning. They are no different from ordinary people, yet how could their heads explode for no reason…”

Qin Feng’s eyebrows furrowed as he moved closer to the corpses for a closer inspection.

Zhan Qingfeng hastily warned, “Brother Qin, for safety’s sake, it’s best not to touch these bodies. It’s too dangerous.”

Qin Feng waved his hand dismissively, “It’s okay.”

With his current Third Rank strength and the protection of Thunderous Righteous Qi, ordinary dangers posed no threat to him.

However, when he came within a dozen steps of the headless corpses, the Thunderous Qilin of his Divine Sea and Little White immediately materialized.

The Qilin stood in front of Qin Feng, baring its teeth at the corpses, while Little White jumped onto Qin Feng’s shoulder, tugging at his sideburns to prevent him from advancing any further.

Deng Mo and the others were still marveling at Qilin and Little White, but Qin Feng’s expression had turned grave.

‘These corpses even intimidate these two little guys?’ 

Of course, he would not approach them recklessly.

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng began to mobilize the Primordial Qi from the depths of his pupils, intending to take a closer look at what was going on with these corpses.

But at that moment, a sudden change occurred!

On the previously lifeless headless corpses, black markings resembling both words and snakes appeared on their bodies. And then, they all stood up!

“Shit!” Startled, Zhan Qingfeng quickly drew his waist-mounted sword and jumped behind Deng Mo and Qin Feng, shouting, “Be careful!”

It wasn’t that he was afraid of dying, but he knew that his meager strength would only get in the way if he tried to stand in front of Qin Feng and Deng Mo. At least he had this self-awareness…

Qin Feng and Deng Mo paid no attention to him, their attention focused on the rising corpses. Their brows were deeply furrowed.

Even though these corpses had no mouths, an eerie whispering sound emanated from them, as if it was coming from the depths of the abyss. 

It was a strange melody with indecipherable characters…

At least, that’s what it sounded like to Deng Mo and Zhan Qingfeng.

But to Qin Feng, the voices were clear – they were repeatedly chanting “Primordial Qi!”

As the strange melody paused, the horde of corpses suddenly rushed towards Qin Feng.

With Deng present, how could he let them succeed? With a wave of his hand, he unleashed his Puppet Technique, and a huge shadowy hand immediately clamped down on the horde of corpses.

As a second-tier expert, dealing with these unnatural beings should have been an easy task for Deng Mo.

However, the moment the shadowy hand made contact with them, it instantly dissolved!

“The Yin Qi and Netherworld Spirit Qi have been dissipated?” Deng Mo’s expression became alarmed.

At that moment, the eerie black markings, like poisonous snakes, detached from the bodies and lunged wildly at Qin Feng.

At the critical moment, the Little White ball on Qin Feng’s shoulder let out a shrill scream. With its thumb-thick hands, it struck its own abdomen.

A surge of green light emerged from the sprout on its head, transforming into green thunderbolts that quickly struck down the black serpents.

Immediately, agonizing screams echoed through the air!

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