My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 682: The Rift Between the Immortal and Netherworld Realms

“Candle Dragon… dead?” Li Luo’s mouth fell open and his expression was blank.

He had already entered the third level six months ago, and among his peers, no one could match him. 

But standing on this battlefield, he realized his own insignificance and powerlessness.

Not to mention the fact that he was just trying not to hinder the efforts of others, he was using all his strength.

However, how could he have imagined that such a terrifying existence would be wiped out by that despicable guy?

He had already entered the third level six months ago, and among his peers, no one could match him. 

The first time they met was in a tavern in Qiyuan City, when the other party was still a lowly scholar, not even worthy of his attention.

The second time they met at the Myriad Sword Sect, even though his strength had increased a bit, the shock came from Liu Jianli.

Until today, Li Luo suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to only see the other person’s back. 

Qin Feng looked at his right hand, the white light dissipated, and the shadows of everyone had long since disappeared. 

His silver hair turned black again, the antlers disappeared, and the amber color in his eyes flickered and disappeared.

His vision darkened, and he fell from the sky.

Although the white deer with colorful antlers helped him resist the backlash of the transcendent power, his body had reached its limit!

Cang Mu flashed, held Qin Feng firmly in her arms, and then swept back into the crowd. 

The Candle Dragon was dead, its aura completely gone.

The ghost-faced individuals were still trapped within the realm of Qin Feng’s palm, unable to escape.

The crisis seemed to have passed…

However, Cang Mu glanced over and saw that Old Man Baili and his group were looking up at the sky with grave expressions.

The sky suddenly darkened and the earth shook.

A crack suddenly appeared in the sky, as if a gate to heaven had opened.

Not only that, the earth was ripped apart by ravines, Netherworld Ghost Fires appeared, and in the pitch-black abyss, space twisted and turned, looking unusually eerie.

A huge pupil appeared in the Heavenly Gate, peering out at this world from those narrow cracks.

Countless bone arms stretched out from the twisted abyss, their mournful wailing sending chills down one’s spine.

And this terrifying scene was not limited to just one place in the southern region!

“What’s going on?” Nan Tianlong frowned.

Old Baili seemed to have anticipated this outcome and explained, “Candle Dragon masters the Yin-Yang Dao. Yin can connect to the Netherworld Realm, while Yang can connect to the Immortal Realm.” 

“When the gods and devils descended on the world, when Mo Yin died in the Western Domain, he was able to open the cracks in the Netherworld Realm because of the divinity of the Candle Dragon.”

“And now that Candle Dragon is dead, his divinity has returned to Heaven and Earth, leading to this result.”

“In that case, doesn’t it mean that this world will face an even greater crisis?” Cang Zong said solemnly.

“It is both a crisis and an opportunity. The rules of this world are incomplete, and many paths to higher realms are inaccessible. But now, with the opening of the rifts to the Immortal Realm and the Netherworld Realm, many paths to ascension have also been opened. You might as well pay attention and see if there are any changes.”

Upon hearing Old Baili’s words, everyone’s eyes widened.

The thin spiritual qi of Heaven and Earth had become unusually dense!

In addition, the Netherworld’s Qi Aura, Primordial Immortal Qi, and Ancient Divine Breath, which should have disappeared in ancient times, had reappeared in the world!

This also meant that those who had enough foundation but were unable to break through the bottleneck of the higher realms now had more opportunities!

Excitement filled everyone’s hearts, but they didn’t forget the immediate crisis.

Nan Tianlong looked at the giant pupil in the sky crack and said worriedly, “It will take time for the human race to fully increase its strength, but these guys won’t wait for us.”

Old Man Baili shook his head. “This crack was not opened by the Candle Dragon itself, but formed naturally when its divine essence returned to the world after its death. Of course, there are ways to deal with it.”

The others didn’t understand what he meant. Just then, they noticed a golden light shining from the sky in the direction of the Imperial City!

With a wave of the Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s sleeve, a massive formation of white light appeared above the Imperial City.

Inside the Palace’s Floating Dragon Hall, seven golden dragons roared as they soared into the sky.

At the same time, at various places in the four regions of the Great Qian, the Dragon Sealing Stele inside the Dragon Sealing Tower of the Heavenly City emitted a dazzling golden light, accompanied by the earth-shattering roar of dragons!

Countless spiritual qi surged from the Dragon Vein toward the Imperial City, converging into the white light formation.

“Seal!” shouted the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower.

As his words fell, chains within the formation swept out in all directions, sealing the rift from the Immortal Realm.

The terrifying beings attempting to descend through the rift let out piercing screams the moment they touched the chains.

Seeing this scene at Zhenling Pass, everyone immediately understood Old Man Baili’s earlier words.

Bai Yan asked, “With this seal, will they never be able to enter this world?”

Old Man Baili shook his head. “It is only a temporary measure.”

Nan Tianlong looked curiously at the Netherwolrd flames in the depths of the earth and the twisted abyss. “Why hasn’t the seal affected the Netherworld Realm?”

“Everything has its own order.”

Qin Feng fell into a coma, his consciousness in a dark space where he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly, a little firelight lit up, which seemed so unexpected in the darkness. 

Qin Feng walked towards the firelight and realized that it was a bonfire.

Sitting beside the campfire was a figure, and upon closer inspection, it was none other than Father Qin!

“Father!” Qin Feng was ecstatic and rushed towards him. He wanted to touch him, but his right hand went right through his father’s body.

In reality, Qin Feng knew very well that his father had been dead for a long time, and all of this was just his imagination…

Father Qin glanced over and raised an eyebrow. “You little rascal, why the long face? If you’re like this, how will your second mother manage? Now that I am gone, you are the pillar of the Qin family, understand?”

It was truly an illusion, just like the father in his memories… Qin Feng calmly looked at Father Qin. Even though it was an illusion, he treasured this moment.

Seeing this, Father Qin sighed.

He was about to say more, but the dim world suddenly shook.

Countless wails and screams rang out, making his scalp tingle with fear.

Father Qin stood up and spat on the ground. “I was born for this hard life, and even in death, I will not find peace!”

With that, he began to walk away.

Just before leaving, Father Qin turned around and solemnly admonished, “The money I’ve saved over the years is hidden in the crack behind the wall on the right side when you enter the study, behind the third shelf.” 

“When you return, be sure to take it out at the right time. Don’t waste it. Oh, and whatever you do, don’t tell your Second Mother about this. It’s my secret hiding place, understood?”

Qin Feng’s expression turned strange. If this was a hallucination, it was too vivid, even down to this nonchalant demeanor?


The bonfire was extinguished, and darkness enveloped the surroundings once again.

Qin Feng’s consciousness also seemed to be sucked into the deep sea, and he could no longer notice anything. 

Returning to reality, under the ravine of the earth, in the twisted abyss, a huge bone arm suddenly stretched out, just like it did in the Western Region. 

Nan Tianlong and the others prepared for battle, thinking that another great battle was about to erupt.

However, the next scene far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

The colossal bone arm was forcibly pulled back by an unknown force, and shattering sounds resounded until silence returned.

There was no more movement in the twisted abyss.

Everyone looked at each other, stunned by what had just happened.

Only Old Man Baili breathed a sigh of relief, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

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