Beside the Nine Bend River, the white-haired and black-bearded Divine Guardian was fishing. The moonlight was pouring down, and the charming scenery was reflected on the river. 

At that moment, a voice rang out in the old man’s ears, “Master.”

Turning his head, he saw Father Qin dressed in black robes with a ghost mask on his head.

“It has been a long time since you last visited me. I thought you had forgotten your old master,” the old man said as he raised his right hand. The fishing line swept out of the river as if pulling a golden light.

In an instant, ripples appeared on the shimmering surface of the river.

Father Qin didn’t waste any words either, he sat down next to the old man and two wine bottles appeared out of nowhere in his hands. He said, “I’m leaving for the Southern Domain tomorrow, and I don’t know when I’ll be back. I thought I’d catch up with my master before I leave.” 

“These two bottles of wine were brewed by my son and are called Immortal Drunkenness. Those who have tasted it all praise it. Please try it, Master.”

The Divine Guardian took the wine bottle and opened it, releasing an intoxicating fragrance.

“It is indeed good wine.”

As the wine flowed down his throat, conversation naturally followed. The old man said, “Back then, Drum was severely injured by me. He only had one breath and fled to the Southern Realm, where the Yin Qi was heavy, and has been recovering ever since.”

“Even so, it is still a true transcendence realm. If you can’t handle it, don’t act recklessly. The old man of the Heavenly Tower has his own plans.”

Father Qin smiled, “Master, you still don’t understand me. I never pick fights that I’m not sure I can win, especially since this time I’m going to meet that guy Nan Tianlong in the Southern Domain. As you know, the two of us have never lost when we team up.”

The Divine Guardian shook his head helplessly.

After three rounds of wine, the conversation was almost at an end. Father Qin put down the empty wine bottle, and as he was about to leave, he suddenly added, “Master, while I’m not in Imperial City, I entrust you with taking care of my family… Just in case…”

His voice trailed off, leaving the rest unspoken.

The Divine Guardian nodded, “I understand.”

As Qin Jian’an turned away, the old man’s right index finger flicked, and a black ray of light entered the back of his departing figure.

As the night wind blew, the white hair at his temples swayed gently, leaving only the silhouette of the old man fishing by the Nine Bend River.

Inexplicably, he murmured to himself

“He is my valued student. What is the harm in giving him this item?”

“The more strong people there are in the world, the better. According to what that old man said, if the southern realm can withstand this catastrophe, humanity can rise from the ashes.”

“If the civil and military talents soar, even if the gods and demons descend again, what does humanity have to fear?”

“I won’t argue with you.”

At a certain spot on the surface of the Nine Bend River, it seemed as if a huge stone had fallen, causing ripples to spread.

The Divine Guardian turned his head to the south and sighed deeply.

Father Qin returned to the Qin Residence and gently pushed open the compartment door.

He saw the Second Mother sitting at the table, her eyes slightly red, as if she had been waiting for him. 

“Where have you been?” Second Mother asked.

“So much has been happening lately that has everyone in the court on edge. An old friend visited me to catch up and vent his frustrations, so I had a few drinks,” Father Qin lied without batting an eyelid.

He hung up his coat and turned around to look at Second Mother’s expression. Surprised, he said, “What’s wrong with you, my dear? You have to trust me; I didn’t go anywhere inappropriate.”

Second Mother rubbed her eyes and wiped the tears from the corner. “I don’t doubt you, dear. It’s just that the thought of the disaster in the southern region makes me uneasy. I don’t know why the tears fell by themselves.” 

“My dear, why worry about such things? None of our family members will be involved in this mess, and besides, the Divine Marquis Army has never been defeated, as you well know. When the father-in-law returns, it will surely be another great victory,” Father Qin comforted.

“Mm,” the Second Mother nodded slightly.

As their clothes were taken off, the two of them lay down on the bed.

The candle flame went out and the sound of soft breathing filled the room.

Suddenly, the Second Mother spoke up, “My dear, you used to love the lotus seed soup I made the most. Since I returned to the Imperial City, I haven’t cooked for a long time. How about I make it for you tomorrow morning?”

“Okay.” Father Qin turned his back and looked quite calm. He wanted to sigh but held back. 

But he didn’t realize that the Second Mother had been staring at his back and didn’t close her eyes for a long time. 

At the lakeside pavilion, Qin Feng was with Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan.

Looking up at the sky with dim starlight and a lonely moon, Qin Feng couldn’t help but complain, “I wanted to admire the moon with my two wives, but unfortunately, the weather isn’t cooperating.”

“Why should we admire the moon for no reason?” Liu Jianli asked softly. 

“So much has happened lately, and I can see that your mood isn’t the best. I wanted us to admire the moon together to change the mood a bit. It’s too bad,” Qin Feng shook his head.

With a pause, he suddenly smiled, “But fortunately, that doesn’t stop us from having a midnight snack.”

Saying this, he took out a plate of pastries from his spatial ring.

“What is this?” Cang Feilan asked curiously.

“These are Silver Moon Cakes made by the chefs in the Star Seizing Tower. They’re sour and sweet, and they’re very popular with women. Since both of you are pregnant, I thought you might like to eat something sour and sweet, so I brought them for you. Want to try them?”

The two women took the dumplings and put them in their mouths, their eyes gleaming.

Even though they didn’t have much of an appetite, they couldn’t resist and ended up eating several at once.

Qin Feng stood by and smiled as he watched his two wives.

He only wished that time could freeze at this moment.

But he knew all too well that time only moves forward and never stops.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed and dawn broke.

Clap, clap, clap!

A brisk and forceful knock sounded at the door, and when the gatekeeper opened it, he greeted Bai Qui with a smile, “Miss Bai Qui, it’s been many days since we last saw you.”

Bai Qui looked anxious and excited: “The academy has been too busy these days. I didn’t have time to come here. By the way, I heard that Qin An is back?” 

“Yes, the second young master has been back for a while.”

“Where is he?” Bai Qui couldn’t wait.

“He must be having breakfast in the hall right now.”

Arriving at the hall in a hurry, Bai Qui looked around, but didn’t see the figure she was looking for.

The hall that had been bustling with activity before now had only a few women sitting quietly at the table, staring blankly at the two letters on the table.

Second Mother’s tears had long since dried up, leaving only two streaks.

Although she was an ordinary woman, she was not stupid.

After spending twenty years of her life with Father Qin, how could she not sense something unusual?

In fact, after the battle between the human race and the Asura tribe, Father Qin had avoided sharing a room with her for over half a month under the pretext of various reasons, and she had a vague idea of his identity.

It’s just that both of them are acting, one thinks that the other doesn’t know, and the other pretends that she still doesn’t know. 

The lotus seed soup she made early in the morning didn’t reach the person she wanted to give it to… Second Mother looked at the steaming bowl of soup in front of her and smiled faintly, but that smile was heartbreaking to see.

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan gently stroked their swollen bellies. They loved Qin Feng very much, so they had known for a long time that they couldn’t keep him.

Sensing the strange atmosphere in the hall, Bai Qui asked curiously, “What’s going on with you all? Where did everyone else go?”

As soon as the words came out of Bai Qui’s mouth, the war drums started beating in the Imperial City and the sound of horns filled the air.

Several people in the hall looked in the direction of the south gate of Imperial City. That was the signal to set out for battle… 

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