My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 650: Your Majesty, Prepare for War

The land of Heavenly City is where the dragon veins converge, and its importance goes without saying.

In just one day, news of the destruction of Jiaming City swept through the Great Qian like a storm, reaching even the Imperial City.

Everyone in the city was shocked when they heard the news.

You see, in order to protect the Dragon Vein, every Heavenly City has extremely strong defense forces. Who in the world could destroy a Heavenly City overnight?

In the palace, a confidential letter was brought into the study from the Prison Department.

Emperor Ming’s expression became extremely solemn as he read the contents of the letter.

Jiaming City was destroyed overnight, with corpses all over the ground and blood flowing like rivers. 

Not a single defender or member of the Demon Slaying Department stationed in the city survived.

The Dragon Sealing Tower collapsed, the Dragon Sealing Tablet vanished without a trace, and the Dragon Spirit in the Dragon Vein naturally disappeared with it.

But what worried Emperor Ming the most was the end of the words “Garuda Clan”!

Emperor Ming slammed the table and shouted angrily, “Why is there no news from the Demon Slaying Department and Prince Luo’s side in the south of Great Qian about the Garuda Clan leaving Tianling Mountain and invading our southern territory?!”

“Do I have to wait for the Garuda Clan’s fire feathers to rain down on Imperial City and fall on my head before I can know that the Garuda Clan has returned?”

Eunuch Li stood trembling beside him, too scared to speak.

At that moment, another letter was brought out from the prison department, saying, “Some time ago, several county cities in the south were massacred overnight, and the people’s hearts were ripped out.”

“Commander Nan Tianlong personally went to the scene to investigate and found a Garuda Clan wing feather among the ruins.”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Ming furrowed his brow and asked, “If that’s the case, why has this news only reached me today?”

“Has the Zhenling Pass been breached? Where exactly in the south have the Garuda Clan’s wings now extended?”

“To inform Your Majesty, Commander Nan Tianlong rushed to Zhenling Pass the moment he discovered the wing feather.”

“However… there was nothing unusual at Zhenling Pass. The soldiers guarding the pass and the demon slayers all reported that they saw no sign of the Garuda Clan leaving Tianling Mountain.”

“Lord Nan Tianlong believes that someone has used spatial magic to move the Garuda Clan outside of Tianling Mountain, thus concealing their whereabouts.”

Emperor Ming’s expression darkened. It must be someone secretly helping the Garuda Clan!

“The heart of the human race, the Dragon Vein of Heavenly City…” Emperor Ming muttered. Combining all these factors, he naturally thought of the Garuda King, whose heart had been taken away by the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower in a plot that cost the lives of a hundred thousand soldiers!

“Have you reported this matter to the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower?”

Yi Mian replied, “It has already been reported. Considering the time, he should return soon.”

In a moment, a person from the prison department, dressed in red and wearing a white mask, came to seek an audience outside the study.

Eunuch Li led him in, and Emperor Ming asked directly, “What did the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower say?”

The visitor said with every uttered word, “Your Majesty, prepare for war.”

The study room fell into dead silence.

In the days that followed, the people of the Imperial City felt a palpable tension.

The martial arts grounds of the Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army echoed with the roar of war. It was a military drill before the expedition.

In the minds of the people, they couldn’t help but remember the news from the southern region not long ago, and they felt that something important was about to happen.

Qin Mansion, Liu Tianlu, the father-in-law of the Military God, came to visit Liu Jianli. A rare gentle smile graced his usually stern face.

“Since you’re pregnant, don’t think about cultivation. Remember to rest,” he said.

“If you feel any discomfort, tell your mother as soon as possible. After all, she has experience in this regard.”

Pausing for a moment, Liu Tianlu felt that his wife might not be reliable, so he changed his mind: “Forget it, don’t ask her. Let Ningshuang go find Aunt Liu when the time comes.”

“When your mother was pregnant with you, Aunt Liu took good care of her without any mistakes.”

“Father, I understand,” Liu Jianli replied quietly.

Liu Tianlu nodded slightly and curiously turned to Qin Feng beside him, “What happened to your face?”

With a bruised and swollen face, Qin Feng looked at Father Qin who was drinking tea in the main seat and forced a smile, “I fell off the bed a few days ago while I was half asleep. When I woke up, I looked like this. It’s nothing serious.”

Liu Tianlu raised an eyebrow and looked at Qin An on the other side, “Are you the same?”

Qin An shook his head and took in a breath of cool air, “I wasn’t paying attention during cultivation and accidentally bumped into a pillar. It should go down in a while.”

Even though they said that, they were both complaining inwardly. Father really had a heavy hand, it was as if he was beating them to death just because they wanted to go to the southern territory and contribute a little…

Thinking about this, they both looked at Father Qin with resentment.

Sensing their gaze, Father Qin put down his teacup and cleared his throat, “By the way, father-in-law, Emperor Ming has summoned the Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army to march together to the Southern Territory. When will they leave?”

Everyone’s attention was drawn to this.

Liu Jianli looked at Liu Tianlu with a hint of concern in her eyes.

The recent destruction of Jiaming City in the southern region has caused quite a stir in the capital, even though the higher-ups are trying to suppress it. It’s likely that this expedition is closely related to that matter.

Moreover, given the current status of the Qin family in the Imperial City, they naturally know more than the outside world.

The size of the soldiers gathered this time was probably far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

If you were to describe it, it would be comparable to the number of soldiers at the Zhenling Pass Battle nearly twenty years ago.

Liu Tianlu replied calmly: “I and Lie Ying haven’t received any news about the specific time of the expedition. The Heavenly Tower National Teacher seems to be waiting for something.”

After hearing this, Qin Feng lowered his head and pondered, not knowing about the changes in Jiaming City . What is the connection with the candle dragon seen in the dream and the appearance of the extraordinary existence?

Father Qin glanced over and asked again, “During the disasters in the Western Region, the role of Literature Saint Dao Lineage in assisting soldiers and demon-slayers is already known to the world.”

“This time, the disaster in the southern region must be significant. I wonder if the court has arranged for the Literature Saint’s to accompany the troops to enhance their fighting power?”

“Of course, it’s important to integrate the soldiers’ strength with the Literature Saints. Many voices within the court hope that His Majesty will send Qin Feng with the army.”

As the words fell, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed slightly, and then they all looked at Qin Feng.

Liu Jianli’s lips parted slightly. Now that she was pregnant and unable to protect Qin Feng by his side, she naturally didn’t want him to take any risks.

Cang Feilan’s thoughts were the same.

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Liu Tianlu shook his head and said, “But you don’t have to worry, because it was finally confirmed that the accompanying Literature Saint was not Qin Feng, but someone else.” 

The tension in the hearts of the crowd relaxed, and they became curious, asking, “Who is it?”

“Heavenly Tower National Teacher,” Liu Tianlu replied in this manner.

For a moment, the crowd’s expressions changed.

Upon hearing this, Cang Zong furrowed his brow and bluntly said, “Can the Heavenly Tower National Teacher leave the Imperial City?”

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