My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 641: Miss, could it be... you're pregnant?!

After the Third Princes left, Bai Wushuang revealed her smile once again and hummed, “I just helped you earn a face, and even gave up the opportunity to go to the sixth floor for dinner. For the next few days, you’ll have to treat me to some delicious food to make up for it.”

Qin Feng smiled, “If I were you right now, I would definitely agree with him and then ruthlessly fleece him on the sixth floor. The ingredients there are rare in the world, and each one is quite expensive.”

Bai Wushuang showed a strange expression, “If I agreed, won’t you be angry? I know that men care a lot about their face, especially in front of women. My father is just like that.”

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow at her unexpected comment.

“Besides, being with that guy might ruin my appetite. No matter how delicious the food is, I probably won’t be able to eat much. Compared to that, it’s more convenient to eat with you,” Bai Wushuang added.

‘Oops, I feel a little moved…’ Qin Feng cleared his throat and asked curiously, “Why?”

“Because he’s not as handsome as you,” Bai Wushuang blinked.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng immediately stood up, “Let’s go!”

“Hmm? Where are we going? I haven’t eaten yet!”

“I’ll take you to the sixth floor to feast!” Qin Feng waved his hand with great enthusiasm.

The next morning, Qin Feng noticed that the servants and maids at home were looking at him strangely.

But he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was wrong.

As soon as he entered the hall, everyone’s eyes turned to him, startling Qin Feng.

Senior Bai Yan’s face was dark. The sword that he usually kept in the sword case was taken out for some unknown reason today and placed at hand.

Father Qin and Second Mother looked conflicted, wanting to say something but hesitating.

Cang Feilan’s pale blue eyes were like a cold pond, exceptionally icy.

Bai Qui also stared with beautiful eyes and gritted her teeth. 

His experience in dealing with dangerous situations warned Qin Feng that he should not stay here for a long time.

He chuckled dryly, “I don’t have much of an appetite today, so I’ll skip breakfast.”

After saying that, he turned around and left, but an inexplicable force pushed him directly to the chair. 

Looking over, Liu Jianli seemed indifferent, staring calmly at the bowl of porridge in front of her. 

“Where did you go yesterday?”

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng couldn’t help but understand. Surely, these baseless rumours had reached the ears of the Qin family.

Following the principle of leniency for those who confess and sternness for those who resist, Qin Feng told the truth: “Yesterday I took Miss Wushuang to Moonlit Pavilion and Star Seizing Tower for dinner, but I didn’t go anywhere else!”

“Bai Qui should be able to testify to this, after all yesterday at noon, Miss Wushuang invited her.” 

Suddenly called out, Bai Qui hesitated for a moment before remembering, “Ah? Um, yes, that seems to be what happened. But wait, what’s the deal with you and my elder sister? Why are there so many dirty rumours out there, even… even saying that Elder Sister is…”

When Bai Yan, who was still suppressing his emotions, heard this, the sword in his hand couldn’t help but scream. The clear sound of sword clanging was heard.

“Senior, please stay calm…” Qin Feng’s scalp tingled as he was about to explain, but at that moment, Bai Wushuang entered the hall and sniffed forcefully. “Hmm, smells good.”

All eyes turned to her stomach. Under her black dress, her waist was slim and her belly was flat, not like that of a pregnant woman.

“Miss Wushuang came just in time, tell them quickly, my relationship with you is pure and clean, there is absolutely no problem!” Qin Feng said anxiously. 

What followed was nothing more than the process of clearing their names, which fortunately ended as a false alarm.

Upon hearing her younger sister recount these rumours, Bai Wushuang even laughed carelessly, “When I heard about it at the Moonlit Pavilion yesterday, I found it amusing. I never thought that the interesting stories would multiply in just one day.”

“Elder sister, these rumours are tarnishing your reputation, how can you still find them funny!”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s all fake anyway. Let them say what they want,” Bai Wushuang dismissed casually, quickly finishing the congee in her bowl and getting another.

Although the misunderstanding had been cleared up, Sword Emperor Bai Yan still remained cautious.

Feeling increasingly uneasy under his gaze, Qin Feng took the initiative to ask, “Senior Bai, I wonder if the Sword Dao Alliance’s plan to build a martial arts hall in the Imperial City is still on track?”

Bai Yan replied nonchalantly, “Emperor Ming has already agreed. However, we still need to find a suitable location in order to take root here. Besides, there are many martial arts halls and talents in the capital. There may be challengers who want to use the reputation of the Sword Dao Alliance to improve their status.”

Such incidents were not uncommon during the establishment of the Dao Hall in Heavenly City, something the Sword Dao Alliance was accustomed to.

Who didn’t understand the principle of “a tall tree catches the wind”?

Bai Wushuang swallowed the bun in her mouth and suddenly said, “Oh, by the way, Father, last night, when Qin Feng and I were having dinner at the Star Seizing Tower, we ran into the Third Prince. He claimed that he would not let the Sword Dao Alliance stay in Imperial City and would arrange for people to challenge us. I agreed.”

“Is that so?” Bai Yan frowned slightly. “The Sword Dao Alliance has no grievances with the Third Prince. Why would he do this?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng explained the situation truthfully.

Bai Yan’s expression immediately darkened. With his life experience, he could easily see through the Third Prince’s intentions.

This was nothing more than an attempt to use Bai Wushuang to connect with Sword Emperor City and the Sword Dao Alliance in order to vie for the position of Crown Prince.

Shaking his head disdainfully, Bai Yan said, “Come if you want, the Sword Dao Alliance will take care of it.”

“By the way, Senior, I have a good relationship with the Divine Workshop. When the location for the Sword Dao Alliance’s Martial Hall is decided, I can take charge of its construction,” Qin Feng smiled.

After a moment’s thought, Bai Yan agreed, “Then I’ll rely on you.”

The group chatted casually over their meal, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

At this moment, Liu Jianli, who was beside Qin Feng, suddenly hunched over and covered her mouth with her right hand, looking uncomfortable. 

Seeing this, Qin Feng asked worriedly, “Wife, what’s wrong with you?”

The others also looked worried.

Liu Jianli raised her eyebrows slightly and replied quietly, “I don’t know why, but I just don’t feel like eating. The smell of this food makes me sick.”

Bai Wushuang exclaimed, “Really? I think this porridge is quite tasty.”

Bai Qui chimed in, “Yes, Senior Sister, did you stay up too late last night so your body doesn’t feel well?”

Qin Feng gently patted Liu Jianli’s back, thinking that it might be related to the recent changes with his wife, who was feeling extremely anxious.

Meanwhile, Second Mother, Father Qin, and Sword Emperor Bai Yan wore expressions of disbelief as experienced individuals.

They had clearly suspected something.

Second Mother snapped out of her daze and asked excitedly, “Jianli, are you feeling dizzy and weak now, losing your appetite and even feeling nauseated by the smell of food?”

Liu Jianli nodded slightly, “How did Mother know?”

Second Mother didn’t answer, instead she grabbed Father Qin’s hand and said excitedly, “Master, it’s all the same, just like back then!”

Sword Emperor Bai Yan shook his head and chuckled, “No wonder when you fought Wushuang, there were such unexpected changes. So that’s how it was.”

Qin Feng, who was just an onlooker, suddenly realised when he heard these words.

Lan Ningshuang, who had been deeply influenced by the teachings of the old Lan family’s mistress, reacted later but with surprise, “Miss, could it be… you’re pregnant?!”

“Eh?” Cang Feilan said, dropping the chopsticks in her hand with a clatter.

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