My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 630: Doing My Best As A father

Outside the imperial city, in the mountains and forests.

Coming here to cultivate every day had become a routine for Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan.

With the increasing accumulation of Ancient Divine Breath in their bodies, coupled with Father Qin’s guidance and tireless practice, their strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

Liu Jianli’s understanding of swordsmanship was becoming more and more clear approaching the Dao, while Cang Feilan’s control over her domain was becoming more adept.

Most importantly, they seemed to be faintly touching the threshold of the second rank. Although it would take continued exploration and understanding to truly enter it, knowing the direction to progress would eventually lead them to the goal.

Within the domain, a faint blue sword aura, like flowing water, enveloped Liu Jianli, who intended to channel the Ancient Divine Breath within her body into the sword aura.

In order to perfect the Thirty Thousand Mile Sword Technique, the blessing of the Ancient Divine Breath was indispensable, and it had been her focus for the past few months.

The battle with the Asura Clan had made her realise that there were many strong individuals in the world. In order to better protect her husband, she had to become stronger.


The faint blue sword aura suddenly dissipated, and Liu Jianli’s delicate eyebrows furrowed as she slowly descended from the sky.

On the other side, Cang Feilan sensed the disturbance and thought that something had gone wrong, so she rushed over and asked, “Sister Jianli, what’s wrong?”

Liu Jianli stretched out her right hand and opened it. The golden Ancient Divine Breath was continuously condensing and changing shape under her will. She shook her head, “I don’t know either. Just now, within the domain, I wanted to merge the Ancient Divine Breath with the sword aura to increase the power of the sword technique.”

“However, when the Ancient Divine Breath flowed through the Dantian, it seemed to be pulled away by another force, making it difficult to control.”

“The feeling at that moment was strange, and it caused my domain to collapse as well.”

“But now, that strange feeling has disappeared without a trace.”

Upon hearing this, Cang Feilan pondered, “Could it be because it’s too difficult to maintain the Domain and control the Ancient Divine Breath at the same time, or perhaps because we’ve been overdoing it during this period of training?”

“In fact, in the past few days, I have occasionally felt a lack of strength when guiding the Ancient Divine Breath, something that has never happened before.”

“Perhaps,” Liu Jianli replied quietly.

“It’s a pity that father-in-law isn’t here, otherwise he might have been able to tell something with his strength,” Cang Feilan said lightly.


As the sun began to set and the sky gradually darkened, Cang Feilan suggested, “Shall we call it a day for today’s training?”

Liu Jianli thought for a moment and said, “That’s fine. After all, father-in-law has told me before that haste makes waste, whether it’s giving birth or cultivating.”

At the mention of childbirth, Cang Feilan became alert and quickly glanced at the other’s abdomen. Fortunately, it was still flat and she unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she had married QIn Feng later than her sister, and her strength wasn’t as strong as her sister’s, she secretly wished to conceive sooner.

However, she also knew in her heart that it was not easy for a woman whose cultivation had surpassed that of a man to bear children, especially since she belonged to the powerful Dragon Clan lineage, which made it even less likely.

Fortunately, her Sister Jianli was in a similar situation.

Just in case, Cang Feilan tentatively said, “Theoretically, now that Husband has reached the fourth realm, the gap in cultivation has narrowed considerably, so there should be a chance to conceive.”

“However, in the past few days, I haven’t made much progress. I wonder if there have been any changes on Sister Jianli’s side?”

Liu Jianli’s expression faltered slightly at the words, a hint of disappointment flickering in her normally calm and bright eyes. She shook her head slightly, “Every time after being with the Husband, I have followed the methods taught by Mother, standing upside down against the wall. But it seems to be of little use.”

Hearing this, Cang Feilan finally let out a sigh of relief. A faint smile played across her pale blue eyes. “Actually, the master mentioned to me that the method your mother taught is not very reliable. Such matters must be approached gradually; we can’t rush into it.”

Liu Jianli nodded slightly.

The next morning, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes. He had to treat Lord Deng Mo’s body today, so he woke up earlier than usual.

When he looked over, he saw Cang Feilan standing upside down against the wall, her long black hair cascading down, revealing her graceful long legs and smooth waist and abdomen.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng couldn’t help but purse his lips.

Although he had repeatedly told his two wives that this method had no scientific basis and would not increase the chances of pregnancy, they still insisted on it.

Over time, Qin Feng had simply gotten used to it.

‘But it’s strange. The Military God’s father-in-law told me that as long as you reach the fourth realm, the fertility problems caused by realm differences can be solved. But it’s been so long, and their bellies still show no signs of change?’

This is definitely not a matter of frequency, because he sleeps with the two ladies so frequently that it can even be said that they work all year round, working hard like an diligent oxen.

With this result, it could only be due to luck, or rather, the timing wasn’t right yet.

At this thought, Qin Feng sighed inwardly, feeling guilty for the unborn children. ‘Although as a father, I also want you to open your eyes to the world soon, I’ve done my best. The rest is up to your mothers.’

“Why did you sigh, Husband?” Cang Feilan twisted her waist and stood upright, her eyes full of doubts.

“Nothing, just a bit tired,” Qin Feng chuckled dryly.

“Tired?” Cang Feilan slightly furrowed her delicate eyebrows before continuing, “Shall I tell Ningshuang to prepare another batch of that tonic soup for you?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng’s expression changed drastically. The mentioned medicinal soup was of course the ancestral secret recipe of Grandma Liu of the Liu family.

This stuff is too strong, it’s okay to take it once or twice, but taking it too often can harm the body. He immediately waved his hands repeatedly, “I misspoke. I’m not tired at all, not even a little. In fact, I feel invigorated!”

“Oh, right, I still have to go to the Demon Slaying Department today to meet with Lord Deng Mo. So I won’t keep you any longer.”

“Please tell my parents that I won’t be eating breakfast at home.”

With that, Qin Feng hastily got up, got dressed, and hurriedly left, leaving Cang Feilan with only a fleeting image of panic.

Inside the loft of the Demon Slaying Department, the treatment had already been completed.

Deng Mo breathed a sigh of relief. His complexion was far from what it had been before; it was no different from that of an ordinary person.

And the internal injuries to his organs were slowly recovering thanks to Qin Feng’s relentless efforts.

He believed that within half a year, his injuries would be completely healed.

Feeling the condition of his body, Deng Mo laughed heartily, “I never thought that one day I would be able to step onto the battlefield again and fight against those demons and ghosts. It’s you who gave me hope.”

“I will remember this favour, and whenever you need me, don’t hesitate to ask”.

At the first thought of his improved body, he couldn’t help but think about going into battle to slay demons and ghosts. You really can’t stay idle, can you…

“These are all things the younger generation should do,” Qin Feng replied respectfully.

Perhaps to test the extent of his body’s recovery, Deng Mo suddenly stirred the Yin Qi between Heaven and Earth, displaying the technique of Puppet Shadows.

In an instant, more than ten towering and sinister figures, resembling evil spirits, manifested within the Imperial City Demon Slaying Department, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

This was Deng Mo’s mastery, and it was the reason why he was known as someone equal to an entire army.

The formidable technique of Puppet Shadow Ghost Prison Kill!

Qin Feng was stunned.  He never expected that Lord Deng’s combat power would reach this level before he fully recovered from his injuries.

However, at that moment, Lord Deng withdrew his extraordinary abilities and furrowed his brow, “Sure enough, there is something weird.”

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