My Wife Is A Miracle Doctor In The 80s

Chapter 112 - Chapter 112: Chapter 114: Peach Blossom Facade

Chapter 112: Chapter 114: Peach Blossom Facade

Little Black Sister cracked her own mouth laughing, seeming not to be embarrassed by the rejection. Of course, it might be because she was so simple-minded, this half-grown girl, still so innocent.

Little Black Sister hopped around happily. Children at this age dress indiscriminately, and the best fabric they had was called Dacron. Only the little daughters-in-law from the wealthier families in the village could wear an outfit made from it. As for children, they wore clothes repurposed from adults’ clothing.

Tang Yuxin had no mother; her father and her uncle’s clothes could not be modified into her own, hence, all of her clothes were bought. In comparison with other children in the village, she could be considered a noble.

Little Black Sister laughed with her mouth wide open, while walking and picking wildflowers from the ground, placing them in her hair. Being such a candid and innocent girl, it was hard to imagine her as anything else.

Yuxin found it impossible to connect this naive girl before her, with the noblewoman she would become in the future.

It seemed like it couldn’t be her.

It seemed like everything has changed.

It seemed like she was still the same person, just wearing a different face.

But in reality, they were not the same person.

Even now, she didn’t understand what Gu Ning saw in Little Black Sister that made him so dedicated to her, taking care of her all his life, even giving her his kidney, despite his own health deteriorating as a result. But his heart never changed.

Sometimes she would remember a saying.

To be united in heart until death.

She thought it was just an idealized life in the fantasy.

She had witnessed many separations at the hospital, yet Gu Ning was someone who would sacrifice everything for his woman. She really didn’t understand that.

Why could Zhang Xiaomei be so heartless, just turning and leaving, abandoning her husband without any remorse?

And now Zhang Xiaomei was still Little Black Sister, naive, silly, and of course, ugly.

So, Tang Yuxin believed, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.

Little Black Sister, Zhang Yindi turned her head, smiled with her mouth missing two front teeth.

“Yuxin, why aren’t you moving? Are you scared of class? Don’t worry, follow me, there’s nothing to be scared of,” she said, patting her small chest.

These were the most innocent feelings of a child, making such gestures, revealing her toothless smile. Even the words she uttered were spoken with a sense of straightforwardness.

It was ridiculous, but also sentimentally touching.

But, Tang Yuxin couldn’t laugh, nor be moved.

If she hadn’t met the high-born lady in the future who was like a queen, she would never believe that she would eventually become Zhang Xiaomei.

Tang Yuxin lowered her head, having already reached school. Recollections from her previous school years were mostly forgotten. She seemed to have started school late, around nine years old. While children in the city started school early, she started late initially because she had to take care of Wei Jiani, who was two years younger. Later, she didn’t start school until Wei Jiani did. She didn’t even go to kindergarten and had poor memory of school life. However, her school life wasn’t as smooth as Wei Jiani’s, who was beautiful, smart, and had a good foundation from attending kindergarten for several years.

Everyone always compared her with Wei Jiani, without considering the reasons.

Why is your sister so beautiful when you’re so ugly?

Your sister is so talented, she can play the electronic piano. Why don’t you even know how to sing in a choir?

Your sister is good at studying and always ranked among the top students, while you are always at the bottom of the class.

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