" She deserved that all right? said Fu Yu Shen with a frown as he looked at his sister. " And why are you always talking in favour of that woman these days? Do you have any idea, how much I suffered because of her? She didn't even lose a lock of her hair but I was sent to Amazon! If not for me packing at least a hundred power banks I would have died in that forest without anyone knowing!"

" Maybe pack some food and snacks to take the next time, then?" offered Fu Rong wisely. " And it wasn't sister-in-law's fault that you were sent to that remote area in Amazon, the reason you were sent there was because of your incapability of dealing with people who were working under you! That woman Li Rou or whatever—- she was working under you and killed three actresses while you were managing the company… that is to say, she did it all under your nose! Do you even have any idea once the news of her dark deeds came out, what kind of damage control brother had to do? I bet he didn't sleep for days and even had to fork out a good deal of compensation for the three families plus give one of their family members a decent pay grade job, despite them being capable or not! Maybe if you did not create so much trouble then you wouldn't have been sent to that forest either, you hear me? It's you..you who is the one in the wrong, how dare you complain saying its sister in law's fault."

Ever since Song Yan saved her and even saved her friend from jumping into the pit of fire by warning her that her friend was being cheated on——Fu Rong has become Song Yan's fan and wouldn't let anyone say a thing wrong about Song Yan and if she hears someone say bullshit about her sister in law then she will definitely fight them just as she was fighting her brother right now.

"It's your fault, blah blah blah," Fu Yu Shen mimicked Fu Rong with a funny face as he smacked his sister's head and snorted. " Get lost if you are going to stand up for that woman, I am in a very good mood tonight —— cousin Haoyu, is taking me to play tonight, I heard that he even invited the famous singer Qi Genghis and I am very excited to meet her, don't you ruin my mood by mentioning that woman in front of me."

With that he shoved past Fu Rong and walked out of the room, seeing that her brother was leaving without telling her where he hid her books and even badmouthed her sister in law, Fu Rong stomped her feet and shouted at his back after she rushed out of Fu Yu Shen's bedroom, " You will regret saying that, third brother!" And you will also regret hiding my books!

Fu Yu Shen didn't care about what Fu Rong was saying and shouted back, " Regret? I will never regret saying a thing about that Song Yan. And even if I do, that will the day when the moon splits and starts falling on the earth! But if you are so confident about her little sister then I will wait for her to make me regret it, hahaha!"

"Heh, we will see!" sneered Fu Rong, she knew the company her third brother kept with him, everyone including cousin Haoyu was nothing good, one of these days, she will definitely get a chance to watch her brother regret just wait! It will be better if he knelt in front of second sister-in-law!

Fu Yu Shen didn't have any idea that his younger sister was wishing to see him kneeling in front of Song Yan, he simply walked out of the house and swaggered into the garage before slipping into one of the limited edition emerald green Ferrari that he has bullied his eldest brother to buy for him.

( I know it has only one model, as I read on the net and it has an owner but just let it slide)

Just as he gunned the engine, the Ferrari roared to life and he pulled it out of the garage before zooming out of the Fu mansion. While he was driving to the bar where his cousin —— Ji Haoyu has invited him, a call came on her smartphone, seeing who the caller was an ear-splitting grin etched on his face as he picked up the call via Bluetooth. " Cousin Haoyu? No, how can I not come to the bar? You are the one who called me of course I will drive at one speed and come to see you at once. Hah? Why am I not here till now?" At this question, Fu Yu Shen scolded Fu Rong inwardly  for delaying him and then said, "It's nothing, I was having a bit of trouble at the Fu house nothing else, just wait for me, I will be there in like fifteen minutes."

" Yeah, Kay, see you soon. Don't worry, cousin Haoyu, I will drive very safely.." After he was done with his call, Fu Yu Shen turned his attention to the road and sighed, " Seriously, cousin Haoyu worries about me so much, even more than my elder brothers."

Ever since they were kids, Fu Yu Shen has hardly spent time with his older brothers, his eldest brother Fu Shu Chang was always lost in his own world, making this thing and mixing that thing —— Fu Yu Shen was too scared to be with this brother of his since he was prone to make things explode, there was one time who knows what his eldest brother did but he even made water explode like it was a bomb, dousing the entire Fu house.

As for his second brother, he was plain stoic —- the silent and ice-cold beauty. He couldn't even remember when was the last time he played around with his second brother.

All in all, it was a good thing, that Fu Yu Shen had Ji Haoyu who was around the same age as him to play with and their bond was still the same as ever.

But what he forgot was that people change and so how can his bond with Ji Haoyu stay the same? Tonight, he didn't even know what kind of trouble he was heading towards.


p.s: please check out my other work When Mafia princess for a nerd, it has a dominant fl as well.

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