186 I’m Really Innocent

(Tom’s PoV)

It was indeed a clearing. But, there were houses, lightening up with some torches along the way. Somehow it reminded me of when I was in the second trial. But, this village was bigger and better than that one I was sent in. Was this the Hidden Village?

There was a gate not far from us. It was built between two tall trees, and decorated with young coconut leaves, flowers, and some other plants that I didn’t know the names. I only saw those during traditional public events at home. Those plants were used for joyous moment.

That gate was not the only one that made us slow down our pace. Standing on the either side of the gate were lines of people, which reminded me of how young maidservants and butlers lined up to greet their master.

They’re not here to welcome us, right? Wait, I think I recognize the man in the front line.

“Welcome, Princess, to Satu Village.” The man smiled, even though the smile was hidden behind his thick moustache.

That???s him! The man who was sitting in the farthest end of the room during the initiation!

I couldn’t control my expression as it gave away the surprise I was feeling. How did we get here? Also, Princess? Who? Jane?

I took a peek at Jane’s expression. It looked like she was surprised, too. But, it didn’t take long because her expression darkened in the next second.


“Siji.” She called out.

Normally, Siji would appear near the one who called him. But, it was as if he had known that Jane would explode, he deliberately stood a bit far away from us. That smile on his face looked oddly annoying this time. A punch on his face would be good.

Normally, Jane was not an impulsive person. She would think about her action before she actually did it. But, she lost control of her emotion now that she rushed towards Siji and punched him in his stomach.

It was either Siji was being lenient or Jane was extremely strong, but she managed to send him flying with just one punch. Not only that, the wind around her howling and the temperature dropped as she stood there with annoyance written all over her face. The pressure she emitted from her body was a bit scary that I couldn’t help but shiver slightly.

Damn, Jane was losing her rationality! No words could pacify her this time.

I watched helplessly as she waved her hands towards Siji and he was lifted on the ground by invisible force.

Since Siji didn’t have solid body, I didn’t think this move could hurt him. However, I took it back fast. From the look of discomfort in his face, I knew whatever Jane did to him really affect him.

But, how? Try imagining a butterfly was sentenced to a death sentence by hanging itself on the high platform. It could fly, right? So, it was no use.

“You could have told me that my father went to Satu Village, that way I wouldn’t spend my days to get here. I could simply open the door to the astral world and take a shortcut there.” Jane said between her gritted teeth. Her sharp eyes were shooting daggers towards Siji who could only smile weakly. “Tell me, what should I do to you?”

“Milady, I’m really innocent this time.” Siji tried to utter those words of defense even though his neck was choked.

“Speak.” Jane was still with her murdering aura, but I could sense that her rationality was coming back to her.

“There are many hidden villages in M Province. Furthermore, each village is connected to one to each other. I really couldn’t predict which one your father had gone to before.”

From how fluent he was talking, I was sure Jane had loosened up the force around his throat. I watched as Jane took a deep breath, as if trying to contain the stifling anger inside. The wind stopped blowing like crazy and the pressure disappeared. The atmosphere even turned to normal. After that, Siji was dropped to the ground.

Good thing was Siji didn’t have physical body. In a second, he had controlled himself and floated on the ground. His hand was rubbing his neck, a normal reaction when one just got strangled.

“Save your excuses. I know you have known it from the start.” Jane eyed him coldly, and Siji could only let out a weak laugh. He bowed down a bit and disappeared, ran away to be exact, to avoid getting on her nerves more.

I could say, nice move, Siji.

I watched those poor humans who were waiting at the gate. Some of them could only smile awkwardly while wiping cold sweats forming on their forehead. Their posture even changed a bit, a posture of being submissive to a powerful dominant.

Even Sir Ahmad Ismail, I believe that was his name, was smiling helplessly. However, they couldn’t do anything since Jane had stood in front of them.

As if someone was flipping her switch, her expression changed in instant she stood in front of them with her back straight in a graceful pose. A smile adorned on her beautiful face, as if the murderous intent just now had never happened.

I was not the only one who was dumbfounded seeing how fast she switched her expression. One second she was all cold and dangerous, and in the next second, she was all smiling and graceful.

“I think you made a mistake, Sir Ahmad.” She said while smiling, but somehow the uneasiness returned seeing her smiling like that.

“How could it be a mistake?” He smiled politely. “Lord Rama Satya is our King. His real name is Farid Harris, and you are His Highness’ daughter.”

“So, it’s true...” Jane mumbled before she exchanged glances with me and Sanji. “Lord Satya that the maid said before is my father.”

“Princess, you must be feeling tired after traveling from so far. Let me show you where you can stay.” Sir Ahmad politely said.

Jane sighed. She must be in dilemma; she wanted to hear more but at the same time it would be rude to force someone from the first meeting.

Well, this was not their first meeting actually, so it could actually happen? I don’t know.

Sir Ahmad brought us into the village while explaining about how happy they were to welcome us, which they spent quiet a time to decorate the whole village and lit up all the torches. After all, it was their Princess first visit in Satu Village. It should be memorable and joyous. They even had prepared a banquet that night to welcome us.

Why did I feel that the reason we were late to find the village was related to their preparation in welcoming us?

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