Chapter 991: Daddy's Little Girls

A woman standing at 190 CM tall, with long dark green hair, green horns, and violet eyes, walked through the castle where she lived.

Her expression was serious, and although making no sound, each step she took emitted a threatening intensity. Those who saw this woman quickly moved out of her way to avoid attracting her wrath. She was clearly feared in this place.

Although this fear among the servants was unfounded, as Victor would not allow senseless violence against the people who helped him, that had always been his principle. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood.

He would not demean those who aided him, and everyone in this castle knew that... But still, the servants stepped aside from the woman to avoid risking her explosive temper.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly at a werewolf Maid. "You there."


"Where is my Father?"

"I-I don't know, Princess Gina... Perhaps you should ask Lady Kaguya, Lady Violet, or Lady Velnorah. They usually know where the Master will be."

Gina's violet eyes gleamed slightly towards the female werewolf, a look that made the woman shrink due to its intensity, feeling like she could die at any moment.

"Mm." Gina merely nodded and continued her walk.

"Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome..."

As Gina left, the Maid collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. Being in the presence of a true dragon's gaze was something she should honestly be accustomed to, but certain individuals, specifically the Siren princesses and Gina, were quite difficult to handle.

"... Are you okay?" Another Maid asked.

"I need to change my clothes."

The arriving Maid looked down and saw the result of the werewolf's terror.

"... Right, let's take her to the bathroom."

"Thank you."


Born the daughter of a primordial dragon goddess and a chaos dragon god, Gina Elderblood certainly secured the best genes.

Despite being born just two decades ago compared to her older sisters, who have been around for a thousand years, being the Daughter of Gaia and Victor, talent and abnormal growth were the least of her concerns.

Mainly because she was born with a highly developed concept of Life, and as a primordial dragon goddess of Life, her entire body matured much faster than her sisters. She was an 'anomaly' like some of her younger sisters, such as Stella and Isabelle, who were the daughters of beings on par with primordials.

Despite being one of the youngest, she was already a 'teenager' in terms of dragon body because of her concept of Life.

Because of this, it wasn't 'strange' for her to walk around with the body of her adult humanoid form, right?

'Where's my father? Where's my DADDY?' Every time she asked this question, the scowl on her face became even more prominent, causing the servants around her to flee as soon as they saw her.

Like all of Victor's daughters, she was Daddy's little girl... To the immense displeasure of his wives.

As she walked frustrated through the castle corridors, she came across one of her sisters.

The daughter of her Mother, Annasthashia, and her beloved father, Angelina Elderblood. Despite being named 'Angel,' she was anything but a sweet angel... She completely inherited her mother's madness for her father, madness that was further amplified by her mother because the adults here, except for a few exceptions, had no limits.

"Aya..." A sweet smile appeared on the face of the child standing at 120 CM tall with dual tails, her violet eyes watching Gina with undisguised amusement. "Gina, I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect to see you here either... What are you doing here?" By 'here', she meant Victor's personal quarters... Well, the room where he slept with his wives, at least.

After all, his personal quarters were more like a museum than an actual bedroom.

"Ara, of course, I came to look for my beloved daddy... Too bad I didn't find him here."

Gina narrowed her eyes slightly as she sniffed the air and caught a whiff of her father coming from the girl, but it wasn't as strong as being near him personally. It seemed more like the scent of his belongings.

"I don't know what you took, but give it back."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She turned her head, genuinely confused.

Gina's eyes grew even more intense, a look that would make anyone flee from her, but Angelina wasn't just anyone; she was a true dragon, Victor's daughter. She merely met Gina's gaze with the same smile on her face.

"Give it back," she said with even more intensity.

Angelina narrowed her eyes slightly, and for a few seconds, her eyes became utterly lifeless, like two violet black holes that seemed to consume everything.

She realized her sister wouldn't let go of this matter. As a daughter of Natashia, she clearly inherited the lightning of the Fulger Clan. She could easily flee from this place, but... the matter wouldn't end here. Since they all lived together, Gina would definitely bring this up at some point, so extra tactics are needed here.

"Haah... Sometimes, I wonder if you're Mother Jeanne's daughter instead of a Greek like Mother Gaia." Angelina sighed disappointedly and 'reluctantly' withdrew a shirt from her dimensional space, an item her beloved father, Uncle Hephaestus, and Mother Natalia created.

Essentially, the dimensional space within the bracelet was 2500 KM; of course, that wasn't the limit. There were even larger dimensional spaces capable of accommodating an entire large country inside, although these items were only available to her mothers. Unlike her bracelet, these dimensional spaces could even have Life inside them, but they were items that required more 'responsibility' to use.

The item's appearance varied according to the users' preferences, and it could be a bracelet, an earring, or even a weapon, changing according to the user's will.

As it was made of a mixture of divine and demonic material, it was virtually unbreakable. Angelina preferred to keep it as a bracelet and sometimes as a clasp that held her two double tails.

Gina sniffed the air and caught the scent of her father on that shirt, and the intensity of her gaze shifted from serious to greedy. She tried her best to stay serious and not give in to her impulses, but usually, that control meant nothing when it came to her father.

Angelina smiled slightly. 'Hehehe~, it's only at times like these that your Greek side shows itself more.'

"How about a deal, my dear sister?"

"... Speak."

"I'll give you this, and we'll pretend this never happened."

Gina fell silent, her intense gaze lessened as she was clearly thinking about the matter.

Seeing how long it took her to make a decision, Angelina used her 'trump card'. She pulled out a copy of the photo of her father sleeping, a photo she copied from her mother's 'decent' collection. Unfortunately, she couldn't find the more 'spicy' collections, which were completely hidden, and her mother wouldn't open her mouth about it, much to her irritation.

"How about now?"

"Deal!" Gina quickly took both items as she smelled the shirt. 'Father, I miss you... I haven't seen you in 3 hours!' She screamed entirely.

Angelina smiled smugly and sneakily started to leave that place. She was going to take advantage of the moment when her younger sister was lost in thought.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble.

Four flashes of lightning were heard.

Natashia, Natasha, Carmila, and Victoria appear.

"Geh, Mothers..." Angelina groaned.

"Angelina? What are you doing here?" Natashia asked curiously.

"Don't ask the obvious, Sister. They are standing in our room. It is obvious why these horny brats are here." Naty snorted.

"Well, at least our other daughters aren't here. Angelina tends to drag them into her antics... I feel a sense of déjà vu every time I see this." Victoria spoke while thinking about the past.

"Mah, Mah. No need to point fingers, let Angelina explain." Carmila, as the oldest and technically the ancestor of the blonde women here, spoke.

Technically speaking, she was also Angelina's grandmother, but... We don't comment on that. Any relationship other than mother becomes confusing because everyone here is somehow related to each other.

Therefore if a woman is Victor's wife, she is a 'Mother', but if she is a daughter of Victor, she is a 'daughter'. It's easier to leave things like that than to think too much about the complex relationship they all have.

Knowing that she couldn't come up with a blatant lie because they would know, but she also had a window of opportunity to lie since Mother Anna wasn't present, Angelina quickly explained with a tight smile.

"Well, I was walking calmly through the halls when I saw the hallway that led to Daddy's room, I thought, Why not? When I got here, I was surprised to see Gina standing in front of the door with my beloved Daddy's shirt in her hand."

Angelina 'conveniently' threw her sister under the bus.

"...Eh?" Gina, who was lost in her own world, suddenly woke up when she felt several eyes staring in her direction, and seeing her current state, which, to be honest, was not at all appropriate, she froze.

"As I thought it was an opportunity, I decided to join her, and she offered some items for me to remain silent on the matter."

Gina opened her eyes wide. Her sister didn't pass off all the blame, but she made it seem like everything had started with her!

'This brat! How dare she!' Gina looked more intensely at Angelina, who continued to smile gently.

"...Seriously, these horny brats, why so much love for your father?" Naty sighed.

"Well, it's Victor... An essentially perfect man and a doting father... It's obvious why." Victoria spoke with the same tone as Naty.

The two were not jealous at all! It was just annoying to see their beloved daughter only have an interest in their father and not their mothers!

Carmila and Natashia smiled at Angelina, a knowing smile/ No one here was stupid, and everyone could deduce what happened according to the personalities they knew of their daughter.

"Well, I applaud you for not leaving your sister alone. You understand our family's saying very well." Natashia nodded. If Angelina had placed all the blame on Gina, she wouldn't have just received those words. All the mothers made a point of putting the family saying into their daughters' heads.

Something that Victor also makes a point of reminding them of.

Family always comes first.

"Not assuming full blame and diverting attention might be considered smart and cunning, and this action isn't necessarily bad... But it's not good either," Carmila spoke sternly. "You're a true dragon, daughter. If you're caught in the act, just proudly state what you were doing and don't make excuses."

"Ugh..." Angelina realized things hadn't gone as she predicted.

"Of course, this attitude only applies to us, your family. If you encounter beings out there who are stronger than you, any despicable and cunning act counts, no matter what you do. You must survive and wait for us... That way, we'll annihilate everything. After all, nobody messes with the family of a dragon," Naty pointed out, smiling broadly.

"So bloodthirsty," Victoria rolled her eyes. "Just remember our lessons, and you'll be fine in most cases, but don't forget to improvise and not cling to our rules."

"...I understand the purpose of these lessons, but Mother... Do you really think Daddy will let us wander far from his domain?"

Victoria and Naty refrained from rolling their eyes at the girl's constant use of 'daddy'... but her words had a point; Victor would hardly allow his daughters to stray far from his domain.

"That's true, but your sisters are quite adventurous by nature, and it seems you've inherited your father's magnet for trouble... So precautions are necessary," Carmila said.

"That won't happen while I'm around," Gina said seriously, being very protective of her sisters.

The women previously known as the Fulgers, looked at Gina and compared her serious demeanor to her mother's frivolous one and wondered if this serious and intense girl was actually Gaia's daughter, even though her dark green hair fully revealed her descent. It was still hard to believe that she could come from the union of Victor and Gaia.

"Say that after you've put away Darling's shirt," Natasha scoffed.

Gina blushed and, with a wave of her hand, stowed her precious items in her own dimensional space, which was a belt.

"Anyway, let's go in. Darling should be coming home soon, and we should prepare for him... You two go back to the daughters' room and wait there. I'm sure he'll visit you."

Gina's and Angelina's eyes gleamed with excitement, and then both rushed towards the mentioned room, with Angelina in the lead due to her lightning powers.

"I'm sure she wouldn't react like that if it were us..." Victoria murmured.

"Stop grumbling and get over it. All our daughters are daddy's girls, and I feel like that's never going to change."

"Well, at least I'm lucky to have a son. I hope he'll give me a grandchild soon," Victoria smiled eagerly.

These words made the three previous Fulgers stop in their tracks. "It's true... Should we hurry our nephew along? If it's up to Tatsuya, he'll only have children in 100 years," Natasha said.

"That's a good idea," Naty agreed.

"Hey! Keep my son away from your nefarious plans!" Victoria growled.

The three women completely ignored Victoria and continued arguing. It wasn't until the pressure Victoria emanated began to get stronger that they looked at her.

"Don't worry, Daughter. We won't do anything Tatsuya doesn't want. We already have our daughters, and even though we don't really like the attention they give Darling and forget about us, we still like to spoil them." Carmila said.

"... That's good. Don't force Tatsuya to do something he doesn't want to do."

"Of course." Carmila nodded.

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