Chapter 975: Velnorah, My Big Wife.

"But... Technocracy, huh. So, this is the society she envisioned? A society where everything is a grand experiment?" Victor thought. He wasn't a scientist, so he might not fully grasp the implications of such a society for a scientist's ideas, but just because he wasn't a scientist didn't mean he would mock this method and say it's flawed.

He wasn't that close-minded. If he didn't know something, he could just ask his wife... Or, he could wait and see for himself; after all, it's more interesting that way.

Seeing Victor silent and sensing his emotions, Velnorah smiled internally. It was this attitude that she came to like about Victor; even though he did incomprehensible things to those who didn't understand, he wouldn't directly judge her. He would wait to see, accepting the things she did because of who she is.

It could be said that Victor accepts Velnorah's entire existence as she is... He didn't ask her to change or anything like that; he was content to have her as she is, and because of this attitude, Velnorah liked him even more.

Small minds didn't understand what she was trying to achieve here, but in the long run, everyone would know the impacts of it. Velnorah never thought of herself as the smartest woman in the universe... Wrong, before her fall, maybe she did, but as always, reality was there to ensure she didn't get too arrogant.

And because of the lesson she learned from failing, she decided to create a Technocracy, a society where everything is a grand experiment. Velnorah will know everything that happens here, and every idea individuals have, she will open doors to new knowledge or ideas she never thought of before.

Listening is important to have ideas, that's a lesson she learned from interacting with Ruby and watching the infamous 'animes' that all wives seem to enjoy to some degree.

And this lesson she will apply here... She will listen to an entire society composed of thousands of beings of different species, and implement all interesting or good ideas to improve her own faction and achieve the future utopia.

The city that is a grand social experiment is also a great source of ideas for Velnorah herself, and through this city, she will support her husband.

For the second time since she met Victor, she has never felt so excited about the future.

'First, I must automate everything. I can't let my sisters occupy small positions they don't want, a Clone police force will be quite useful too... Clones that keep their information and update according to conflicts... Maybe I should put a nightmare tower here? Husband, will you allow clones to fight in this tower? That way, we'll have the greatest fighting force. A fighting force that updates automatically.'

'Not only that, as my husband owns hell, I can make these soldiers grow new souls by doing this, ensuring potential for the future. Depending on the soldiers' performance, I should categorize them into different squads, and give different races, and attributes to each... That way, Husband will have a truly immortal army by his side.'

'Equip these soldiers with ships equipped with a technology that blends divine materials and runes... All in an automated process... We'll have the perfect army where if one ship is destroyed, the system's automation will just create another in a few minutes."'A ridiculous thought, only conceivable due to the essentially inexhaustible dimension of resources that Victor provided her.

'I must upgrade my artificial intelligence, ensure more security backdoors in case someone tries to corrupt them... Actually, why not make her sentient like those anime characters Ruby watches? That way, she can fall in love with my husband, and everything will be easier. Of course, I'll also create security backdoors as well, the artificial intelligence will take care of this entire city and ensure that the Technocracy functions properly.' Velnorah thought.

Velnorah wasn't planning to interfere in hell; she knows very well that hell is Victor's personal domain, not to mention that the Technocracy wouldn't work in his hell where a society he built already exists. The society she's planning is possible to exist now because it's in its initial phase of construction.

The beings literally began organizing themselves just now, so it can be said that this is the perfect opportunity to make everything work the way she plans.

Velnorah's plans were in overdrive; the simple gesture of Victor giving her a city worthy of an ancient Overlord and telling her to do what she couldn't in the past unleashed a force that could no longer be stopped. A force that would be very helpful for the Emperor to deal with his enemies in the future.

"Ouch." Velnorah grumbled as she felt Victor pulling her cheek.


"You're lost in thought again." Victor smiled gently.

A smile that made Velnorah's heart tighten, a strange feeling she had recently started to feel more and more as she interacted with Victor in their common interest.

"...I'm sorry."

"It's okay, just try to relax more. I know as a dragon, and a powerful one at that, you don't easily feel fatigue, but it's important to rest and enjoy time with those around you."

"Enjoy time with those around you..." Velnorah murmured, she looked subtly at Victor who was walking down the street again while looking around like a tourist seeing the differences from when he was here in the past.

"Can you accept a request of mine, Husband?"

"... Oh?" Victor looked curiously at Velnorah, he didn't expect she would say those words.


"For a request from an ancient Overlord... I thought it would be more complex... And not this... Well, I'm not complaining." Victor smiled lightly as he looked at Velnorah who was just as she came into the world, she was currently with her face against his chest while closing her eyes apparently just focused on listening to the sound of his powerful heart and feeling his warmth in her body.

Victor was currently in the personal mansion within his inner world, in Velnorah's personal room. It seemed straight out of a futuristic movie.

Although he and his wives often slept together, the women still valued their privacy. Because of this, each of them had their own rooms decorated according to their tastes, where they kept their personal belongings. They only went to the main bedroom at bedtime.

Victor himself had his own room that he rarely visited. To satisfy curiosity, Victor's room theme was a modern one with a gamer computer and modern furniture.

One could say that this room was Victor's 'human' dream, dreaming of having a top-of-the-line gaming computer, and when he became powerful, he fulfilled this dream and hasn't touched it since, he just kept it as it was to remember his past, after all, his tastes changed over time.

One could say that his room is more of a museum than a room itself.

Victor looked around the futuristic room and saw that everything was automated. For a few seconds, his gaze fell on a full-body mannequin where Velnorah's always worn clothes were, and then his gaze went to the tall woman lying on his chest.

He smiled gently when he saw Velnorah's peaceful expression and began stroking her long blue hair. "Sleep well, Velnorah."

"Mmm..." She snuggled closer to Victor's body as if he were a big pillow.


Velnorah opened her eyes slightly; she felt very sleepy.

'... Did I sleep deeply?' She wondered how long it had been since she had slept so deeply; she could barely remember the last time she slept.

She opened her eyes slightly and stared at the ceiling of her room; at that moment, she felt quite peaceful, as if all the weight she had been carrying had suddenly disappeared.

"Good morning, Velnorah. How was your sleep?"

Looking slightly to the side, she saw the crimson-violet eyes, and only when she saw those eyes did she remember what happened. "Husband... I had a good sleep... The best sleep."

"I see, it's good to know." He smiled gently and stroked her long blue hair.

"Hmm~." She purred in satisfaction with those caresses. Caresses she never thought she would enjoy or let someone do to her.

"Well, sleeping for a month tends to do that to people."

"What-." She sat up abruptly when she heard what Victor said, only to stop when he pulled her back into his chest and hugged her.

"Don't worry, I dilated time; not even an hour has passed outside."

"... Oh... You could have told me that before." She grumbled. For a moment, she thought she would have missed 1 month of development in her city.

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