My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 965 965: Insanity-Bordering Super Protection

Chapter 965: Insanity-Bordering Super Protection

'At the moment the being known as <Chaos> ascended to divinity in this main timeline, it became something completely unique, and all other selves were completely erased from existence.' The more the System researched the matter, the more shocked it became, and the reason for this is because... All timelines were constantly being erased, on a grand scale of ridiculous proportions, everything was converging into a single timeline, the main timeline.

This was also the reason why only the potential future and not the reality defined by creation could be observed by beings who wielded the power of time; the ramifications of these events were so vast that all creation lost its 'destiny' or choices that were etched in stone and supposed to happen.

It was as if someone was deliberately taking this action... An action that completely escaped their senses.

A chill ran down the Hexagonal being, a being capable of such a scale of action without the Primals knowing, or perhaps it was a being so ludicrous that it couldn't be measured by common sense.

The more it researched the matter with its other selves scattered across the timeline, the more this chill intensified... And terror gripped its entire being when it discovered something.

Traces... Or even small records of a being, a being who was a companion to the Primals, the Destiny.

A primordial that represented the concept of the universe's Destiny, and at the same time the being representing time.

A primordial being was deleted from existence, and no one knows it! Neither he nor his companions! No one!

Originally, there were 8 Primals. The Universal Tree, The Judge of Abyss, The Limbo Guy, The Death, The Infinity, The Negativity, The Positivity, and The Destiny, the being responsible for the timeline, and the destiny of all creation, he was the one who made the rules for everything.

But this being was erased! Because of this, the concept of destiny did not exist in creation, the phrase; we make our own future. It became truly true, and NO ONE was able to say when, and why this happened. No one knows the responsible party either.

A literal personification of the universe was erased, and no one felt the consequences of it... A feat completely outside of their calculations or reasoning. The Primals were not just beings of greatness, they were the literal personifications of creation.

If The Universal Tree ceases to exist, life, reincarnation, and the maintenance of the universe will also cease to exist, bringing chaos to all creation.

The same should have happened here, Destiny and time are very important, without them the universe has no future... But for some reason everything was normal... Everything was functioning correctly, as if nothing was wrong.

Even the primordial beings did not detect anything abnormal.

"System? Why are you silent?"


If the System had a body now, it could be seen sweating like a sweaty pig that had been exercising in the sun for too long, it even forgot to use its mechanical voice.

It was wondering, what should it do now? Should it report this according to the will of its creators? Or should it hide it? But what will be the consequences of this act?

It didn't know, it couldn't compute this, the whole situation was beyond its scope of creation, so it decided to report to the Primals, after all, it was created for that.

Suddenly, time stopped, as if everything was frozen, even the primordial was still as if his status of infinity meant nothing.

A white silhouette of a woman appeared in the house of the Primals.


"Being too clever has always been your problem, System." The woman shook her head as if disappointed with something. "Though I don't blame you, you were created that way."


"Do your job, System. Continue to act normally, ignore what you just learned."


"Are you going to disobey me?"

The hexagonal body trembled. "N-No."


"Remember, System. The records must continue. Ignore the hidden anomalies; I guarantee you that no trouble will arise."

With a hand gesture from the woman, the hexagonal object trembled, and for a moment its existence became distorted, its body multiplied by hundreds of thousands, and in the next moment, its body merged back into the same hexagonal object.

"This... My processing power has increased." Slowly, the existence of the hexagonal object began to take on a humanoid form that converged into the genderless appearance of a completely white being.

"Of course, you merged with all your other selves scattered across all timelines."

"... All timelines have converged." System was extremely shocked when it understood this; from now on, there are no more alternative futures or alternative timelines, there is only this timeline.

System looked at Akashic with terror in its eyes; it understood more or less the scope of Akashic's influence, but to understand and see for oneself was something completely different.

"Remember, stay silent... Or I will ensure that you stay silent."

The woman disappeared, and time returned to normal.

"Why are you silent, System?"

"... Infinity, don't you find my form strange?"

"No...?" Confusion was evident in Infinity's tone of voice; as far as he remembered, the System always had this appearance.

"R-Right." The System, no longer hexagonal, simply nodded as it stuttered.

"You're acting strange."

"I just got overwhelmed for a moment by a singular existence like <Chaos>." System promptly blamed Victor for its situation, something it considered responsible for its current situation; after all, if it weren't for him, it wouldn't have researched what was happening.

This thought also led to the suspicion that perhaps all this was happening because of Victor.

As if Infinity suddenly became dumb, he said, "Oh, so that's it, as I said, avoid contact with <Chaos> if possible."

If System had eyes, it would have widened them when it saw Akashic's appearance behind Infinity smiling; she was clearly responsible for Infinity's sudden stupidity.

"Yes, I believe that would be prudent."


Extra 3.

Akashic appears outside the records and looks at the sight in front of her that could drive any being insane, but not her; to her, this was a very beautiful sight, after all, these beings were her protectors.

"It is done?" A male voice was heard.


In the blink of an eye, the Eldritch beings disappear completely, and appear in humanoid form in front of her.

Victor and his three daughters looked at Akashic. "Good job. System has always been too smart for its own good." He laughed.

"Indeed." She looked at the hole in front of her. "I see your work is complete."

"Yes, there is only one entrance to our home now." Victor spoke seriously. "Any being that tries to come here will have to pass through that hole."

"Is that wise?"

"It is inefficient to try to protect an almost infinite space; even with our forms so large, there would still be small gaps, so a funnel strategy is more viable."

"I will reinforce the entire structure around it, leaving only this part vulnerable... So it will become impossible to invade this place, and they will have no choice but to come through the hole."

"And when they come through the hole."

"They will become my food." He smiled broadly.

She smiled widely, completely satisfied with what she heard; then she looked around and saw that all those spheres representing other timelines were now merged into one giant sphere.

"The records have become stronger."

"Of course, alternative timelines, despite being essential for any multiverse, are inefficient on a large scale; they only divide power and thus allow intrusion by intruders. What we are seeking is perfect defense and perfect protection, so other timelines that are not the main one are unnecessary."

"This way, we will also have more space to work without having to worry about damaging the records, huh." Akashic concluded.

"Yes." Victor nodded seriously as he stroked his daughters' heads; a small smile appeared on the lifeless faces of the girls.

"The best way to prevent foreign beings from coming to our home is to turn this place into a haven for Eldritch beings," Victor nodded solemnly. "For some reason, outsiders fear these lovely beings so much," he said as he continued to stroke his daughters' heads.

"...So you'll have more daughters." She pouted when she heard this, thinking internally that only he could find these beings adorable; she knew all too well that these 'adorable' beings of indescribable appearance were something that only their existence drove any being insane.

"Yeah, I think Shub-Niggurath is next."

"...My sister wouldn't like that at all." Yog, or more precisely, Yog-

Sothoth, spoke.

"Cthulhu? Well, she never got along well with her... In fact, if it weren't for our father, it would be impossible for us to get along with each other." Nyarlathotep spoke.

"A present father... It's comforting." Yog commented with a small smile on her face.

Victor's presence alone calmed the madness of these beings; without it, it would be impossible for them to get along.

"Why Shub-Niggurath specifically, Father?" Azathoth asked.

"Her ability to create life will be good enough to create universes that hide the main records." Victor explained.

Akashic shuddered when she heard what Victor said, because by 'life' that Victor just spoke of, it wasn't a life as she knew it, but rather an entire sentient galaxy, or even planets; this was the literal description of cosmic horror.

"You're planning to use this empty space to create false worlds, in case a lucky invader manages to bypass our defense... They would only encounter entire hostile universes where they would go mad, and subsequently die."

"Umu, you're right, Akashic." Victor nodded; he wasn't joking when it came to protection; he was literally surrounding the waters around his 'castle' with dangerous fish for anyone foolish enough to enter and meet a miserable death.

"Honestly, this strategy only works because of you; in any other place, such a thought would be even scary to consider." Akashic spoke in disbelief.

She knew full well that the 'life' Shub-Niggurath creates just by existing wasn't gentle; it was a 'life' that consumed everything it could while consuming itself.

Azathoth's sly hands touched Victor's chest as she hugged him. "When will the process of creating the new daughters happen, Father~?"

Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth just looked at their mother/sister with narrowed eyes; they were all born from the union of Victor with Azathoth, and even though she was their mother, the woman still had the audacity to call her 'daughter'.

The two of them knew that this was clearly her fetish.

Seeing their mother/sister's action, they couldn't help but get excited too.

Victor stroked Azathoth's head, enjoying the expression on her face. "Don't worry, Akashic, I won't include these new lives created in the record; despite my daughters being adorable, I know they shouldn't mix with the normals, or disastrous things could happen."

Akashic breathed a sigh of relief; she was glad that Victor understood this; she didn't want to mix with these Eldritch Gods.

Victor grabbed the waists of his three daughters and answered Azathoth's question: "How about now?"

"Sounds good to me." She smiled.

The four of them disappeared and went to an isolated location away from the records; since there was no concept of anything in that place, time didn't function away from the records, so while Victor performed the action, it could have been thousands of years or even just a few minutes.

Akashic couldn't tell, just like the planet in the universe, concepts only had influence near the sphere of the records; in the space of nothingness, such a thing was incomprehensible.

Even Akashic couldn't stray too far from the records; she couldn't go beyond that hole, or she would get lost and run the risk of never returning.

Outside the records, things sort of didn't make sense; for example, even though it wasn't long since Victor reached his position, due to his powers, it wouldn't be crazy to say that he has been alive since the beginning of this record, protecting everything from outsiders.

Yes, it didn't make sense, but that's what it was like being outside the records; nothing followed an exact timeline of events, everything existed and yet didn't, emptiness and nothingness intertwined in an infinite space where concepts were scrambled or didn't even exist.

The Akashic Records literally existed to give coherence to this chaos; without her, everything would be incomprehensible.

All she knows is that the moment Victor disappeared with the four girls, 'life' began to be created out of nothing, and a new presence was felt near Victor.

Of course, when Akashic speaks of Life, it's not conventional life. Entire living universes, galaxies, planets, stars, all alive, with eyes, mouths, and consuming everything.

The empty space around the records was filled with cosmic horrors.

Akashic raised an eyebrow when she saw a powerful barrier with the concept of END covering the records. "So overly protective... But it's okay, that's why I chose him."

If an invader tried to enter this world, they would literally have to pass through all these living universes, and if by some chance they managed to access the main records, a barrier that erases the existence of any very powerful being awaited them.

She looked at her records and saw that it was a barrier made up of over 1000 layers of different types of deadly traps that erased the existence of anyone. "He went overboard... Again... But it's okay, that's why I chose him." She smiled satisfactorily when she saw his commitment to protecting his family and wives.

When Victor returned, he brought his four daughters who looked very pleased, and a new woman who looked very similar to the other sisters if her pale lifeless skin was any indication.

"I'm not satisfied." Shub-Niggurath growled as her long hair, completely made of life like eyes and sharp teeth, swirled furiously around her.

"Father's being meanie to me. I just got born again, I wanna be spoiled!" More and more colossal creatures began to be created around her, all because of her loss of temper.

"Shub, control your temper." Azathoth narrowed her eyes.

Shub shuddered, and the next moment her hair returned to its normal black color, and her expression returned to lifeless.

With a hand gesture, Victor throws these new colossal creatures into the newly created universes and clears the area around the records.

"Do not lose control around the records, or punishment will be necessary." Victor spoke seriously.

Shub-Niggurath trembled before her father's eyes.

"Don't worry, Father. I'll keep an eye on my sisters." Azathoth spoke; as the oldest, she had more control over her powers, so she could express herself without any cosmic shit happening, a privilege the younger ones didn't have yet.

Because of this, they needed to keep their emotions sealed when near important places for Victor.

Nyarlathotep and Yog just rolled their eyes at their mother/sister's action; they couldn't understand her fixation on sticking with her daughter.

Suddenly, another woman appeared near the group. "I knew I felt a dreadful presence, so it was you, Shub!"

"Ugh, Cthulhu."

"Father, you did it again! You can't just go around creating these... these... monstrosities."

"Why not?" Victor asked curiously.

At these words, Cthulhu just remained silent, not knowing how to respond.

Her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel's, and she looked at her mother. "You are paying too much attention to Azathoth!" She threw a tantrum.

"Fufufu, don't you know Cthu? Our father had a moment of-." Yog was going to say something, but Nyarlathotep quickly covered her mouth.

"Don't tease her."

Cthulhu narrowed her eyes at her sisters, using her senses, she felt her father's essence in her sisters, she opened her eyes widely, and the moment her hair covered her eyes, her body began to tremble as if she was about to have a crisis.

"Fuck." Victor quickly throws Cthulhu into space away from the records.


Even in the echo of the void, her voice was heard, and in the next moment Cthulhu's nightmare form was seen in the distance, destroying several universes that were created with Shub's appearance.

"Fufufufu, she's throwing a tantrum again." Azathoth laughed in amusement.

Akashic shook his head, sighing at this tantrum of cosmic proportions.

"I will calm her down. In the meantime, keep an eye on possible invaders."

"Yes~." Azathoth spoke for the group.

Finishing giving this order, he was about to head towards his daughter, but stopped when he felt someone passing through the hole.

The group's attention went to the newcomer.

"Finally, after spending several years in the void and getting my ROB cheats, I can go to this-... Place... Huh?" The annoyingly handsome man's head exploded because he couldn't bear to see what was in front of him, and soon his existence distorted and turned into something completely distorted.

"Umu, it looks like the defenses are working properly." Victor catches the creature that appeared and swallows it. "Oh? This time, he came up with something good."

"What is Victor?" Akashic asked.

"An adaptation virus. And the concept of extreme luck."

"Luck is the main reason you're happy, I suppose." Akashic spoke.


"Anyway, I will go now."

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