Chapter 955: An Old Friend

As these problems were unfolding, Victor was walking through the ancient Egyptian pantheon. By his side were Ruby, Sasha, Hestia, Nero, and Ophis.

The Maids were within his shadow, which, according to them, was where they felt most comfortable. Even though they were true dragons, their spoiled attitudes hadn't changed much. In fact, one could say they had become even more spoiled.

Victor found this quite welcome. After all, he enjoyed spoiling them a lot, and it was because of this personality that some women were concerned about their future children.

After spending some time at the beach, returning home, and engaging in nighttime activities that required significant effort, Victor headed towards the ancient Egyptian pantheon with his group. Despite being a conspicuous group consisting of the lords of this dimension, no one could perceive them. It was as if they were ordinary citizens.

"Hmm?" Victor looked at a spot when he noticed someone familiar. Ruby and Sasha, who were nearby, also looked to where Victor was staring, and they saw a tall man with black hair, not as large as before but not too small either. In fact, his haircut seemed very similar to Victor's.

Instead of wearing more casual clothing, the man was dressed in more fashionable clothes that accentuated his newly muscular body.

"... Is that Fred?" Ruby asked, slightly surprised.

"Yes," Victor confirmed.

"It seems like his girlfriend's effect had a strong impact on him," Sasha chuckled.

"Not only that, he has evidently become stronger than before... Although, by our standards, he's still pathetically weak," Victor commented.

"In terms of strength evolution, humans are quite limited after all," Sasha remarked. Unlike dragons, who are naturally born stronger, humans rely heavily on tools to become stronger.

In Fred's case, what he relied on was a tool called Onmyoujutsu, which had been proven, as Mizuki demonstrated, to be a very powerful tool in the hands of the right people. Just from the confidence exuding from him and the powerful creatures hidden around him, Victor was sure that Fred was one of those right people. He was strangely talented in various things.

lightsnοvεl "Hestia, Ruby, Sasha, take the kids and let them have some fun. I'll join you at some point."

"Do you want to catch up with your friend?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen him," Victor nodded, smiling faintly.

"Hmm... Very well, I'll take this time to buy some things for my laboratory."

"Just don't make yourself too conspicuous, or annoying problems will arise. Your face is quite recognizable, after all," Victor warned lightly. The warning wasn't for their protection, as she was a true dragon in her territory, and there was no danger here. It was more about her attracting too much attention, and anything she did would be met with an exaggerated reaction, and She couldn't relax that way.

That was the price of fame.

"Of course, it is. I look like my mother," she huffed, remembering that due to the incident of appearing at the supernatural beings' gathering as Victor's companion, Scathach's fame had grown even more prominent than before. She only trailed behind Victor in terms of fame.

Thanks to this, the Scarlett sisters also had a small share of that fame. After all, they were easily recognizable with their Scarlett hair and voluptuous bodies.

And, due to Victor's fame, not only them since everyone was trying to gather information about the man and those around him.

But it was practically impossible to obtain any relevant information that Victor didn't want to be known, considering that he controlled this entire dimension.

Therefore, the 'spies' could only send visual information. All the women who had the presence of a true dragon and the characteristics of a dragon were credited as part of the Chaos Dragon God's harem.

In a way, this was true, as only Victor's family could transform into true dragons.

"Don't think too much about it, just relax. Even if you weren't Scathach's daughter, just by being related to me and flaunting your draconic characteristics around, you would attract attention."

"... Well, that's true," Ruby thought for a few seconds and nodded in agreement. She could easily hide those characteristics but didn't see the need to. She was a dragon and a proud one at that.

Ruby briefly glanced at Victor and then jumped on him, pulling him into a kiss. An intense tongue battle ensued, and a few seconds later, she pulled away.

"Just don't take too long, Darling~"

"... Of course," Before he could finish speaking, Sasha pulled him into an even more intense kiss.

"... Nero, what are you doing?" Ophis asked as her face was covered by Nero's gloved hands.

"Preventing you from seeing things that are not allowed for children, at least for now."

"... But you're a child too, aren't you?" Ophis asked.

"... That's no excuse," Nero pouted.

Hestia just shook her head at this scene, her feelings now complicated. She didn't like this view one bit as she felt envy and possessiveness growing within her. As a true dragon, she instinctively felt protective of her Progenitor.

But amidst all these emotions, she was also feeling worried. After all, her divinities were resonating strongly with Victor. She never thought that the concepts of Home and Yandere could intertwine so well.

As Hestia was questioning this strange feeling within her, Sasha stopped kissing Victor, licked her lips, and said, "Don't take too long, Darling."lightsnovel

A statement mixed with shame and possession. It seemed that the influence of other members of Sasha's family was positively affecting her.

"Mm, I will," Victor nodded with a gentle smile.

Sasha nodded with embarrassment but was still satisfied. She then took Ruby's hand and pulled her away. The redhead just looked at her friend with amusement in her eyes.

'If you're embarrassed to do this publicly, just don't do it,' Ruby thought to herself but didn't say anything. Sometimes, even after doing so many obscene things in the bedroom and being with Victor for so long, she still felt embarrassed about some simple things.

'She's so adorable,' Ruby chuckled as she allowed herself to be pulled by Sasha.

"Girls, go with them," Victor said as he looked at his shadow.

"Are you sure, Victor?"

"Yes, I want to have a moment alone with my friend. Don't worry, you can come back soon."

"... Okay... Darling." In a scene similar to before, Kaguya jumped towards Victor and kissed him. Exactly three seconds later, she separated from him, sank into the shadows, and disappeared without letting Victor say anything.

Victor blinked twice and then laughed. 'She's so adorable... It's good that she's lowering her barriers with me.' Even though he had done many unspeakable things with Kaguya, she had always maintained a bit of distance because she was a Maid. It was nice to see her willingly making decisions to be more honest with herself.

Even though she was a Maid [by her own choice], she was still his wife before being a Maid.

As Kaguya disappeared into the shadows, she heard Maria's voice:

"[... Heh... And to think Boss would do that,]" Maria said.

"[Cute... Boss is cute!]" Roberta almost felt her nose bleeding.

"[Kaguya tsundere?]" Eve asked.

"[It's more like she's embarrassed to express herself]," Bruna said to Eve.

"[Shut up, all of you,]" Kaguya growled.

But these words only fueled their teasing, giving them even more reason to provoke Kaguya.


Today was a beautiful day for Fred. The sun was beautiful, the sky was clear, and the weather was perfect- not too hot like in the desert and not too cold either.

He didn't know if it was because of the new Youkai inhabitants, or the women who were his friend's wives, he didn't know, and he didn't care, today was a beautiful day.

Fred left his house towards the store, and as he walked through the streets, he never imagined that one day he would live in a place where literal GODS existed. And from what he heard, if he wasn't friends with Victor, he definitely wouldn't be able to live here.

'That's how it feels to have a friend with influence, huh... It's good.' Fred nodded.

You can say that his life changed thanks to his friend. Not only did he get a beautiful master who taught him [beat him until he learned] how to become stronger, but he also got a girlfriend!

'I finally managed to retire my right hand.' He gave a happy sigh.

Thinking about his master, an older Japanese woman who had all the characteristics of a MILF, he couldn't help but say, 'Damn, Victor is lucky.'

Despite having suffered in training, it was undeniable that his master was beautiful, but now that same master is unavailable because she has become one of his friend's wives.

And following the code of Bromance, his friend's wife is a man for him, so he didn't think much about it. After all, that thought would lead him straight to an early death.

There are many fish in the sea, and fortunately, the natural predator known as his friend has no interest in ordinary fish. He just liked the crazy ones with their heads out of whack.

'Come to think of it, Mizuki was like that too...' Fred shuddered when he thought about it. Yes, despite finding a yandere hot and beautiful, he would never date one.

Especially one who is stronger than him, as he doesn't have Victor's survival capabilities or a personality like his.

If the women he had were Yandere, he was the ultimate Yandere who held them all together. He was the ultimate one, The Giga Chad. The man among men. The hottest man in the universe.


Fred coughed lightly and was embarrassed by his own introspective thoughts. 'Is it gay to imagine your friend fucking you?'

He shivered again.

'Yes, it is.' Fred nodded.

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