Chapter 938: Creature and Pantheon. 2

Speaking of Amaterasu, a Goddess with long black hair, wearing her royal attire that appeared to be a mixture of an ancient kimono and a noble dress, passed through the portal.

As a God-King, the changes caused by her Race Change were as ridiculous as those of Nyx and Gaia, who were Primordials.

Her dominance over the Divinity of The Sun had reached the same threshold that Aphrodite also entered in the past. At the same time, her other Divinities had also gained a qualitative increase in proficiency.

Although, unlike Aphrodite, in that she fused her Divinities to create a new one that represented the Divinities of her past, such a thing did not happen with Amaterasu.

Victor did not know exactly why this happened but theorized that because the other Divinities Amaterasu possessed were not as strong as her Divinity of The Sun, there were no significant changes.

"Where are we staying?" Amaterasu asked.

"Talk to Aphrodite. She is responsible for the distribution and management of territory."

Amaterasu nodded upon hearing Natalia's response, "Where is Aphrodite now?"

"She is currently at our house," Natalia replied.

"Very well. Open a portal for me, please." Amaterasu spoke with a bit of difficulty at the end. As a Queen who ruled above everyone in her Pantheon, she was used to ordering people to do whatever she wanted, but she knew that she could not do the same with her Husband's Wives.

After all, none of them had a higher position than the other; they were all 'equal... At least, that's what it seemed superficially. All the girls knew from observing Victor's interactions with them that Violet, Sasha, Ruby, Aphrodite, Anna, Scathach, Leona, Roxanne, Agnes, Natashia, and Kaguya were in a slightly 'higher' position than them, especially Anna, and Violet.

The two women had the most authority among the Wives, though this authority did not manifest blatantly. For example, Violet and Anna didn't ask the girls to obey them. The girls did so because they knew that Violet and Anna had a special place in Victor's life. After all, they were the first 'women' in his life.

This was a position that Leona, Ruby, Sasha, Aphrodite, and Scathach were also in. However, they were only second in authority to Anna and Violet.

Although, this 'disparity' was very small.

After all, everyone knew that Scathach held great authority among the women, as did Aphrodite herself. This authority came from the fact that it was Scathach who shaped Victor into the warrior he was today, while it was Aphrodite, with her ability as a social butterfly, who 'brought' all the Wives together.

It was due to these small nuances and important key points that her Husband's harem was quite harmonious compared to Human Kings or Emperors.

'Although, without a doubt, the most important component in all of this is Victor, ' Amaterasu thought absently. Victor was the glue that held everyone around him together. Without him, none of this would be possible. After all, there were several women with strong personalities here, and if it weren't for him and the respect that the women had for him and his strength, major conflict would have likely already occurred.

As a portal slowly began to form in front of Amaterasu, she pondered over several things related to her own current position and the current problems related to the relocation of some Gods to this place.

When the portal was fully formed, she casually floated through it and found herself in her Husband's personal world.

"The only reason I ordered my subordinates to come and live in these lands is that I know that this place will be the central focus of all my Husband's development…"

When Amaterasu gave the order, many Gods openly showed their displeasure; they didn't want to leave Takamagahara. But they had no choice. Not when a Dragon Goddess of Amaterasu's caliber was looking down on them. Amaterasu's strength was now much stronger than even her mother and father, who were First Generation Primordials.

But she didn't let it go to her head. She knew that while she may be the strongest in Takamagahara, among Victor's Wives, she was far from enough.

Amaterasu lightly touched the black horns on her head. The horns, her eyes, and the Dragon Heart that beat powerfully in her chest were more than enough proof that she was no longer a pure Shinto Goddess. In exchange for a better future, she gave up her previous body and proclaimed her loyalty to Victor.

'Well, it's not like I was losing anything or making a big sacrifice.' Victor seemed like a big bad monster, but to those around him, he was amazing. She couldn't have asked for a better Husband who was not only very Handsome but also very competent in satisfying his women. Her cheeks turned slightly red as she thought about what would happen sometime in the future.

Amaterasu shook her head from side to side, ignoring her thoughts, and floated towards where she felt Aphrodite.


When Amaterasu left, a woman with long black hair wearing a black kimono with gold details walked through the portal.

"Haruna, is everything ready on the other side?" Leona asked.

"Mmm." Haruna nodded. Unlike before, she was not using the Fox Form and was purposely showing off her Draconic features to declare to everyone what kind of relationship she had with Victor and what kind of being she had become.

Even though this current form was her true appearance, Haruna still used her shapeshifting ability to transform into a Nine-Tailed Fox. After all, she really liked it when her Husband stroked her tails.

Strangely, the process of transforming back into a Fox was almost instinctive. It was as if her default form was that of a Dragon but also that of a Fox. Initially, she didn't understand why, considering that her Race was no longer that of a Kyubi no Kitsune,and she was just using her abilities to imitate her old appearance.

But her doubts were put to rest when she began to feel traces of Divinity within her. She suspected that her Divinity was somehow related to Foxes and the Moon, which wasn't unusual. Despite being a Dragon now, for the longest time, most of her existence had been that of a Fox, and she was very proud to be a Fox. If it weren't for her need for Power, she wouldn't have turned into a Dragon.

Although, she also had no regrets. True Dragons were simply very broken Beings, and she understood a little now why the Primordials only allowed Victor to transform his Wives into True Dragons.

The presence of The Dragon Nest Faction changed The Balance of Power in this Sector completely.

Looking at herself, she understood that she stood as a stark example of their brokenness. As a True Dragon, just her existence in and of itself aided the Youkai in ways she could have never imagined. It would take a while to come to fruition, but eventually, the Youkai would stop using Youki as Energy and would naturally start using Senjutsu in their entirety.

Although, as was said, this process would take a while to become reality, but not as long as it would have if this process were done naturally.

Haruna's presence immensely spurred on the progress of change for her prior Race.

"Yes, everything is ready," Haruna replied.

"Good." Leona nodded. She floated towards Haruna and took out miniature buildings that resembled the architecture of houses in ancient Japan from her bag.

"Is this… Helena's work?" Haruna asked as she took in the buildings and assessed them with her eyes.

"Yes, Helena, along with Aline, made several residential structures. They are all in this bag, and you can make use of them however you see fit and position them however you like... Of course, there is also a layout plan devised by an architect if you don't want to plan it all out yourself." Leona reached into her bag and took out a large white piece of paper that showed the layout plan for a village that would meet all the Youkais' needs.

"That's pretty decent…" Haruna commented as she studied the blueprint.

She took two more miniature structures out of the bag and showed them to Haruna. "These two projects are some of the most 'modern' structures."

"Hmm…" Opening the other designs, she saw that one was a modern-day design, while the other had a more 'futuristic' appearance.

Haruna promptly discarded the futuristic design. She was a conservative woman and preferred things from a more traditional aesthetic.

"If I choose ancient architecture, will there be any bad influence?"

"According to Helena and Aline, all the projects they devised are connected through the system that will be implemented in the city that will extend throughout its entirety, providing complete control of everything..." Leona stopped talking when she saw Haruna's expression.

Haruna just looked at Leona with a dry look, a look that said: speak normal words, please.

Leona sighed. "Basically, no matter what you choose, it will all be compatible. The way the buildings work internally are the same as everyone else's."

"In that case, I will choose the traditional theme." Haruna made a decision.

Leona just nodded as she picked up the other projects and put them away. Internally, she thought it was a shame that Haruna had chosen the traditional one. After all, although this style had an Anime vibe, as a modern person, she preferred the more modern styles or the futuristic aesthetics.

An example of this was her personal room in the mansion where she lived with Victor and her other sisters. This room was completely renovated to have a futuristic design style, and she was quite pleased with that.

'Well, Haruna is old. It makes sense that she likes it traditional.' Leona thought.lightsnovel

Haruna narrowed her eyes at Leona. "Are you thinking something rude about me?"

"... What are you talking about?" Leona just smiled sweetly.

"Hmm…" Haruna just stared at Leona with an appraising look.

"Anyway, this place is going to become quite interesting, huh?" Leona asked in a way to change the subject.

"... What are you talking about?"

"Many cultures will come together here, and everyone will have their space to create any type of architecture they want, in any environment they want."

"Therefore, we will soon see a city that is similar to Samar but without the disorganized mess. After all, the construction of everything is being supervised by us.

"Hmm…" Haruna looked around and saw Egyptian Architecture, Demonic Architecture, Vampire Architecture, Werewolf Architecture, and even some modern, futuristic buildings all around.

Although it seemed 'chaotic', it actually wasn't like that. Every place was being built with the aim of giving it a unique look. Various cultures and styles might have been mixed into one massive melting pot, but they weren't messy.

"That's true… This place will be interesting in the future." Haruna raised her eyebrows when she saw a massive tower on the horizon and a white castle in the distance that seemed to be in the process of being built.

"That tower… Don't tell me."

"Yes… It's the old version of The Tower of Nightmares."

"What's it doing here?"

"It's Darling's plan to empower the citizens."

Haruna looked around and saw that no one was looking at the gigantic tower. It was as if it didn't even exist. "What's happening? Why are they ignoring it?"

"They can't see it, at least not yet. We only see each other because of our senses. The same applies to the white castle, which will be the place where we will receive visitors."

"That's so over the top…" Haruna muttered.

"It's a matter of appearance! We must show off our awesomeness. The castle is planned to be big enough to accommodate our Dragon Forms."

Ophis and Nero followed along the Youkai migration process, as well as that of some Gods from the Shinto Pantheon with Natalia, Leona, Haruna, and Amaterasu.

"The Tower of Nightmares is also being placed in Hell to make even more Elites for us."

"I assume the updated version is only available to us personally."

"Correct." Leona smiled. "We need to maintain the monopoly, and this upgraded Tower will be crucial in helping us control our Powers."

"Mmm." Haruna nodded.

Suddenly, the two Dragonesses felt a killing intent surrounding them. They looked in the direction of the killing intent and saw Nero and Ophis looking at the Youkais, who were coming out of the portal with hostility. Specifically speaking, they were looking at the Youkai Kamaitachi, the same Race of Youkai that chased them during the Japan incident.

The poor Kamaitachi Youkai, who had nothing to do with that incident, broke out in a cold sweat with terror on their faces. Despite not being True Dragons yet, Nero and Ophis were not weak. In fact, thanks to Victor's training, the nutritional blood he gives to them, as well as the Divine-quality Artifacts on their bodies, they were strong enough to face a low-level Combat God.

Which was a ridiculous amount of strength considering they were just children and 'babies' by Noble Vampire standards.

Just as Haruna and Leona were about to intervene, Natalia appeared in front of the two girls.

"Ophis, Nero. What are you two doing?" She asked with a harsh tone.

"I..." Ophis was going to say something, but in the end, she didn't and just continued staring at the Youkai as a Nine-Tailed Fox aura appeared around her.

This appearance made Haruna's eyes open wide as she felt the presence of a Youkai member of her Clan in Ophis. "What is that...? She didn't have that before, right?"

"Well, Darling did something… Probably. When strange things like this happen, always blame it on Darling because he's usually involved."

"Just what did he do to awaken the Youkai blood in her?"

"I don't know." Leona said and then considered, "Doesn't that make her a Hybrid of a Youkai and Noble Vampire?"

"...She is not a Hybrid, but a Noble Vampire with characteristics of a Nine-

Tailed Fox," Haruna explained after observing Ophis well.

"Oh, the same case with Morgana and Eleonor then."


"I ask again, What are you doing? Don't raise your killing intent towards innocent Beings. They are not responsible for what happened to you. You clearly know that your Father has already hunted down and murdered everyone responsible for that incident, right?"

Thinking about their Father, their killing intent began to disappear.

"... I'm sorry, Natalia," Nero said after she calmed down a bit.

"... I'm sorry." Ophis spoke.

Natalia's stern expression disappeared, and she smiled gently. "Why don't you guys go have fun out there?"

Natalia gestured with her hand, and in the next moment, a portal appeared horizontally a few meters above the ground. Seconds later, Pepper, Lacus, and Siena fell from it, landing on top of each other in a heap on the ground.

"Ughyaaa!" Pepper screamed as she felt her sisters' weight on her. "Get off me, you're so heavy!"

" Ugh..." Lacus groaned when she felt Siena's weight on top of her.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Natalia, what's your problem!? I was resting!" Siena growled.

"Stop being lazy and go take care of Nero and Ophis. Make sure they have fun."

"... I am not-." When Siena was about to refuse,

"Or should I tell Victor and Scathach that you were loitering around?" Natalia smiled gently, but her words were anything but kind to Siena.

"...Fine." Siena accepted.

"I said… Get off me!" Pepper pushed her two sisters harshly, which sent them both flying toward the sky, leaving several sonic booms in their wake.


"Such ridiculous strength as always." Leona laughed.

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