Chapter 932: I am always watching.

"She won't use her daggers?" Rose asked as she watched the fight.

"Not during this training, I think." Scathach said, "After all, the goal is to get used to their bodies."

"Too bad, I wanted to see the state of her technique," Rose spoke.

"I don't think she's a Grandmaster like us, but she's at the Master's limit. She just needs enlightenment to get to Grandmaster." Even though Carmila was very talented, Grand Master was not achieved with talent alone; enlightenment was also necessary.

"Of course, this is just speculation on my part."

"... Let's fight her later," Rose spoke.

"That's a good idea... Let's include Agnes, Natashia, and Naty too."

"Hey! Don't put me in a fight without my permission!" Agnes growled.

"Eh? Don't you want to struggle to get used to your body?"

"...I mean, it's not that I didn't want to. I just don't want you to decide things for me!" Agnes spoke.

Scathach rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic, woman, and just accept it."

"It seems that turning into a dragon made her more temperamental," Rose commented.

Agnes growled at these two women as the temperature around her began to rise and become unbearable.

Ignoring the angry dragon near them, Scathach spoke, "Well, it's not like I can't understand. The Snow Clan has always had trouble controlling their emotions and are very emotional beings... As dragons now, those emotions have been heightened to the ninth power."

"Basically, they became more emotional, like a virgin girl about to have her first PMS. With the only difference being that they are always stuck in that state."

"Yes." Scathach nodded while ignoring Agnes' gaze.

'Although... This doesn't apply to everyone in the Snow Clan.' Scathach thought as he looked at Violet. Since the woman became a dragon, she has been very controlled, remarkably different from her mother.

'It's as if she already knows what to do. Even the draconic instincts don't seem to affect her as much as her mother's.'

"Hmm~." Violet, who was still smiling sweetly as she watched everything, suddenly looked at Eleonor. Her draconic eyes narrowed slightly like a reptile, and her smile became more cunning.

Currently, all the girls present here were wearing simple gym clothes, and although these clothes looked simple, they were made by Scathach's runes, so their durability was guaranteed.

"Eleonor, Eleonor, are we going to fight?" Violet spoke to Eleonor like a friend who was asking her best friend to go shopping or something.

Eleonor, who had her arms crossed under her chest, looked at Violet, her neon green dragon eyes narrowed slightly in distrust. She seemed to think about some things, and then her eyebrow raised, showing interest, "Sure." Soon, she walked toward the middle of the arena.

"Yay~." Violet laughed lightly and walked towards the arena.

The two women stood in the middle of the arena, looking at each other. "No powers, okay? Just martial arts."

"...Oh? Very well."

Not only did Eleonor show interest in what Violet said, but Scathach, Rose, the Scarlett sisters, and Agnes were also interested.

Everyone here knew that Violet's trump card was her explosive power, not her technique.

Violet looks at her hand and mutters something in the draconic language. "Iron ball."

The surrounding dragonesses just raised their eyebrows at Violet's casual gesture. It was as if she was very used to doing what she was doing.

It was at that moment that Agnes narrowed her eyes in distrust and looked into Violet's eyes. She was so excited about becoming more powerful and having her powers expanded to a ridiculous degree that she completely forgot that the same thing happened to her daughter.

Not only did her fire powers get stronger, but the powers she inherited from her father probably got stronger, too.

When the iron ball appeared in her hand, she looked at Eleonor and said: "As soon as this ball touches the ground, we start."


"...Remember, just close-combat martial arts, no weapons, and no powers."

"I got it."


Violet threw the iron ball upwards, then gravity did its work, and it fell to the ground, making a small bang when it landed.

At that moment, Eleonor vanished and appeared in front of Violet, attacking her. Since Violet wasn't proficient in martial arts like her, and she couldn't control her strength completely yet, she tried to take it easy.

Violet dodged Eleonor's right blow that was aimed at her face, and a blast of air appeared behind Violet, but it didn't destroy anything due to the durability of the arena.

Maintaining the position she was in, Violet punched Eleonor with her left hand. Eleonor dodged the attack and heard several loud bangs behind her, followed by an intense blast of air.

Unlike Eleonor, Violet wasn't holding back.

Eleonor moved away from Violet and raised her eyebrow at the woman.

Faced with that look, Violet just replied: "I asked for a fight, Eleonor. Not a Spar."

"... Very well... I won't hold back either."

"Good." Violet smiled slightly.

The two women looked at each other for a few seconds; in the next moment, they disappeared and clashed in the middle of the arena.

Soon, an intense exchange of blows began to take place without the two leaving their place. The blows were exchanged at high speed, Violet attacking as Eleonor defended and dodged, the same happening when Eleonor attacked Violet.

With each blow, loud bangs were heard, but the women didn't move much like they did during the Fulger fight.

Just like Violet said in the beginning, they were just using their physical prowess and their martial arts.

Faced with this conflict, even the women of the Fulger Clan stopped fighting and looked at the scene with slight shock.

The problem with the girls' vision was not the fight itself but Violet's performance fighting with Eleonor.

Eleonor was definitely more experienced in fighting than Violet. After all, she had been fighting all her life, not to mention that she was personally trained by Scathach.

Of the younger heirs, Eleonor was without a doubt the strongest, and yet... Violet was matching her with martial arts? What's going on here!?

"...Was Violet so proficient in martial arts?" Sasha asked aloud as she wiped the dirt off her face.

The women looked in Scathach's direction, and Agnes, as far as they knew, the two of them, along with Victor, were the only ones who trained Violet.

Feeling the women's gazes, Scathach spoke: "I only trained Violet in the basics. Most of her training was done by Agnes and Victor."

The woman's gaze went to Agnes. "I taught her the martial arts of the Snow Clan, but... Our martial art is mainly focused on the use of our powers and the sword. It is not an art like Scathach... These movements, even I didn't know that she could do it."

"...So that leaves us just one person," Victoria spoke.

"Victor." They all said at the same time.

At that moment, the girls looked at Sasha; after all, they all knew that Victor had personal training only with Ruby, Violet, and Sasha in the past.

"The last training Darling had with us, he trained us on how to refine our powers. My case was turning lightning into plasma."

"In Violet's case, it was like making a fire hotter."

"In Ruby's case, it was the water changing its shape and controlling the enemy's body using the water inside the body, as well as exploding the enemy's body."

Pepper raised an eyebrow when she heard the final part. As someone who also had the same water powers as Ruby, she pouted. "Why didn't he teach me that too? I want to explode enemies' bodies like a necromancer."

"What does a necromancer have to do with the body exploding?" Naty asked, confused.

"Idiot Naty has everything to do with it! You really are uncultured!" Pepper said.

Veins popped in Naty's head when she heard what Pepper said.

Ignoring what the two discussed, Sasha continued: "Although he trained us in martial arts together with Ruby, that was not the main focus of the training."

The women looked back at Violet and Eleonor's duel; just like before, they still didn't leave their place.

Rose, Scathach, and Carmila narrowed their eyes slightly at what was happening. They somehow felt that something very unnatural was happening in front of them now; their instincts were telling them so, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

No matter what Eleonor did, Violet defended and counterattacked as if she knew what kind of move Eleonor was going to make next. When this thought appeared in the minds of the three most experienced women in martial arts present, the three of them opened their eyes slightly in shock.

'Don't tell me...' The three thought at the same time.

Her suspicions became real when Eleonor suddenly tripped Violet, and the woman just jumped before the blow happened and kicked Eleonor in the face, pushing the woman away slightly.

What Violet did just now was impossible for someone who didn't have lesser time perception and was fast enough like the women of the Fulger Clan.

"... She's wearing that, isn't she?" Agnes grumbled.

"Yes." Carmila, Scathach, and Rose confirmed at the same time.

Eleonor growled at Violet when she realized what she was doing. "Violet, you said without powers."

"I'm not using my powers," Violet replied calmly.

"Liar, you are clearly using your future vision."

"I am not."

"Then how do you explain this!? How do you know exactly every single thing I'm going to do!?"

"That's because Eleonor, I already know EVERYTHING you're going to do."

"See! You are using your powers!"

"I am not." Violet shakes her head. "Do you not trust my words? Do you think I would lie to you about something I agreed to do?"

Eleonor was silent; Violet can be many things, but when she says she is going to do something, she really does it. She was not disloyal to the people she liked.

"So, explain what this is? How did you become so proficient in martial arts?"

"Observing, imagining, and applying."


Violet touched her head. "Our brains are much faster and more efficient than our previous brain, Eleonor."

"All I did was use it." Violet's eyes turned to the girls, and a sickly smile appeared on her face.

"I've always been very observant, you know? Always watching, always keeping an eye on what kind of women approached MY Darling."

Violet's eyes faintly glowed neon violet, "Combining this information with what I've learned from using my eyes, it's no exaggeration to say that I know EVERYTHING about you."

Pepper unconsciously stood behind Lacus. "Violet is scarier than before..." She muttered.

Lacus and Siena can't help but agree with their younger sister.

"So how exactly does this work? Do you see our future or something?" Sasha asked.

"Nah, I just saw your whole past," Violet spoke neutrally as she looked at her nails.

These words left the girls completely silent, an uncomfortable silence.

She blows on her nails, and flames come out of her mouth. When the flames stopped coming out of her mouth, she nodded, satisfied when she saw her nails shining.

"When I became a dragon, my eyes became even more powerful, and now I can not only see the future, but I can also see the past. Specifically speaking, I can see the past of something. This action comes instinctively to me and does not harm me or the world around me. After all, the past is already written."

"Using this tool, I observed Eleonor and learned EVERYTHING about her. Using my superior brain, I simplified her habits into everything." She looked back at Eleonor as she smiled gently.

"I know exactly every action that Eleonor will take in the fight. I know that she tends to use her hands when she is fighting at close range. I know that she has the habit of leaning more on the right side of her body. I know when she sees an opportunity, she always tends to use her strongest punches."

"Which usually tend to be blows to places that can kill, like the head or heart. The arteries would also apply, but since we are a family, she won't fight me like that."

"When she is frustrated or in a hurry, she tends to attack with the Greatsword to kill the enemy. If such a thing happens in a fight between the family, she will try to take down the opponent like what happened now."

The silence continued, but this time, the silence was one of disbelief, a frightening silence.

"... Isn't this completely broken?" Pepper couldn't help but speak.

'Well, I'm the empress, I need to know what kind of Bitch is in a relationship with my husband.' Violet thought as she continued smiling.

'It was probably this power that allowed me to interact with my past self... Although I must be more proficient with it in the future to interact with the past.' Violet thought. She now understood what her future self meant when she said that she wasn't ready yet.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but do not know the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every battle... Sun Tzu."

"I'm just applying this teaching to reality... Quite directly, if I must say." She laughed.

Snapping out of her stupor at this absurd power, Scathach began to think, and it took no less than five seconds to fully understand the pros and cons of this power.

"I see... You can know everything about a being's past, but that doesn't mean you get stronger or anything. For example, even if you know me intimately and know what kind of attack I'm going to make, you will still lose against me."

"Exactly. There is also the fact that you have learned countless other martial arts, so my prediction becomes more difficult to make." Violet nodded.

"On the other hand, beings like Eleonor, who tend to rely on a single martial art, are easier to predict," Scathach spoke. "And since you have strength similar to hers due to turning into a dragon, the fight kind of evens out."

"True." Violet nodded: "But if I faced Rose, she would still slice me into pieces because even though I know where the attack is coming from, I couldn't defend."

"...Although all these disadvantages apply because of your level of strength, if you become stronger, in all the hundred battles you fight, you will have the advantage against the enemy and can cause damage not only physically but also emotionally."

"...Emotional harm...?" Pepper asked.

"Idiot Pepper, didn't you hear what she said? She knows the entire past of a being. That means she can provoke the being in the middle of battle, shaking their emotions." Lacus spoke.

"Exactly." Scathach nodded.

"That's a terrible power to have. I'm glad you're not my enemy." Scathach sighed. After all, she knew very well that with this kind of power, Violet didn't even need to fight her directly to defeat her; she could use the information she knew to harm her.

Scathach could defeat this enemy, but the damage caused by them might never be undone.

"So, let's continue?" Violet asked Eleonor.

Eleonor felt quite reluctant to fight Violet now.

Violet smiled sweetly. "Think of it as a form of training. After all, you shouldn't be so predictable in battle. This is also training to improve my martial arts. Although Darling and Scathach taught me the basics, I want to improve more."

"...Fine," Eleonor grumbled.

Violet took her stand: "Same rules as before, just martial arts."


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