Chapter 908: An Infernal Dish.

Chapter 908: An Infernal Dish.

While walking through the streets of Abaddon, Victor was showing the Heavenly Father and Ariel, as well as his daughters, the city's landmarks.

Since Abaddon was the city where The Demon King lived, it was the largest city in the Demon Realm, surpassing even Alexandria in size. Therefore, despite having no businesses residing here out of respect for The Demon King, most successful Demons and those strong enough to withstand the infernal Miasma would live in Abaddon City.

Here, the most luxurious places to live were the top floors of The Seven Towers and the lands closest to The Demon King's Castle. Of course, these places only represented the high society of the current Hell. Virtually anywhere in Abaddon was expensive to live in because it was close to The Demon King's residence.

In the current Hell, The Demon King was highly revered and respected. After all, without him, Hell would not have developed to such heights. Therefore, for these Demons, living closer to The Demon King was a great honor and a source of pride.

Due to Victor's recent actions in The Supernatural World, property prices near his Castle had become so high that few Demons could afford to live there now.

As The Demon King, Victor used a lot of 'mystique,' much like Vlad. He appeared in public very rarely and only showed up for official meetings or to commend a Demon for their efforts.

These rare appearances were intentional to make The Demon King someone unattainable and unreachable but at the same time close enough not to be strange.

Ironically, due to his actions in the outside world and his absence in Hell, Victor had become even more popular than Lilith. While the Progenitor of Demons was now revered as an idol, he was worshiped as The God of Demons.


["Hmm? What's the matter, Roxanne?" Victor responded while reinforcing Runes to prevent Demons from noticing the group since it would be annoying to have everyone stopping and staring at them.]

["Is it okay to do this after the previous incident? Won't it harm the alliance?"] She asked curiously. ["Won't that presentation by Lilith make things awkward?"]

["They need this alliance more than we do, Roxanne. Especially now that they've seen the power of my Hell,"] Victor replied.

["Hmm... That's true, but wouldn't Lilith's presentation make things awkward?"] Roxanne asked.

["Not particularly... After all, Lilith's hatred for The Heavenly Father and the Angels is well-known. It would be more surreal for The Heavenly Father if Lilith were praising the Angels or something like that."]

["I see... He treats that hatred as 'normal'... So it's not a problem?"] Roxanne said.

["Yes, but there's also the fact that we're too strong to be ignored, so he will do anything to make the alliance happen."]

["Not to mention that I shouldn't lie about the current state of Hell. After all, lies have short legs, especially with allies. If they want to ally with us, they must know how Hell, and especially Lilith, sees them."]

Victor was not at all worried that this 'hatred' of the Demons would spill over into the outside world. After all, he had ways to deal with that hatred if necessary.

Besides, most Demons feared Victor's punishment, and he had been specifically clear about not causing trouble in the world of the living. Those who broke this rule had been served as an example with artwork worthy of Lovecraft's books.

Instilling fear, terror, and admiration in the masses. Demons were a complex species, but at the same time, quite simple. They respected the strong, and Victor, as the strongest, was highly respected by all. However, respect without fear was considered a weakness for Demons; thus, such demonstrations were necessary.

Suddenly, a strange sound was heard around them.


The group looked toward Ophis, the little girl blushing slightly. "I'm hungry..."

Victor smiled gently and spoke as he picked up Ophis and carried her on his lap. "Let's go eat something."

No one objected to this idea, although the Heavenly Beings were a bit... apprehensive about trying the food of Hell. After all, most of the food was made from the flesh of Demonic Beasts, and since these beasts lived in Hell, they had an immense concentration of Miasma, making such food highly toxic to Angels.


Appearing at the Tower of Gluttony, one of The Seven Towers in Abaddon, Victor made his presence known.

The moment Victor's aura was felt, all the Demons immediately turned and looked at Victor. Their first feeling was shock, followed by haste, and soon, they were in front of Victor, bowing.

"Demon King of Tyranny, how may we, your faithful servants, assist you in The Tower of Gluttony?" The attendants responsible for directing visitors spoke at the same time.

"Mm, my daughters and my visitors are hungry. Prepare the second-to-last floor for us."

"Yes! Your wish is our command!" Just like before, they spoke in unison and then moved out of their respectful positions to attend to Victor's command.

Although they were shocked to learn that Victor had 'daughters,' information that would clearly be spread to everyone, the attendants looked at the three women and wondered which Demon Ladies they were the daughters of.

Such thoughts were normal, as it was known that Victor had a very close relationship with the women who held the most important positions in the current government.

Within seconds, the entire Tower of Gluttony knew of Victor's presence, and several Demons were mobilized to meet all his needs.

"Let's go." Victor walked ahead, leading the group.

Ariel and Ophis looked at Victor for a few seconds when they realized that he was completely different from some time ago. They were not just talking about his atmosphere but also his appearance. His hair, although still short, was clearly made of Miasma, his skin was more grayish and scaly, and his Dragon Eyes were more prominent.

Clearly, he had let his most distinctive features come out and did not stay in his 'human' form.

The Heavenly Father, as a Leader, clearly understood Victor's posture. There were faces that should only be known by his subordinates and family, and as a Leader, it was essential to know how to use these faces.

As they entered a portal leading to one of the most luxurious restaurants in Hell, Ariel and The Heavenly Father were once again impressed by the 'luxury.' Everything in this restaurant was made of Demonic Metals!

It was worth noting that Demonic Metals were extremely rare, even in Hell, and seeing an entire hotel covered in this material was a huge shock.

Little did they know that all Seven Towers were made of the same material; they just hadn't noticed due to the countless Runes on the Towers.

With Helena's ability to increase and decrease mass, it was quite easy to have a massive amount of these materials. Moreover, Victor could even create this material with his Manipulation of Creation, a Draconic ability.

Although The Heavenly Father could 'create' precious materials, he usually refrained as Heaven didn't require luxury.

As they sat in chairs near a window with a full view of Abaddon, Victor looked at the city appreciatively for a few moments before turning his gaze back to the group.

It was at this moment that the waiter arrived, and Victor said, "Give me the mixed recipes; I want to introduce everyone to the spices of Hell... For my two younger daughters, you don't need to worry about that."

"Yes," he stammered nervously and quickly walked towards the kitchen to relay the order. Along the way, he slipped and almost fell to the ground but managed to regain his balance.

Despite his slip, none of the staff laughed at him. After all, he handled it better than anyone here.

Being face-to-face with The Demon King was a privilege that few could achieve, and they were caught completely off guard by his sudden visit.

Victor reached into his bag, pulled out two sealed wooden bottles with Draconic Runes, and then handed them to Nero and Ophis.

The two girls looked at the bottles with a neutral and emotionless gaze. They couldn't sense anything from these bottles, so they didn't know how to react.

"Father..." Nero was about to say something, but Victor interrupted gently, saying, "Just drink. You'll be surprised; I guarantee it."

"...Okay." Trusting her father's words, Nero drank through the straw. The moment the liquid touched her tongue, her instincts were immediately activated, and she quickly sucked up all the contents.

When she finished sucking everything up, she opened her mouth to breathe deeply.

Ophis and Metis's noses caught the scent of blood, and they began salivating.

Ophis wasted no time and started drinking as well, and just like Nero, she started drinking rapidly. The blood was delicious!

Metis bit her tongue in a seductive and frustrated manner, removed her eyes from the bottle, and looked at Victor. Despite being a Dragon, she didn't necessarily need food to eat.

She was still a Blood Dragon, a perfect blend with Noble Vampires, so she could drink blood as well. The satisfaction of drinking blood had not been lost when she transformed into a Dragon. In fact, it could be said that it had been further enhanced.

Victor just smiled neutrally at everyone, completely ignoring Metis's seductive and greedy gaze. She was clearly asking for the bottles, but Victor wouldn't give them to her until she asked.

Victor pulled out two more bottles sealed with Runes and handed them to Nero and Ophis.

This time, the two girls drank in a more refined manner.

Victor put the empty bottles back in his bag. In the face of this display, The Heavenly Father and Ariel remained silent, observing everything. Their inner thoughts were quite neutral, as they simply thought that Victor and his daughters were quite close.

These thoughts disappeared quickly when they smelled the food coming.

Several waiters began to come in and filled the large round table with various dishes of different types of meat.

Seeing that everything was perfect, Victor displayed a small, satisfied smile. "Thank you very much, and good job."

"Yes, it's a pleasure to serve." The Demonic women and men who were serving spoke simultaneously and left the table as politely as possible. When they were away from Victor, they flew towards the kitchen, and several soft cries of happiness could be heard.

"Close the restaurant! This whole place is reserved for The Demon King and his guests!" The restaurant manager spoke, being one of the high-society Demons and a top-ranking Demon Pillar, he knew Victor's guests very well.


In fact, almost everyone in the Demon Realm knew this pair. After all, they had been part of the Supernatural Beings' meeting that had been broadcast throughout Hell.

But as one of the oldest Beings in Hell, he knew even better how 'terrifying' this pair was, especially the man cloaked in light.

Although he believed that there was nothing scarier than his King.

Meanwhile, in the restaurant, Victor looked at the duo from Heaven and his daughter Metis. "Enjoy."

The Heavenly Father and Ariel looked at the beautiful dishes in front of them and didn't sense any Miasma.

"... How did they remove the Miasma from the meat... wasn't that impossible?"

"This is the most luxurious restaurant for a reason... And there's no such thing as impossible. The word 'impossible' to me means that someone hasn't found the way to that goal yet. So stop asking and enjoy. It's all on me today."

"...Okay." The Heavenly Father cut a piece of meat that was so tender that it was effortlessly sliced with his fork, revealing the interior. The meat's juices dripped around, and the smell became even stronger.

Very cautiously, he took that piece of meat and put it in his mouth. Suddenly, a burst of flavors was felt on his palate.

He traveled through a world of tender meat, a taste he had never felt before, and an experience he had never had before filled his entire body and mind—

the pure pleasure of eating something delicious.

'Delicious!' He exclaimed in his mind.

For a few seconds, even the light aura around his body was completely erased, showing the middle-aged man from behind, but he quickly regained control of his body.

"This… This is incredible." The Heavenly Father spoke, impressed.

"I said so, right?" Victor smiled.

Seeing this, Ariel followed suit, and cut some meat, and ate it. Just like her Heavenly Father, she traveled through a whole new world of flavor.

"Ahh~." She quickly put her hand over her mouth when she realized the moan she let out and stared at Victor with a look that seemed to pierce his body.

"When a food is so delicious, they say that all the pleasure points in the body are activated. This is one of the special abilities of the Demons of Gluttony." Victor explained with an innocent smile.

Ariel blushed even more and looked at the plate in disbelief. This food was so delicious that she moaned with pleasure!? Just what kind of nonsense is this!

'As expected of Hell, everything here is influencing me to Fall!' For a moment, she actually thought that it wouldn't be bad to become a Fallen Angel if she could eat such foods every day, but she quickly withdrew that profane thought in her mind.

"...Those Gluttony Demons were the ones who made this?" The Heavenly Father asked in disbelief as he remembered the Demons that ate everything, even other Demons.

"Yes, after all, they are the experts in this type of matter, right?"

"Yes... They are."

Victor looked at Metis and smiled with a smile that said; your turn.

Metis narrowed her eyes on Victor a little. She wanted to complain that she didn't want this but the blood, but she wasn't stingy about it, so she just nodded and ate.

Just like what happened with The Heavenly Father and Ariel, the same scene repeated itself, but she did not receive as much pleasure because she had already tasted something more delicious than this, and that something was Victor's blood.

"Mm, it's delicious." She nodded. Even though she thought the food was inferior to Victor's blood, it was still tasty, so she began to eat.

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