Chapter 895: Daughters of Time.

Chapter 895: Daughters of Time.

Agares looked around, he was completely surrounded, and the chance of him escaping was minimal, so his only option was to fight and hope for reinforcements... which unfortunately wouldn't come because no matter how much he pressed the emergency button he received from his contractor, nothing was activated.

This meant that whatever technique Zaladrac had used had completely sealed this space.

"But that won't stop me..." A red glow covered Agares' body, and in the next moment, he transformed into his demonic form.

A completely black being with red and white accents was seen, he had sharp horns and a pointed tail.

Seeing Agares transform into his demonic form and increase his power, Nyx commented, "Give it up, Agares. You have nowhere to run. Make it easier for us and for yourself." She didn't want to engage in futile actions and sweat.

"Please, Nyx, don't make him give up. I want to see him struggling like a pig waiting for slaughter." Zaladrac's face displayed pure sadism; it was clear that if Agares gave up without a fight, she wouldn't be satisfied.

Nyx shrugged when she saw Zaladrac's sadistic expression. With a wave of her hand, the starry night formed around her, and she hovered in the air.

"Just finish this quickly; I want to get back to my beauty sleep." Nyx returned to her lazy demeanor when she realized there wasn't much work to be done.

"Behave like a professional, or Victor will know about it," Zaladrac said.

Nyx shuddered, "Tsk, you can't play that card like that."

"I can, and I will," Zaladrac narrowed her eyes at Nyx.

Nyx clicked her tongue again and waved her hand, and in the next moment, all the nocturnal creatures present became even stronger thanks to the blessing of the primordial goddess of the night.

"Happy now?"

"Yeah, I am," Zaladrac smiled.

'I swear by the primordial chaos that Victor is influencing this dragon to be more sadistic; she wasn't like this before,' Nyx thought.

"Come on, Agares, fight. Don't give up. You're a pillar demon, right? Diablo's most reliable assassin."

Agares broke into a cold sweat when he saw the demons and vampires around him, even more powerful than before.


"Yes, you are," Zaladrac smiled, and with a hand gesture, she ordered the demons and assassins of the Blank Clan to attack.

The chain of command was supposed to be in Oda's hands, but if Victor sent one of his wives on the mission, she had the authority to take command if she wished, although ultimate authority still rested with Oda, and he could reject his wife's request if it was irrational.

After all, these men and women were Victor's personal subordinates.

So, the moment she made the gesture to attack, all the subordinates looked towards Oda, and when he nodded, they attacked.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty shadow demons and personally trained noble vampire assassins attacked in flawless coordination.

Agares dodged one attack, but as soon as he did, he felt his back being slashed.

Agares defended against an attack, but as soon as he did, he felt his leg being cut.

No matter what he did and what action he took, it would create an opening that these experienced assassins wouldn't miss.

If it weren't for Victor's order to capture him, he would have already been killed.

And Agares, as an experienced assassin, knew this; he knew he was being spared, and it was this knowledge that filled him with pure rage.

"I WON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!" Agares' roar of anger echoed around, and he no longer held back, his entire body was covered in demonic power, and miasma began to emanate.

He grabbed a woman from the Blank Clan, but as he was about to kill her, she suddenly disappeared into the shadows and reappeared elsewhere.

A shadow demon had assisted her.

The same scene repeated several times; every time he tried to kill someone, they would disappear and remain safe.

Their teamwork was impeccable.

Wounds began to deepen on his body, and blood started to fall to the ground.

Agares lost his strongest ability, which was dimension hopping, and without it, he proved to be a very easy opponent.

Seeing that he was slowly losing, he decided to risk everything. His target shifted to the two women floating in the sky; if he couldn't kill these elusive assassins, he would kill those women!

With a demonic roar, his power skyrocketed; he was burning his own vitality. Miasma covered his body, and he transformed into a being of pure miasma. Then, he flew toward the two women.

"Oda-Sama..." The subordinate's phrase was brief, but Oda understood the implications. If he allowed Agares to attack his master's wives, it would be a humiliation.

"I know... Change of plans... Cripple him."


The power of the Blank Clan members' shadows exploded, and an area of pure darkness fell around them. Giant blades began to form.

They cut the miasma monster into several pieces. Five members of the Blank Clan appeared in Agares' path, their bodies completely covered in darkness.


Using the technique Kaguya had taught the clan members, a domain of pure darkness descended. Giant shadow hands fell to the ground and pulled Agares toward it.

The monster's roar was heard as the hands pinned Agares to the ground. Then, the miasma dissolved, revealing Agares' appearance, missing his tail, left leg, and right hand.

Immediately, several shadow demons jumped on Agares and held him down.

Agares was defeated.

Agares gritted his teeth. "Kill me!"

"You are useful to the Demon King." The voices of hundreds of shadow demons were heard simultaneously. "So, you will not die."

The fanatical tone of the shadow demons was very obvious; they were perfect soldiers.

Oda sighed in relief. 'Honestly, capturing someone of his caliber is more difficult than killing him.'

That's why Victor's special forces were more focused on killing to eliminate the threat. A good threat is a deadly threat.

Seeing Agares' condition, a wave of satisfaction entered Zaladrac's body. Her excitement was so great that scales began to appear on her body, and she started to transform into a humanoid dragon form, violet power gathering in her chest.

She was preparing a breath attack.

The demons and assassins of the Blank Clan began to sweat when they saw Zaladrac's appearance.

"She's not going to unleash the attack, is she...?" They all had the same thought. Although they thought that way, they knew the personalities of their master's wives very well. So, they all remained ready to flee at any moment because they didn't want to die a pointless death.

Fortunately, Nyx was there to remind the excited dragon of this detail. "Zaladrac, remember Victor's orders."

And with those words alone, Zaladrac's excitement was cut off, and she returned to her normal state.

"Yes... I remember," Zaladrac replied.

"Uh-huh, I believe you." Yes, she didn't believe her. Nyx knew very well how emotional dragons could be and how quickly they forget things. Fortunately, Victor wasn't like that... most of the time.

The demons and assassins of the Blank Clan sighed in relief.


The Dragon Nest.

[Mission accomplished.] Oda informed Victor.

And these words made Victor's smile grow. [Good job, Oda. Were there any issues regarding my wives?]

[Lady Zaladrac lost control of her emotions a bit and almost annihilated us. Fortunately, Lady Nyx was nearby and stopped her. Other than that, no problems.] Oda reported in an emotionless tone, as the most loyal subordinate of Victor, his job was to be completely honest.

Victor facepalmed. [...Very well, your battalion will be duly rewarded. Contact Aline when she wakes up; she will provide you with the details, and instruct the shadow demons who participated to return to hell; I will reward them as well.]

[Yes, Your Majesty.]

"Father, Father, what are you doing?" Nero asked curiously as she looked at the Nightmare Tower.

Victor turned his attention to his daughters and Metis. "I am upgrading the tower."

"... What?" Metis looked at Victor incredulously. The tower was already very good, and he intended to upgrade it further?

"Hmm, but isn't the tower already very good?" Nero asked.

"With the future enemies we will face, all of us need to become stronger," Victor explained. "I'm even thinking about making a tower like this on Earth so that the supernatural world and humans can enter. Of course, it won't be as good as this one, but it will help everyone become stronger quickly."

"... That's good, but it needs to be properly controlled, or humans will just use it for profit and not become stronger."

"I know, that's why I'm offering a reward to motivate everyone."

"... A reward?" Ophis's ears comically perked up at the mention of a 'reward.' "What reward, Father?"

"Immortality, endless riches, etc. As long as the request is reasonable, I will grant it." With his current level of power and thanks to the gift he received from Amaterasu, along with his current deities, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Victor was like a god of creation. The essence of creation combined very well with his current deities.

"... Will this reward also be available in our tower?" Metis asked.

Victor looked at Metis, he smiled slightly as if he understood something she didn't, and said, "Of course."

These words made Ophis and Nero's eyes widen in excitement. They definitely had some requests for their father that they were too embarrassed to ask for.

The same could be said for Metis; she had some requests to make.

"... And done." Victor lowered his hands, the tower glowed slightly, and it grew a few more meters taller and sturdier.

"That was easier than before," Victor thought.

"What changed?"

"Several things, but the main one is that the souls will receive more nourishment than before. Since I have access to practically unlimited negative energy, I can work more to help everyone." Victor spoke.

'I also put a surprise on the top floor,' Victor smiled inwardly.

On the top floor of the Nightmare Tower, those who climb the tower must face... himself. Specifically, the version of himself before becoming a god.

Of course, this version of him didn't have Roxanne or access to negative energy or control over large-scale creation, as these were very specific energy and techniques that couldn't be used without negative energy. But this version still had all his other 'basic' powers, even a nerfed form of creation control.

"Anyway, Metis, make the announcement about the Nightmare Tower. I'm going to Nightingale with my daughters."

"Okay... Why are you going to Nightingale?" She asked curiously.

"I'm going to talk to Vlad."

Metis said a small prayer, hoping that some good deity would save Vlad's soul. Then she said, "Okay, I'll make the announcement."

"Uh-huh, let's go, Metis."

"... Huh?" Metis looked at him confused.

"What? I was quite specific, right? I'm going with my DAUGHTERS."

"B-But..." Metis blushed.

"Yare, yare, you have to pay attention to words, Metis." Victor did his best Jojo impression while shaking his head. Despite appearing 'disappointed,' the mischievous smile on Victor's face was quite obvious.

For some reason, Metis felt a strong desire to hide in a hole in the ground, but at the same time, she really wanted to hug Victor now.

Both her new side and her old side were in a big dilemma now.

"Father, let's go to Nightingale." Nero jumped onto Victor's shoulder and held him by his neck.

"Hmm, let's go," Victor nodded as he turned around. When he turned, Nero looked at Metis with a slightly hostile look and stuck her tongue out at her, then she moved her mouth, saying, 'He's mine.'

This childish attitude irritated Metis more than it should have. With several veins popping on her head, the new Metis kicked the old Metis to the back of her mind and followed Victor.

One thing both Metises had in common was that they were quite competitive.

Talking like this, it might seem like Metis has a split personality like Natashia, but that's not the case. She was the old and the new Metis merging into a new being; it's just that due to her age, the older Metis had more control over the body, but when it came to strong feelings and willpower, the new Metis was stronger. After all, she was a dragon.

Ophis, seeing this, just huffed and climbed onto Victor's hump. Then she looked at Metis and Nero with a superior look.

'I have the high ground, bitches, and I'm the favorite!' That's what her face was saying.

And this look made both women even more irritated.

Victor just smiled in amusement when he saw this childish quarrel, then he thought of something: 'The time I spend talking to Vlad should be enough for the girls to wake up.'

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