Chapter 882: Going Beyond Limits.

Red... Red like the blood of his enemies, that's how Vlad's vision was now.

As he watched Shur, the completely white Elder God, only hatred was feeling in his heart.

The pure and unadulterated feeling of hate. A feeling that is being driven by the sight of his dead wife in his arms that seemed to be playing through his eyes as if it were a retro movie.

A roar of hatred was heard all around, and Vlad's crimson and black-toned figure flew towards Shur's head, piercing him through and through.

An attack that not only damaged the Elder God's soul, but also his flesh, but just as happened in previous times, the Elder God's body began to visibly recover, such was the god's vitality.

Vlad growled angrily, all he wanted was to tear apart every feeling in that bastard's body, and that's what he tried to do, Vlad wasn't sparing anything. He is using all his powers to kill that god... But even using his entire arsenal, and causing the god's body to be destroyed into several pieces, he still did not die.

The moment the Elder God's head formed, Haruna appeared in front of him, and attacked him with her Katana.


Sounds of katana sheathing were heard, and the Elder God's entire body was shattered into thousands of pieces.

"It's useless… You can't kill me." Shur's voice resounded around.

"I know... Because of that, I wasn't trying to kill him." Haruna spoke.

Shur fell silent when he realized that his body was not regenerating.

"It's still useless." Shur's giant body began to melt, until a white power began to gather in the sky, and the Elder God appeared with the same appearance as before, but with a smaller size measuring 2 meters in height.

He pointed his hand at Haruna, and in the next moment a beam of pure power shot out of his hand.

Haruna opened her eyes wide when that beam of pure energy flew towards her so fast, she wasn't expecting it, luckily, her reactions managed to increase due to her training in the tower of nightmares, therefore, she managed to dodge it at the cost of some their tails burned.

Haruna's eyes narrowed dangerously when they saw the state of one of her tails, despite the pain she was feeling, the most prominent feeling in her body now was anger.

Pure, unadulterated rage. It wasn't enough for her husband to just be kidnapped somewhere far away from her, but now these bastards dared to burn her tail which is something her husband likes to stroke so much.

"I am the incarnation of this planet's power…" Shur's face distorted. "As long as the power exists, I will not be destroyed." He turns his face and points his hand towards the sky, the next moment Vlad appeared in front of his hand.

And just like what happened with Haruna, a beam of white power shot out from the Elder God's hand.

Shur's words didn't make sense to Vlad, and Haruna, but it wasn't like the two of them cared about it, they wanted to kill him, if they couldn't kill him, they wanted to seal him in a place so they could find out. how to kill him.

Better yet, they wanted to make him suffer! Death was too kind to this god.

Unlike Haruna, Vlad received the attack head on, with his Sword, the Elder God's attack damaged his body, but such a thing did not matter to the Progenitor of vampires, his body quickly regenerated, and he returned to the attack.

Two beams of energy appeared in the Elder God's hand, and then he raised them both.

Tink's sound as if two metals were clashing was heard when Haruna, and Vlad hit that beam of energy proving that that power was more solid than they thought.

The bodies of the three beings covered with their respective colors of power, and in the next moment they disappeared, several bangs were heard around as Haruna and Vlad attacked Shur.

A high-speed combat ensued, a combat that Shur was losing, but due to his unique constitution, he was putting pressure on Haruna and Vlad.

"Enough!" Shur was irritated by this constant attack from these annoying beings.

Pure power exploded from Shur's body, and the next moment he raised his hand to the sky, a gigantic sphere of power was created.

Instead of throwing that ball of power, beams of power began to come out of the sphere, and fly towards Vlad and Haruna.

The two beings began to dodge each attack, even though Vlad could regenerate, he was not foolish enough to receive an attack from An Elder God if he could avoid it.

'What's going on with this bastard? Why does he seem to be so much stronger than before?' Vlad couldn't understand. In the past, when he fought with this god, he wasn't that strong, the fight was tough, but Vlad managed to emerge victorious with relative ease.

But now even with Haruna's help, he isn't able to do much, not even his weapon that was created to deal with this god is working.

'I have to deal with this immortality of his...' Vlad narrowed his eyes, he had some cards up his sleeve that would serve to seal this god, but he needs to be sure when using this card up his sleeve or it would just be wasted.

Suddenly, something happens to Shur that makes him cough in pain and the sphere of power disappears.

Shur looked at his hand in disbelief: 'What happened to my immortality supply? Did something happen to the leader?' He could feel within himself the energy he was given gradually losing strength, and no longer being replenished.

The place where Victor and Ikor were now at the edges where the infinite universe was constantly expanding, a place where reality hadn't set the rules yet, so things like time and space were completely confusing, it was difficult to predict what's happening on the other side .

Shur's thoughts stopped when he realized what a mistake he had done, he lost focus in a fight with two very high level beings.

And these beings would not miss this opportunity. Vlad appears behind Shur, and cuts him in half with his sword, the next moment Haruna appears with the Katana covered by a dark power, and hears her martial art separating Shur's body.

Shur panicked when he noticed his body's energy getting less and less, if it continues like this, he will become mortal again.

In a panic Shur used something that Ikor said only to use when the time is right, the Elder God's body began to darken completely, his body began to emit an extremely toxic red miasma.

Haruna's instincts, and Vlad's, quickly jumped like crazy, and they jumped back, but not before this miasma burned their arms.

"Ugh." Haruna grimaced when he looked at her arm. 'What is that?" She didn't have time to think when suddenly the energy inside her that Victor gave her began to act and cover her body.

Haruna opened her eyes wide when she saw the energy focusing on her arm, whatever that was, it was dangerous enough for the meter bead Victor left behind to activate.

Haruna looked at Vlad and saw that the man quickly cut off his infected arm.

She naturally watched as Vlad's arm was consumed by this red miasma until it completely vanished from existence.

The pieces of the Elder God's body began to form again, and a dome of red miasma was formed.

"We need to do something." Vlad spoke as he approached Haruna.

"What do you propose?"

"Seal him until you find a way to kill him."

"I agree... But how to do that?"

"I have something... But I need a distraction... A big distraction."

Haruna was silent for a few seconds as she looked into Vlad's eyes looking for any indication of deception, being a commander she was someone who was very versatile in reading people.

All she saw in Vlad's eyes was pure hatred, not to mention that she didn't think he would harm her, after all, she was Vlad's wife's sister.

"Very well. I'll be trusting you, don't make me regret it."

"I'm not going to... I'm not looking to provoke a dragon that will chase me to the ends of the universe." He mumbled at the end, something that Haruna heard, but she decided not to talk.

The Elder God's body was restored, but unlike before his skin was crimson red, and the air around him was pure miasma.

"I'm sorry, My King... But I won't follow the plan..." He raised both hands, and in the next moment the miasma that had shades of scarlet spread around, rotting everything around.

"I will help you." Vlad raised his hand, and in the next moment crimson blood exploded from the ground and headed towards Shur.

Haruna nodded, and jumped towards the air, her body began to glow.

"Irritating... You annoying invaders, I never understood why the king never eliminated his pests from existence, no matter how he explained it to me, their existence was a plague, and if he doesn't want to eliminate them, I will do it ."

Tentacles of red power came out of Shur's body and spread around, attacking everything around, and then flying towards Haruna and Vlad.

Vlad raised the blood, and created a giant barrier that protected Haruna. As he jumped back several times dodging Shur's attack.

When Haruna was far enough away, her body began to glow even more until a sweet voice was heard, the voice began to recite a poem that sounded more like an incantation.

"They say that the fox is a cunning and greedy being.

They are not wrong, their ambition is deep,

For the moon was his most precious desire."

Haruna's body began to glow even more brightly, her power slowly began to grow off the charts.

"So greedy was this fox of darkness,I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

The gods didn't like it, their anger grew.

Fortunately, the goddess of the night, merciful,

She watched with silver eyes of her child from the darkness."

Haruna's body began to grow, her tails became so big they could topple mountains, a snout was created, Otsuki Haruna was going through a metamorphosis.

"I will become the bright moonlight fox.

That she dared to covet the moon, with immense courage.

I will devour the gods of the radiant night,

To reach the moon, my reward."

As if to proclaim her intense desire, her body began to grow even larger as she ran towards the moon in the sky. 10 meters... 20 meters... 50 meters... 100 meters... The limit didn't seem to be seen, until it eventually stopped at 270 meters.

"With cunning and power, the metamorphosis began,

The fox from darkness became moonlight,

A lunar goddess, her ambition has now flown,

And the gods, in silence, had to bow in fear."

Power exploded all around, and a tenth tail appeared behind Haruna.

"...Because that little fox has become a monster capable of devouring them."

When the enchantment ended, a majestic fox with fur as black as the night was present, it was a beautiful, majestic, and noble fox, but all this beauty hid a being capable of destroying everything it touched.

'...Didn't I tell you to create an opportunity for me? Why did you transform?' Vlad thought with narrowed eyes as he used his blood to defend himself.

The Elder God's power exploded, and the miasma around him grew widely, causing Vlad to retreat even further.

"...A fox... Just like that mediocre woman, are you related to her?"

These words made the fox's majestic expression visibly distort, the beautiful fox turned into an angry monster.

"The moonlight fox proclaimed in front of all the gods in celebration of her rise... The fall of the stars."

The World shone for a few seconds until... Beams coming from space were seen across the visible sky.

"Holy…" Vlad opened his eyes widely when he saw the sky full of shooting stars approaching them.

Velnorah, and Shiva narrowed their eyes, and immediately spread their power in order for this attack not to destroy the planet, but such action was not necessary, the stars coming towards the entire planet suddenly changed direction as if someone was controlling it and flew towards the planet. direction of the Elder God.

Shur just snorted in disdain, then raised his hand up, and the gigantic red beam of power flew towards the giant fox.

The fox's tail slapped the energy beam towards the sky.


"Be bathed in starlight, you worm." Haruna's distorted voice resounded around.

The next moment, a beam coming from space approached Shur, and hit him in the chest sending him flying into the sky, the attack didn't end there, several other beams coming from space began hitting Shur's body while sending him towards to space.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Shur genuinely screamed in pain, because this time, his immortality energy was completely nullified.

Hearing that scream, Vlad's objective changed from sealing to killing! His lust for blood and revenge exploded, and he flew towards Shur, he used all his power, he didn't hold back.

From the moment he flew towards Shur, until the moment he impaled him with his sword, images of his wife's dead body on the ground flashed before his eyes, these images were only broken when he felt the god's flesh being crushed. perforated.

"They say revenge is not worth it... The fool who said that must be a hypocrite... Revenge is definitely worth it." Tears of blood flowed from Vlad's monstrous face.

"Now my wife's spirit can sleep in peace."


Vlad held the Elder God's head with both hands wielding the power of the soul and opened him in half, breaking not only his body but also his soul, he would not give this god a chance to be reborn, he would make sure to erase it. it completely out of existence.

A burst of power erupted from Shur's body, creating a pillar of pure white power that rose into the atmosphere.

Unlike Shiva's opponent who was completely destroyed from existence, and Velnorah's opponent who was captured in the form of a ball of flesh.

lightsΝοvel.cοm Vlad's opponent, and Haruna was killed in a completely normal way, they don't know why he lost his immortality, they don't care either, the only thing that matters now is that he died.

Vlad closed his eyes, and remained silent, he seemed lost in precious memories, he was completely absent from the world now.

Seeing that her enemy was killed, Haruna sighed lightly, the next moment her body began to glow, and her form began to shrink, her 10 tails decreased to 9, and then she began to fall towards the ground completely exhausted.

Before she could fall too far, Jeanne, and Morgana quickly caught her.

"You were reckless!" Morgana growled in anger and concern.

Jeanne looked at Morgana with a warning look that made the woman remain silent, aggression was not necessary now, but kindness... A brutal kindness.

"Yes, she is correct. You were reckless... Forcing you to evolve into a 10-tailed fox like that, do you have suicidal desires? You may be a Youkai with divine origins, but there is a process that all beings must go through, you cannot force your soul like that."

"It doesn't matter… I did it for my sister." Haruna spoke.

"Yes, but if you had done something wrong, your soul would have been destroyed due to the crude method you used, and that would have been devastating for Victor, and for us."

Haruna opened her mouth to say something, but fell silent when she realized she was right.

"Fortunately, everything worked out because you were nourished by the souls of the nightmare tower, without it. I'm afraid you didn't survive."

"... I-..."

"Don't say anything, don't apologize." Jeanne cut Haruna off which made the girl's fox ears lower in sadness.

"Next time, just remember that you have a family that cares about you. So don't try something like that again."


Scathach and Rose arrived next, and they looked around: "Where is the enemy?"

"Dead, and sealed." Shiva replied.

Scathach was going to say something, but stopped when he heard the sound of glass breaking and was heard, then something crossed the space as if he was going through the window of a building.

A being fell to the ground completely bloodied.

"Victor/Darling!" They immediately recognized who the being was.

"Back off!" He roared as he stood up with Junketsu in his hands, and looked up at the sky.

Coming from the hole created, the leader of the Elder Gods appeared, but unlike before his appearance seemed to be completely changed, his previously white skin had several black craters like tattoos, and his body was thorny, just like Victor, he also seemed to be very tired. bruised.

Angel wings appeared behind him, and soon the being left the hole towards the planet, space regenerated on its own.

"Are you done, Progenitor?"

"Hah, I'm just getting started." Victor smiled widely as he positioned himself with his Odachi.


A violet energy with shades of red covered Victor's body, and it made everyone's eyes widen widely as they felt the power coming from Victor.

"...Damn monster." Vlad couldn't help but mutter.

Victor Alucard achieved divinity.


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