Chapter 861: Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter, Three Generations In One Room. 2

Outside the Nightmare Tower, Scathach, Gaia, Nyx, Jeanne, and Morgana were observing this scene.

"... This... This... This is nonsense, isn't it how the soul works. How can it simply split into 3!?" Gaia was extremely frustrated as a mother goddess; she knew from her own experience how souls work, she had 'observed' this phenomenon several times, the same applied to Nyx, who also had lesser concepts like Death, although not as strong as her own son Thanatos.

The two primordial goddesses were completely shocked by what they had just heard and seen.

A stranger's soul inhabiting a body for so long without the body noticing? A second personality gaining self-awareness enough to become a completely different entity?

That's not how it works!

"First time?" Scathach asked the two goddesses.

"Huh?" The two were very confused by Scathach's question.

"I asked if this is the first time?"

"First time for what?" Nyx replied.

"That Victor is doing something so 'absurd'?" Scathach elaborated.

"I mean... Not really?" She replied; after all, she had seen a mortal confront three primordial gods head-on, and had also seen this same mortal create a planet, of course, with her help, Gaia, Natalia [who is also a mortal], and Jeanne, but it still remained an extraordinary feat.

Not to mention that this same planet he created with the girls is located in a dimension within his own soul, how absurd is that?

He basically has a whole little universe inside him, with his own hell and paradise. He has already done many god-level things, so it's strange to call him a mortal.

"I suggest you don't think too deeply about it. Victor has a peculiar way of interacting with the world around him, and now, as a dragon, he can do even more things that would be 'impossible' or even 'difficult' for the primordial gods."

Could the primordial gods create a planet? Yes, if a god of space and a mother goddess worked together, they could do it.

But the main problem for this feat to be possible is... Energy. Even with all of Victor's vast energy, he was almost exhausted when he finished nourishing the planet; if it were any other god or even primordial gods, they would have already died because their souls would have been used as energy.

While Nyx and Gaia were pondering Victor's peculiarities as an abnormal being, Scathach, Jeanne, and Morgana were observing the interactions of the Fulgers, specifically Carmila Fulger.

"That wasn't the woman I knew in the past." Morgana pointed out.

"Time changes people. In Carmilla's case, death changed her." Scathach spoke, she was living proof that time changes people.

"Hmm... To be honest, she's better this way; she used to be too rigid." Jeanne spoke.

That was something both women could agree on.


"... And to think that such a problem existed in our family..." Victoria murmured in shock; she never knew that because their ancestor was a spirit, they couldn't reach a certain level of strength without risking death due to the evolution they would naturally undergo as spirits.

Sasha remained silent and just looked at Victor for him to continue the explanation, which Victor did in quite some detail, starting with the spirits in particular.

Unlike many races out there, nature spirits are essentially souls, very strong souls that even with a vampire progenitor changing the species along with the soul, that remaining 1% of the spirit's essence that stays in the being's body is enough to influence the entire core of the being.

It's no wonder that when they reach a certain level of strength, the process to evolve into a high-level spirit occurs.

This is not an isolated case; races that are spiritually stronger when changed to become a noble vampire by a progenitor, aspects of their old race still remain with them.

An example of this is Morgana herself; she was a demon, essentially a malevolent spirit, and when she became a vampire, she still retained the physical and soul characteristics of when she was a demon.

Although it's only 1%, it has a significant influence in cases like this.

In the case of Natashia, and the Fulger Clan now, the situation is even more delicate because of a single factor... Victor's nourishing blood.

Natashia, and especially Sasha, have been feeding on this blood for a long time.

When he was just a vampire progenitor, his blood only nourished the girls, raising their potential and leaving them in their best 'ideal' state.

When he merged with Roxanne, the girls began to experience a slight increase in soul potency, an increase so subtle that they didn't feel anything.

When he became a blood dragon, which is the fusion of two races, this progress shot through the roof, not to mention that this nightmare tower nourished the girls' souls more efficiently.

It would be strange if some mutation did not occur in the girls due to all these factors.

Natashia had two souls inside her, her own and her mother's, a fact she didn't know. However, due to past events, she acquired a second personality, a personality that took her place until Victor 'awakened' her.

When Victor awakened her and made her into a good mother, a good woman, a good clan leader, indirectly, he was telling Natashia to ignore the existence of Naty.

Something that Natashia did unconsciously, and it turned out that this event, along with all the previous events explained about Victor's evolution, led this second personality to develop its own soul.

Naty was Natashia, but at the same time, not; she was like a version that appeared to protect Natashia from her trauma, an even more unrestrained and 'evil' version.

"What a fucking mess. Who would have thought that my mother ignoring her mental problems would make this whole situation happen?" Sasha cursed when Victor finished explaining what was happening.

Victor nodded in agreement with what Sasha said. It was a long explanation that lasted over 2 hours. Honestly, he instinctively wanted to summarize many things, but he didn't, after all, it was important for Sasha and Victoria to know what was happening.

To be honest, neither he nor Natashia were at fault for this situation; it all happened so... naturally. They didn't notice anything.

'In the supernatural world, ignoring mental problems can lead to various unknown issues, and we're not entirely sure of the effects it might cause... Noted, I'll remember that for the future,' Victor thought internally.

Victor glanced briefly at Carmila and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the blonde lying on the single bed next to Natashia.

Seeing Victor's gaze, Naty quickly got up from where she was sitting and went towards her mother.


"... Eh?"

"Wake up!" Naty pulled the sheet forcefully, causing the woman to fall to the floor.

"Ugh, what are you doing? I was sleeping."

"That's exactly why. How can you sleep now!?"

"But, it was boring! Look, even she fell asleep!" Camila pointed to a spot.

Victor, Sasha, and Naty looked to where she was pointing and saw Roxanne sleeping on a bed of leaves she had created herself.


[Roxanne, Get up, now.]

"... Fuee?..." Roxanne opened her eyes drowsily and when she looked at Victor and saw his gaze, her body instantly chilled, and she woke up. "I'm up! I wasn't sleeping. I was just testing my new bed!"

Victor felt a headache coming on when he felt Natashia waking up again; her body froze when she felt her mother's presence.

"... So it wasn't a dream..." Natashia spoke.

'Haah, this is going to be a long night.'


Five shadows appeared near the powerful women, and then five women with Asian features appeared.

"... Your Majesty... Huh?" The leader of this squad, a member of the Blank Clan, looked around confused. She tried to approach Victor but ended up appearing near the tower.

With quick thinking, the squad leader quickly understood that he was inside the Nightmare Tower, a place that only a few people could enter. This meant that he was currently unavailable, and she couldn't carry out her mission...

"Hmm? Blank Clan members... What happened? Are you looking for Victor?" Morgana asked curiously.


"In that case, you'll have to wait a bit; he's dealing with some issues."

"... It's an urgent matter." These words made Jeanne and Scathach look towards the squad leader.

"What happened?" Scathach asked.

Instead of saying anything, the woman pulled a Dark Orb from her pocket and handed it to Scathach.

Knowing how to use the Orb, Scathach used the item, and soon she 'saw' the report.

Five seconds later, after finishing reading the report, her expression was cold, and the atmosphere around her began to cool rapidly; it was obvious that she did not like what she saw in the report.

"Scathach? What happened?" Jeanne asked.

"See for yourself." Scathach handed the Orb to Jeanne.

Jeanne took the Orb and did the same thing as Scathach. Just like the redhead, Jeanne's expression turned completely cold.

"Darling won't like this, he won't like it at all." Jeanne growled irritably.

"Jeanne-." Before Morgana could ask something, Jeanne had already given the Orb to her.

The same scene repeated itself, but this time more intense; after all, Morgana was never an example of control like Scathach and Jeanne.

"... Who is behind this?" Morgana asked the squad leader, who was now sweating heavily due to the intensity of the auras of the women, but still maintained her composure; after all, due to their connection with Victor and their dangerous work, their lord had made sure to 'enhance' them by giving them drops of his own blood.

They were Victor's elite, directly under his command, with Kaguya as the second-in-command.

"No proof of the responsible party was found, but we have suspects. The top of the list is the Egyptian pantheon." The woman pulled out a long list of suspects with over 777 names and handed it to the wives.

"Our intelligence, and the king himself, warned us to be cautious of the Egyptian pantheon because of the events of the war."

"Seth... That fool doesn't value his own life." Morgana growled. After the war, just like Athena and Poseidon, Seth also received his 'VIP' treatment.

But unlike Poseidon and Athena, who still received this treatment, Seth was released from this incredible reward and returned home... Of course, he wasn't in good condition.

Victor made sure to damage him in the cruelest and most psychotic way possible; not even the gods related to healing could fix Seth now. After all, it wasn't just a physical problem; his soul had also been systematically destroyed, a torture technique that Morgana knew very well.

Lily Baal, now known as Lily Alucard, one of the generals and lovers of Victor, a Succubus who is the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, was the one who inspired Victor in this torture. Thanks to this morbid union, the two torturers became even more experienced in damaging a being irreparably.

"Can I see the report?" Nyx asked curiously.

Morgana tossed the Orb in Nyx's direction, and the scene repeated. A few seconds later, when she finished reading the report, the goddess frowned.

"This is ridiculous, did they really go through with this? Don't they know that such an attitude will only anger Victor?" Nyx spoke as she passed the Orb to Gaia, who did the same as the girls.

When she saw the report, the goddess didn't react much; she just thought for a moment and shrugged. It wasn't her problem. If Victor asked for help, she would help, but if he didn't ask for help, she would only take care of the planet and the Nightmare Tower. Although she didn't want to get involved in this problem, she still had some opinions to share.

"No matter how much Seth is harmed, Ra, the god of the sky and God King of the Egyptian pantheon, wouldn't accept such nonsense."

"Ra is a man who knows how to choose his battles well, and fighting against a being who defied an entire pantheon, evolved into a Dragon Progenitor, and has an unknown strength at his command is completely ridiculous; he would never make such a decision."

Silence fell over the place until Scathach spoke:

"People change, Gaia. And that applies to gods too."

"I know, but the difference is that gods take longer to change unless something significant happens." Gaia wasn't wrong, and everyone here knew it.

"My point is that something strange is happening; the God King I knew wouldn't make such a reckless decision." Gaia explained.

"In that case... There are two options, Seth is acting alone, or Ra is helping him because of some internal politics that we don't know about." Morgana spoke.

"Limiting it to just two thoughts is a mistake, and judging something without much concrete information is another mistake... Expect the unexpected, and prepare for it."

Silence fell in the place, and all of them were pondering Scathach's words.

Jeanne sighed and said, "So what we should do is obvious." Her eyes glowed in gold.

"... What?"

"The Victor factor."


"The reverse scale of our dragon husband, that's us. If anyone dares to touch us, literal hell will break loose on that individual."

The 'us' that Jeanne was referring to was Victor's entire family.

There's a reason why Niklaus and James no longer leave their dens; they are afraid of the irrationality Victor has become.

"Are you sure she was a demon general?"

"It's precisely because I'm a general that I say this attitude is too passive; we have the big guns, we should just put them on the table, make them swallow their pride, and bow down, or be annihilated."

Scathach nodded, "The problem is that this doesn't work for the gods; they'd rather be destroyed than bow down to someone, especially the arrogant god-

king species."

"Besides, we need allies for the future, and more importantly, we must not isolate ourselves. We're at a point in our faction where destroying everything is no longer the correct answer."

"Yes, we have the firepower, and we won't bow down, but we also won't provoke a war. The war should happen through 'legitimate defense,' and we should only go after the 'responsible parties.' That way, everyone will see that we're not crazy murderers who destroy pantheons."

Morgana thought for a moment about Scathach's words and grunted in agreement; she didn't like this passive attitude, but she understood it.

"You're discussing and debating this in such a beautiful setting," Jeanne said, "but you're forgetting something."

"... What?"

"The Victor factor."

"... Oh."

"The reverse scale of our dragon husband, that's us. If anyone dares to touch us, literal hell will break loose on that individual."

The 'us' Jeanne was talking about was Victor's entire family.

There's a reason why Niklaus and James no longer leave their dens; they are afraid of the irrationality Victor has become.

"I suggest not making any decisions until you talk to him about it… Knowing our husband, and his paranoia, he should already know about this, after all, he doesn't just have a group of spies and assassins at his side." Jeanne spoke, pointing out that the shadow demons had the same function as the Blank Clan.

Scathach and Morgana nodded in agreement with Jeanne's words.


In Earth's space, a 3 meter tall woman in a futuristic suit stood looking at the planet below her.

Feeling several powerful presences gathering in one location, a thought crossed her mind.

'It's starting…' She looked towards the land of the primordial.

She still couldn't believe that on a planet so far from the cosmos there was a primordial being stationed here. Mainly the primordial one that is responsible for maintaining the balance by trapping everyone in its prison.

'This planet is strange… There are many abnormally powerful beings here'

"Are you going to attend the meeting too?"

The woman felt a chill run down her spine when she felt someone speaking near her, the moment she turned around, she saw the primordial she was thinking about there.

"... I can?"

"Yes, after all, you just want to go to that place to look for allies, correct?"

The woman just nodded, still very wary of offending the being in front of her.

"If that's all, you have my permission."

The moment The Limbo Guy said this, the woman felt that she could enter the location where those powerful beings were gathering, she even 'knew' the exact location now, and not only did she have a 'feeling' of uncertainty.

The only reason she felt something was that several powerful beings were going to the same place, it would be strange for her not to feel anything, but despite feeling it, she couldn't tell where they were going... But now, this whole problem just disappears with few words.

'Just how easy would it be for him to solve my planet's problem?' She thought with trepidation, a thought that didn't last long, after all, she knew very well the role of these powerful beings in the cosmos.

"The meeting will start in 5 hours, I suggest that you observe everyone before approaching anyone, after all, perhaps your first choice is not always the correct choice."

The woman didn't need to think twice to understand that this 'someone' was the recent dragon who was the reason for this meeting.

"I will keep that in mind." She answered.

The Limbo Guy just nodded, and then he disappeared, probably returning to her territory.

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