Chapter 858: A day full of surprises.

"As in the seven hells-..."

"There are three now Aphrodite." Victor pointed out.

"LIKE IN THE THREE HELLS, you go to Samar and come home with a new wife!?" Aphrodite roared, her eyes glowed neon pink, and her wings opened showing her emotional state.

"That, that tells him." Metis muttered in a low voice cheering on the irritated female dragon.

Jeanne looked at Metis with a bit of amusement in her eyes, the girl must have been through a lot in Samar to be reacting like that.

"What were you doing Scathach, and Metis!? Why didn't they stop it!?"

"Eh?" Metis blinked in surprise when this woman turned her gaze towards her.

Scathach who was sitting on the throne she created looking at her nails said: "I was very satisfied being loved, thank you very much." She responded disinterestedly.

These words made Aphrodite's reptilian pupils narrow even more dangerously, and she looked at Metis.

"...I...I...I was bathing in the sea..." She couldn't say she was there to calm down.

"... You were bathing in the sea..." Aphrodite repeated as if she heard something unbelievable.

"Unbelievable!" She roared, "You should watch him! You are his daughter!"

"Ugh." Metis wondered how that curveball got back to her.

"You too Roxanne! You are always with him, you must control him!"

"...Aphrodite, tell me. Can you control an apocalyptic beast?" Roxanne asked.

"I am unable." Aphrodite was honest.

"Exactly." Roxanne nodded.

"Ugh." Ahprodite grumbled.

"We made a deal, Victor! You should fuck Hestia first, not other goddesses out there! She should be the next goddess wife!"

"...That's literally the first time I've heard that." Victor spoke blankly, he doesn't remember making a deal with Aphrodite about this.

"Oyy!! Don't make deals about me when I'm not there!" Hestia blushed with a feeling of shame and anger.

"Like I said, I don't remember doing that."

"Yes, you did. In my mind." Aphrodite said, "I even heard you intending on me."

Victor speechless. 'Is this woman serious?' She wondered if Aphrodite went completely crazy after she evolved into a dragon.

"As you promised me! You must fuck Hestia first, and you must not look for other goddesses!"

"Shut up Aphrodite! Stop talking fuck! And I'm not going to do that!"

Morgana approaches Jeanne. "She's in complete denial, isn't she?" She muttered in a low voice.

"This is partly Aphrodite's fault for bringing this up like this, if it weren't for her, Hestia would have already become one of our sisters." Jeanne whispered back.

"Naturalness is necessary, huh." Morgana reflected.


"You two! I wouldn't be with anyone! Stop putting words in my mouth and actions! I swore virginity! And I will never betray my oath!" Hestia roared, still embarrassed and angry, why is she saying such things here!?

"Arthemis and Athena also swore their virginity, the former is very eager to bed Victor, and the latter... Well, is having a 'good' time with the medusa monsters." Jeanne spoke.

And those words made Metis, and Hestia frown a little for different reasons.

Metis was because Athena was her daughter, a daughter she doesn't remember having, a woman who had harmed someone related to Victor and was paying for it now.

Hestia because she was compared to these two weak women, she won't fall for some handsome man, okay? She is much stronger than them! She will keep her divine oath!

Victor assessed Metis' reaction for a few seconds, he was looking for any feelings Metis might have towards Athena. Fortunately, it seems the goddess hadn't.

"Father!" Ophis, and Nero appeared and jumped at Victor.

"Oh... Hey, Girls." Victor crouches down, and lets the two hug him, when they hugged him, his body reacted instinctively, and his arms appeared and enveloped them both.

"I missed my little angels." He said.

"I missed you too Father... And don't call me angel... It's shameful." Nero spoke with his cheeks a little red.

"Mmm." Ophis just nodded, not caring about anything.

Victor laughed gently: "Unfortunately, that's not something I can do."

"...Just...Just call me as little as possible, please..." Nero blushed deeply.

"Hmm~, I will think about it." Victor replied as he moved away from the girls a little, controlling his wings to open, and contract behind his back.

"Father!" She was slightly upset that he didn't give a concrete answer, but she was still happy to be hugging him so she didn't mind too much.

"Father... Evil Father... Upset." Even though Ophis' speech was fractured, Victor completely understood what she was saying.

Victor looked at Ophis, specifically her soul, he saw that her soul had traces of the special soul that forms a Progenitor, since Victor achieved this dragon form, he had the intention of making this Progenitor part of Ophis grow for her become a full Progenitor by right, but... That wasn't possible.

Even with all his current soul powers, he can't do this, it's as if someone is purposely preventing him from doing this.

And if Victor were to think of someone who could do this it would be the 'balance', the semi-conscious beings that represent negativity and positivity throughout the universe.

The rule is clear, there can only be one Progenitor of each race per era, if the Progenitor of a race is alive, another Progenitor cannot ascend.

Therefore, Victor judged that unless Vlad dies permanently, Ophis' status will not change, the fact that she was born with 50% of a Progenitor's blood and soul was proof enough that she was being considered to be the next Progenitor.

There are no coincidences when something is related to the creation of a Progenitor, a demon king, and the bond with a world tree. These matters are very 'specific' and any error can cause a major imbalance.

Does this mean that someone is invisibly controlling Victor's actions? Wrong, that's not it.

The correct answer to this question would be, the 'balance' acts indirectly to ensure that something happens, but whether this happens or not depends entirely on the individual themselves.

For example, if all the challenges Victor went through, he had failed in some, and he had died. What would have happened?

Nothing, the Progenitor of the vampires was still alive, and the balance would be preserved, but as he managed to persevere and win, he became a Progenitor of a completely new race, thus achieving an even more powerful balance.

As someone who observes the system daily whenever he can, and tries to understand it, Victor can understand the implications that its existence is having on the world.

No matter what you say, the Progenitor of the blood dragons, a race that is the perfect fusion of a dragon and vampire, a being that is bound to a full-

grown world tree, is simply too powerful an existence to be allowed to live without happening. 'balance'.

It was these thoughts, and the warning from the deity of Ares, along with the experience he had with that invader, and the words he exchanged with Aurora that made Victor understand that he needs to be prepared like he has never been before.

In other words, he needs to make all his people strong, he needs new elites, he needs new allies, he needs to conquer!

The time of going around annihilating beings like he did before is over, he no longer has the luxury of doing it in an unrestrained way.

Aphrodite's emotions became calmer when she saw this scene, to be honest, she doesn't even know why she exploded with anger. Yes, she was irritated that he was going after another goddess, but the reason for her irritation was because that other goddess was not Hestia. She wanted her friend to feel the happiness he can give her soon!

'Dragon instincts... Ugh, I need to control myself more.' Aphrodite grumbled.

She looks to the side, and sees Hestia staring at the appearance of Victor and his daughters.

A smile appeared on the dragon goddess's face, and she sneakily approached Hestia.

"Are you enjoying?"

A cold ran through Hestia's entire body, and she jumped, startled, along with a strange scream:


"Aphrodite! Stop doing that!"

"Fufufufu~. You like it, right?"


"Don't act innocent." Like a viper, Aphrodite snuck up on Hestia, and spoke into her ear.

"You like the way he looks, you like what you see, you like how he always values his family above anything else... I can see, Hestia... Your divinity has never been as strong as it is now, right? "

"Let go of me!" Hestia roared as she backed away from Aphrodite.

"As long as you bless this family, your power has never been stronger, since you sneakily gave your blessing to Victor, your 'family' power has become even stronger."


"Although I don't have feelings as high as my husband, my senses aren't bad, especially in my current state." Her eyes glowed faintly neon pink.

"Hestia, you are at the peak of your strength now, all because of this family's influence." Aphrodite crossed her arms, emphasizing her large breasts.

She slowly approached Hestia again: "Not only that, the feeling you receive every day from our family member made you feel satisfied like the goddess of the home."

"Not to mention Victor's efforts to promote his name."

Just like the goddess of luck Tyche, the goddess who had her name said the most was Hestia.

"Even in my husband's own religion, you are called one of the wife goddesses of the blood god."

"...Eh? When did this... Ah! That explains why so many women have started praying to me recently... Wait, GODDESS WIFE!?"

"I'm a virgin! I'm nobody's wife!" The first words made her die of embarrassment, why was she shouting that around? It's all Aphrodite's fault.

Hestia couldn't help but stare with hostile eyes at Aphrodite, eyes that the goddess of beauty completely ignored.

Like a demon, Aphrodite whispered in her ear: "... Lies, you're dying to lose this 'status' of virginity, right? You're dying to feel what we all feel every day, you're dying to be filled with his seeds, and get pregnant."

Hestia's face became even redder, she was hyperventilating now, her body was becoming hotter, her breathing became heavy, she could clearly 'imagine' the scenes that Aphrodite painted.

"...Are you sure she isn't a demon instead of a goddess?" Morgana pointed out.

"Well, gods and demons aren't that different." Jeanne spoke.

"... Now that you say it... It's true, isn't it?"

"Father, what are they talking about? Some words are missing." Ophis asked curiously.

"Just ignore them, it's the way they play with each other." Victor replied to Ophis.

Nero watched this interaction with amusement, she knew very well that her father was filtering the obscene words these women were saying into Ophis' ears, an act he no longer does to her, after all, she is already a grown girl compared to with Ophis.

Not to mention that it would be crazy to hide this from her, the environment in which she grew up, and when she escaped through the criminal underworld, she saw a lot of shit that happened in the world.

Compared to Ophis who was always protected, Nero was more experienced.

"Hmm... Whatever... Father, will you teach us today?" Ophis shrugged, she didn't care, all she cared about now was her father.

"Of course, I'll just go check on your mothers, and I'll train you two. Do you want to come with me?"

"Mmm!" Ophis wasted no time and jumped on her shoulder.

"AHHH! Ophis, you are unfair." Nero grumbled.

"Blegh." Ophis sticks out her little tongue at Nero.

A vein pops in Nero's head. "Listen, young lady, don't stick your tongue out at your older sister! Do you want to get spanked!?"

"Humpf." Ophis snorted and hugged her father's head.

'This little one... She only does that when my father is around.' Nero grumbled.

"Jeanne, how are the preparations for the meeting going?"

Hearing what Victor said, Jeanne and Morgana quickly lost interest in the 'honey trap' that Aphrodite was preparing for Hestia to fall into, and said:

"Everything is prepared."


"Hell is ready too, with just one command from you, the legions of hell will move."

"Good…" Victor smiled with satisfaction: "How is my new commander?"

"...He arrived in Abaddon a few hours ago, his whole body was burned, it seems he fought with one of the mutated beasts that appeared with the union of hell."

"Mutated beasts?"

"...Oh, you don't know that yet, huh... Hmm, basically when hell was united with the other hells, all the demons underwent a metamorphosis, they evolved and became stronger, some biomes in hell were completely changed , and from these biomes several beasts much stronger than before appeared."

"Hell has become even more hellish than before, few demons will survive the lowest level of hell now."

"Another change was that Hell's Miasma production practically became 777x stronger than before, making it practically impossible to control the miasma now. Time in hell is passing even faster than before."

A toothy smile appeared on Victor's face: "My dear Morgana, there are few things I cannot control these days. This miasma? It will no longer be a problem when I go to hell, in my current state, I don't even need to lower the miasma to control the flow of hell's time."

Morgana nodded: "...What are you planning?"

"The demonic beasts of hell grow with the miasma, I will just offer them food, and the strongest one that survives this ecosystem will be my new pet, these beasts will be good mounts for my armies too."

Morgana nodded, only Victor would have a crazy idea like that, she personally saw what the beasts were like, and she is sure that no ordinary demon would be able to defeat them.

The horse's neighing was heard, and in the next moment a black war horse came out of the ground.


Another neigh is heard, and this makes Victor smile: "Very Well, if you insist."

Victor points his hand in a direction, and soon a red portal appears.

The horse neighs again, and heads towards the portal.


The moment Despair appears in hell, he started running towards the horizon, the abundant miasma of hell started to circle the horse, and soon something started to happen, the horse's previously green flames changed to a deep black, the body The horse began to grow, and the pure shadows became its body.

Despair, originally, was Death Horseman's horse, he was born from the same hell as that horseman, the hell where darkness reigned.

Given his master's words when acquiring a new 'mount', Despair will not allow this, the only mount he needs is him!

The horse's eyes glowed a deep violet, and soon the black flames began to turn neon violet.

A neigh is heard, but unlike before, this neigh sounded more like the roar of a beast, the demonic horse was evolving in response to the need.

And to evolve, he needed to return home, the hell made of pure darkness where he was born, the shadows of Despair's body begin to grow, and soon two wings made of pure darkness grow, and he flies towards the heavens, painting the Sky of neon violet, black of pure darkness, and light shades of crimson.


Victor looked at the comet of darkness traveling through the heavens of hell with a big smile on his face.

"This is getting interesting... I wonder what kind of surprise he will give me."

'Will it evolve into some sub-species of dragon?' Hard to say, after all, essentially Despair was a demon.

But Victor's surprises didn't stop there, the moment he closed the portal, he heard a meow.


"Zack... My Boy, where were you?" Victor noticed that his fat cat looked a little leaner and more muscular than before.

'Just what happened to my cat?'

Victor looked into the cat's shadows, and soon a woman from the Blank Clan stepped out of his shadows.

"Here, My King."

Victor takes the parchment containing the woman's report.

"Go rest."

"Yes." The woman nodded, and then disappeared into the shadows.

Victor opened the scroll and read the contents, and he opened his eyes slightly in shock at what he saw.

'And to think that this planet would cause such a significant change in it...' Victor could think of countless reasons why this change had happened.

Thanks to the influence of the planet and the planet's energy, Zack evolved from a very smart, lazy cat, to a more agile and almost predatory cat, it was as if he had become a lion from night to day.

'I need to pay attention to these effects so I don't get caught off guard.' Victor thought.


"Oh...?" Victor smiles slightly when he understands Zack's intentions, he picks up Ophis who was sitting on his shoulder, and puts her on the ground.

The next moment, he approaches Zack and crouches down.

"Are you sure?"

The cat's eyes were fixed on him proving his determination.

"Very well."

Victor bites his tongue and drops a drop of blood on his sharp nail, and then lets that drop fall into the cat's mouth.

When the drop fell into his mouth, nothing happened for a few seconds, until Zack's entire body was covered in pure crimson red power, and he began to glow, and grow.

"... This day is full of surprises, isn't it?" Jeanne spoke.

"Indeed." Victor couldn't help but agree.

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