Chapter 825: A Time with My Three Beautiful Vampire Wives

A beautiful and paradisiacal place, almost straight out of a fantasy book. The scent, although slightly different from what she was used to, was still the same scent she knew.

Violet nestled against Victor's body. "I missed this..."

"Indeed," Sasha nodded as she hugged him even tighter.

"Mm," Ruby simply nodded as she listened to Victor's heartbeat, which, despite being much slower compared to a normal Human's, was truly powerful. She could feel his essence bubbling with Energy.

It was not that Victor hadn't been paying attention to them; he was not like that. He always paid attention to them. After all, they were his first Wives, and as the first ones, they always received more attention than the others, especially Violet, who 'changed' Victor's life.

The problem was that there were usually other women around. Rarely did they get a chance to be with the original members.

"And to think that just a few years ago, he was just a normal Human..." Ruby murmured with a satisfied sigh. The position she was in now was very comfortable. Even though his body was rigid and impenetrable, [Literally] there was still a softness to his skin that was quite pleasant to touch.

"Yes... He's been through so much, huh?" Violet spoke. She was the one who 'observed' him the most, so it was even stranger for her, but at the same time, it made sense. After all, it was Victor. Since his transformation into a Vampire, he was never normal.

Instead of becoming a Vampire Slave as she thought he would, he ascended straight to the status of a Progenitor, although no one knew that would happen in the past.

From someone who could barely handle his school matters to someone who could bring an entire Pantheon to their knees. The transition from one status to the other was ridiculous, like comparing the distance between Heaven and Earth.

The incredible thing was that even through this ridiculous change, his essence remained the same. He was still the same Victor as in the beginning. A Family Man, an obsessive man, and a man who enjoyed fighting, the last being a trait he acquired later under the influence of Scathach Scarlett, another woman with a significant influence on his life.

"... We should have more meetings with just the three of us," Sasha suddenly said.

"I agree," Ruby fully supported this idea.

Their intention wasn't to assert their positions or anything like that. Their positions were already established. Their intention was to have more fun with the original 'group.'

Now that Victor had conquered a Pantheon and created a planet [literally], he'd be quieter for a while, right?... Right?

For some reason, they highly doubted that he would stay still for long. He was like a seeker of adventure, always moving forward, and since Fate was a bitch to him, he was destined to find trouble wherever he went.

"Seriously, can't that woman [Fate] leave him alone for a bit?" Ruby sighed.

She was sure Fate was a woman. After all, only a promiscuous woman would be capable of causing so much trouble for someone like him.

"Hmm, that can be arranged, but it all depends on Darling. After all, he's just accomplished so much, and he needs to show dominance, you know? All that old boring bureaucracy, he needs to establish it again."

Sasha stood up and looked at Violet. "Woman, he just made an entire Pantheon bow their heads in submission. Politics? What's that in front of Victor, who holds superior power?" She scoffed.

"Not to mention that most of these Gods are basically suicidal slaves until ordered otherwise," she added at the end.

"... Now that you mention it, that's true. The situation is different from before," Violet said after some thought.

"Arrogant Gods who treat all Mortals like cattle as suicidal slaves, huh... Heh, it feels pretty good, fufufufu," Ruby laughed.

"I wonder if I can experiment on them. I'll talk to Medusa later; she probably won't mind if I experiment on Athena."

Sasha and Violet just looked at Ruby with a complex expression.

"... What?" Ruby asked after seeing their looks.

"It's nothing... I'm just not used to seeing you play the role of an evil scientist," Violet said.

"Umu, umu," Sasha nodded several times. "It's quite disturbing, honestly. You're too engrossed in your lab, Ruby."

"...." Ruby's face turned slightly red in embarrassment, and then she hid her face in Victor's chest as she spoke:

"It's not my fault, okay? It's just so interesting..."

"Just what's so interesting about it?" Sasha tilted her head from side to side; she couldn't understand, so she didn't think too much about it and went to hug Victor.

"Not to mention that I haven't seen any of your projects yet. Are you really doing good work?" Violet asked as she rested her chin on Victor's shoulder.

"Well, about that, it's not my fault. My field is more in genetics, and it's not that easy to tinker with genetics, you know? This isn't the Marvel Universe, where everyone's making clones from a strand of hair. The DNA of powerful Beings is hard to decipher, especially someone unique like my Husband." Ruby grumbled.

"Although, I'm getting close to a breakthrough. Soon, I'll have various dolls at my disposal..."


"Beings similar to Nightingale's monsters. I received several samples of them and managed to decipher their genetic code. I can create those monsters too now."

".... Really?" Violet and Sasha asked incredulously.

"Yeah." Ruby smiled. "Along with those materials I got from the base we infiltrated... It's quite easy to recreate everything."

The two women stared at Ruby in a long moment of silence until they smiled and spoke.

"Good job, Ruby!"

"Umu." Ruby nodded while blushing a bit, unaccustomed to such praise.

"Sigh... Violet will become an Empress, and Ruby will become a Mad Scientist. I wonder what I should do." Sasha said with a bit of depression as if she were the only one with nothing to do.

"Hey, that Mad part is nonsense. I'm not crazy!" Ruby protested.

Violet and Sasha completely ignored Ruby's statement; after all, they were all a bit crazy in their own ways.

"Hmm... Darling needs a bit of 'kindness' in his Faction, and you've always been that in our relationship. He even admitted that there are certain actions he doesn't take because he's a little afraid you won't approve."

"Yeah, I remember that..." Sasha thought about the past.

Unlike Ruby and Violet, Sasha was the most 'noble' of the group, and she was genuinely good. Her actions were only 'bad' or drastic when someone confronted her, but other than that, her actions were usually directed towards 'good.'

Perhaps Julia's influence on Sasha's life was the reason for this; after all, given the environment she grew up in, she could have become emotionally unbalanced.

But thanks to Julia, who acted as a cornerstone in Sasha's childhood, she didn't stray too far. She was still good by Supernatural standards.

"So why don't you create a Knights' Order?" Violet suggested.

"... Knights' Order?" Sasha raised an eyebrow.

Ruby's eyes sparkled as her otaku side wanted to make several comments, but she wisely decided to stay quiet.

"Yeah. Think about it: I'm the Empress." Violet pointed at herself. "Ruby is the Mad Scientist."

"Hey! I'm not Mad!"

Once again, they ignored her.

"And you'll be the Leader of The Knights' Order."

"... I see. So you're the neutral woman, Ruby is the bad woman, and I'm the good woman, huh..." Sasha said.

"Balance, right?" Violet smiled.

"Again, I take offense at that. I'm not bad! Why can't Violet have that position? I refuse!" Ruby growled.

"Not to mention, this way, you're reviving a legacy of your grandmother. After all, she was a 'Knight,' right?"

"And with The Knights' Order, you can attract Wives with good character to your group, like Mizuki, Hestia, Jeanne, Pepper, Lacus, Leona, Bruna, etc.," Violet explained.

The mentioned women might be a bit unbalanced, but their actions were mostly good, so they could be classified as 'good' women. They just had to do bad things in relation to those they had issues with or because they were deceived or mistaken about certain matters.

Very different from women like Agnes, Natashia, Violet, Roberta, and Morgana, who would set the world on fire with a smile on their faces.

... Well, all of them would set the world on fire with a smile on their faces if it were for Victor, but the good women would still have some reservations about it... But that didn't mean they wouldn't set the world on fire.

... In any case, the world would be set on fire.

Continuing, women with 'good' character would join this Order and do the 'right' thing for the Faction. This would balance out the 'bad' actions they would commit in the future.

Now that Violet thought about it, she wondered where Beings like Kaguya, Eve, Victor himself, and Scathach fit in?

They weren't exactly good or bad; you could say they were chaotic neutral. They had their goals and pursued them.

But from what she knew about Victor, if he saw an old man in need on the streets and he was nearby, he would genuinely help.

He was not a psychopath who killed innocents. Even in the massacre he committed with Supernatural Beings in Japan, he made sure to separate the innocent from the guilty.

But can that be called kindness? Or goodness? Hmm...

'Ugh, all this morality thinking disgusts me. I feel like vomiting.' Violet put her hand over her mouth with a slightly green face and snuggled even closer to Victor.

'It doesn't matter. As long as I have my Darling, the world can go to hell.' She thought as she tried to merge with Victor's body.

With Victor's current height [2 meters], they had enough space to enjoy his body.

One thing they noticed was that no matter what they did, he didn't move... In fact, he even seemed to be sinking a bit into the ground...

Out of curiosity, Violet tried to move Victor's white attire with all her Supernatural strength, but she couldn't.

'That's ridiculous, just how heavy is he?' Violet thought.

Seeing Violet's effort, only now did Sasha and Ruby realize that he really was VERY heavy.

'Well, he's a Dragon, right?' Violet thought of Zaladrac. Even though she was in 'Humanoid' Form, it's not like her weight magically disappeared. Her body was just condensed into a smaller form.

Because of this, Zaladrac didn't walk around. She just floated around, her feet several inches off the ground.

An action Violet noticed that Victor started to do as well.

'If I can't even lift Darling's arm... Just how heavy is he in his True Form?' She thought curiously. As a Dragon, she knew that the Form he was in now was not his 'real' Form but just a representation of what he would look like in a Humanoid Form.

As a Dragon, his form was more... Well, a Draconic. He was like Zaladrac. When Violet thought about it, she got curious.

'Just how big is he? After all, as a Progenitor, he can't be normal, right?'

Violet's eyes went to Ruby's voluptuous body, specifically, the area near her crotch… When she saw the small movement of Ruby's hips, and her neutral face a little flushed, and her breathing a little heavy,

She narrowed her eyes. "Ruby! What are you doing!?"

Ruby shuddered. "N-Nothing."

Sasha also raised herself up and narrowed her eyes at Ruby. Like a baby, she crawled to Ruby's hips and lifted her skirt abruptly.

"Kyaaa! Sasha!? What are you-."

"You Thot! You couldn't even wait!?" Sasha slapped Ruby's fat ass when she saw the sight in front of her. Victor's entire cock was entirely inside the woman! She could see that even her belly looked a little wider than usual. This was because Victor hadn't adjusted his size so as not to hurt the girl.

Vampires were basically shape shifting Beings. They could assume any size they wanted as long as they were proficient at it, and Victor, as Progenitor, was very good at it.

One thing that Violet and Sasha noticed was that the woman had the audacity to freeze her liquids so the smell wouldn't be sensed! She was very diligent.

"Ugh, I was horny, okay?" Ruby grumbled, and then she started bouncing up and down more willingly. Now that she'd been discovered, she didn't care anymore.

She let out a long, hot breath from her mouth, and hearts formed in her eyes.

"His domineering appearance that enslaved all those arrogant Gods… His new scent… His new everything! I want him so much!"

"..." Sasha and Violet narrowed their eyes when they saw Ruby's eyes.

Now, this is not an anime, okay? This is real life! The only woman who could have literal 'hearts' in her eyes, like in anime, was Aphrodite, but that was because of her Divinity of Love... I mean.

"Is this Aphrodite's influence?"

"Probably...?" Violet didn't care. She just cared about what she was seeing now.

She took a deep breath, and her hand unconsciously went to her private parts.

"Don't be Horny, Violet!"

"Ugh, I'm sorry, okay? But I was also like Ruby, but I was holding back because Victor said we couldn't have sex because we're too weak, but seeing Ruby now, I realized that-."

"Those words weren't just a warning."

Victor's sudden voice made everyone jump a little in surprise.

"D-Darling! You're awake?"

"Of course."

"Since when?"

"From the start." Victor smiled. "I didn't really 'black out' completely. I was awake having an internal conversation with Roxanne about my changes." Victor sat up and placed his hands on Ruby's hips.

Ruby blushed even more when she saw Victor's playful gaze.

"Can you get off the top for a bit?"

"Y-Yeah?" Ruby replied, confused, but she did as he asked and got off him. The obscene sound of his member coming out of her was heard, but nobody paid attention to it. The reason for that?

It was Victor's 'awesome' member.

"Is he like this normally? Is it not greater than before?" Ruby swallowed hard. 'Good thing I modified my interior, or I would be split in half.'

"Well, I am a Progenitor of Dragons." He said something that seemed to answer every question.

His member twitched, and in the next moment, 'something' came out of his member and exploded towards the sky, causing several sonic booms. If there were clouds in the sky now, a hole would definitely have been made.

"… Holy Jesus Christ… Was that it?" Sasha was speechless.

"My Cum."

"......" An awkward silence fell over the place.

"Superman Body, remember?" Victor laughed.

"I never understood how Clark managed to impregnate Lois. I think it's the script's fault. After all, with his body, even a normal and intimate act could be deadly for someone as weak as Lois."


"Or maybe it's that red sun bullshit? Hmm…" Victor tapped his chin thoughtfully.

'The body and applied force can be controlled. Eventually, I'll be able to do that too, but controlling your own biology? Could he do that too?' Victor thought.

Victor's recent demonstration was enough to understand that everything inside him was 'super', even his liquids. He believed that the same must apply to The Man of Steel as well.

"Now, I understand what you meant when you said it was dangerous for us," Violet sighed. Vampire or not, if she got that shot into her womb, she was going to be pierced from the inside out. [literally speaking.]

"Mm." Victor nodded.

"Until I find a way to 'lower the level' of my biological processes and strength, the only option we have is for you to get stronger."

'Well, I have the option of having ABSOLUTE control over my entire body, but that's easier said than done,' He thought. Having complete control over his body meant that he consciously controlled every part of his body, and that was something extremely difficult to do for a 'huge' Being like him.

"So, no sex?" Ruby muttered.


"Ugh," Ruby grumbled, dissatisfied.

Victor laughed. "Don't worry, there are other 'interesting' ways to do this act."

Seeing the crimson-hued violet gaze of Victor, Ruby, Violet, and Sasha shuddered.

"W-Wait." Ruby tried to say something, but it was too late.

Victor spoke several words in the Draconic Language.

"Vanish. Constraint. Levitation."

The next moment, Ruby was floating in front of Victor. Her whole body was tied together in the shape of a perfect turtle.

"HMMhmmh!?" Ruby tried to say something, but her mouth was covered by a toy.

"Using Draconic Runes to do this… Your Ancestors will be ashamed, young man!" Sasha commented, embarrassed.

"My Ancestors can turn over in their graves for all I care. I will do as I please… For now, I will punish my naughty Wife who took advantage of her unconscious Husband."

"HmmmhMM!" Despite looking indignant and resentful, the glint of amusement in Ruby's eyes was visible.

"... I wonder if Scathach is like this too..." Violet spoke as she watched with a flushed look at what Victor was doing with Ruby.

"Probably. After all, she had to have inherited it from somewhere, right?" Sasha commented.

Seeing what was happening in front of them, they couldn't help but think. 'Should I try too?'


In another place.


"What is it, Mother?" Siena asked.

"Victor's presence has disappeared," Scathach spoke.

"Don't worry. He's just spending time with his Wives." Aphrodite displayed an innocent smile. As the Goddess related to Sexuality, she could feel someone doing the act from miles away.

Of course, she could block this feeling if she wanted to, but she didn't see the need to, seeing that there weren't any people other than their group on this planet. It'd been a long time since she felt this 'free'.

Seeing the 'innocent' smile that they ALL knew so well on Aphrodite, they couldn't help but roll their eyes.

"Oh…" That was Siena and Scathach's reaction, and then they shrugged and looked back at the building in front of them.

Their whole new house was being made with the girls' combined Powers, and making it as strong as possible.

"I just hope he doesn't kill them," Scathach muttered, but Aphrodite could pick out a trace of anger, jealousy, and possession in the woman's tone.

'Heh. This new form made her really honest, huh.' She thought.

Even for someone as experienced in controlling herself as Scathach, she was having a hard time acting like she used to, as if she didn't care about anything. After all, Dragons were very honest Beings when it came to their desires, especially a 'newborn' like Scathach.

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