Chapter 649: The wives want vengeance. 2



Natalia nodded and explained everything from the beginning again, this time in more detail.


Everyone listened in silence; the gnashing of teeth from Sasha and Jeanne was heard clearly as both women heard that Nero and Ophis would almost have died if not for Victor.


For the two gentle women, that was enough to bestow whoever the enemy was with torture worse than hell.


A feeling that was shared by all the women present. All who relate to Victor look at Nero and Ophis as if they were their own daughters, and knowing that someone attacked their children does not make a mother very calm.


With even greater coldness than before, showing the icy anger that was inside her, Ruby commented:


"A poison that uses the properties of a hybrid, the hunter's magic, and the poison of monsters... A dangerous weapon that was able to temporarily weaken the vampire king, Vlad Dracul Tepes... And a strange skill that was able to seal away the skills of the Alioth Clan. They know vampires and their weaknesses very well."


Nero shuddered when she heard the first part Ruby spoke.


'Father suffered this because of me...?' Memories of the time she spent in that laboratory started to play in her head, which made her expression even more depressed, and her feelings were visible to everyone.


Just as she was about to fall further into that bottomless pit of self-pity, she felt an extremely cold hand touch her shoulder.


"Calm down."


"... Ruby..."


"You're not the only hybrid out there. Could they have created this weapon with the experiment you underwent? Maybe, but it's not your fault. You are the victim of this situation."


"Never think that Darling suffered this because of you, he protected you, his daughter, and that is something any father does for his daughter."


Ruby's cold and sharp words were a strange form of comfort. Ruby didn't speak flowery words of comfort, she was direct and cold, and that helped Nero more than she could imagine.


'... What a strange way to comfort someone, but... I guess that's Ruby's style. ' Sasha thought with amusement.


Ruby, while still holding Nero, looked back at the girls:


"Hybrids... I only know of two groups that have them."


"Niklaus Horseman, I'm sure he still has a hybrid with him."


"Next is the Ex-General of The Inquisition, James; it's possible he also has a hybrid."


"When Nicholas fled from Nightingale, he went to the monsters' territory. I remember at the time, I wanted to get rid of the man completely, and I had my sister send some swift members of Clan Fulger to follow them." Natashia said.


"Theo used the same poison on Vlad. Was that the work of Nicholas too?" Jeanne asked.


"Theo was possibly influenced," Sasha said.


"What do you mean by 'influenced'?" Violet asked.


"I'm saying I think the king of the vampires, Vlad, would find it very difficult to ignore a snake in his own garden, whether that snake was his son or not. He did not strike me as someone who acts out of sympathy and kindness where Nightingale is involved."

"Theo could have been influenced by other individuals, and the king kept him close to try to find out who he was."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right?" Sasha spoke while looking at Ruby, who fell back into her thoughts.


"… And you are correct about that. Anyone who threatens Nightingale is an enemy to Vlad, even if they are his children." Morgana spoke in disdain.

"He's a king before a father. That's the responsibility he has for everyone..." Jeanne added, and when she felt Morgana's gaze, she continued, "Although it's not fair to his own family."

Morgana snorted and turned away.


"But that doesn't explain him not doing anything about his wives cheating," Agnes spoke.


"Vlad is a flawed dragon." Jeanne started to explain, seeing that she had everyone's attention, she continued:


"He's a dragon because he likes to keep 'treasure' close to him, but he's 'flawed' because he lets someone covet that treasure and doesn't really care for his treasure, he just hoards it, and leaves it in his territory, but if someone dares to remove the treasure from his field of vision, he will get angry."


"… That is complete bullshit; just what kind of mentality is that?" Maria couldn't help but say something that Violet and Agnes completely agreed with.

'He allows someone to touch his treasure, but does not allow them to remove it from his field of vision...? Huh? What sick mentality is this?' Kaguya thought.

"I can't imagine anyone being like that…" Eve murmured.

"People are different, and some are more broken than others. For him, he is right, while for us, he is wrong. It's a matter of perspective." Roberta spoke.

"But even so, letting someone touch your 'treasure' and not doing anything? It's something I can't imagine. At least Master would never do that." Bruno spoke.

"Of course not. He would kill everyone who approached us with that intent." Maria declared proudly.


The girls weren't dumb. They knew that the 'treasure' analogy here referred to everything Vlad owned, including his own wives.


"Probably, he just didn't care about his wives anymore. Who knows? I will not stand here trying to predict the mentality of a 5000 year old vampire who is mentally handicapped." Morgana grumbled and added:


"We have more important things to do."


"And that is something I can completely agree with," Aphrodite spoke.


The girls looked at Aphrodite. "While you were arguing, I tried to use our connection to discover Victor's location."


The girls opened their eyes wide.


"You can do that?" Ruby asked.


"Yes, you can. Essentially speaking, I'm just using Victor's soul fragment in my soul to locate his greater soul. That way, I can know where he is."


"Although it is somewhat difficult to use because it requires precise control of your energy and soul."


"Something that is not a problem for a goddess as ancient as Aphrodite," Rhea added.


"And then? Where is Darling? Stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point!" Violet asked.


Aphrodite wasn't mad at Violet. She completely understood the feelings she was going through right now; after all, she was going through the same thing.


"Victor is in hell."


"…Eh?" Everyone was taken aback by that statement; of all places, they didn't expect it to be hell.


"Precisely speaking, he's in biblical hell. Whatever that liquid was, it's powerful enough to send a living mortal straight to hell, where only bad souls, gods, or demons can enter."


Morgana broke into a cold sweat, "Wait, Wait! Hell is extremely toxic to anyone alive!"


"!!!!" The girls opened their eyes wide:


"Morgana, explain," Ruby said.


"It's like I said, the hell I came from is extremely toxic to the living. There's a reason why only demons and evil souls are the inhabitants of that place. That's because hell is basically a dimension full of miasma."


"There are places in Hell that even the strongest demons cannot carelessly enter because of the ridiculous concentration of miasma. It is an extremely hostile place for the living."


"Will V-Victor be okay?" Pepper asked with a worried expression.


"Remember, Roxanne is with him. She is a world tree of negativity, so hell is literally a second home to her." Kaguya spoke, and Pepper visibly calmed down, but what Kaguya added next made some even more worried.


"The problem is the other world tree. I don't know how world trees react to each other. As I understand it, the seven hells are derived from the negative world tree of Planet Earth."


"As for that, not a problem. It's strictly forbidden for two world trees to harm each other. My brother made that rule unspoken."


"… But that doesn't mean that other people ordered by the world tree can't harm Victor, right?" Kaguya added.


"....." Jeanne was silent, proving Kaguya's point.


"That's a possibility; I won't deny it. But it's pretty unlikely because, as far as I know, Victor hasn't done anything for a world tree to be mad at him."


"He hasn't YET... Don't underestimate my husband's ability to stir up trouble. We have to consider all possible scenarios, and even those that are impossible."


"…Ugh." Jeanne felt a headache coming on when she heard what Kaguya said.


"Hell is extremely toxic, anyone who isn't a special type of being entering there is capable of dying from the miasma, and there are places where even the strongest demons can die from this miasma… I see. Now I understand what happened." Ruby muttered.


"Ruby? What did you discover?"Natashia asked.


"Retracing all the steps from the beginning from Victor's point of view, I discovered a few things."


"By having a 'bad' vision of the future, he acted without thinking about the consequences, only with the aim of killing all enemies."


"When the final enemy died, the enemy said that the target was Victor all along."


"We can also understand that everyone else was also a target. What better way to harm Victor than by killing his loved ones?"


"Therefore, I can assume that, from the very beginning, the enemy's objective was to send Victor's entire group to hell because, in that place, the environment itself would kill those who are not resistant to hell. Thus taking less effort to eliminate several troublesome enemies."

'Consequently, they would save a lot of manpower and strong warriors to kill their enemies.' Ruby thought.


"This situation activated the future vision of death for the members of the group that Victor was in, and this vision made him act without caring about anything to change such a 'possible' future."


"Probably, in a bad future, only Victor would have survived this trap, but the vision of the future helped him change the bad result. That is a very powerful ability… And dangerous." Ruby looked at Agnes, then at Violet.


'Now, I understand why Agnes was so hysterical when she found out that Violet had awakened that power.' Ruby thought.


"..." The room was silent for a few seconds absorbing what Ruby said until she continued:


"The enemy is smart. They know a lot about Victor and have planned something that could kill an 'abnormal' Progenitor like him easily. In a normal case, even a Progenitor like Victor can't survive hell, but... They didn't know something."


"Victor's ability to Evolve... If this tactic had been used before, Victor would have died along with the group, but... Roxanne is with him now, so the demons sent Victor to a location that is basically his second home ."


Ruby facepalmed and started laughing coldly, "… Hahahaha~." It was a genuine laugh, extremely amused and relieved.


"They thought they were sending him to his death, but they ended up sending him to a place where he can get even stronger. I really don't want to be them right now."



"...Ruby, that doesn't change the fact that they attacked us, and they will pay for it," Sasha spoke in an extremely venomous tone, very unusual coming from one of the nicer women in the group.


"…That I completely agree with you." Ruby's cold gaze returned.


"Our enemies are Niklaus Horseman, the former General of The Inquisition, James, and possibly a few more unknown individuals who have an influence on the other races."


"… Do you think they banded together and made an organization or something?" Violet spoke.


"It is a very high possibility they all have a common goal, either with Nightingale or with Victor himself, and this poison cannot be made without the influence of several powerful people in his own race. So possibly we have an individual from the werewolves and demons too."

"Why werewolves?" Bruno asked.


"A werewolf bite is also a very bad thing for a vampire. Although it won't kill the vampire if it doesn't hit a vital spot, it still causes a lot of internal damage."

"And the demons are very obvious since miasma is harmful to any mortal in very high amounts."


"Eleonor didn't say anything about the poison having the essence of werewolves or miasma…" Natalia murmured.


"Maybe because she couldn't identify the correct properties, this is a poison that uses all of the vampires' weaknesses, so I won't ignore anything until I have a sample in hand… If I had a sample, maybe I could find something, but since I don't have it now."

"I will act on assumptions."

"Girls, from now on. Treat everyone we don't know as an enemy, and always exercise caution when interacting with other beings."

"Yes." They all spoke at the same time.


"Scathach and Haruna must know what happened, and we must send reinforcements to Eleonor," Sasha spoke and added:


"I will help Eleonor."


"We will, too," Ruby spoke for her group, which consists of her own older sisters.


'I need to investigate the fight location; maybe I'll find something that might be useful.' Ruby thought.


Sasha looked at all the Scarlett sisters and nodded.


"Daughter, take it." Natashia threw two golden daggers at Sasha.


Deftly enough, Sasha picked up the daggers and said, "Thanks, Mother."


"Monsters cannot die from these daggers, but it exponentially increases your basic powers, including speed and reaction time. Use them if necessary."


"I will."


"Vlad also needs to know what happened, I don't particularly like the man very much, but he will leave in a few hours for South Africa and fight someone at the level of a God King. He should be aware of possible traps." Jeanne spoke.


"Do you think Vlad will die?" Aphrodite asked.


"No, but he will possibly be weakened, and if he is weakened again because of his arrogant stance, it would be very troublesome for all of us as a Species. Like it or not, Vlad's existence prevents several arrogant God King level gods from invading Nightingale. His strength is very well known."


"..." The female vampires present nodded their heads in agreement with Jeanne.


"I will open the portal to Clan Adrasteia and the royal capital," Natalia spoke while extending both hands, and soon two portals appeared.


"The one on the left leads to Warfall, and the one on the right leads to the royal capital."


Sasha and the Scarlett sisters wasted no time and quickly jumped into the portal that led to Warfall.


The portal closed, and another instantly opened in place.


"This portal leads to Scathach's current location in Brazil."


"I will go," Agnes said. She couldn't bear to be passive now.


"Me too," Natashia spoke with the same feeling as Agnes.


Soon the two countesses were passed through the portal to join Scathach.


"I will stay here. Someone needs to protect everything if an invasion happens." Aphrodite spoke.


"I will stay too. I can't leave the kids alone now." Jeanne spoke.


The two women looked at Morgana.


"...Fine, I'll go see the bastard."


"Calm down your temper, and try not to attack him," Jeanne spoke.


"I know, I know." She huffed, "I'll be back in a few hours."


"Open a portal to Japan. I'll go talk to Haruna." Kaguya spoke.


"We'll go with you," Eve spoke for the group of Maids.


Kaguya just nodded, and when a portal appeared, the Maids quickly jumped toward it.


"Natalia, you should get some rest. The women will take a while to come back, and… Don't overexert yourself. No one could have expected the Alioth Clan's powers to have any countermeasures." Jeanne spoke in a gentle tone.


"No, my Clan and I have become very complacent over the years. We need to resolve this issue as soon as possible; we can't have our greatest weapon being denied by the enemy… I'm going to visit my father."


Natalia opened a portal and jumped into it. Soon she appeared in front of her father in the Alioth Clan's house, in a place that could only be accessed by members of the Alioth Clan.


"We need to talk."


Alexios shuddered, "... The last time I heard this, your mother almost castrated me, and you have the same expression as she did back then... What did I do?" he joked.


Unfortunately, Natalia had no time for jokes and got straight to the point, "A native of this planet nullified my ability to create portals."


Alexios' face changed to a serious expression:


"Sit down, and explain."


Natalia nodded.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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