Chapter 635: Sasha and Natashia's changes.

Natashia and Sasha Fulger were standing in front of Victor with neutral gazes.


"I will start." Victor's eyes began to glow blood red, and he focused on his blood in the two women's bodies.


"Ugh." The two groaned as they felt something shifting inside them.


And when that feeling started to amplify... Just like Violet and Agnes, they lost control of their Power.


Rumble, Rumble.


Lightning started coming out of their bodies and began erratically striking the area around them.


Expecting something similar, the girls didn't leave from behind the shield that Scathach and Victor created.


What about Victor, who was close to the explosions of power? ...Well, that power couldn't damage him. He didn't even feel anything to tell you the truth.


The golden glow started to get brighter, and the feeling of Power began to rise along with the light's intensity.


"Ugh, my eyes," Morgana grumbled; she could feel her retinas aching.


Roberta, who was watching this event, also had to turn away and looked at the 10 girls she'd summoned.


The appearance of these 10 girls, put simply, was exotic...


They had reptilian eyes and scaly skin ranging from yellow, red, green, and dark blue. In addition, they had hair that contained several snakes, and on top of that, they wore tribal clothing.


They were utterly different from Roberta when she used Medusa's power, which was expected. After all, Medusa was not a normal Gorgon.

"You can go back if you want."


"..." The Gorgon girls looked at each other and nodded.


"We will head back. Call us if you need us, Lady Roberta." The woman who had yellow scaly skin spoke.


"I will." Roberta smiled gently.


A Magic Circle appeared underneath Roberta, and soon the girls began to disappear.


"I'm curious. What is this Magic Circle?" Morgana asked.


"Calling it a Magic Circle is incorrect. I am not using Magic."


"… So what is it?" Ruby asked.


"I am invoking my subordinates through a link that only we have."


"...." The redhead and the succubus were silent for a few seconds until Scathach broke the silence.


"I see... Medusa gave her Blessing to the girls, right?"


"As expected of a Master; you have sharp eyes." Roberta exhibited a small smile and began to explain:


"Master Scathach is correct. Even as a Spirit, Medusa is still a Goddess. A low-level Goddess, but a Goddess nonetheless. She can Bless her own kind and create a 'Link' with that Blessing, allowing her to summon our subordinates."


"Therefore, it is more correct to say that this is a Technique derived from 'our' Concept, that is, it is 'Divine Power', not 'Magic' like the Witches use."


"..." The girls nodded as they remained silent; it took a while for Roberta's words to sink in.


"...I have a question, Roberta."


"Did you plan to reveal this secret?"


"I did. Medusa was against that idea."


"...." Kaguya, Maria, Bruna, and Eve narrowed their eyes.


"Don't look at me like that. It's hard to trust someone when you've previously been betrayed so deeply."


"..." The Maids' eyes softened a little. They knew of Medusa's 'Myth', and upon thinking about it, they began to understand Medusa's reasons for being silent.


"I presume Medusa held no ill will towards my Master, right?"


"Hmm, she didn't bear him ill will. In fact, she admired him. After all, he was one of the few who offended a Titan Goddess like Aphrodite, something she couldn't do at the time."


"...Oh, that happened, huh..." Ruby had already forgotten about that incident.


"Indeed. Medusa started to observe Victor more closely from that moment on..." Roberta spoke in a nostalgic tone and continued later:


"Everyone has a right to their secrets, Medusa and I are no different. Since we are an endangered species, staying silent and hidden is the best choice. Even now, those 10 women live on an island isolated from everyone."


"..." The girls just nodded. They understood Roberta's motives and understood that Roberta wouldn't harm Victor and that the older woman was very fond of him.


But it was still a complicated feeling that she hid this 'military' power all this time.


"Don't think about nonsense, Girls." Scathach began to speak in a neutral tone.


"It doesn't matter if she hid the Gorgons or not. That was Medusa's right as a Progenitor. She protected her Race, and nothing would have changed even if those girls had come sooner. Victor would do the same things he's always done."


"... He is very independent and irresponsible, although that small defect has improved with time, and he relies on us more now." Scathach ended.


"..." The girls realized that Scathach's words contained many truths. Roberta/Medusa were just protecting their Race.


Roberta smiled softly; she really admired the influence Scathach had on the girls.


"So what happened?" Violet asked.


"..." The girls looked at Agnes, Violet, and Kaguya.


"It's nothing. What were you doing?" Ruby asked as she noticed that Agnes and Violet wore an outfit similar to each other.


"My mom was just bugging me about something pointless." Violet snorted.


"...." Agnes' eyes glinted dangerously at Violet.


Violet squirmed as she felt the killing intent of her mother.


"You will listen to me on this, Violet... Or I will tell Victor, and I guarantee he agrees with me on this matter."


Violet shivered visibly. She looked like a child caught doing something bad, "Humpf, that doesn't scare me. I guarantee my Darling won't do anything to harm me."


"…So you want to go without sex that badly, huh."


Violet's eyes opened wide, and her body shook in horror, "W-Witch! You dare threaten me with that!"


"I guarantee I will make it so that Victor will not touch you for a month."


Violet's eyes were wide with pure disbelief. She couldn't believe that her mother would use such a low method to get her to behave.


When Violet thought about going a month without that addictive pleasure... Her body shuddered again, this time in denial. She wouldn't accept this ending!


"F-Fine, I will behave myself."


"Umu, that's a good girl."


A vein bulged on Violet's head when she saw her mom's smug face, "Tsk, don't think I accepted it because of your threat or something. I was already planning not to use it carelessly. I just wanted to upset you."


Another vein bulged on Violet's head when she saw her mother's face, which alluded to the fact that she didn't believe any of the words that came out of Violet's mouth just now.


"...." Jeanne and Morgana, who didn't have a good time with Victor yet, just reacted as if they couldn't understand why she was so horrified.


The Maids didn't say anything. They were within Victor's shadow when the man 'subdued' the Strongest Female Vampire, so they could understand why Violet reacted so intensely.


"Isn't that a very cruel punishment, Agnes?"


"!!?" Jeanne and Morgana were stupefied that Scathach actually found this a 'cruel' punishment.


Scathach found it a cruel punishment!? Scathach, the woman with training that would make Spartans cry in fear!?


"Humpf, I know my daughter very well. She has the brain of a chicken. If I say something today, tomorrow she will forget it."


"Oyy! I-." Before Violet could say anything, an explosion was heard, which caused the entire group to look at the noise, and all they saw was bright golden light.


As the light began to fade, everyone could see Natashia and Sasha as they came into the world. Both of them had stunned looks on their faces.


Victor stared at the two women for a few seconds, looking for some kind of trouble.


'Oh...?' His smile grew a little as his gaze fell on Sasha.


As with Violet and Agnes, the two didn't have drastic changes in their external appearance. Instead, they just acquired permanent blood-red eyes and became prettier, like their beauty was 'refined'.

'It seems that increased beauty and blood-red eyes were the main characteristics of my Clan.' The reason Victor thought that was that all the Beings he transformed had permanent blood-red eyes, and after gaining the Blessing of Aphrodite and merging with Roxanne…

The Beings he transformed began to become more beautiful.




"I'm already here," Kaguya spoke before Victor could finish.


"As expected of you." Victor smiled gently.


Kaguya displayed a small, proud smile, and soon two changes of clothes appeared in her hands.


"How are you feeling?"


"…I feel more... powerful…? I feel that my Power output has increased dramatically." Natashia answered.


"Hmm, I feel that way too." Agnes nodded.


The girls didn't react much to this information. Although it was shocking for an Elder Vampire to gain so much power, they just took it as expected; it was the effect of being close to Victor.


"Why do I feel… Heavy?" Sasha turned her head in confusion.


Scathach appraised the two women with eagle eyes.


"Hmm... I think that might be..." When Victor finished speaking, he took a step and vanished, reappearing in front of Sasha and giving her a 'light' punch in the stomach.


"Cough!?" Sasha felt her breath go away for a few seconds.


"Vic!?" Natashia unconsciously screamed at such an event, "What are you doing!?"


"As expected..." Victor and Scathach spoke at the same time.


"Look closely at Sasha, Natashia," Agnes spoke.


Natashia listened to what Agnes said and looked at her daughter. What she found surprised her. Sasha was completely fine, she just reacted as if she was out of breath unconsciously, but she didn't suffer any harm.


"Just for context, I didn't use all my physical strength in this attack. Instead, I attacked 'lightly'."


"But even if this attack were 'light', it would've usually sent a Vampire like Sasha flying several meters away, and she would be out of breath for a few seconds, but... Nothing happened to her." Scathach completed.


"Which means her father's Lineage was improved, and she gained more 'endurance'," Victor added.

'It also proves that if I turn existing Noble Vampires into members of my Clan, my Bloodline will only strengthen what they already have, and not add something new like the Maids who were once Human, or another Species… I wonder why that happens.' Victor thought.

"....." Natashia was silent for a few seconds as she thought, 'Father? Did Sasha have a father? Wasn't Victor Sasha's father?' She was confused for a few seconds.

… This woman forgot who Sasha's father was!

Natashia closed her eyes and tried to search her memories, but all she could think of was:

Victor, her sister, Sasha, and her future children...

'Yep, I can't remember him.'


"There were other ways to test that, you know," Sasha grumbled.


"Yes, I know, but this was the most efficient." Victor's smile grew.


Sasha grumbled about abusive husbands:

"You will pay for this; I will kick your ass in training."

"Fufufu, that will be fun."

"Tsk." Sasha had forgotten that threatening Victor would only get him excited.


Kaguya decided to appear at that moment and offered the clothes to Sasha. The golden-haired blonde accepted the clothes and thanked the Maid.


"Does she have the same level of endurance as you...?" Natashia asked after sighing in relief over the sudden event. The thought of Victor harming one of them never crossed her mind. She knew he did it for a reason, but... She felt a little ashamed of having entertained such a thought for a few seconds.

'Looks like I need to improve my woman-in-love mentality. I can't lose to Violet or even Agnes!' She thought.


"Impossible. My resistance is fueled not only by her father's Lineage but also by my Progenitor Blood and Roxanne."


"That is, he is using cheat codes, so there is no point in comparing her with a cheater." Violet groaned.


"...." Victor displayed a strained smile as he scratched his cheek.


Receiving the changes of clothes from Kaguya and thanking Maid, Sasha asked:


"Could it be that my father's Bloodline was also improved...?"


"What was your father's Lineage?" Victor asked.


"It was a low-level Bloodline that heightened one's perception of Time, allowing members of his Bloodline to see things much slower and in more detail. They were a merchant clan because of this Bloodline."

'Hmm, I can understand that. This power is instrumental in the hands of an experienced politician, and because of that, when I want to understand someone's body language, I use that power a lot.' Victor thought.


"…Oh, you mean the thing I experience when I use Lightning, and Time seems to slow down?" Victor asked while thinking internally:

'I never thought it was a Bloodline, but rather it was something that came with the Power of Lightning.' Victor


"Yes, that was my father's Lineage. My mother hand-picked him so her next children would be born with better potential. After all, that Power combined very well with the Lightning of the Fulger Clan."

"In the past, the way my mother used Lightning wasn't the same way we use it today. The reason was that she didn't have the 'advantage' that we have."


"She used her Power more brutely."


"Hmm, she didn't focus on constant speed like us but on explosive speed and Lightning Power, huh," Victor spoke.




Victor fell into thought as he watched Sasha and Natashia dress themselves.


'Perception, huh...' A thought popped into Victor's head.


Victor waited until Natashia was fully dressed before he spoke.


"Natashia, get ready."


"... Huh?"


"I said; get ready."


Rumble, Rumble.


Lightning covered Victor's body, and soon he disappeared from sight.


In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Natashia, his arm hitting the 'air' near Natashia's face.


"… What was that speed!?" She asked in shock. She was taken entirely by surprise, even though she could barely react in time.


Victor ignored Natashia's question and spoke, "Hmm, with that, we have our answers. Your perception has been enhanced too."


"The reason? You previously wouldn't have been able to dodge that attack in your Base Form. You'd have had to enter Vampire Count Form for that."


"..." Natashia and Sasha looked at Victor speechlessly. Isn't he getting too ruthless lately? As if they were dealing with Scathach... Wait, Scathach? The two Fulgers looked at Scathach with accusing eyes.




"It's your fault!" The two spoke at the same time.


"Huh?" Scathach looked at them in confusion.


"You made him ruthless! He would've never attacked us like that before!" The two said.


"...." Scathach had the decency to turn her face away and whistle.




"Ahhh! I just convinced him that love 'hurts'. So he needed to be stricter with the people he loved, or they would get weak! And the incident with his parents just convinced him of that thought!"


"This crazy woman! What did you do?! Return our kind Victor!" Sasha snapped.


"Right, Right! Give him back!"


"Stop talking like I stole something!" Scathach snapped back.


"Hmm, Master…? Won't you stop this?"


"They are just toying with each other. So even though I agree with Scathach's thinking about being stricter, I will only do that in training, so they get stronger."

"And those two attacks I did on the girls wouldn't have done any damage to them. They're stronger than you think."


"...." Kaguya just nodded and continued to watch everything in silence while in her head, she thought.

'Respect, huh... I think this is Victor's way of respecting Sasha's efforts. He doesn't want to treat her like a fragile little girl since it would disrespect the Heiress's efforts. The same applied to Natashia. The woman is a Countess, and she is not fragile.'


Soon Victor's voice was heard again.


"Next, Jeanne, Morgana, and Ruby."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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