Chapter 619: Is That What You Taught Me?

Two days, 48 ​​hours of non-stop fighting... That's how long it took for Victor to control his strength enough not to cause damage all around him.

During those two days, Victor had the best time of his life, and he felt that a part of his desire to fight Scathach was fulfilled.

God, he loved every second of that fight. Even though the two weren't using their full power, and it was just Martial Arts and physical combat, he loved every second of it.

And he wanted more; he wanted to fight more, but... He couldn't; something had happened that had ruined his fun.

His Father, Leon, had lost himself in his desires and was lusting after his Wives.

Anna, who was extremely angry with Leon, beat him almost to death due to being a prodigy [apparently] in Vampire matters. She accepted her nature easier, and because of that, she was stronger than Leon.

And not only that, Anna, his mother, his dear mother, lusted after her son and wanted to be one of his Wives.

When Victor learned of this, he couldn't help but furrow his brows. For him to know that his mother was sexually desiring him was incredibly nonsensical, and such a thought did not enter his mindset.

Yes, he had the memories and experiences of a man born in Ancient Greece, a man born of an incestuous relationship, but just because he had those memories didn't mean he accepted them.

He was not against it or hated anyone who did it.

But rather that he did not accept that these thoughts came from Anna.

For Victor, Anna was always an authority figure, a woman who taught him how to live his life and taught him the basic principles of life that he followed to this day.

She was the woman who gave him everything, and he literally owed her his life. In today's society, few parents would raise a sick child and bear that weight with a smile on their face.

God, she was his goddamn mother! It was weird as fuck to think of her that way; he never had those desires.

"Two days..." Victor's voice came out as a growl, making the two beings in front of him flinch.

Victor was sitting on an Ice throne, and in front of him, kneeling were Anna and Leon.

"Two goddamn days... I only went away for two days, and so much trouble happened."

"Victor, this is not your-." Anna tried to say something, but Victor's heavy and authoritative voice cut her off.


Anna flinched visibly, absolute terror seeping through every one of her veins. She tried to stand up and defy her 'son', she tried to do something, or say something, but... she couldn't. She felt an existential terror in her body, and she couldn't even look into the blood-red eyes of the man who was her 'son'!

Who was in front of them now was not Victor, their son, but Victor, the Progenitor, the one who gave the two a 'rebirth', the 'father' of their Race.

Victor faced the two Vampires in front of him, Vampires he loved very much, Vampires who were his parents, and the people who raised him since he was little, who formed the man he was today.

Victor took a deep breath and contained his possessive side as much as possible; this childishness would not help now. He was not dealing with an enemy he could kill without remorse, but his parents.

"..." Leon remained silent with his head down and an embarrassed look on his face. Only when his son's cold gaze fell on his body was he 'awakened' from his desires; only when his wife beat him almost to death did he understand how much he had fucked up.

"I am disappointed."

Victor's voice was like a knife that severely cut both of their hearts and hurt them.

"From the beginning, you were warned. From the beginning, you learned about Vampires for the eventual Race Change. You weren't like me, who was suddenly thrown into this world, and had little time to adapt."

"You were educated by the best, and you had enough information to understand the whole situation you were in."

Victor looked at his Father.

"Leon Walker, you lost yourself in your desires, and you dared…-"

Crack, Crack.

Parts of the throne where Victor's right hand was were broken from the involuntary force he was exerting, as his eyes glowed an even more intense blood red, and bulging veins were visible on his head.

For a moment, Victor's vision turned utterly red with rage, and it took all of Victor's self-control not to commit something he would regret.

Victor took a deep breath and swallowed his anger, "You dared to covet my Wives."

Leon lowered his head with shame written all over his face.

"That act, in and of itself, was an act of betrayal, not just to me as your son, but also to my mother, your wife."

"…Leon, what was it that you taught me since I was little? What were your teachings about Family?"

"Is this what you taught me on how to be a MAN?" The final words came out as if two Demons from the deepest Hell were speaking simultaneously.

"..." Leon flinched visibly at Victor's twisted and insane tone.

Victor took a deep breath again and continued, "... From what I remember, my Father taught me to be someone respectable... He taught me to be a man of character."

"He didn't teach me to be a pig who lusts after every woman he sees, especially engaged women and his own son's Wives."

"..." If Victor's words once cut Leon's heart, these words completely destroyed it.

'Right… What was I doing? How could I forget about it? Fuck, what was I doing?'

Depression, shame, and sadness were seen on Leon's face, and the man didn't say anything or apologize. That would be an even more pathetic sight for his son and himself.

Victor turned his gaze to his mother:

"Anna Walker."

She shivered again at her son's cold and heavy tone; she had never heard him speak to her like that.

"Who is in front of you now?"

"My father-." Anna stopped talking when she felt a dark power emerge from Victor and cover his body.

"I said..." Slowly the dark power began to wane until Victor was revealed with his Human appearance, the appearance he had before turning into a Vampire:

"Who is in front of you now?"

"..." Looking at the thin man with sapphire blue eyes and a haggard appearance, Anna opened her eyes wide.

It had been so long since she had seen this form, the gaze was more assertive, and his body was exuding a pressure that only a strong King could exert, but she was sure the man... Wrong, the boy in front of her was...

"My son..."

'God, what was I doing?' She questioned herself in horror at the very thoughts she had been having.


"Don't be fooled by my appearance, Anna Walker..." Then, slowly, Victor's appearance began to return to its 'original' form:

"I may have changed; I may have become prettier; I may have acquired knowledge and memories that are not mine; I may be a Progenitor…."

"But I am still your son."

"..." Those words were as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown on her body.

Soon she remembered the words Victor had said to Leon.

'This wasn't my teaching... We protect each other. We don't cheat each other. The Family must stay together and not act out of selfishness or act in a way that harms each other... How I've been acting was not the things that I taught Victor.'

"No matter what Titles I have or what people call me. Before all that, I am Victor... Victor Walker, the son of Anna Walker."

'My son…' Tears started to pour down Anna's face, 'How could I wish for my baby like that…?'

"Anna, you are a Vampire now; scientifically speaking, we are no longer a blood-related mother and child."

"Scientifically and Supernaturally speaking, I am your 'father' now since you were born of my blood."

"And for a Vampire, what's the most important thing? Answer me, Anna Walker."

"…Our own desires and blood."

"Correct." Victor nodded, and in the same heavy tone, he said:

"As a Progenitor, I am the apex of our species, and as I created you, I became your 'father', and because of that, unconsciously, your blood, your Vampire side, will desire and covet me, and that is normal."

"This is something that cannot be avoided… But it can be controlled and contained."

'As long as she doesn't actively drink my blood, she'll be fine.' Victor thought to himself as he looked at his mother.

"..." She lowered her head, blushing a little and feeling ashamed of herself.

"Anna… Are you such a weak woman that you will be a slave to your own desires?"

Anna shuddered a little as she lifted her head and looked at Victor. She stared into those blood-red eyes that seemed to pierce her very existence, eyes that seemed to know everything about her.

"N-No... I'm not..." She started with a weak and stuttering voice but ended with a serious and resolute tone.

Internally, Victor nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, we are creatures of desire, but that doesn't mean we should act like pigs. We are rational. We think, and if we think, we have logical thoughts we can follow. We are not animals."

"To be a Vampire, to be part of Vampire Society, means learning to curb our desires."

"Look at the Vampires outside this mansion; look at the servants in this mansion. Do you see them acting like pigs wanting to satisfy their desires?"

"...." Silence was all Victor got in response to his question, but he didn't press the two. Victor knew that Anna and Leon had explored more about the city ruled by the Snow Clan, and he knew that what they saw was a well-structured, almost 'normal' society.

At that moment, Leon and Anna felt like they had returned to their childhood when their parents scolded them.

In Anna's case, it was the memories of her Mother and strict Father that came to her.

In Leon's case, it was the memories of the orphanage matron, a woman he greatly respected.

"I will ignore what happened these past two days," Victor spoke in a neutral tone that no longer carried the weight from before.

"…Eh?" The two looked at Victor.

"You two are still Newborn Vampires, and you are still in the changing phase, so I will not judge your attitudes because I know that changing from a Human to a Vampire is difficult. I experienced it personally, and so did my Maids."

"This kind of attitude, despite being distasteful, is understandable."

The two let out a sigh of relief, they didn't even know they were holding their breath, but that relief didn't last long when an immense pressure, as if gravity around them had gotten heavier, was felt by the two.

"…But that doesn't mean I'll tolerate it again."

"This incident showed me something…."

"I was being too soft on you two."

"...." They swallowed hard as a bad feeling began to build up in their bodies.

"Because of my overprotective nature, this situation occurred."

"Oda, Hilda."

Two shadows appeared from the ground, and from them emerged a white-haired Maid and a stern-faced, Oriental-looking man.

"This is Oda Blank, the First Master of the Blank Clan. He is a Ninja Master, meaning he specializes in infiltration, assassination, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and interrogation; he is a Master of all these trades."

"He will be Leon's trainer, and he'll take that lazy ass of yours and turn it into something useful."

"..." Leon flinched visibly when he felt their gaze.

'Heh, that's the Human father of the Progenitor?' It was obvious that Oda wasn't impressed, but he wasn't going to express it in front of everyone.

"This woman is Hilda Snow, Agnes's most loyal Maid, and a mother figure to Violet, the woman second only to Agnes in strength. Just like Oda, she is proficient in all Ninja Arts but is also a Master of etiquette and politics."

"She will be Anna's trainer and will teach her how a Vampire Noble should behave should the situation arise..."

"…Ugh." When she heard Victor's words, Anna felt like an imaginary arrow had struck her pride.

Hilda remained silent. She had no thoughts or opinions about Anna; for her, it was just another job she would fulfill with total effort. After all, it was Victor who was asking for it.

'If I don't try hard and have poor results, Agnes and Violet won't stop bugging me about it.' Hilda thought.

"From today onwards, you will train non-stop until you learn to control your new strength, talents, and desires."

"The faster you acquire the minimum control necessary to act as one would expect in society, the faster the training will end. Until then... You are not allowed to interact with other beings, not even with each other... Treat this as a temporary separation."

Cold sweat fell from the faces of the two; their feelings were correct! They were fucked!

"You sure are cruel, Lord Victor. Aren't they your parents?"

Victor scoffed as he heard this, replying,

"My beloved Scathach, the woman who is my teacher, the woman I respect the most, second only to my mother, trained Ruby since she was a child, and everyone here knows how excruciating Scathach's training is."

"..." The two just nodded; Scathach's training was infamous. Those who had gone through this training once did not wish to return. Only Victor was crazy enough to like that training.

"Despite being overprotective of Ruby, being her own daughter,"

"Scathach swallowed the pain she felt and trained her to the bone."

"…If Scathach can do it, why can't I? But, unfortunately, I don't have time to train anyone. I already have my hands full with everything going on right now. You two are the people I trust the most in this matter. So I am confident you two won't take it easy on them, right?"

"Of course." The two said simultaneously with a sadistic glint in their eyes.

"Good." Victor flashed a big satisfied smile.

His smile disappeared, and he spoke with a frown on his face:

"I want weekly reports on the two's progress. This report should be given directly to me, or if I am not available, given to one of my Maids or Wives."

"Now, get them out of my sight."

Hilda walked toward Anna, scooped the woman up like a sack of potatoes, and disappeared.

Oda just engulfed Leon in his shadows and disappeared as well.

Victor closed his eyes and rested his head on his left hand. His head and heart were throbbing now.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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