Chapter 608: Senjutsu 2.

When Victor stopped meditating, the first thing he did was explain to Haruna why he could use such a unique form of Senjutsu.

It was worth mentioning that the blank look Haruna gave Victor was quite amusing. With the ability to feel emotions, Victor could tell that she was a little jealous and, at the same time, completely disbelieving.

"Huh, I will rest. I never thought I could get tired just by watching you." Those were Haruna's last words as she walked away from Victor.

Victor just chuckled in amusement, and when Haruna left, he returned to training with the new Energy and discovered something.

Senjutsu was a very Neutral Energy but, at the same time, very powerful. After all, it was an Energy that sustained an entire planet, and his body ached a little every time he used it, proving an essential point for Victor.

"… I thank Roxanne for not telling me about this Energy sooner… If I had used it earlier, I would have died from my own Power."

Victor shuddered internally when he thought of the consequences of using that Energy earlier.

It was funny how things tended to happen as they were supposed to. Before all of this happened, Victor's body couldn't contain the Energy of his own Power; he was overloaded.

Now, he could use that Power with greater output without worrying about his body exploding.

'Perhaps, I could-...' Before he could confirm his thoughts, he heard Alter's voice:

[I recommend that you don't do that. Don't be greedy, Victor.]

Victor raised an eyebrow when he heard Alter's voice:

[Did you know what I was going to do?]

[Of course, I'm you] Alter snorted in disdain and continued:

[You can't use Senjutsu and Progenitor Form together, your body and Soul won't be able to take the entire load.]

[Remember that the Energy that passes through your body is the Energy that sustains an entire damn planet. Even if it is Neutral, it is raw, dense, and volatile Energy; using it in the Progenitor Form is just asking to kill yourself.]

[Your Progenitor Powers have become much more potent because they were nourished by Roxanne's Energy. The proof of this is my vivid appearance. Before, I was just a shadow, but now, I have an appearance. This indicates that our Progenitor Powers have become much more potent than before.]

[Baby steps, Victor. Take it easy. You've only recently acquired several ways to evolve your strength, several methods that would make all Supernatural Beings jealous. Remember that it's not normal for someone to grow as much in strength in a short time as you do... And Scathach won't run away because you're taking too long... Not after what happened that day.]

Images of Victor and Scathach's 'excited' night flashed through the mind of the young Progenitor. Victor just laughed a little, and the feeling of impatience began to subside.

[... Haah, you're right. She warned me many times not to rush my training.]

[Hmm, it's understandable why you want to get stronger quickly, but you must give your body time to adapt to the abrupt changes. Your current level of physical strength is dangerous. You have to control it, or you may unconsciously injure your Wives.]

Victor got up off the ground, and with just that bit of force he'd used, the ground around him sank.


"Tsk, the control I gained from the Haruna fight literally went to shit," Victor muttered angrily. After Haruna's fight, he had decent control of his strength. He could hug someone and act carefully without hurting the person, but now?

That was impossible.

"Haah, I have no choice. I have to go over all my basics again."

"Ugh… What is this annoying pain?"

[The Energy of Senjutsu is constantly running through your body, and because of that, your body is in pain. The Energy is destroying your body, and your regeneration is rebuilding it. This whole process is happening quickly, and soon, your body will be strong enough to handle the Energy without destroying yourself.]

Victor broke into a cold sweat when he heard what Alter said.

'Even with my body like that, I can't handle this Energy properly?' He thought.

[Duh! It's an Energy that nourishes a planet! It wasn't made to fit into a Being's body... We really have to be thankful Roxanne didn't bring this up sooner... If we hadn't gone through the body rebuilding, we'd be fucked.]

Victor just nodded. When he was going to position himself to practice the Martial Arts of Scathach, he turned his head towards the cave entrance, and soon he saw his three Wives, Violet, Sasha, and Ruby, accompanied by Haruna.

"AHHH! I finally found you, Darling!" Violet smiled widely, and just as she was about to run over to Victor.

Victor raised his hand in a stop sign:


"... Huh?"

Before Violet thought about nonsense because of his rejection, he said:

"My body has undergone many abrupt changes in a short time. As a result, I can't control my strength. I could hurt you unintentionally, which I wouldn't forgive myself for."

"…Oh." Violet sighed in relief. She thought her Husband was rejecting her or something.

"What happened, Darling?" Sasha asked curiously, she heard the changes that happened to Victor through Ruby, but from how Victor spoke, it seemed that something else had happened.

"Well, Haruna's training gave unexpected results..."

"This can't be called training. You literally skipped the entire Ki Stage and went straight to the end." Haruna pouted.

Victor just laughed gently.

"... Seriously, we left for a few hours, and you do something again... It never gets boring with you around, huh?" Ruby displayed a small smile.

Victor shrugged as if he had no choice, "That's my charm."

The girls rolled their eyes.

"Explain what happened," Violet asked.

Victor nodded and began to explain the events from his point of view.


"...So you have the Energy that sustains an entire PLANET coursing through your veins..." Violet looked at her Husband as if he had grown a second head.

I mean, she knew her Husband was amazing. After all, he was her Husband, a man who had broken common sense several times... But even by the usual standards of Victor's development, this was ridiculous.

"… Haruna, I ask that you keep everything you heard a secret." Sasha looked at the Fox.

"I will not go around telling secrets of my 'possible' future Husband to other people, not to mention that he is my ally." Haruna rolled her eyes.

Sasha and Ruby just rolled their eyes; they hadn't known the girl for very long, but if she was anything like Victor talked about, this 'possible' Husband was an absolute certainty.

"Darling, Darling, don't move, okay?"


The three girls looked at Violet in curiosity, they wondered what she was doing, and soon they got their answer in a funny picture of Violet trying to push Victor, but the man's body wouldn't even move.

Violet stopped pushing Victor and looked at him in shock, "As expected, you are much heavier than before."

"… How many tons can you lift, Violet?"

"Hmm, last time I checked, I could lift five tons."

"Huh? That isn't much." Sasha spoke.

"I'm not an expert in physical combat like Ruby or Darling. I use my Fire Powers more."

"How many tons can you lift, Ruby?"

"With the Martial Arts training I had with my Husband the year I was on Earth, I was able to lift 30 tons with a lot of effort," Ruby explained.

"By the way, Pepper can lift 40 tons."

"..." The girls fell silent when they heard Victor's voice. 

Who would have thought that innocent girl was so strong?

"… Well, since she was a child, my mother trained her to increase her physical strength." Ruby got over her shock and walked towards Victor.

"Does that strength come from your body, or does your Power drive it?" Haruna asked curiously.

"Driven by our Power. Of course, our body helps too, but the big boost comes from our Power. After all, we are not Werewolves that have great physical capabilities..."

"Though Pepper is abnormal for a Vampire since most of her strength comes from her own body. My mother said that since she was little, she had exceptional strength." Ruby finished explaining when she arrived in front of Victor.

Haruna just nodded. She knew that Vampires drew their Powers from their Lineage, and because of that, 'blood' was so important in their society.

Haruna neutrally observed Ruby, who started to push Victor.

The girls saw deep rock tracks being formed on the ground.

"... I think around 6 – 8 tonnes." Ruby explained, "The weight can vary depending on the support he puts on his body."

"Wow, Darling, you got fat." Violet laughed.

Victor rolled his eyes, "My muscles create that weight."

"That doesn't make any sense. How does he weigh so much and not sink into the ground?" Sasha asked, confused.

"Senjutsu," Haruna replied while narrowing her eyes.


"Unconsciously, his body's Energy prevents him from aggressively damaging his surroundings; that is why he can stay 'on' the ground without sinking."

"That explanation is quite familiar," Ruby murmured, and soon she looked at Victor with a smile on her face.

"...Victor, did you visit Japan to train with our favorite blonde Ninja's Author?" Ruby couldn't take it and had to say it.

Victor curled his lips in amusement, "I get the reference, and to answer your question, I didn't."

"I don't think it's similar to the method used by those Ninjas from that Anime, Ruby."

"What do you mean?" Ruby looked at Sasha.

"The method being used is more like the strongest hero who wears red underwear on his uniform. Remember that man's strength is more related to an Energy Field because if it weren't for that, it wouldn't make sense for the deeds of his strength." Sasha explained.

Ruby blinked twice and soon understood what Sasha was talking about, "... Oh, you're saying the Energy itself acts as a mediator for every action he does?"


"If you follow that reasoning, Energy Control must be the solution for him to control his strength properly."

"Probably… It's hard to have a concrete opinion about Energy used to nurture a planet." Sasha answered uncertainly.

"… Hmm, you're right."

"...I can't follow this conversation..." Haruna mumbled in a slightly depressed tone.

Violet, Sasha, and Ruby looked at each other for a bit and smiled.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have to teach her the 'culture'." Ruby smiled quite excitedly.

"We should start with something light." Violet nodded.

"Let's go with Shounen Anime. She looks like she'll like that." Sasha answered.

The three approached Haruna and started talking to her.

Victor just laughed when he saw his three Wives trying to corrupt Haruna.

"Anyway, I'll get back to training," Victor spoke aloud.

"Hmm, we'll go back upstairs, don't take too long, Darling," Violet spoke.


"… Oh, Darling, when are you going to turn your parents into Vampires? They are already ready."

"..." Victor stopped what he was going to do and muttered:

"I forgot about that."

"Don't blame yourself. You went through a lot of changes in a short time. You've had to get used to it, not to mention you had to discuss the Alliance with Haruna." Sasha spoke in support.

"Yes, but my Family will always be a priority. So I will resolve this now," Victor spoke.

Haruna displayed a small imperceptible smile when she heard what Victor said.

Victor walked to the wall where his belongings were, and with each step he took, the floor sank a little, which created several footprints in the rock. Then, arriving in front of the belongings, he looked impassively at his cell phone.

"Ugh, I can't touch the cell phone. I'm sure I'll destroy it."

"Hmm, girls, can you help me here?"

The three Wives looked at each other with amused smiles, 'Who would have thought that it would take Victor not having control of his strength for him to ask for something?' The same thought crossed the minds of all three.

They always wanted Victor to depend more on them for everything, but unfortunately, the man was too independent, and in the end, they were the ones who ended up relying on him to get things done.

Something that left Victor quite happy.

Of the three Wives present, only Ruby had a better position in this regard, and that was due to the plans she'd made from the beginning. The group she created was growing, and this group helped Victor a lot when he needed it.

Because of this, when Victor needed information or something, he would always go to Ruby or Violet. After all, the Snow Clan had a long list of contacts as it is a Clan that regulates the internal and external politics of Nightingale.

In that regard, Sasha was on the worst side. After all, her Clan was more of a Clan that produced food, and thus she couldn't help him that much.

She even tried to get Victor to use Victoria's connections. Still, that connection wasn't really from the 'Fulger' Clan but from Victoria herself. There was also the fact that whatever Victoria could do, the Snow Clan could do too, and he felt more comfortable talking to the Snow Clan about these issues.

As Yandere, they wanted their Husband to depend more on them. Preferably, they wanted to lock him up in a house isolated from everyone and love him as much as physically possible.

But... that action would just backfire. After all, who would be taken care of would not be Victor but the girls.

How could they tell...? In matters of being a Yandere, Victor had more firepower than them, something that frustrated Violet a lot because she was always proud of it.

So it was no surprise to Violet and Ruby when they saw a golden glow appear next to Victor, who was revealed to be Sasha.

"What do you need, Darling?"

"Can you call Natalia for me, please?"

"Yes!" Sasha flashed a big smile that lit up the entire dark cavern.

"..." Seeing that smile, Victor decided that starting today, he would ask girls for more things. If they smiled like that every time he asked for something, it would make him very happy since he likes to see his Wives happy.

"Hmm, what's the password, Darling?"

"No password."

"... Oh? Why do you not have one?"

"It's not like I need to hide anything." When he was training or fighting, the phone was in Kaguya's shadow most of the time. Only when he wasn't doing anything destructive did the phone stay in his pocket.

"I only use my phone to contact people. Most of the time, I'm training."

"..." The girls looked at Victor neutrally.

"And you say you are a young man of the 21st century?" Ruby spoke.

"Meh, since I became a Vampire, I've been more focused on getting stronger."

"Such dedication..." Violet muttered, "Well, that's why he's a literal monster in strength."

"Thanks for the compliment, honey." Victor smiled a little.

"Anytime, Darling!" Violet laughed.

"I don't use a cell phone," Haruna said.

"… And we need to change that too. I still have some phones that June created." Ruby spoke.

"Teach me how to use it later."

"Mm, I will."

In the meantime, during the conversation, Sasha opened Victor's cell phone and saw that he had almost no applications. He really only used it to contact people. She entered the messaging application and saw the chat group of the Gods that he spoke about before, and saw that it had more than 999+ messages.

'These Gods really have plenty of time.'

Looking for Natalia's contact, she saw the named contact; Natalia Alioth.

'So serious...' She was amused to think that her Husband was like an old man. For example, on her cell phone, all the contacts had nicknames that she entered.

In contrast, all of Victor's contacts were the individual's full name.

Sasha called Natalia and put the phone to her ear:


"Natalia, it's Sasha. Can you come to get my Husband? He needs to go to Nightingale."

It took a few seconds for Natalia to get over her surprise at hearing a voice other than Victor's. After all, this had never happened before, and soon she said:

"…Sure, give me a few minutes."



Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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