My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 577: The Lady Of The Lake.Not Edited Yet.

Chapter 577: The lady of the lake.


Natasha, Tatsuya, e Sasha were walking through what looked like a sea of ​​forest.

"Hmm, the demons haven't reached this place." Tatsuya muttered, he was a little surprised that this forest was intact, on the way to this place, they saw several houses, and buildings destroyed, as it was quite obvious, England suffered an attack from the demons, but they were quickly dealt with by the supernatural beings that were around here.

Due to being a horde of low-level demons, they don't do as much damage, but since the attack was sudden, it caused a lot of death.

It is worth mentioning that the climate of this place was not like the surroundings at home, people were visibly afraid, and 'normality' was thrown into space.

Everything did not descend into anarchy because the government quickly mobilized its troops, but it was obvious that everyone was tense.

"This is a hidden place, we were only allowed in due to our lineage."

"… Our lineage?" Tatsuya raised an eyebrow.

"My grandmother, your ancestor, she was a lightning spirit, and even though we became noble vampires, we still have that 1% trace of that ancestry in our soul."

"Oh... I assume that's where our lightning power comes from?"

"Wrong, this is where our 'potential' comes from, the power of lightning can be inherited by the other Clan members, but the potential to reach new heights only comes from the main family."

"... Huh? Is there a difference between the other members of the Fulger Clan and us?"

At that point, Natashia and Sasha stop walking and look at Tatsuya as if he's grown a second head.

"... What?..." Tatsuya felt uncomfortable with the look of the mother and daughter.

"Did my sister not teach you anything about how the Clan of Vampire Counts works?"

"…N-No?" He stuttered a little.

Natashia facepalmed, she couldn't believe that her genius sister was so... careless.

"Is this something important?"

"Of course it's important, as my sister's son, you are part of the main bloodline, you should know that so as not to be deceived. Ugh, it's a surprise he hasn't fallen into any traps so far."

"Mother, Tatsuya rarely leaves the house, he spends most of his time training, and withHecate." Sasha explained with a slight tone of disbelief.

"... That's true, and knowing that woman, she wouldn't let that happen either..." Natashia thoughtabout Hecate.

"Hmm, can you explain to me, instead of making fun of me?"

"… We are not making fun of you, just not believing that my genius sister forgot something so simple."Natasha sighed.

"It's understandable that she hasn't said that in the past, but by the time you settled back into Clan Fulger, you should have known that."

Tatsuya was silent and just looked at the two with an expressionless expression.

"Haah, Tatsuya just use your head."

"How many Fulger Clan members do we have?"

"500 around?" Tatsuya spoke an approximate number.

"It's not that much, but it's not far." Sasha spoke.

Ignoring her daughter, Natasha said:

"Now, do you think all these people are your relatives like us?"

Tatsuya opened his eyes slightly, he understood that it didn't make sense, with the low fertility of vampires it's impossible to have that many family members like this:

"… B-But how can everyone use the power of lightning?"

"It's simple, Tatsuya."

"A Clan initiation ritual."


"That's something only the oldest vampire families know.nobles you know, through a ritual of servitude which consists of the Clan Leader giving his blood to another noble vampire."

"… I see… A servitude ritual, huh… But-."

"I know what you're going to ask, isn't the servitude ritual supposed to prevent traitors?"

Tatsuya just nods her head in agreement with her aunt.

"Unlike vampire slaves who were once human, or another supernatural being who died and turned into a vampire. The servitude ritual only amplifies the feelings of 'serving' the Clan leader's main bloodline."

"This is not a form of slavery, we want Clan members who are loyal to us, not lifeless puppets."

"Hmm..." Tatsuya nodded as he remained silent, he was absorbing the information.

"How exactly does this ritual work?"

Natashia and Sasha look at each other, and just shrug, and then start walking forward.

Tatsuya followed the two women, a few minutes passed in silence, and when Tatsuya thought he wasn't going to receive the answer, he heard:

"Let's talk about a hypothetical scenario, imagine that Hecate is a noble vampire without Clan."

"Mm." Tatsuya made a sound to indicate that Natashia should continue.

"You as a main member of the Fulger Clan's direct bloodline, you want to bring this noble vampire into the Clan as a member, what should you do?"

"…I will contact the Clan leader and ask for permission."

"Correct, with permission granted, the Clan leader herself will testHecate, and see if she is worthy of being part of the Clan with her own evaluation criteria."

"If Hecate passes the test, she will be walked to do the ritual, the ritual consists of the Clan leader giving a drop of his blood and essence to Hecate, upon receiving that blood, the physical characteristics of Hecate will change, for example."

"If it's Clan Fulger, she will be given blonde hair, and will have the potential to acquire the power of lightning."

"If it's Clan Scarlett, she will grow red hair, and will have the potential to acquire the power of ice, just like Siena, Lacus, and Pepper."

"Oh, don't think that the noble vampire will be as powerful as the three sisters, Siena herself is an anomaly for developing such strong ice power, but that's understandable given who the Clan leader is."

What Natashia didn't tell you is that there is a method, albeit a risky one, of increasing the other vampire's potential:

'Scathach must have used this to amplify Siena's potential, knowing the woman, she wouldn't want a weak member, and Siena was the first daughter she took in the human world.'

"The potential of the bloodline depends on the individual himself, but one thing is certain, the Clan member will never awaken a stronger power than the main bloodline members."

"I see..." Tatsuya spends some time storing everything he's learned and says, "Is that why Lacus and Pepper don't use their ice powers?"

"They can probably use ice power, but it's easier to train something you've had since birth than something you've acquired."

"Does that mean Siena has a bloodline of her own that she never used…?" Tatsuya spoke.

"Mm." Natashia just nodded her head.

"Siena has a strong hatred of her past, I once asked her about it, and she reacted really badly." Sasha added.


"Anyway, let's concentrate on our task, we're already there."

That's when Tatsuya stops thinking and looks straight ahead, and all he sees are forests.

"We arrived?" he asked confused.

Natashia just flashed an amused smile, she found his reaction amusing because it was quite similar to what she had done when her mother brought her here the first time.

"For an illusion expert, you can really be fooled by this… Well, I guess it's only natural, after all, your opponent is a demigod."

The face stoic Tatsuya trembled a little when he heard his aunt, he felt that she was making fun of his capabilities.

Sasha narrowed her eyes, she felt something calling her in that direction, and what did she do? Did she walk into that suspicious voice?

Of course not! She has seen many horror movies with this same premise.

"Mother, I feel something calling me in that direction."

"Hmm, looks like you can hear them."

"Listen to who?"

"The fairies." The moment Natashia said this, several points oflights began to appear around the forest.

Creating a magical scene that seemed to come out of a fantasy book, the environment began to lighten more, flowers began to bloom, energy threads seemed to pass through the flowers, trees, and grasses.

Tatsuya looks around, specifically at the points of light, he could hear giggles coming from those points of light, the moment he blinks his eyes, he realizes that the place he was standing in has completely disappeared.

'What?' He immediately went on guard.

"Relax, we've been invited to the kingdom."Natasha spoke in a calm tone.

"Ugh, they're annoying, those voices." Sasha felt like several small children were talking in her head, it was annoying, especially this giggling.

Tatsuya blinked, and blinked again, an expression of shock slowly started to appear on his face, the place he was in now was simply magical.

He thought that if there was a paradise, it would definitely be like this place.

But soon that expression disappeared when he started to hear several children's voices in his head.

Those voices were... Simply annoying.

"Let's go on, don't stand still, or the fairies will continue to annoy you, they are playful by nature… Oh, don't harm the fairies, or things could get ugly." Natashia warned in a serious tone, she doesn't want them to repeat the same mistakes she made in the past.

The two who had an annoyed expression on their faces just nodded their heads.

Soon the two began to follow Natashia, and just a few minutes of walking, they came across a large lake in which a woman with long black hair was sitting with her eyes closed, she seemed to be meditating on top of the lake.

The woman was beautiful, she had an ethereal beauty that seemed unattainable by mere mortals, the charm of being half god, half fairy was just too mystical.

She wasn't voluptuous like Scathach or curvy like Natashia, her body was lean, slender and graceful. She was the perfect example of youthful beauty.

She was wearing a simple white dress that seemed to enhance the image of purity.

Purity, youthful beauty, along with a mystical charm. That was Tatsuya's perception of the woman sitting on top of the lake.

"Viviane, the lady of the lake, the woman who gave the holy sword Excalibur to the young man who would one day be called the King of Great Britain, Arthur Pendragon."

The woman opened her eyes, dark blue color like the lake she was in was shown in her eyes, eyes that convey tranquility and serenity.

"You reek of corruption, vampires." Even though her words indicated annoyance, her voice was still calm.

"Oya? Don't you know what's going on?" Natashia completely ignored what she said, she knows about this woman's temper.

The fairy looks at Natashia, her eyes fall towards Natashia's belly, she feels an incredible vitality from that place, but she realizes that Natashia was not pregnant.

Question marks appear in Viviane's head, and soon her gaze shifts to Sasha, she is surprised that the girl looks a lot like Natashia.

'Probably her daughter.' The fairy's eyes move down to Sasha's belly, and again she feels that immense vitality.

"... Yes I know. The vile creatures of hell are contaminated Mother Earth once more... Not that the humans were worse than them."

"Haah, I understand where you're coming from, I really do, and I share some of my thoughts with you, but… isolating yourself in this place while the world is burning is sheer folly, as far as I can see, you You don't know anything that's going on, right?"

Viviane's face just twitched a little, and that was enough to Natasha know she was right.

Fairies, like angels, were very pure races, they hate any kind of impurity, and they love being in nature, which is their natural habitat.

Despite being a hybrid of a god and a fairy, Viviane grew up as a fairy, and her tastes are intertwined with them.

Unlike mortals, especially opposing races like vampires and werewolves, when a god has a child of any kind of race, trouble doesn't arise.

And this is due to a single simple reason, they are indeed a higher existence than 'mortals', their nature is more in line with theconceptual, they are something closer to high spirits, therefore their race can be combined with all others that genetic problems will not arise.

Unless it is clear, if a god has a child with a demon, or infernal creatures, due to the opposite nature of each other, the child will just die, because just as the gods are close to high spirits, the demons are something closer to a a high-level evil spirit, a soul that has acquired a body to sustain its sin, they really don't have 'mortal flesh' like humans, and other races.

"Viviane-." Natashia was going to say something, but Viviane interrupted.

"What is this vitality?"

"... Huh?"

"I'm talking, what's that strong vitality in your womb? From what I can see, you two are not pregnant, something like this is not normal." She was more curious about it than vile creatures.

Viviane focuses her gaze again on the belly of the two women, she felt a nostalgic feeling: 'It's like I'm being bathed by mother Yggdrasil, but why is this vitality in their womb? This is weird.'

"That is-." Sasha was going to say something, but Natashia just looked at her daughter, and shook her head.

Sasha pouted, and nodded, she was feeling very embarrassed now, she knows very well what is this 'vitality' that Viviane is talking about.

"That 'vitality' you speak of is the essence of my husband."

Viviane raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is your husband some god of life?"

'If so, it will explain the intense vitality, but it doesn't explain the nostalgia I'm feeling.'

'Oh~? Are my husband's seeds so strong that he could be mistaken for a god of life?' Natashia found this fact quite interesting: 'Well, he is the beginning of a whole race, he needs to have energy.'

She couldn't help flashing a small victory smile, a smile that was a little perverted, a smile that for some reason irritated Viviane quite a bit.

And to make her mood even worse, she looked at the woman's daughter, and saw the girl with the same smile as her mother, but hers was almost imperceptible, it seems that Sasha had the same thoughts as Natashia.

"Of course not, he's a vampire." Natashia corrected the woman.

"A vampire…?" Viviane looked at Natashia as if she were stupid:

"A vampirenoble common doesn't have that much vitality, stop lying."

"…Who said he was a noble vampire?common~?"

"..." Viviane looked at Natashia, and for some reason everyone could see gears in her head working.

'Only a being that had this much vitality, the being that was the beginning of an entire race, only those kinds of beings could rival a god of life in terms of vitality.'

"The progenitor, huh… Did you sleep with Vlad?"

"HUH?" A look of utter disdain and disgust appeared on Natashia's face, which took Viviane by surprise at this sudden outburst.

"Of course not! Who would sleep with that eunuch son of a bitch!? UGH! Just the thought disgusts me!BLEGH!" Natashia looked like she was going to throw up at any moment.

"My husband is the second progenitor of our race! Not that piece of shit Vlad!"

Tatsuya broke out in a cold sweat with that outburst, why so much gratuitous hate? The king has done nothing to you, woman! Is that woman right in the head?... Oh, she's not right in the head.

Even if it was his aunt, she knew that the head ofNatasha it wasn't very good, although it's more stable now.

"Lady Viviane, please do not speak such barbarity about us, I feel nauseous and want to vomit just thinking about it, that is absolutely disgusting, thank you very much." Despite the polite words, her words were the same level of gratuitous hatred as her mother.

"O-Okay…" Somehow Viviane felt she'd stepped on a mine she shouldn't have.

As soon as Natashia and Sasha's words were understood by Viviane, she understood something:

"Wait, second Progenitor!? How did a second parent appear so quickly? Did Vlad die? And more importantly, are you sharing the same man!? MOTHER AND DAUGHTER!?"

"..." Natashia and Sasha just looked at each other, with just one look, mother and daughter could communicate, they were saying:

'This is going to be a hassle.'

It was quite obvious that the fairy was completely isolated from the world.

"Haaah, this is going to take a while." Natashia sits on the grass.

"Look, I'll tell you the important events, and leave the detail aside, we really don't have much time to fill in everything you missed."

"... Thank you for understanding." She was quite humble, it's at these times that Viviane regrets a bit of keeping herself isolated, but... Just thinking about leaving this place her whole body shakes in disgust, she knows that the outside world wasn't purer as it used to be. be, and few people know about this place.

'At least here I don't have to worry about humans wanting to kill me to get immortality or something like that...fools they are.' She thought in disdain.

"Daughter, do you want to explore? This will take a while."

"... I can?" Sasha looked at Viviane.

"... Just don't destroy anything, or hurt my fairies."

"I won't do it." Sasha spoke in a resolute tone, and soon she turned and left to explore the place.

"Your daughter seems more sensible than you."

"...She had a good mother."

Viviane raised an eyebrow at Natashia's wistful tone: 'Did you? Her mother died? Are you not her mother? Huh?' The woman was completely confused, but just dismissed that thought, there's no point in thinking too much after all.

"Tatsuya, accompany her, it will be a good learning experience for you too."

"Yes, Lady Natashia."

'Natashia?' Viviane thought confused. 'Wasn't her nickname Natasha?'

When Tatsuya left the place, Natashia started:

"Let's start at the beginning, specifically since I was last here."

"Mm." Viviane nodded.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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