Chapter 530: A Clan where emotion is used as a weapon.

On land outside the Snow Clan, Hilda, Violet, and over 300 older Vampires were stationed while looking at a demon in human form.

"Snow Clan Princess, Violet Snow." A man with two demon horns tipped with dark blue and two large demonic wings spoke.

He wore rather luxurious clothing that was completely black with only a dark blue tie for color.

The entirely black eyes of the demon, whose only visible color was their blue pupils, were looking at Hilda.

"And her faithful and oldest Maid, Hilda Snow, the Snow Clan's executioner."

The tall man's gaze went to Violet's shadows:

"...Of course, we haven't forgotten about Clan Blank."

"And a lot of extras."

"...." The older vampires snapped their heads.

"Did that piece of shit call the royal guard extra?" A tall man wearing full armor spoke in disdain. He was the captain who was assigned to look after the Snow Clan territory.

It wasn't just them who were angry, as even the other soldiers were.

"Hush, Antonio. Don't let him provoke you."

"Little girl-."

"I said..." Violet's eyes glowed blood red, and the fire around her grew stronger. Proof of that was her fiery crown, which was giving off more fire than necessary.

"Hush, Antonio."

The guard felt a suffocating sensation as he looked at Violet:

"... Tsk."

'Damn the Show Clan and its rogue lineage.' The man thought inwardly.

"Hahaha, looks like the short temper hasn't changed in the current generation."

"…Duke Sitri, did you break into Nightingale just to make fun of the Vampire Count Clans?"

"Hmm? Yeah, that's basically it."

"..." Violet narrowed her eyes. She didn't like it at all when her opponent wasn't taking her seriously.

Violet's smile grew slightly, while Hilda, who was nearby looking at all of this in silence, almost couldn't contain her sigh. She knew clearly that when Violet displayed that smile.

She would take on the personality that could make even a stone spit blood, something Agnes shared as well.

"Oh yes? For someone at Rank 12, you are pretty free."

"Indeed, with the position I have, I can be quite free." The demon commented as he looked at his nails, while it was pretty obvious he was buying time.

"I'm sure you do. After all, you stole that position from Duke Gremory."

"...." Sitri looked at Violet silently.

"Ahh~, poor current 56 keys of Solomon Duke Gremory."

"He had his territory stolen, his wife raped, and his dignity trampled on."

"No wonder he dropped to rank 56."

"...Is this your attempt to provoke me, Princess?"

"Eh?" Violet looked at him innocently.

"Nah, I'm not trying to tease you. After all, with a rank 12 demon, you wouldn't fall for a little girl's teasing, right?" She flashed a gentle smile.

"I'm just telling you a fact from the past, which only a few people know. It's like they say, you know? The past says a lot about a person."

"The mighty, proud Sitri Duke acquired his position with petty schemes."

"I must say as expected of a demon, umu." She was satisfied.

"Hahaha~, I don't particularly hide this story since it's a story of conquest for me, so there's no reason to be angry."

"Indeed, indeed." Violet nodded twice.

"But you know what's funny, Sitri?"


"You tried to do the same scheme with rank 1, Duke Baal."

"And you got your ass kicked, your wife kidnapped, and you got a punishment of not leaving your territory. So you became a glorified guard dog, hahahahaha~."

"..." Sitri's eyes gleamed slightly. He didn't find it amusing at all now.

Hilda, Oda, and the royal guards around Violet just sweated a little. This woman really did have a poisonous mouth.

"Hey? Does your look say how do I know this? After all, the demon realm is a closed dimension that only beings related to the underworld know what happens."

"The answer is simple, I'm from Clan Snow, and my Clan specializes in foreign policy, so our duty is to know everything that happens out there, even if it's hard to know what happens in hell. Big events will eventually leak out."

"And rest assured that Sitri's humiliating defeat against Baal is a big deal."

"The mighty Sitri Duke who humiliated Gremory grew in arrogance and tried to attack Baal."

"…And you know the best part, Sitri?" Violet's smile grew, showing all of her sharp teeth.

"A demonic thot who is currently my ally told me that in that humiliating defeat of Duke Sitri, Duke Baal's wife castrated the arrogant Duke Sitri who tried to rape her."

"And Duke Baal's wife is quite special. She owns a bloodline that comes straight from Lucifer, a woman who was hidden from view, a power called 'dark light'."

"A power that has sacred attributes."

"Poor Sitri Duke didn't know this, suffered a permanent wound, and... became a eunuch."

"...." Sitri ground his sharp teeth.

Seeing Duke Sitri's expression, Violet's smile grew more demonic.

"Looks like it's true, Pfff. The mighty Sitri Duke will have to use the back doors for all eternity, Pfft..."

Unable to take it anymore, Violet started to laugh.

  "HAHAHAHAHA~" And her laugh sent chills through everyone present:

The women of the royal guard were holding back from laughing while the men looked at the duke with a look of pity and disdain.

And those looks only raised Sitri's anger to another level as a miasma began to come out of his body, and his wings stretched out.

Everyone quickly assumed a serious expression... Except for one person, of course.

"I can't, pfft." Violet never stopped laughing.

After laughing a few more seconds, Violet lifted her gaze and looked at the demon that was creating a miasma in a mini sun shape.

With a small smile on her face and a look of contempt for the duke's actions, as a woman, the duke's actions no longer categorize him as an existence but rather as dead garbage walking around.

"What a pathetic excuse for existence you are."

"You don't deserve to be a Demon Duke. Why don't you just kill yourself and let Gremory take your place? At least he had some majesty that all of the top 20 Demon Pillars have."


The sound of something breaking was heard in Sitri, and that thing was his patience.

"That's it, bitch. You're dead, fuck the plan, fuck Diablo's orders."

He opened his hands, and his eyes flashed even brighter as he flew in the air:

"I will make sure to destroy all your territory!! And when I'm done…" Duke Sitri's smile grew.

"I will take pleasure in showing all my demons killing your citizens and clan members, and I will watch as thousands of demons use your body as if it were an object."

"..." Violet's eyes, which glowed with disdain, became empty like a dead person, while a dark aura began to cover her body.


"Cough." The demon duke looked down and saw a dagger of darkness piercing his heart and another piercing his brain.


"You let your guard down, demon." Oda internally grumbled about the demon's vitality. If this was a dagger made of the divine element, the demon would already be dead.

"Oda, shove the dagger up his ass."

"As you wish, my lady." The order was accepted.

Oda spun his hand around and pierced the dagger of darkness he had created at the entrance to the man's ass.

"AHHHH! Bastard!" Sitri turned around and tried to attack Oda.

Oda disappeared into the darkness.

'How did he get through the miasma!? In fact, how did I miss him!? Was I so engrossed in my anger?' The demon's wounds began to heal.

"You've committed a great sin, Demon."

Sitri looked at the woman and saw her lifeless eyes, and he shuddered. Her eyes were the same as the woman who castrated him.

"No one... Absolutely no one looks at my body that way..."


A pillar of fire shot out of Violet's body and soared into the heavens, and with just the fire alone, all the miasma was evaporated.

"Retreat, now!" Hilda wasted no time.

The royal guards woke up from their stupor and walked away from the area.

"..." Hilda looked at Violet, 'She's angry, but unlike before, she's not exploding but controlling her anger.'

'A silent, hot rage that can swallow everything.'

The fire pillar disappeared, and Violet emerged from it.

Still wearing the armor she got from her husband, two long bat wings appeared behind her, her ears had become sharper, the skin on her face was paler than usual, her eyes were a pure blood red with no white sclera, while her long hair became pure flame and flew around.

Her whole appearance was more monstrous, and there was no longer any sign of Violet in that creature. If not for the obvious power of fire and the armor the creature was wearing, no one would recognize Violet now.

The temperature around her was horrible, and even though she was so far away, the royal guards could still feel the heat.

Consequently, everything around Violet was starting to burn to ashes.

'...That is, the second vampire count form...' Hilda opened her eyes in shock. She could recognize this monstrous form anywhere.

'Just when? When did she become so proficient and able to improve her transformation more!?'

Hilda knew how difficult it was to train this transformation because, unlike the techniques you learn, the vampire count transformation only improves when your control of your own bloodline increases along with your power, and you need to understand your true 'nature' more.

The simple-to-understand vampire count transformation is nothing more than the user accessing the true nature of the vampire, a way back to the past thousands of years ago when vampires were just mindless monsters.

The clear effects are significant.

Unlike the first form, which only increased the bloodline's power and covered the user with that power increasing everything by 2x…

In this form, the power still increases by 2x, but with the addition of the user's body becoming physically tougher, stronger, and faster. At the same time, their reflexes were taken to another level, and the user gained a significant increase in control of their powers, allowing a greater 'output' of power without harming the body.

In the first form, the user only assumed monstrous features, but in the second, all 'remains' of humanity disappeared, and the user ultimately became a semblance of what vampires were thousands of years ago.

A natural evolution of the first form, a dangerous evolution that, without focus, could cause the user to lose control.

"And those who look at my body that way pay a heavy price for it." The monstrous and somewhat feminine voice sent chills through everyone around.

And in the blink of an eye, Violet vanished and appeared in front of Sitri.

The two stared at each other, one annoyed, the other with dead eyes, then, suddenly, a sonic boom was heard.

And everyone watched in shock as Sitri held a fist that would have hit his head.

An attack so fast that few could see it clearly.

Looking at his burning hands, Sitri narrowed his eyes:

'This is on the same level as the Phoenix fire.'

"Brat, you are a little monster." Sitri's body was covered in a miasma, and his shape changed as he grew taller. Dark blue scales covered his body, his eyes glowed brighter, and sharp claws grew on his hand.

The miasma grew unbearably stronger, but the moment the miasma made its way towards Violet, it was burned out of existence.

"Feel fear before the Duke Sitri!" The demon's cocky grin grew, and he pierced Violet's head with his claws.

... He tried.


The sound of two metals clashing, followed by a sonic boom, was heard all around.

"I'm not impressed." Violet's eyes started to glow brighter, and the fire began to build.

Violet grabbed Sitri's arm.

Her left hand formed an open palm, and using her claws like a spear, she pierced the demon's heart.


"You think I don't know about your powers and weaknesses? Aren't you underestimating my Clan a little too much, Demon?"

Violet turned her hand inside the demon and messed everything up inside him:

"Being an ancient Clan responsible for foreign policy, it is a must for us to have information about the 72 pillars of demons, even the weakest of them, we have information on."

Violet pulled her hand from inside the demon's body, and a beating heart was seen by everyone. Then, the next moment, that heart caught fire.

"I won't let you use your beloved 'Cocytus' technique, Demon."

"Let go of me!" The demon's arm was covered in sharpened water, and it attacked Violet.

Violet's eyes only glowed brighter, and her body temperature rose even more.

And the whole arm, along with the attack, disappears from existence.




A flash was seen, followed by the screams of a demon.

"AHHHHH!" Sitri screamed in so much pain.

'What's going on!?' He was doing his best, he wasn't hiding his power, but something strange was happening.

He looked at the woman in front of him with mild fear.

Her power keeps growing! What the hell is this!? If it continues like this, I will be completely burned out of existence.'

Sitri bit his lip and tried to pull his power, and for a moment, he managed to protect himself and gain the strength to get out, but again Violet's power increased.

Sitri roared in rage and used all his power, but…

Again, Violet surpassed him in sheer power.

'What the fuck is this!?'

"...This is ridiculous. This is not the power of a younger vampire." Hilda commented in disbelief.

Everyone in Clan Snow knew for a fact their Clan's fire amplifies emotions.

If you feel anger, and use the power of fire, that anger will be amplified, and as a symbiosis, the angrier you feel, the stronger you become. The same is the case for other emotions.

And this cycle was shared indefinitely until the user satisfied their feelings.

Of course, this increase in power doesn't come without a price. Normally, when a member of the Snow Clan lost control and pulled in more power than they could use, the body was destroyed and turned to ash because it couldn't withstand the recoil.

There have been several such cases in the past.

'But... She doesn't seem to have a limit? Her rage is fueling her fire, and, consequently, the fire is fueling that rage, and with the body of the second vampire count transformation that increases the vampire's power by 2x, along with her natural talent and her husband's blood that she always drinks.'

"…she became that powerful?" Hilda couldn't understand. It's okay that Violet was talented, she inherited it from her mother, and her father was Adonis himself. Even though he was sick and couldn't reach his full potential, he was talented too, but this increase in power is ridiculous.

'It's outrageous! Even now, her power was increasing! She had long surpassed me in base form, and that's just raw power! And more importantly, how has she not lost control of her emotions yet!?

Violet looked like a newborn star whose heat only increased with time.

There's a reason the Snow Clan is a special Clan, one of which was, of course, their bloodline that eliminated the vampires' weakness to the sun.

The second reason: They are a Clan that is fueled by emotion.

Their fire burned using emotion as fuel.

And Violet now... She was pissed off... really pissed.

Behind those lifeless eyes that looked like two black holes, the flame of anger and hate were burning.

'That dog dared to lust after my body! MY BODY! He dared to want to stain my body which is only my husband's! How dare he!? Fuck capture. He must die! He must die. He must die. He must die. He must die. He must die. He must die. He must die...'

Like a broken record, Violet's entire existence moved towards one goal, the death of the demon in front of her, and she would do it even if she used all her strength now and got into bed for several days!

She was going to use the power that all her current self could produce and kill this bastard.



'DIE!' Violet's vision went completely red.

Unable to hold back her emotions, Violet's face began to distort as her teeth ground together. Her emotions fueled her, and her fire began to grow even more.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!" Violet pulled Sitri by the arm and headbutted him in the face.

"You dare want to contaminate my body!?" She delivered another punch to the man's face, and as she held onto his arm, a series of punches began to hit him.

"Only my Darling has that permission!"


"Only him!"




"You worm, piece of shit!" Tearing off Sitri's arm and piercing that same arm into the demon's body

She pierced Sitri's left eye and pulled it out, and burned the eye to ash.


Violet threw Sitri towards the clouds.

Three booms were heard in the air.

'I need to protect myself!' The moment he thought about it, he felt a hand holding his face. Then, looking through the cracks in the hand, he saw the distorted face of the being. Its eyes had been on fire for a long time, and the fury that emanated from that being towards the demon made the demon tremble in fear.

Suddenly, he remembered the warning he had received from the king before the plan began.

"Duke Sitri… Under no circumstances should you fall for the taunt of someone from the Snow Clan or provoke back."

"The Snow Clan of Nightingale are noble vampires where emotion speaks louder than rationality. They are meaner than demons ."

"Remember, do not provoke the Snow Clan. You will not like the result of this action. "

Looking at the distorted face of this being, he understood why the king had warned him that way.

"Damn, monster-" His throat was ripped out.


"I don't want to hear your voice, just disappear, disappear from existence, you piece of shit."

The temperature reached the maximum point that Violet could accumulate, and the heat was so great that even the buildings that were at nightingale distance were melting.

If most of the vampires present here weren't trained older vampires, they'd be burned to dust with just the heat.

"What is she doing…?" Hilda narrows her eyes, and suddenly the image of an entire city being burned by what appears to be a star appears in her head.

'Agnes, are you crazy! Did you teach that to your daughter!?' Hilda quickly ran with all her speed towards the city and upon reaching the tallest building in the city.

Hilda's entire body was covered in fire, and with a smooth transition, her ears grew sharper, two bat wings appeared behind her, and she grew a little taller.

The Vampire Count Transformation.

'The first out is enough.' She thought, and then she pointed her hand forward.

A beam of fire was created, and when it reached the boundary of the territory, this beam hit the 'air' and stopped, as a barrier began to be created.

As the barrier was about to be completed, Hilda heard it.


And in the next second, the entire sky was covered in blinding light.



Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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