Chapter 452: The Legion of Demons.

A few hours before Victor appeared, portals of the same color that Diablo walked through appeared throughout Nightingale, and immediately Demons began to sprout like plagues.

In the Royal Capital.

"As expected, there was an attack, huh," Morgana spoke as she looked at the portals.

"Victor did the right thing to call us." Jeanne pointed to a spot.

Morgana looked at the place and saw two 4-meter-tall Demons standing on top of a roof.

"71st Key of Solomon, Duke Dantalion," Jeanne spoke as her eyes sparkled.

"Hah!" Morgana snorted in disdain:

"They sure are underestimating Nightingale; with him here, we don't even need to do anything; just Nightingale's Royal Guard is enough."

Suddenly they all felt a massive pressure drop all over Nightingale.

Morgana and Jeanne looked at a location, specifically next to Dantalion.

"1st Key of Solomon, King Baal…."

"....." A silence fell around them.

"You and your big mouth Morgana!" Jeanne wasted no time and blamed her friend.

"... It's not my fault, this had already been planned, and even with Baal here, I can deal with him." She snorted in disdain.

Another presence appeared, and unlike the Humanoid Demons, this one was more monstrous. Its wings were gigantic, and 'miasma' leaked from its mouth.

"9th Key of Solomon, King Paimon," Morgana muttered in disbelief.

Fight with Baal? She could. With her increase in power, she was confident in winning, and Dantalion, in her opinion, had always been weak. Even before she was a General, she could defeat him.

But Baal and Paimon together? Even she would have difficulties.

Because, even though Dantalian was weak in her opinion, his ability of 'immortality' was just as problematic when dealing with one of The Keys of Solomon called 'Phoenix.'

"...." Jeanne just looked at Morgana silently as if she were judging the woman.


"Shut fuck up, Morgana!"

"If you say something, Murphy will be summoned by you again!"


Clan Snow.

"The Capital is under attack," Violet murmured. Even from here, she could feel that terrifying presence.

Currently in her office were the senior Head Maid, Hilda, and Oda Blank, a Master Assassin.

Natalia was standing next to Violet.

"We already expected this. Most Elder Vampires are focused on the Capital, so the biggest enemy force is there." Hilda explained though she couldn't hide her shocked tone.

"...Morgana and Jeanne are in that place, too," Violet added.

"And my father," Natalia added with a slight frown.

'How did someone manage to invade the space around Nightingale?'

'Invading Nightingale should be impossible, we are literally in another dimension.'

Theoretically, with Alexios in the Capital, breaking into this place should be impossible. Despite planning to defend against a possible invasion, no one was really counting on that because everyone knew how difficult it was to break into Nightingale with Alexios present.

And the reason Natalia was so shocked was that it was the Demons that invaded them.

It was not the Gods that some may have Space Deities, but rather, Demons!

They didn't have that ability!

'Just what's going on?' She could think of several possibilities, but drawing conclusions without accurate information was foolish.

"The Capital is not a problem, the problem is the other territories." Hilda looked at the map spread out on the table.

"The Snow Clan, currently due to the city being built, is the most valuable. Therefore, we have plenty of the King's forces protecting our territory.

"Not to mention Clan Blank is here too." Hilda silently looked at Oda.

"The Fulger and Scarlett Clans are the problems." Hilda didn't even need to mention the Adrastea Clan; among all the Vampire Count Clans, the Adrastea Clan had the most military power.

"Don't underestimate Clan Scarlett," Violet spoke as she tapped rhythmically on the table.

"I'm not... But not even the Daughters of Scathach can fight the Demon Dukes."

"If you have that thought, then you are underestimating Clan Scarlett," Violet commented in a neutral tone.

"Scathach Scarlett doesn't do half-work, not to mention my Darling trained the three sisters."

"They were trained by the Strongest Female Vampire and the most talented Vampire currently in existence."

"...Not to mention Ruby is in Clan Scarlett now with backup."

"...I didn't know that... When did this happen?"

"Just a few minutes ago." Natalia was the one who answered.

"...Oh, so that's where you suddenly disappeared to."

"Yes, when I felt someone invading Nightingale's space, I immediately went to Ruby, and looked for reinforcements."

Violet nodded and continued:

"Ruby and her sisters are Daughters of Scathach, and when the sisters are together, even my Husband has no choice but to admire their teamwork. Only they, together and working as a team, can fully handle my Husband in his base form. If they were to use their Vampire Count form, they could fight a Demon Duke and kill him."

"And they're not alone; they have reinforcements, two Alpha Werewolves, and a retired Hunter."

"...A Hunter helping Vampires...?"

"What an irony, isn't it?" Violet sneered, then looked at the map again.

"Clan Scarlett is fine," Violet spoke confidently; she trusted her friend and her sisters. She also trusted her friend's time training with her Husband on Earth.

Of all the Wives, Ruby trained the most with her Husband, and who was Ruby? She was the daughter of Scathach and had been trained by the woman since childhood.

Violet wasn't worried.

"Clan Fulger is what concerns me. Due to recent events, they are not at full strength."

"Yes, they have recovered, but their military power is lacking."

"Sasha was trained by Natashia, she is much stronger than before, and Victoria, despite not having the Lightning of her Clan, is an Elder Vampire. Her physical strength is high. Tatsuya doesn't need to be mentioned. The man just loses in talent to my Husband; he's a Monster too... And he must have gotten a lot stronger than before."

Despite saying that, Violet didn't put much faith in her words. After all, unlike her Husband, who has the Progenitor blood to boost his strength, and everyone who drinks his blood,

Tatsuya didn't have that.

But his illusion technique was quite troublesome to deal with, and with that alone, he could deal with several unsuspecting Demons... And my sister is in that place too.'

"Wait…huh." Finally, Hilda made a decision after thinking through the whole scenario.

"Yes..." Violet held her brow and nodded with Hilda as she beat the table rhythmically with her other hand.

"For now, they have only invaded the Royal Capital; we can't move now. We need to wait for the enemy's movement. Moving now could cause breaches in our defense. We are not attacking; we are defending ourselves."

It was worth mentioning that this was something Violet hated. She preferred to attack, attack, and attack even more! Similar to her early relationship with Victor, where she just lashed out. Being passively defensive was not her style.

Hilda narrowed her eyes and commented, "... This whole situation stinks."

"Indeed... Knowing Demons' strength, if they wanted to destroy Nightingale, they would have sent more forces." Oda commented.

"It doesn't make sense to just send a few Demon Dukes."


"Hello? Express your thoughts, please." Violet frowned. This man always had a bad habit of saying things halfway.

"They are buying time, or they are also putting resources elsewhere."

"Remember, the meeting is happening right now. So our big players are out of the picture. And according to King, the Demon invasion has been in the works for a while, which means…."

"Earth..." Violet muttered,

"Are the Demons trying to buy time for their main army?" It was not news that if a war happened, all Supernatural Beings would try to take advantage of it; it seemed the Demons didn't want that.

One thing to say about the Demons was that The Legions of Hell were massive. Their population equaled the number of 'sinners' in Hell; that is, they passively gained recruits in their army.

And with Hell united under one banner with Lilith's defeat, they had a larger army than in the age of Genesis.

Violet and Hilda opened their eyes wide, and a bad feeling went through them; it seemed they had the same thought.

"Natalia, check out Earth's great Superpowers," Violet spoke.

"Yes." Natalia opened a portal and went through.


In the skies over New York, Natalia narrowed her eyes. She then opened another portal and appeared in Russia.

And the sight of the city made her hold her breath.

"Bloody hell..."

Thousands of Demons scattered all over the place, Demons of various sizes and strengths, Demon Dukes, and the like... The city looked like literal Hell.

Even the terrain around it was similar to Hell.

'Terraformation? Are they changing the terrain?'


Natalia turned her face and saw a being over 50 meters in diameter, with sharp fangs, long wings, completely black scales, and blue eyes like a lizard.

"D-Dragon." Unconsciously, she muttered, seeing the Dragon opening its mouth about to bite her.

Natalia quickly used her power and ran away.

Back at the Snow Clan, she looked at everyone present with a startled face, and when she started to speak.

Portals began to appear throughout the Snow Clan territory.

Everyone present took on a severe expression.

"They came." Violet's eyes glowed blood red, and she stood up from her chair.

"Natalia, report what you saw on the way."


"Hilda, where is the armor that my husband gave me?"

"In your chambers, Lady Violet."

Violet nodded. Inwardly she couldn't help but feel amused. Who would have guessed that the strange gift Victor gave her while in Clan Adrastea would come in handy?

'I love anything my Husband gives me, but receiving armor as a gift? I didn't expect that... I'd rather he filled me with his seeds than the armor... Although he did it after he gave me the armor.' Her thoughts ran wild.

Soon she turned around and said to Oda:

"Oda, you know what to do." Violet flashed a small smile full of sharp teeth.

"Kill them all."

"...As you wish, My Lady." Oda bowed and soon disappeared into the shadows.


"They're here..." Sasha commented as she finished putting on her gauntlet.

Sasha was wearing full-length silver armor made from materials from monsters that Victor had killed while in Clan Adrastea and forged by the Vampires of Clan Adrasteia.

A full body armor that protected everything, but at the same time was not heavy, an armor that focused on speed.

"What will you do?" Victoria spoke as she arranged the white cloth on the back of the armor.

Victoria crouched down and arranged the cloth she had around Sasha's waist area.

As an armor made exclusively for Sasha, the 'cloth' of the armor had an aesthetic look, but that wasn't all.

This cloth was made with the leather of lightning-sensitive monsters, it helped Sasha's lightning flow more 'smoothly' throughout her body, and that's not all. These cloths held the lightning electricity and energized all the armor, making it possible for the user to use the accumulated power at any time.

Upon touching the powered armor, an unsuspecting one would receive a shock that would potentially kill them.

Victoria stood up and checked Sasha's hair in a ponytail style with braids, so her hair wouldn't get in the way of the fight.

"Kill them all." Sasha's eyes glow blood red,

"...." Victoria cracked a small smile when she looked at Sasha; she looked a lot like her mother Carmila when she wore this armor that gave the feeling that she was looking at an Ancient Knight.

Taking the silver helmet with her right hand,

Sasha said, "I'll leave the command to you."

She opened the door, and Tatsuya was waiting for her, wearing a plain Yukata.

Sasha raised an eyebrow.

Noticing his cousin's gaze, Tatsuya spoke:

"For me, this is enough." He lifted the Katana from his waist.

Now it was Tatsuya's turn to look at Sasha; admiring the woman's beauty and the armor, he noticed something:

"Where are your weapons?"

Rumble, Rumble.

Two dagger-shaped Lightning Constructs appeared in Sasha's hand.

"For me, these are enough."

"..." Now it was Tatsuya's turn to raise his eyebrow.

"You know that is quite tiring, right?" It's not like he didn't know how to do it, but maintaining a Lightning Construct was a waste of power.

"Ara, it doesn't matter..." Sasha turned around with a small smile and started walking through the halls: "Because if it's about power..."

Sasha's eyes glowed blood red, and her smile grew a little, and slowly the daggers went from the appearance of Lightning and started to take on a more 'real' shape, which made the mother and son present widen their eyes in shock.

Doing what Sasha did now required an absurd amount of energy, and even maintaining that state as Sasha was doing must be very tiring for an average Fulger Clan member.

The cloth on Sasha's armor began to be energized with Lightning and changed color from white to gold, and her armor began to glow faintly.

"I have enough."

Rumble, Rumble.

Sasha disappeared, leaving trails of golden Lightning behind, and soon the sound of a crash of thunder was heard nearby.

"...." Victoria looked at all of this in shock.

'This girl is a damn monster... Doesn't she have more raw power to use than my sister?' Victoria very much doubted that Natashia could maintain a Lightning Construct for as long as Sasha did now.

'Is the armor helping in any way?'

Victoria was correct and wrong at the same time.

The armor was helping, but there was also the fact that Sasha was Natashia's daughter. She'd inherited her power and was already born with a large amount of Lightning power.

And that power only increased by drinking her Husband's blood.

As she was still a 'baby' in the developmental stage, that meant Sasha had been consuming super nutritious food since she was a baby, and as they say.

Eat nutritious food as a child to grow strong and healthy.

By 'eating' Victor, Sasha grew strong and healthy!

Tatsuya could only display a small smile.

'My cousin is a monster... But that's normal; a monster's wife will also become a monster.

"I'm going, mom."

"Mm, take care, and back off if you have to."

"..." Tatsuya just nodded, and slowly his figure began to disappear as if he didn't exist in the first place.

"..." Victoria raised an eyebrow when she realized that her son had already left, but she didn't know when.

'He's a monster in his own right too.'



Looking at the colossal Lightning bolt that fell in the middle of the city, she thought:

'Although Sasha is a bigger monster because she's being cultivated by two other big monsters.'

Victoria just shook her head like she had no choice. Then, she started ordering the Clan members to do their tasks and ordered the non-combatant members to hide in the secure area underground.

Finishing sorting around, she walked towards a hallway, entered a room, and found Hecate in front of what appeared to be a large observation spell that could be seen all over the territory.

Nodding lightly to her butler, who was also in the room to protect her, she asked:


"A Demon Duke and his Demon Legion are attacking Clan Fulger's territory."

"Which Duke are we dealing with?"

"37th Key of Solomon, Marques Phoenix."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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