Chapter 520: War…

"Any act of aggression will not be forgiven."

"...If this rule is broken." Then, the man with the poker face flashed a soft smile for the first time since the meeting began.

"My prison will welcome aggressors with open doors."

A silence fell in the area; even though it had no threatening tone, everyone the man directed his eyes at felt threatened.

No one wanted to fall into this man's prison.

With the same gentle smile, he said:

"I assure you, my prison is a place that treats everyone very well."

"Would you like to have a taste of our hospitality?" He looked at the Angels.

"...Thank you very much, but we must decline," Michael replied with a bit of difficulty.

The man's gaze fell on the Demons.

"We refuse."

"Really? That's a shame." Though his face was neutral, his voice held traces of disappointment.

"Continuing… Representative of the Angels, do you have any demands?"

"At the moment, we have no demand." It was pretty apparent that Michael wanted to say something at first, but with the Demons present, he wasn't in the mood for it. He would have already used his sword to wipe that Demon's disdaining face off if he hadn't been in this' neutral' place.

"Very well."

The Organizer looked at the Demons who were supposed to be next, but he ignored them and moved on to the other representatives.

"Werewolf representatives, do you have any demands?"

"I don't."

The Organizer just nodded and looked at Vlad.

"Vampire Representative?"

"We don't have demands," Vlad commented in a neutral tone.

The Organizer shifted his gaze to Evie.

"Representatives of the Witches?"

"...Recently..." The Witch started to speak after thinking for a while.

"An event that everyone knows took place in Japan."

Everyone's eyes fell on Haruna and Victor, specifically Victor.

"A certain individual has caused great chaos in the Supernatural Community."

"I propose a law to prevent this event from happening in the future."

It was worth mentioning that the look of the three Countesses and Vlad weren't pretty now.

"Hmm... Fair enough; what rule do you propose?"

"This individual offended several Factions that day." The Witch began to bloom her words.

"And if it weren't for his special status... He would have already been tried." Every time her word was spoken, Victor's face distorted, and distorted.

He easily saw that the woman was using the same tactics as him but using her authority.

He came to Vlad and said:

"Ask for permission to speak again."

The woman was accusing him. The least he could do was defend himself; Vlad thought it was.

'Fair enough.'

"If you are accusing someone, that person has the right to speak, right?"

"How rude... I'm not accusing anyone... I'm just stating facts." Evie flashed a small smile.

"If that person has a guilty conscience for his crimes, that's not my problem."

Vlad didn't care and looked at the meeting Organizer.

"Very Well."

Victor felt that 'feeling' of freedom again, which came when the Being in front of him allowed him to speak.

"Testing...Testing...Can you hear me?"

Everyone was confused for a few seconds but unconsciously raised their eyebrows, and that was enough to know that everyone was listening to him.

But that wasn't the purpose of this little prank, he had everyone's attention, and that was enough.

"I killed Witches."

"..." Evie's face trembled.

"I killed Wolves."

Volk raised an eyebrow.

"I killed the Humans."

The Angels were the ones who raised their eyebrows now.

"I killed the Youkai."

Now it was Haruna who looked at Victor, but unlike everyone else, she had a slight amusement in her expression. She didn't care about those Youkai; after all, none were in her Faction.

"That day, I led a genocide against the Japanese Community for the simple reason that they tried to take advantage of a little girl I consider my daughter."

"I killed, and not just a few. 50% of Japan's Supernatural Community died that day."

"Everyone who took advantage of my daughter's weakened state died."

"Everyone died, and no one survived… Trust me, I guarantee it." Victor's eyes gleamed at the end with a dangerous red glow.

"...." Vlad was the one who raised the eyebrow now, and he unconsciously gripped the throne; Victor was treading dangerous ground with his words now.

And Vlad honestly didn't know what he would do if something happened to Victor.

He was conflicted.

'Haaah... Why is everything always complicated with this man? Can't he just do what I order?'

"Are you admitting this…?" the Organizer asked.

"Yes. Unlike some people, when I do something, I don't hide behind stupid rules or laws; I own the shit I do."

Evie squeezed the chair she was sitting on and nearly broke it.

"Vampires, Youkai, Humans, Hunters, Werewolves, Witches, Demons, I killed them all."

"....." A silence fell around; no one expected him to take the blame; after all, usually, people deny or justify their actions. But, despite having given a reason, was it enough to be a justification...?

Soon the silence was broken again by Victor.

"So what?"

"..." All the Leaders raised their eyebrows again.

"Gods exploited Humans and used them as if they were cattle." Victor's eyes fell on Thor, Zeus, and Shiva, his gaze lingering on Zeus longer than the others.

"Werewolves, Vampires, and Humans use each other for their own benefit, and small conflicts always occur; deaths happen."

"Gods, Demons, and even Werewolves exploited the Witches and tried to keep it a secret."

'Well, Vampires did that too, but bringing up this topic now is just a shot in the foot; I'll deal with them in the future, so it doesn't come and bite my ass.'

"...What-." Before Evie could say anything, Victor grabbed his bag and pulled out some documents his [now] favorite Goddess had given him.

Documents the Goddess gave him as a countermeasure that, just like Zeus, served to keep the Witch on her leash.

'Haaah, I'm really fucked; I owe this woman a lot.' Despite thinking that, he didn't feel worried.

Soon he took those documents and threw them in Evie's face.

"You are a Queen, but you don't even know what happens to your own people? What a great Queen you are." Victor spoke in disdain.

"This..." She squeezed the papers in her hand.

'These documents match the report I had in the past...' She was irritated that these Beings had taken advantage of her people, which she swore would never happen like in the past.

But she was also annoyed that if these Witches were being exploited, some secrets might have been leaked [the probability was very high].

If the Witches had just been exploited and died, she would have been pissed off, but not like now.

Evie looked at Volk and Zeus' as her eyes gleamed.

'Bastards who cannot control their people'.

She would make them pay for it… Haah, she would definitely make them pay for it.

Even though she knew she was being manipulated by Victor now, she didn't care; it was already past the limit of just being killed like a pig by Victor.

Secrets must remain secret.

Her eyes didn't fail to fall on Diablos either.

'Damn Demon, I'll make you pay for it; the price you will pay will be heavy, more expensive than before.'

"Don't try to be what you're not; everyone in this room has blood on their hands, some much more than others."

"I'm not here trying to blame anyone or measure the size of our dicks; after all, that's a pointless dispute."

"Because everyone present knows my dick is the biggest… Oh, the big guy over there doesn't count; he probably doesn't have one."

'Pfft.' Lilith almost laughed but managed to keep her poker face.

Diablos didn't mind the 'insignificant' comment.

"....." 'This man really has balls; he has no decency!?' Everyone else thought.

"A very bold statement you spoke." Volk couldn't help but talk.

"It's just the truth." Victor shrugged, not caring about Volk's irritated glare.

He didn't even flinch when he learned the Wolves died, but when his masculinity was questioned, it became personal.

"I committed genocide, and I killed all the culprits."

'Well, I tortured them too, but nobody needs to know that.'

"So what? What's new and surprising about this? Have you not done this before?"

"And let's be honest..." Victor got close to Vlad, flashed a shit-eating grin, and said:

"I was generous."

He touched both Vlad's shoulders and said:

"If my old friend Vlad had gone, what would you think would've happened?" Victor looked at Shiva.

'Bastard! Don't touch me; I'm not your fucking friend!' Vlad screamed in his mind but was outwardly silent; after all, whatever plan Victor was doing was working; he'd just made the Witch Queen hostile to the other two Factions and possibly made enemies with others as well, but that was life.

"Vlad would've destroyed the entire country."

"And what would've happened next?"

"This meeting was going to take place."

"Would you have judged Vlad for that?" Victor's shitty grin grew.

"..." Vlad raised his eyebrow and looked around at everyone present; it is worth mentioning that he was also curious about that possible future.

Victor looked at the Organizer.

The Organizer's smile grew imperceptibly; he clearly understood what Victor was doing.

But as a neutral party, he must remain neutral, even in this kind of situation.

'Even so young, he is so experienced; is it be because of that Soul?'

"Yes, he would be tried; this crime would not go unpunished."

After all, Vlad would've destroyed an entire Mythology.

"Mm," Victor nodded in satisfaction and continued, "And what is the most possible outcome of that 'trial'?"

"...Nothing would happen..."

"Oh...? I wonder why that is. Can you please answer me, Lord Volk?"

"Because he's strong." He responded naturally.

And that only made the smile of the Organizer, Vlad, and Shiva squirm; the Wolf just fell for the trap.

"Pfft...Hahahaha~" Victor let go of Vlad's shoulders and started laughing while holding his belly; it was as if he had heard the funniest joke of his life.

Unconsciously, his body's control dropped a little, and his hair grew to his waist, which was its regular length.

Victor lifted his chest and smiled. His hair seemed to defy gravity, and his face was entirely distorted.

"Indeed, nothing would've happened because he is strong."

"It is precisely because he is strong that nothing would've happened."

"...And that's the only True Rule that all Supernatural Beings follow."

"Why is Lord Shiva representing all Mythologies?"

"Because unlike the Rapist King over there, the man is strong and has a fair personality."

"...." A vein bulged on Zeus' head.

"Why didn't the Old Witch try to attack me? Because she has to protect her wrinkled 'face' after all."

Evie squinted her eyes at Victor. 'Somebody has to stop this man's mouth! That damned chatterbox!'

Angry was an understatement for how Evie was feeling right now, and with that report in her hands, her irritation only grew.

"Because I'm a Vampire Count of Nightingale. Attacking me without an excuse is asking my old friend Vlad to do something." He touched both of Vlad's shoulders.

'Again, I'm not your goddamn friend, you piece of shit! Stop blaming me! Somebody stop his mouth!' After some thought, he realized he was the only one who could do this.

"Victor-." But he acted too late, as Victor started talking… Well, fuck.

"Why didn't that big bad Demon say anything or do anything until now?" He pointed at Diablo.

For the first time, the Demon looked at Victor with its eyes completely red.

"Because he's scared shitless of this man." Victor pointed to the meeting Organizer.


It was official; if Victor wasn't an enemy of the Demons before, he was now.

Hot air came out of Diablo's mouth, and his irritated eye proved how furious he was.

If Victor wasn't Zeus' enemy, he was now.

And if the Witch didn't want his head previously, she wanted it now.

The only one who remained indifferent, and a little amused/annoyed by it all, was Volk.

Despite being irritated that he killed his relatives, he really liked Victor's personality.

The others who were indifferent to this were Shiva, Haruna, the two Seraphim, and even Lilith.

... He really was talented at making enemies and allies at the same time.

Victor's voice suddenly died, but everyone could see him laughing as the three Countesses beside him seemed to say something to Victor, and whatever he replied made two of the women laugh; even Scathach flashed a small smile.

From Vlad's displeased expression, everyone could see that something was up.

Unconsciously, everyone looked at the Organizer.

'...Can you allow us to listen to him a little longer? We're really curious about what they're talking about!' Their eyes seemed to scream.

They really wanted to say it, but they couldn't.

"Representative of the Witches, do you wish to add anything?"

"No, I don't have anything to add," Evie replied neutrally, still a little annoyed; she looked at Victor and thought:

'I'll do it myself.'

'After this war is over.' She couldn't care for Victor as long as the big cake called 'earth' was available.

"Very well, the claims of the Witches' representative will be removed from the record... Moving on." He looked at the Demons.

"Representative of the Demons, do you have any demands?"

"Yes, and I ask my partner's permission to speak."

"..." The man just nodded and looked at Diablos.

At that moment, Victor and everyone present look at Diablos.

Hot air came out of the Demon's mouth as he opened his mouth, and an ominous voice shook the place and sent terrible feelings into the Souls of everyone weaker than him.

"...China has fallen." He raised his right hand, which could only be described as Demonic Claws up, and a red gate appeared, and that gate showed the place that was once Beijing.

"...." Silence fell around the room, but unlike before, which was an amused and shocked silence, the silence was more severe and ominous.

In a nutshell, what could be seen could be described as Hell on Earth, a sight that even made Victor disgusted.

And he wasn't alone; Scathach, Agnes, Natashia, Vlad, Volk, and pretty much everyone with a 'sense' of honor in a fight felt disgusted at seeing this image.

There was no honor; it was just… Infernal.

The streets were destroyed, and Demonic Creatures were hunting Humans for sport.

Victor's vision caught a child being captured by a Demon and becoming that Demon's snack.

Victor's eyes glowed blood red.

... He didn't like that.

He may be a monster, but even that monster had a line he didn't dare cross, and that was children.

Scathach had the same feelings, she was the one who taught Victor the values ​​of a Warrior, and that vision didn't have that. It had no value; it was just... Despicable.

On the other hand, Vlad thought.

'How? How is this possible? How did China fall, and don't we know anything? Were those Gods defeated by this Demon's corruption? How?' Vlad's head is spinning faster than usual; in Vlad's plans, China, if attacked, should've lasted longer.

The Gods of that place weren't weak, nor were their Supernatural Community.

'More importantly... How was this information hidden?' The Supernatural Beings had informants scattered all over the planet, and no one knowing about it was strange, very strange.

"Russia has fallen too..." The image shifted to Moscow.

And just like before, the silence grew even more deafening.

The image in front of them appeared to be a copy of Beijing; everything was destroyed.

"My troops have entered Europe and are heading to Ukraine, Finland, and Sweden." Three portals appeared in the sky, showing giant Demons walking, flying, and contaminating the entire site.

The Earth was turning into literal Hell.

Thor narrowed his eyes. 'This damn Demon is very close to the Nordic territory... Does All father know that?'

"My Demons in Argentina, Brazil, and Africa have already begun to march." Again, he showed images.

For Diablo, showing all this would not interfere with his plans at all; his project had already progressed to a point where no one could interfere unless they destroyed all Demons and him included.

"What's your goal for all this, Diablos?"

"I don't believe in some bullshit excuse like the destruction of the Human Race." Volk narrowed his eyes.

"My goals are beyond your comprehension."

The Wolf growled in disapproval; he didn't like the answer.

"Do you want to be devoured, Demon?" His eyes gleamed, and his hair began to defy gravity; his teeth became sharp fangs that seemed capable of devouring everything.

Diablos ignored the man and treated him as insignificant.

"The war has begun... A war as devastating as the one that had taken place in the Primeval times of the Genesis age."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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