My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 502: Victor had a gift for making enemies...

Chapter 502: Victor had a gift for making enemies...

'I was the cause of your suffering, huh?'

"Darling..." Violet muttered as she thought of Victor's last words before he gently asked her and Leona to leave the two of them alone.

As she was connected with Victor, she could hear his last thoughts; they were so strong she could fully understand how he was feeling.

After seeing this, she didn't have the energy to fight with her mother anymore... Now... That didn't mean she wouldn't do it later.

'And to think he was feeling so guilty...'

"Tsk, Tsk."

"...." Violet looked to the side and saw a woman looking annoyed.

Violet narrowed her eyes: "Why are you angry?"

"Are you really asking that?"

"I mean, yes? Why are you so angry?" Violet gave a shit-eating grin. She understood why she was pissed off, but she still asked the obvious.

Veins bulged on Leona's head, but even though she was annoyed, and knowing Violet was teasing her, she said:

"I'm pissed off because I just saw the man I love marry another woman."

"...." Violet opened her eyes slightly.

"Heh, and I thought you didn't have the guts to admit it…especially to my face." Violet had to give Leona some credit; few women ever said that phrase to her face and lived to tell the tale.

"Hmph." Leona snorted and turned away.

Soon she started walking again in a random direction.

Despite being annoyed, Leona wasn't an idiot; she clearly saw that there was history between Victor, Agnes, and Violet herself.

This development wouldn't happen if there wasn't a story behind it.

Despite understanding that, her irritation didn't lessen.

"And by the way, why didn't you do anything? Are you not a Yandere?"

"Again with that shit?" Violet raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, you should do something!"

"This is more complicated than it looks."

"…Ugh." Leona couldn't even complain because she understood that.

"And you're okay with having your mother... Huuuh..." Leona actually felt really weird saying that right now.

The level of awkwardness made her have little convulsions throughout her body.

When Leona's words registered in Violet's brain.

Leona witnessed the sight of a woman losing the light entirely from her eyes.

"I mean... It's not like it's the first time..."

"You get used to it."

"..." Leona tried to open her mouth to say something, but all that came out was air.

The two white-haired women stared at each other in silence for a long time until Leona spoke:

"Hmm, shall we go get coffee or something? Nero and Ophis are here too."

"... That's a good idea, but I'll drink blood, I can't drink coffee."

"... OK." That was all Leona said, and soon she turned and started walking.

Violet soon walked over and walked beside the woman.

On that day, the servants of the Snow Clan witnessed the strange sight of a Werewolf who looked like their Clan's heir walking side by side with their real clan heir throughout the mansion.


While a strange situation was developing in the Snow Clan, something was happening with Vlad's old wives.

"It's been a long time since we spoke, Lady Jeanne...Lady Anna..."

"Just call me Jeanne; I'm not the Queen anymore." Jeanne discarded these irritating formalities.

"And don't call me Anna; I changed my name to Morgana," Morgana added when Jeanne finished talking.

"Mm." That was all the woman could say.

Currently, these three women were in a location between Clan Adrastea's territory and the Royal Capital. They were having a private meeting in a cave...

Yes, a cave... After all, they didn't have Eleanor's convenient power to create a city at will.

"...I wonder why you guys called me after so long..."

"Before we get to the main subject, I'd like to know who you're working with right now?" Morgana interrupted the woman.

"... Is that important?"

"Of course... It is extremely important." Jeanne emphasized this fact.

After a moment of silence, which was used for the woman to make a decision, she soon spoke:

"I'm working for Clan Fulger; I'm their contracted Witch." It was only this information she spoke, and that was enough.

Jeanne just nodded, indicating that she understood what she was saying, a very different reaction from Morgana, who raised her eyebrow.

"Just Clan Fulger?"


This time even Jeanne narrowed her eyes a little.

"Why is one of the Witch Queen's daughters working exclusively for the Fulger Clan?" She was pretty curious now.

"... That's not the topic of this meeting, right? Lady Morgana."

"Tsk, just call me Morgana."

"..." Hecate smiled neutrally. She understood their personalities very well after having worked with the two women for a long time.

"Anyway, why did you call me here? I was in the middle of a Date, you know?"

The two women only raised their eyebrows when they heard what this woman said.

'She was on a Date? Just who is the poor thing?' The two thought at the same time.

"Before I continue, I have a little warning."


"Don't fuck with Clan Fulger; you know why right?"

"Of course, I'm not foolish enough to make that woman my enemy."

"...." Morgana just smiled in amusement. Amusement because she understood that Hecate was utterly unconcerned by her warning. It was as if she had no intention of doing anything.

It was as if she had an interest in something else...

And her instincts told her that something was related to the 'Date' she'd mentioned earlier.

"Continuing with the matter."

'Finally.' Hecate thought internally. She really didn't like all these worries. It was not like she'd met these women several times, although she understood they were both cautious because they'd been in a coma for so long.

"We want information."

"What information?" Hecate replied.

"About the current state of the world, the incident involving the Fifth Count of Vampires, and the massacre of Supernatural Beings in Japan. And information about the Demons that are leading the next invasion."

Jeanne summed up everything she wanted.

"…This is going to be expensive, you know? That information is not easy to gain." She didn't even act surprised when she learned of the break-in, proof that she already knew it was happening.

"We know."

"... Okay..." Hecate closed her eyes slightly, she seemed to be thinking, and then she spoke:

"Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Demons; that's information that even I don't know."

"... Even with all your mother's connections and the connections you've built, you don't know anything?" Morgana found it hard to believe.



"That's the problem."

"My mother's connections... Even the network I've built doesn't surpass hers."

"...." The two women narrowed their eyes.

"She is purposely preventing the Witches from knowing details about this invasion. We just know that an invasion will happen, but we don't know anything about the members who will participate, their forces, and the scale of the forces."

"The only thing we know is that Diablos won the war with Lilith, and he's leading it all."

"...." Jeanne and Morgana nodded; they just knew that too.

"Information about the state of the world is pretty easy to get."

"If we're going to sum it up in simple ways."

"The status quo that existed before is being broken by something or someone."

"Factions that shouldn't be allying are allying."

"Beings are teaming up with beings that were enemies."

"The war that is already going on is affecting everything and everyone."

Hecate waved her hand, and two crystal balls appeared in her hand.

"Memory magic."

If Victor were here, he would understand this ridiculous gesture; after all, he needed several Witches to do what Hecate did now. The difference between a Master Witch and an ordinary Witch was ridiculous.

"Here is all the information of the current world state that I currently know."

"Don't expect too much; I'm not as influential as my older sister Selena or my Mother."

  "After all, I'm only The Third Daughter." She spoke in disdain for that title.

After all, the first daughter, second daughter, and third daughter were all a hierarchy, and this position could easily change depending on the usefulness of the 'daughter'.

"But I must know more than you two, who were sleeping for who knows how long."

"…Thanks, Hecate." Jeanne thanked her while ignoring the woman's sarcastic tone.

Jeanne handed Morgana a crystal ball, and the woman held it carefully; she planned to use it when the meeting was over.

"Now, about Victor..."

"..." Jeanne and Morgana narrowed their eyes, what was that awkward pause?

"…Ugh, do you want the short or long version?"

"The abridged version" Morgana.

"The long version." Jeanne.

Morgana and Jeanne spoke at the same time.

"...." The two look at each other, and a tactical agreement formed between the two.

"The abridged version." They said at the same time.

"... Okay, basically, The Witch Queen is extremely angry with Victor."


"Why is she angry with Victor?" Jeanne asked with a dangerous look.

A look that was shared by Morgana.

'... This man is indeed a catcher... Even the ex-wives of the King of Vampires! He really has balls!' Hecate once again found herself marveling at the absurd no-sense that was Victor.

'And from the look of the two women, everyone can tell that they don't have a simple relationship.' Hecate finished her thoughts which lasted only a few seconds, and continued:

"My mother summoned Victor to a meeting to answer for his crimes, but time passed, and no one was ever able to get in touch with him. Additionally, she couldn't even use the same old method to kidnap the man. After all, he is someone with the title of a Vampire Count. Not even she has that much authority in Nightingale."

Hecate lied about the last part; her mother had a lot of authority in Nightingale. After all, she just needed to threaten to stop doing business with a Clan family, and the Vampires of that family would move.

But the problem here was that she was dealing with a Vampire Count, and if a normal Count was difficult, Victor was even more complicated. After all, he had connections to all the Vampire Counts.

Because of this, she could not use the 'persuasion' and 'force' methods. And if she forced the situation too much, Vlad himself could intervene. After all, the incident involved his daughter too.

And even her mother didn't want to damage her relationship with Vlad, the leader of an entire wealthy race, so much because of it.

Was she afraid of Vlad? Of course not.

But the Witches had a reputation to uphold, the reputation of neutrality. So they couldn't interfere too much in the 'big' incidents of the faction leaders because if that matter got out, the Witches' reputation of neutrality could be questioned.

And the 'predators' who were expecting small mistakes from the Witches would use that mistake to devour this great cake known as the Witch Nation.

Not even Witches could fight multiple factions at once. Were they strong? Yes, they were. And they had tremendous economic power.

But in terms of offensive power, they lagged far behind the Pantheon of Deities.

Victor's subject was delicate because it involved the direct daughter of the leader of an entire race. Because of that, even the Werewolves had given up on seeking revenge, but that didn't mean they didn't hold grudges...

"Because of that, she personally contacted Victor, but...Victor treated her like she was a scammer wanting to sell some suspicious product or a Jehovah's Witness, and he hung up and blocked her."

"......." Jeanne and Morgana's shocked expressions were quite amusing to Hecate because that was the same expression she had when she found out about this matter!

"Excuse me, I think I heard wrong... Victor did what?"

"He hung up the Witch Queen's call and treated her like a scammer."

"......" Even if they heard it again, the two women couldn't believe the bullshit they were hearing.

"T-This is bullshit..." Jeanne said.

Treat the Witch Queen like a scammer? The woman who could be considered a CEO of a large international company?

He indeed had balls of steel!

"But..." Morgan added while chuckling lightly, "That's just like Victor."

"... That's true..." Jeanne couldn't help but agree while laughing.


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