My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 317: Violet Snow’s Responsibilities

Chapter 317: Violet Snow's Responsibilities

Violet was looking at her Clan documents, and she couldn't help but have veins bulging in her head.

"What the hell is this?" Her eyes were glowing blood red, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Just out of curiosity, she decided to see the changes her husband had made to the Snow Clan and imagine her surprise when she found out that her own husband had cut her allowance!

But who was Violet? Violet is someone who loved Victor very much, in a very obsessive way, but it was still love...

Alright, she might want to destroy some of the girls that were close to Victor, or to burn the world for Victor's sake, or maybe she had desires to kidnap Victor and leave him in a basement for eternity.

But it was still love!

Sometimes she wanted her husband to be a playboy man who was chasing women. After all, if he was like that, she would have reason to lock him in a basement.

But imagine her surprise when she saw the women running after him! The only time he went after women was when he recruited his Maids.

And even though she wanted to use that as a reason to arrest Victor, she saw that the man hadn't touched a single one.

Even after spending a year in the human world with Ruby, the only woman he'd completely devastated with his fangs, the only woman he'd completely filled the others' insides was Ruby.

Ruby even changed because of it, as she became much more emotionally open to both Violet, Sasha, and Scathach.

Despite always having that cold expression, when Ruby was alone with the girls, she became quite expressive.

Ruby looked so happy when she said this to Violet and Sasha, so imagine Violet's jealousy when she heard about it.

She felt like destroying Ruby and trapping Victor in a basement!

But she didn't because she felt all the love, concern, and longing that Victor had for her and Sasha.

She didn't do this because she felt his possessiveness towards her friends Ruby and Sasha. They belonged to her Darling.

And no one else.

Despite being jealous, a part of her was glad he didn't run after other women.

She loved Victor! And this was a fact that no God could say the contrary of.

Because of these various questionable reasons, she doubted these documents, and she opened her mobile banking app, seeing her balance which was $1,054,262,100. She was shocked...

Her money hadn't increased! She didn't get her allowance! She only had her allowance money which she'd accumulated over time!

"Darling..." Veins started bulging in Violet's head, and a wave of heat spread through the room.

Despite all the love she had for Victor, love enough to destroy the world, no one touched her money!

Love is love.

Business is business!

She's still an heiress to the Clan of Politicians!

"Stop it." Hilda spoke as she removed the documents from the table Violet was sitting at.

"Do you want to burn the documents?"

"Hilda, why was my allowance cut off?" Violet asked, still annoyed but in a calmer tone. She knew her husband wouldn't do something useless, so he must have had a good reason for doing it.

A very good reason.

A very, very good reason.

'I hope he has this, or I'll wring him dry in bed.' She flashed a smile that could make anyone shiver.

As Vampires, they literally had unlimited stamina, they could practice the art of copulation for as long as they wanted, but there was a catch.

Just as human women had stronger hormones than human men, so did Vampire women.

Because of this, female vampires were much more thirsty than men; their thirst was so great that if a normal Vampire hadn't trained or fed well, they could kill him in bed.

… Although Victor would be very happy to die for Snu Snu.

'Wait, is this a punishment?' She touched her chin and only just realizing this was just an excuse to dry Victor's balls inside her.

And she just discovered that she had no way of threatening Victor, considering that everything she thought of seemed like some form of reward for Victor.

'He's just like me, so it won't work!' She was desperate now.

"...." Hilda looked at Violet, who seemed to be freaking out in front of her with a neutral stare. Then, she walked to a location, opened a drawer, and took out several documents, putting the document she showed Violet nearby.

Closing the drawer, she walked over to Violet and showed her the document:

"... Because of this."

Violet took the document Hilda offered and opened her eyes in shock.

She just saw how much money was siphoned off from the Snow Clan coffers.

"...How did my mother not notice this?" she asked, still in shock.

"Your mother was not in the best mental condition, you know why."

"..." Violet was silent as she looked at the documents, but her expression just distorted and distorted.

She may not understand much about politics, but she is an heir to the Snow Clan, and she was still raised to succeed the Snow Clan in the future. Even though this training only lasted a few years, she still remembered all the classes she took.

And even she, who didn't know much about this area, knew that if she continued like this, in less than a few years, the Snow Clan would run out of money.

Which was complementary nonsense for a Vampire Count Clan that had been in power for thousands of years.

"Fortunately, your husband has created a system where he's prevented this from happening."

"What did he do?" Violet stopped reading and looked at Hilda.

"A simple, easy-to-understand solution."

"He bought a bank in the human world and in the Vampire world."

"Here is the new card." Hilda handed Violet a platinum white card.

"..." Violet took the card and saw the name:

"Frost Bank?"

"Mm." Hilda nodded and continued:

"Currently, Frost Bank only acts as a way for our customers to send payments to that place."

"We accept all types of cards, checks, and even cash."

"Isn't the card option useless? Most of our trades are with supernatural beings, and they pay with the Nightingale Bank."

Violet didn't understand why she should pay fees to these card companies in the human world if they aren't using it.

"According to Victor, this is for the future. If we want to invest in the human world, it is a good option to be in contact with humans. And with our contacts in the government and high up in society, this will be a pretty easy investment."

'Honestly, why have we never thought of this before? We already had all the bases ready, we just needed an initial attitude, and everything would be ready.' Hilda thought to herself, but after some thought, she understood.

'It was because of pride...' Specifically speaking, Agnes' pride that, like many noble Vampires, she considered humans to be just food.

'Even in the beginning, her attitude towards Victor was like this... Even I thought a little like her...' Hilda wasn't as extreme as Agnes, but she still thought like her.

Hilda opened her eyes wide when she noticed something.

'I think one of the reasons he didn't kick-start his plan to invest in the human world was because he understood our personalities.'

'He just left the door open for someone with vision and no prejudice to use that door in the future... A leader who didn't have prejudice, specifically speaking, someone like Violet...'

Hilda looked at Violet with the look of someone who was sizing up someone.

'Did he do this for her?' She couldn't help but feel another wave of shock. Just how many steps was he thinking ahead?

Hilda knew very well that Violet had no prejudice towards humans. Violet's attitude towards humans was more neutral since she didn't particularly care about their existence, she just cared about Victor.

'And because of that, maybe she wouldn't be reluctant to do business with humans in the future?' Hilda put her hand on her head a little, as she felt quite a headache when she thought of all these possibilities.

"I see… With our contacts in the human world, we don't have to pay these card companies a lot, although investing in the human world now without knowing the market there is stupid. Maybe I should ask Darling for help? " Violet touched her chin as her head started to spin.

"Hmm, if I remember correctly, we have market analysts in the human world, right?"


"Stay in touch with them, and if they find investment opportunities, I want them to let me know." Since her husband left a door open for her clan to use.

Why not use it then?

'By doing that, maybe we'll get some of the money we lost back... Although blind investing is a bad idea, should I talk to Darling? He seems to know a lot about that now. After all, he has my father's memories...' Violet felt a bad feeling when she thought of her father.

The depressing feeling seemed to want to overwhelm her again, but she quickly shook her head and pushed it out of her mind.

'It's not time to cry!' She assumed a serious expression.

She can't be a crying little girl in the corner of the room forever! Her father wouldn't like her to be like that, and neither would her Darling.

Despite being sad, she must move on.

She didn't understand much about politics or how to manage a huge Clan like the Snow Clan, but she had people close to her, trusted people who would help her.

'And if something goes wrong, I just need to burn them all.' She flashed a small smile.

"Okay..." Hilda smiled a little.

"Take care of me, Hilda. I don't know how to manage a Clan as big as Clan Snow, but I'm willing to learn." Violet spoke with a neutral look while she was being completely honest.

"...." Hilda opened her eyes in surprise once more, completely in shock to hear those words from Violet's mouth.

'If it were the old Violet, she would deny to her death if she was accused of not knowing something. Since when did she get so honest?'

"Sure... That's why I'm here." Hilda spoke with a neutral smile.

'It seems that the princess has changed more than expected when she came into contact with that man.'

"Mm...Thanks..." She nodded slightly as she looked at the documents.

"So, what else has Darling changed in our Clan?" She asked.

"He's reshaped the way information gets to us-..." Hilda started to explain all the changes Victor had made to Violet.

Due to the loss of Adonis, changes began to happen in Violet herself, invisible changes that she didn't notice.

But as with all personal change, it is not the individual themselves who perceived the changes.

Only the people around the individual.

By contacting Victor in the past, she discovered love, by contacting Victor in adulthood, she felt accepted and discovered familial love because of Victor's family.

A kind of love she'd only had with her father before.

By contacting the girls who were childhood friends of hers and who became the wives of her husband due to an accident.

She discovered companionship and a possessiveness towards her childhood friends.

She'd felt in the past that Victor shouldn't stay away from the two women, both for herself and for himself.

Honestly, she didn't know if this was a feeling derived from the ritual or from herself, but she didn't care.

Her decision proved correct since her childhood friends became more united than before.

They were small encounters, small events that formed someone's personality and caused someone to change.

Now, Violet was going through another change. Upon learning of her father's death and seeing the incident with her own eyes.

Violet changed again, she acquired responsibility.

She knew how much her father loved Clan Snow, and she also loved her home, her Clan, though not as great a love as her love for her Darling.

As the Snow Clan was an inheritance her father left her, she decided for herself that she would become a good Clan leader, a Clan leader who would make her father proud.

The possessive Violet was still there.

The playful Violet was still there.

The loving Violet was still there.

Now it was time for a new Violet to be born.

"GAHHHHHHH!" Violet suddenly screamed.

"...." Hilda was surprised by Violet's sudden scream.

"How did Darling make so many changes in so few days!? My head is frying!" She felt like she'd never used her head so much now.

"…How about a break?" Hilda flashed a small smile.

"Not yet, I'll finish knowing what he did at least." Violet sighed and sat down again and asked Hilda to continue her report.

"..." Hilda laughed a little, and a memory of when Agnes took over the Snow Clan appeared in her eyes.

'It was the same situation, huh? Lady Agnes' parents had just died, and suddenly that delinquent had to take over the Snow Clan.' A nostalgic smile appeared on her face.

'Although not good at leading a Clan from the beginning, she learned and became a good Clan leader.'

Nobody is born knowing things. Usually, people must learn from trial and error to become good at something.

And that's normal.

To err is natural. To remain in error is stupidity.

'And unlike Agnes, Violet is not alone. She has several people supporting her, Agnes herself is also alive to support her daughter. So despite the situation being the same as in the past, at the same time, the situation is very different from the past... She'll be fine.'

"What are you laughing at?" Violet asked curiously.

"It's nothing..." Hilda remained with a smile on her face and then continued her report.

"..." Violet looked at Hilda strangely, but she stopped thinking about it when the woman continued her report.

'Ahh~, this is going to be fun. I want to see how much she changes.' Hilda's eyes glowed blood red for a few seconds as she was somehow feeling expectant.

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