My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 480: Was Scathach Just Saved by Natalia?

Chapter 480: Was Scathach Just Saved by Natalia?

Victor and the group managed to get home in less than 1 hour by just ignoring everything they'd encountered and focusing on going back.

With Victor leading the way, the journey back was quite relaxing.

And as he got closer to WarFall, Victor saw something with his eyes.

'Ophis, Scathach...' He couldn't help but smile gently, and soon he saw, 'Natalia too?' He narrowed his eyes. 'If Natalia was here, it was because something had happened in the human world. But if something happened in the human world… Why didn't they call him?

Didn't his cell phone have magic bullshit that could connect anywhere?

"I have visitors, I'm going ahead."

"W-Wait." Before Rose or even Eleanor could say anything, Victor disappeared, leaving behind streaks of lightning.

"...He's really fast." The girls said at the same time.


"Hmm?" Scathach stopped training Mizuki and looked to the side, showing a small expectant smile, and that 'itch' between her legs began to get stronger.

Controlling her expression so her disciple wouldn't notice her happiness, she returned to her neutral face.

As soon as Scathach noticed Victor, Ophis and Nero followed. Nero could smell her father and could also sense him through her 'master' connection, even though he was not her master and treated her like his daughter.

Victor was the one who 'bit' Nero and turned her into a full Vampire.

In the case of Ophis, it was because of the mark she gave to Victor. Of course, her daughter senses weren't left behind either.

Rumble, Rumble.

Appearing in the training area, the first thing Victor saw was Mizuki on the floor, breathing heavily while her body was covered in sweat, and she looked quite dejected.

On the other side were Lacus and Pepper, who were looking at Mizuki with sympathetic eyes. They were 'companionship' eyes, so it seemed as though Mizuki had experienced the hell that was Scathach's training.

Soon, he saw Ophis, who quickly teleported to grab him.

A black miasma appeared next to Victor, and Ophis grabbed Victor's neck.


"Hahaha~, how are you, Ophis?"

She nodded, "Mm, all good."

"Umu, I'm glad nothing's happened. Did the people treat you well when you arrived...?"

Pepper and Lacus cringed slightly when they saw the glint in Victor's eyes.

"Weird people, but good, Mm." She nodded.

"I see, that's good then." Victor chuckled as he started stroking Ophis's head.


"Ahh, Ophis, that's not fair!"

"Nero, a lot of time with father… It's my turn."

"Ugh." Nero cringed when she heard Ophis' words. It's not like the little girl was wrong since she had indeed spent a lot of time with her father.

"Hahaha~, don't make that pouting expression. Come here." Victor placed Ophis on his shoulders.

While Victor was putting Ophis on his shoulders, Lacus and Pepper approached Victor.

"I have the high ground." Ophis patted her chest proudly as she looked at Pepper.

"..." Pepper somehow felt her 'culturedness' was being challenged, and she couldn't help but blurt out:

"You underestimate my power."

Ophis and Pepper's eyes appeared to be releasing sparks that collided in midair, the image of a nine-tailed fox appeared behind Ophis, and the image of a rabbit with horns and red eyes appeared behind Pepper.

It was a legendary showdown!

In the meantime...

Victor picked up Nero and held her in his arms.

"...." Even with a bit of embarrassment that evidently appeared on her cheeks, Nero hugged Victor!

"I missed you..." She muttered in a very low tone.

Victor displayed a gentle smile on his face and stroked Nero's head:

"It's only been a few days, my daughter."

"Doesn't matter..."

"Fufufu, my daughter is so cute." Victor hugged her tighter.


"I'm sensing a disturbance in the force." Ophis muttered, and when she looked down and saw Nero in her father's arms, she spoke:


"!!!" Nero was startled by Ophis' tone, but did she let him go?

Of course not, she hugged him even tighter.

Before Ophis could pout, Pepper asked,

"Hey, hey, Ophis. Did you watch Star Wars?" Pepper asked curiously.

"Umu?" Ophis looked at Pepper and replied:

"Mmm, I watch with my Dad."


Ophis shook her head in denial.

"The King, huh."

"Mm," She nodded.

'And to think that the King was also a fellow person of culture...' Pepper's eyes gleamed slightly.

"Vic, Vic."

"Hmm?" Victor looked at Lacus.

"Tell me how the expedition went!" Lacus' eyes were glowing slightly in curiosity, she always tried to go on these expeditions, but the people of Clan Adrasteia wouldn't let her. They said it was too dangerous.

She wanted to know the dangers that caused even elites like Clan Adrastea to take precautions.

"Sure, I'll tell you later. But first, I have to talk to my Master; I can't make her angry, right~?." Victor chuckled lightly and set Nero down, followed by Ophis.

"...." Scathach's ears seemed to get even bigger, obviously with her full attention focused on the conversation, despite looking at Mizuki with a dead look.

A look that scared the woman more than the training she was going through.

At this point, she was almost begging Victor to save her.

[As expected of the strongest Oni, this kind of training is not something an ordinary human can endure.] Abe-No-Seimei was impressed.

'Master, stop being impressed and help me!' Mizuki practically screamed.

[If I help you, it wouldn't be training... But, you're my cute disciple, so...]

Abe-No-Seimei had thought of something, and soon a lightbulb appeared in his head.

His outfit changed to a cheerleader's while a whistle appeared in his mouth:

"You can do it, you can do it, Mizuki! Don't give up, don't give up, Mizuki!" A flag appeared in his hand, and he began to wave it with spirit!

Veins started bulging in Mizuki's head. Her master had just become 100x more annoying now.

'Ugh... My muscles HURT! How the fuck is this just training the basics!?'

...If they only knew that Scathach overreacted because she was looking forward to seeing Victor...

Coming close to Scathach, Victor spoke:


Scathach splendidly hid her rapidly beating heart with an assassination technique she had learned in the past and turned to face Victor.

When Victor's face and smile appeared in her field of vision, she forgot to breathe for a moment, as time around her seemed to slow down a lot, and in that moment.

She captured the entirety of Victor's appearance with her retinas while her heart threatened to jump out of her chest, and her throat seemed to get much drier. Her instincts screamed to jump on him, right here and now!

'Am I that thirsty?'

She seemed to have not realized that when she decided not to hold back anymore, most of her limitations that had been trained for several years when dealing with her bloodlust and fortified with her self-control had loosened as if trying to set the beast free of its restraints.

"Oh, Victor, you're back. I hadn't even noticed." She felt a little ashamed of herself now since she never thought she would lie so blatantly for something so unimportant.


You may not believe it, but Victor was quite narcissistic, considering he'd inherited some of Adonis' habits.

He wasn't a deviant who believed he was the best and the rest were rubbish.

But he was narcissistic enough that when Scathach said she hadn't noticed, he felt a slight twinge in his pride.

He wouldn't mind if it were someone else. After all, other people and strangers didn't matter in his reality, but Scathach?


His beautiful teacher? His beautiful mother-in-law? The woman who was one of his biggest motivations for getting stronger?

That was a big 'NO' for him.

Soon Victor made a decision, a decision he had never made before with Scathach, and acted like someone who'd found a 'little pig' to extract enough money.

Who was Victor? He was the man who'd received Adonis' memories, the 'REAL' Adonis, and he was the man with beauty that even the Goddess of Beauty said was enough to rival her own.

Act seductive to charm a woman? That was something simple to do.

Victor's expression slowly started to change, becoming more 'loving', an expression he only used for those he loved, and in Scathach's case, this came naturally.

His steps became softer, his whole body language became more seductive, and he displayed a small smile on his face. For just a few imperceptible seconds, his violet eyes glowed a neon pink hue, but quickly his eyes changed to their usual violet color.

It wasn't a narcissistic or monstrous smile like he always did.

It was a gentle smile, a smile that conveyed tranquility and peace.

"To think that my beloved Scathach wouldn't notice me~, it breaks my heart~."

Victor's melodious tone sent shivers through Scathach's body, and she wasn't the only one who felt it.

Even people who weren't targets of his act, like Mizuki, Lacus, Pepper, Nero, and Ophis, who were far away, felt it.

Like a snake silently invading the home of its prey, Victor invaded Scathach's personal space, and with extreme skill and naturalness, he took Scathach's hand.

"I missed you, Scathach~."

'Me too...' She replied internally.

He gently squeezed her hand, and with that simple touch, Scathach's entire body trembled again.

Now, if this was a normal moment, Scathach wouldn't fall for this seduction since she had plenty of self-control, and an instinct for self-preservation. She was the strongest female vampire for a reason.

But... This was not a normal moment. From the beginning, Scathach was not normal. She came here because of Victor, she wanted his attention, and because of these feelings, Victor's attack was very effective!

That was one of the reasons why the charm of the goddess Aphrodite was so powerful. Everyone loves, and everyone has lustful desires. It could be said that this was a basic instinct that all living beings have.

Unless you're a machine or a powerful being like Shiva who can 'destroy' Aphrodite's charm, it's impossible not to be enchanted if the goddess of beauty really wanted to.

The proof of that was Scathach now. Even a powerful woman like her isn't completely oblivious to feelings of love and lust.

Even though Victor wasn't using his charm powers like Aphrodite [Not that he needed to when his target was Scathach, his beloved master], his attack was very critical! He looked like a dragon hunter who attacked the dragon's weakness, and even with the dragon asking for mercy, he blatantly kept attacking.

It would be an understatement to say how much of a mess Scathach's feelings were now. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and not even an age-old technique of murder could hide her pounding heart right now.

Her face was a healthy shade of red, she was breathing heavily, and her eyes that had already changed to red were looking at Victor as if she wanted to devour him completely.

Her inhibitions were completely thrown out the window, the only thing holding her back now was the self-respect she had as a mother, a respect that made her act as a role model for her daughters.

Victor intertwined his hand with Scathach and gently pulled it to his body.

"!!!" Scathach didn't even notice anything, before her mind could register, she was hugging Victor.

She takes a big breath, and fully smells Victor's body, she blatantly ignores the scent of other women on his body, and focuses only on his special scent.

'This is bad... This is extremely bad... If this continues... I-...' She didn't have time to finish thinking because Victor touched her chin, and stood up.

"..." Looking into Victor's violet eyes, she was entranced.

Victor's gentle smile grows, and slowly, he turns his face and shows his neck.

Scathach's attention was now fully focused on his neck, she could see the veins throbbing in his neck as if he were inviting her.

But even though she was dying to bite that sweet, juicy neck, she didn't.

She can't... She wouldn't do that!

...Because she knows that if she tasted blood now, there wouldn't be any trace of pride in her body, and she would actually attack him now without worrying about his image!

"Oh~? Won't you eat?" He spoke softly into her ear.

Scathach's ears turned slightly red, and she felt that pleasant feeling in her spine quiver at his touch.

God! His touch, his scent, his words, his presence, it was all driving her crazy!

He is very dangerous!

And you know what's worse? She from the bottom of her heart couldn't resist him, she didn't want to either! She wanted him here now.

But… She couldn't, not in front of her daughters .

At that moment a portal appears next to Victor:

"Master, your friends are at your house now, and Lady Ruby asked me to call you, I was unable to reach you by phone due to interference from the wildlands-... Ara..."

Natalia visibly broke out in a sweat as Victor turned to her, and for a moment, she swore she saw his eyes turning neon pink.

Scathach gives a big internal sigh, and thanks Natalia in his heart, Maid just saved her! She saved her reputation as a model mother, and the strongest female vampire! She swears she will treat the woman as if she were one of her daughters now!

...Although she couldn't help but be disappointed, she wanted Victor now!

'Ugh' Scathach felt complicated now, she wanted him, but at the same time she didn't.

Anyway, the only thing she knew was that she was both grateful and annoyed with Natalia at the same time.

"…Hmm, should I come back later?"

"...." All she got from Victor was a neutral look.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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