My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 471: Bonds Forged in the Past. 2

Chapter 471: Bonds Forged in the Past. 2

"...You are not wrong."

The moment she said that, time around Ruby seemed to slow down a lot.

However, that was just from Ruby's perspective, something similar to Victor's ability, something Ruby could achieve because of the speed at which she processed her thoughts.

'Now, what do I do?' She started to gather her thoughts.

'We have 5 plans surrounding this incident. The first plan is the plan that Victor and I agreed that these people should know. The second plan is about Nightingale's plan. Acting in conjunction with Violet, and Sasha, we were planning to take over the operation and gain the maximum amount of benefits we can from this city. It will be a good learning experience to build our own city in the future... But these people are not close enough to know about this background.'

When did Ruby contact Sasha and Violet? Of course, through the wives' group chat!

The admin was Ruby, Sasha and Violet, and recently, they had a new addition, Natashia Fulger!

Sasha's own mother.

It would be an understatement to say that Sasha didn't have complicated feelings about it, after all, this was her mother and she was married to her husband!

But a long time ago these feelings were clarified, and she was not as bothered as the first time. There are several reasons for this clarification, but the main one was her mother's happiness, and her own happiness.

Natashia had said several times that if she didn't allow it, she wouldn't go after Victor.

But, to see her mother so diligent in trying to change and become a good woman, a good Clan leader, a good mother, anything to be close to her husband,

She couldn't say no, she was too kind for that, and she also knew her mother was hurting, but she just wouldn't say it.

She even defended her mother when Natashia went to talk to Violet and Ruby about going after Victor.

And in the end, this proved to be the right decision. When Victor accepted Natashia as his wife, Sasha once again saw her mother's face of extreme happiness. She was stunning, the world looked rosy when she and Victor were in the same room.

She'd seen that face before, her mother had made the same face when Sasha accepted her as a real mother.

At the end of the day, Sasha was just too kind for her own good, because of that, Victor, Natashia, Ruby, and Violet always worried about the woman.

And they made sure no one would take advantage of her kindness.

'The third plan is something that only me, Violet, Sasha, and Victor know about. It's something even more personal and that should give a big advantage when our city is built.'

'The fourth plan is about increasing influence to try to understand this 'game' that is going on in the shadows, and to know who is targeting in the lives of my husband's family.'

'The fifth plan... It's even more complex, and requires that any of the previous plans succeed… we'll leave that for the future.'

Ruby decided it would be wiser to just tell their foreground, which was a set of actions that Victor and his group would perform on Earth.

The rest should be kept secret, except for the background that will eventually be revealed. Victor was definitely not going to leave his family on Earth once the invasion began.

'Hmm, I can say that we have a shelter in Nightingale, there's no need to tell more than necessary.'

Glancing lightly at Aphrodite, Ruby thought:

'I need the help of this Goddess for the fourth plan, but I can't make this decision without my husband... To prevent loose ends, I need this Goddess to become something inseparable for my husband.' Ruby felt a slight distaste for that thought, and her feelings of jealousy and possession flashed through her cold mind.

She didn't like it, she didn't like the thought of using her husband as a bargaining chip. Even if the man himself agreed, she still felt repulsed by it.

Victor was hers! He was her husband!

But she knew the moment her head cooled down, she would feel that itch in her head again, an itch called paranoia.

She knew how dangerous the world was. Even if her group was strong, all it took was a few high-level beings to join, and they would be done for.

And that thought tormented her, planning was never enough to avoid that possible future.

She couldn't rest until everything was under her control, and only with that control would she feel safe.

She has a plan... She wanted to give this world to her husband, and she will do that. Only when her husband and her family are at the top, only when they are something unreachable for all these beings will she be at ease.

Her cold, analytical thinking and logic wanted her to go along with that thought, but...

Her feelings, love, and obsession, repudiated that decision.

And in the end, she couldn't make a decision, Victor would always be a sore point for her because her logic and emotion always conflicted when he was involved.

'...I should leave this to my husband.' That's when she left the problem to her husband and stopped thinking about it.

The reason for this?

She had complete trust in Victor, and she knew that somehow, whether it was his charm, his wordplay, or his private plans.

He was going to get a situation that gave everyone the upper hand.

Victor was just special like that. The reason for this belief was how he got the support of the Vampire Count Clans even though he had no intention of getting that support.

That 'special' something was something that could be considered a skill.

An ability that people like her mother, Vlad, and Victor all had.


Even without him wanting to, people would join him.

Even if he became crazy, an emo, genocidal, or like a certain nervous boy with special eyes from a certain anime, unlike the boy, people would join him, and Victor would not deny that kindness unlike the emo.

That was Ruby's trust in Victor, a trust that built on the hypothetical situation of Victor being thrown onto an entirely new planet with human-like inhabitants.


In less than 2 years, he would be surrounded by a powerful group.

Letting out a long internal sigh, Ruby felt a weight lift off her body, and she stopped thinking bullshit. Despite not being present now, she could feel Victor's warm 'hug' on her body, something that always helped keep her sane, and her paranoia in control.

She didn't know when it happened, but Victor at some point became her safe haven, and just by being by his side, she could allow herself to not let paranoia consume her mind, and relax more. Just in his arms, she could be herself and sleep comfortably.

... Just thinking about it, she got homesick again.

It's only been a few days but she couldn't live without her Victor, she needed to replenish her vitamin V!

... But for now, she needed to settle this matter.

The world has started to return to normal, and only three or four seconds had passed in reality, then she returned to the group with her usual neutral face:

"My husband is building a shelter in Nightingale to house his family and acquaintances."

"..." The group paid full attention to what Ruby was saying.

"The shelter is made to completely mimic a small human village. He will evacuate his friends and family to that place once the invasion breaks out."

Before Ruby could continue, she heard her mother-in-law.

"...I want to ask you something." Anna raised her hand.

"I probably have no choice in this matter, right?"

"Fufu, knowing that man, he will drag you against your will, and you can only pout about it." Renata answered for Ruby.

"…Ugh." She thought it was quite possible. Not that she wasn't going to have a bowel movement or anything, she just felt awkward about having no say in the matter. Before she knew it, Victor, her son, had become so responsible that she had no choice but to accept what he said.

Yes, she felt weird having such a competent son, after all, she'd always taken care of the family, and now it looked like that postition went to Victor before she knew it.

Ruby flashed a small smile when she saw her mother-in-law's condition, and soon she looked back at the older man, and the older woman in the room:

"Except for your family, the rest have a choice if they want to join or not." When she finished talking, two Maid entered the room.

The first Maid had long blonde hair that reached her ass, and a neutral expression, she was a nice beauty. The Maid had a tray in her hand that contained only a cup of tea. She walked over to Ruby and set it on the table in front of her.

"Thank you, Maria." Ruby spoke as she took the tea and sipped it at short intervals.

Maria nodded, and stood next to Kaguya and Roberta.

The other Maid had long black hair the same length as the blond-haired Maid, but unlike the blond-haired Maid, she had a sinful body similar to Roberta.

The maid had two trays in her hands. The trays contained drinks and assorted refreshments, which she gently put on the table, and served everyone.

"That is all...?" Adam asked.

"…Hmm?" Ruby stopped drinking her red tea, and looked at Adam.

Adam ignored the Maid serving everyone, and said,

"Is that kid just planning this? Run away and wait?" Adam commented.

"...." Ruby didn't say anything, and just flashed a cold smile.

"I find it very unlikely." Edward spoke as he grabbed a glass that held soda.

"Victor always had a kind of obsession with fighting, even when he was human. I don't think he's going to ignore this situation and just run away from it all."

"Oh? Why do you think that?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Your recent deeds prove it."

"... It seems you keep up to date."

"When the news is too big, it gets to you whether you like it or not." Leona was the one who continued.

"What news are you talking about?" Leina asked.

"Victor-." When Edward would explain.

Ruby took over the conversation.

"Someone Victor considers a daughter had suffered an incident where Supernatural Beings from Japan were involved."

The group turned their attention to Ruby.

"And when Victor arrived in Japan and saw the little girl's plight,"

"He hunted down everyone involved in the incident. In the end, 50% of Japan's Supernatural Community died that day, be they Humans, Werewolves, Vampires or Youkai."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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