Chapter 453: Apex Predator. 2

"That speed... Isn't it on par with me without my using lightning power?" Victor commented.

"Fufufu, Alexa and Julieta are the fastest in our group." Eleanor spoke proudly.

"My turn, I think." Anrietha speaks, she tucks the greatsword into the space above the shield as if it were a scabbard, she takes the priestess staff from her back, and places the shield in place of the staff on her back.

She starts tapping the ground, and twirling the staff as if she was performing a ceremony, the staff's rings made a rhythmic noise, and then.

"@#%!" The same power surrounds all the girls who were fighting the monster, and Victor notices that they all got noticeably faster.

"...." He looks at Anrietha, the kind woman assumed the role of tank and support of the group, she could change positions whenever necessary with Eleanor who acted as Tank and fighter.

With the addition of Victor to the group, Anrietha can focus completely on support.

Bang, Bang.

Victor looks at Judy, the woman was shooting with that giant rifle, as it was a weapon specifically made to pierce the monster's thick carapace, the projectiles were simply too big, but the woman changed bullets with incredible dexterity, in less than a few seconds , she was already ready to shoot.

"Hmm, all the shells are destroyed... It's my turn." She places the Rifle behind her.

Soon her hands go to two deagle that were on her waist.

She points both Deagle at a monster, just like Alexa, her armor started to change and get more monstrous and the armor started to join with the weapon, completely changing the weapon.


Despite making a bullet sound, what came out of the gun were two beams of green light that in the middle of the way joined and turned into a gigantic beam of light.


The smile on Judy's face when she saw the monster disappearing into nothingness was quite beautiful to Victor.

"Judy, don't evaporate the monsters! They are our lunches!" Dorothy complained.

"... Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I got excited."

"Use the weakest power." Juliet spoke, as she appeared on top of a 10 meter monster, and cut off its head.

Dorothy appears in the same monster as Juliet and rips out her heart.

"Okay." Judy takes a step forward and starts to fall off the high wall, using the ice wall for support, she picks up momentum and lands in the middle of the battlefield.

Bang, Bang.

Gunshots were heard and soon small beams of green light were seen.

"I've always wondered this since I've seen them fight, but... Doesn't she need to recharge?"

"Unlike the rifle that uses a real projectile, we use our 'power' as a catalyst, because of that, Juliet can create arrows without needing a real arrow." Rose who explained.

"...I see..."

"And you, won't you fight?"

Rose looks at Victor, and smiles softly:

"If I'm going to fight, it wouldn't be a fight, it would be a massacre."

"...Oh? For that reason you don't fight?"

"Indeed. Although there's another reason too..." Rose looks back at the girls.

"We should let the youngsters train, right?"

"They rarely have the opportunity to go more than 20 km from the city."

"Hmm... I look forward to seeing you and Eleanor fighting."

"I guarantee you won't be disappointed."

"We'll see." Victor laughed.

Victor looked back at the group of Valkrias.

'Her teamwork is flawless, they cover each other's faults, and help each other... They really are the 'elite'.'

'Because they are so exceptional, I get the impression that it's being very easy, but that's wrong... They are too exceptional.'

Looking at Eleanor and Anrietha.

'I haven't seen the two of them fighting seriously yet, I know Eleanor is to control the earth, but I seriously doubt that's all, after all, she trained with Scathach, and has this mutant bloodline in her body too.'

'Anrietha on the other hand, I don't even want to see her doing anything other than defending herself, or using the priestess staff...'

Victor looks back at the girls.

'Actually, I didn't see the girls using their noble vampire powers , they're just using their mutant bloodline... Oh, Juliet used the vampire fog, but that's just a basic power... Hmmm'

He touches his chin like he's thinking about something, but soon he feels something catching his attention.

He quickly looks up, time around his body starts to slow down, his body is covered by lightning and acting completely on instinct, he disappears and appears in the air.


"...?" Eleanor looked to the side.


The moment she speaks her name, Victor appears again beside them, and he was holding a type of monster that has big eyes and small wings.

"What is it?"

"A scout..." Anrietha frowned at her.

"An Alpha is watching us."

"What should I do?"

"Kill him, the less information they know the better."


[Wrong, don't kill it, eat it! Try reading his memories, he is a living and intelligent creature.]

"... Hmmm... Okay." Victor squeezes the creature's body and kills it.

"Use the-..." Eleonor was going to ask Victor to use his Odachi, but she was speechless when she saw him opening his mouth and swallowing the creature.

Chewing sounds are heard all around.


Soon he swallows the creature, and it was at that moment that the girls woke up from their shock.


"It tastes like chicken..." Victor's eyes gleamed dangerously.

"Victor! Spit that shit out fast!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Why?" She looked at him in disbelief, "Did you forget that the blood in that shit is toxic!? Remember the first time when you cut your arm off!"

"Ohhh... But do you eat them? Look." He pointed to Dorothy who was eating a monster's hand.

"We're special-!"


Victor spat a lot of black blood on the floor.

"Well, that's bad-..." Memories began to pop into Victor's head.

Monstrous beings that spoke a strange language while sitting in a kind of hall.

"@#$%%." A monster with intelligent eyes spoke while pointing to a location.

The creature's eyes look at the location, and see Victor's group running, and soon the group disappears from the sight of the strange object.

Then the memory is cut off.

'...Hmm, I couldn't understand anything, but it doesn't take a genius to understand what they were doing... They somehow know we're here... The technology looked a lot like security cameras.. .'


"I'm fine... Just a stomachache." He laughed in amusement.

"...Don't go out eating the things you see! Are you a child who eats everything he sees!?" Eleanor broke out in anger.

"Maybe." He laughed in amusement.

"That's not funny!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, okay?" He gets up and strokes Eleanor's head.

"..." A warm sensation enters Eleanor's body, but the woman wakes up from her stupor and quickly pulls Victor's hand from her head.

"Let go of me!"

"Okay, okay…"

"Vic... If you want, you can stroke my hair..." Anrietha 's voice sounded like a mosquito's voice.



"In this case." Victor approaches Anrietha and strokes her head.


'And to think that this kind woman had that side...'

"..." Eleanor gleamed dangerously as she frowned.

Rose just shook her head as she looked at her leader.

'She really needs to be more honest.'

"I have important information, it's about Alpha." Victor spoke in a casual tone as he tried to ignore the pain in his body.

"...What did you find out?" Eleanor asked with serious eyes.

Victor started to explain his memories while trying to ignore the pain in his body, he lied the other time, he wasn't doing well, the poison was slowly trying to kill him, but thanks to his abnormal constitution, and being the poison of a lower level monster, he was fine.

[...Keep feeding on these monsters.]


[We are a progenitor, the progenitor of vampires. We are the Apex Predator of the food chain, an existence that breaks the ecosystem, anything that has blood in the body, and a soul, we can eat.]

[This doesn't explain anything.]

[Yes, that explains it. The predator needs meat to feed and evolve, and we are that predator.]

[Believe me, keep eating these monsters, start with the lower level monsters, when you feel that the poison of the lower level monsters doesn't affect you, you go to the medium level monsters, and so on.]

[... Okay, I'm also interested in this new taste anyway.]


Edited By: IsUnavailable

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