Chapter 446: The First Wife

Veins popped in Violet's head, and her eyes glowed fiercely blood red, the air in the room grew hotter, and she was looking at Selena as if she was looking at a dead person:

"Cut the bullshit, and explain."


The two women stared at each other dryly for a long time.

Violet looked like a volcano that would explode at any moment, and Selena looked calm with a cold glow on her face.


Selena was the first to give up, and while sighing, she said:

"Lady Violet, with all due respect, my deal is with Alucard. If you want to know something, you should ask him. I am not obligated to answer your question because that would be unethical."

For witches, work ethic was one of the most important things, and they took it very seriously. After all, it was only with this ethic that they were able to become the 'leader' in their current market.

Violet internally grunted when she heard what the witch said:

"...I just cannot believe that a witch of your ability is content to become Alucard's 'partner'."

"You greatly overestimate me, Lady Violet, I am nobody." She spoke with a small smile.

"Yes, Yes, and I am a polite and kind princess." She spoke in disdain.

"Fufufu." Selena just smiled sweetly as she covered her mouth.

"Since you were given to me on a golden platter by that man, I will use you to the fullest." Violet gave up pressing the matter, she understood that she wouldn't get an answer without using violent means, and that's something she wanted to avoid while in her clan.

Fighting a master-level witch is risky, and she's no fool. If Selena had the gall to enter her house full of vampires and remain calm, it's that she's made enough preparations to protect herself or retaliate if necessary.

Violet wasn't experienced or had lived long enough to know how witches fight.

But with her Clan's record and teachings from Hilda and her mother, she more or less understood that a witch doesn't take the initiative if she's not 100% sure she can win, they are masters at planning.

And he only fights or takes a risk if he has enough guarantee that he can make it out alive or win.

"Please be kind to me~." She laughed lightly.


A week later.

Agnes was freaking out after the events of the conversation she'd had with her… son-in-law.

The countess's feelings were on edge, and deep in her heart, she felt that dangerous feeling, a dark feeling of jealousy and obsession.

It also didn't help that her bloodlust was stronger than ever, and it took a lot of effort for her not to travel to Victor's location and suck his blood to satisfy that desire.

Unlike Natashia and Scathach, she was never good at holding back since she had never had to hold back.

Looking at the picture of the man on her cell phone, the woman's eyes were like black holes that kept spinning in a spiral shape.

She didn't even need to look in the mirror to see what kind of face she was making. She knew herself well enough to know what it was.

Agnes Snow... The Countess of the Snow Clan was slowly arousing feelings towards her son-in-law.

And that wasn't good, definitely not good.

In fact, she should be rewarded, it took her two whole weeks to realize that, and the trigger for those emotions was seeing that bitch-...witch walking around Snow Clan.

She was sent here as support by Alucard himself, and no one could question her decision in this Clan. Not even Agnes could do that, and one of the reasons was because she didn't want to.

Apparently, the performance of just a few days that Alucard had in this Clan was enough for people to see him as a superior.

Clan Snow respected Alucard, and they were not alone, Clan Blank did as well. Having an ordinary subordinate who was just a Maid transforming into a second leader and being directly under Alucard's command gave these vampire ninjas a boost of motivation to become stronger.

Yes, Agnes and Violet were still the leader, and the allegiance of Clan Snow and Blank was theirs. If they both wished it, the witch could be thrown out.

But... if there's one thing Agnes could say about the witch, it was that this bitch was annoying.

She was very efficient at what she did and left no room for complaints, so even if Agnes wanted to kick her ass, she couldn't, and just the thought of antagonizing someone who was sent by Alucard to help her daughter and herself…

The mere thought of upsetting Victor or disappointing him made her stomach churn, and a sick feeling hovered over her heart.

... And it was at this moment that she realized she had fucked up.

Agnes knew herself and what kind of twisted, possessive, aggressive, jealous personality she had. And apparently, that personality was activated when that balcony event happened.

Without her even realizing it, she began to see Alucard as someone close to her, and it didn't help that the man looked a lot like her ex-husband.

Yes... She knew he hated being compared, and he hated being a 'substitute'. Who wouldn't?

She would feel the same herself if she were in a similar situation as him. Nobody likes to be a substitute.

Because of this, she did her best not to make comparisons of the man to her ex-husband, and so she was only looking at the man for what he was since that porch incident.

She's looking at the man who made her daughter fall madly in love with him.

And she must say it, she is obliged to say it, she feels the need to say it.

"He is perfect."

A male version of herself, she recognized him as a peer, a man who hits all her weak spots.

Handsome, manipulative, jealous, possessive, and as if he was going against it all.

Kind, loving, and a family man.

Of course, being strong also helped a lot in this assessment.

He was a walking contradiction, and that became more complex by absorbing her ex-husband, even though her husband was not one of the strongest, she acknowledges.

But his planning skills were excellent.

'No wonder Scathach, Natashia, and even my daughter are crazy.'

Where was Agnes now?

She was in a large room that was hidden by her daughter.

A room that had several of Victor's items, photos, and objects scattered around.

Only she and her daughter knew of the location of this room, much to the annoyance of the apprentice stalker.

No matter how much she hides her secrets, her mother will always find out, and that was annoying!

Delighting in her daughter's annoyed expression, Agnes said:

"Fufufu, Violet, my beloved daughter, I was the one who taught you to be like this. Do you think I wouldn't know?"

Agnes had 1700 years of experience being a Yandere.

Violet, who learned everything she knew from her mother, was not her opponent.

"Tsk." Violet huffed in annoyance as she sat up on the bed that had a big pillow that looked like Victor:

"What did you come here for? I'm in my relaxation moment since having two witches walking around in this house is driving me crazy."

Yes, it wasn't just Selena Moriarty, the daughter of the witch queen, that was here.

At the command of the King of Vampires himself…

June was here too, and her work of laying the groundwork for the future Snow Clan city was progressing smoothly.

The witch was competent, she worked until magical exhaustion, but thanks to her, the town planning that was supposed to last 3 months was shortened.

His magic was just too useful.

Engineer? Mason? Land planner?

What is it? Is it to eat?

With the witch June, as long as the woman had enough magic, she could create an entire city.

Proof of this performance were the large modern buildings that were a few kilometers from Nightingale, a city that was an absurd contrast to a city that seemed to be in the Victorian era.

Although they were just empty buildings that needed more magic to get ready, the structure was there, and it would take a month to get everything ready and a few more weeks for Alexios' stabilization runes to be ready.

But for now, she's going to ignore that and focus on making her daughter's mood better.

"Here, take this." She threw something towards her daughter, and the woman just raised her hand and caught it.

And Agnes just smiled when she saw that her daughter's breath had stopped, and her eyes widened seeing the item in her hands.

"M-Mother, this is..." His hands were shaking visibly.

"Yes, that's Ex-Rank. Enjoy, My Daughter."

"I see... I see... Hehehehe~."

What caused Violet's reaction?

The photo of Victor sleeping while Ophis and Nero were on his lap, a photo she was lucky to snap quickly while Victor spent time with his daughters.

It was an EX-Rank photo and could be sold for a good price between the mother-daughter duo.

Unfortunately, she had to give away this photo for free to appease the 'first wife'.

'Although it hurts my heart, I still have a better picture...' She thought of the picture she had taken on the porch.

"What do you want, Mother?"


"...You could talk to me somewhere else, you didn't have to look for me here."

"Wrong, this has to happen here."

"...." Violet saved the photo on her cell phone, of course, she didn't forget to save it in the cloud on a personal server that she asked Ruby, and she didn't forget to print it on paper photo by image and of course, she also didn't forget to make a miniature version of the photo to put in her wallet.

She also didn't forget to use it on her cell phone, notebook, and computer wallpaper.

Of course, the PDF option, and all possible formats to not lose the photo were included.

'Then I'll hire a witch to digitize it into a spell…'

After finishing all these procedures and a few more possible plans, she looked at her mother with a neutral gaze.

And the moment her violet eyes met her mother's golden eyes.

She felt her sixth sense whistle crazily.

badump, Badump.

Her heart was pounding madly, and Violet's eyes were alternating between violet and red.

She knew her mother was changing at a frighteningly fast rate, but she didn't forget her ex-husband, and she probably never will.

Her kind didn't work that way, and until the day she killed Persephone, her mother won't forget her ex-husband.

But it was painfully noticeable that Agnes no longer looked at Victor as a substitute but as the man he truly was.

And the reaction to that change made Agnes' sixth sense always look for Victor, like an instinctive radar that always finds what she wants.

Agnes let the man known as Victor close to her heart, and that was bad.

Too bad.

"Violet, my daughter."

"..." Violet narrowed her eyes while she was waiting for that confession that Natashia had made to her, the request to deliver her husband on a golden platter.

Something she did with some conditions, she's not stupid, and she's not foolish either. She can't fight Natashia and painfully knew that Victor liked his mother-in-law.

If you can't beat them, bring them in as your allies, and that's what she did.

She tied the woman to her 'influence' as a first wife.

Violet is Victor's first wife, she who saw Victor first, she who changed Victor's destiny, she who has always protected him since he was a child, she who has always loved him, and she does not plan on handing that position over to anyone.

And all the wives knew that Violet was without a doubt the woman Victor loved the most. They couldn't deny it, as the woman had a very large portion of this man's heart.

But were they upset?

Far from it.

Each of them had a unique relationship with Victor, something they could all hold in their hearts.

Yes, Violet was the first and the one that most impacted Victor's life, but the other girls weren't far behind.

Sasha, with her kindness and Nobility that, made Victor's heart melt.

Ruby, with her plans, and her plans that made Victor feel like a very lucky man to have her with himself.

Violet doesn't even need to explain her side.

We must not forget the older duo.

Scathach and Natashia, women who influenced men in more ways than one.

And not only that, they were influenced in positive ways because of Victor.

The women weren't worried since they all knew each other, and because of that fact and Victor's efforts, there was no enmity in the air, and they were united as sisters, and honestly, they enjoyed that feeling, though they never admitted it.

An example of this is when almost everyone went to help Victor when the Ophis incident happened, and they all didn't because some had responsibilities they couldn't ignore.

They fight on the surface, but only they understand how united they are.

Of course, the glue that holds it all together is Victor.

'Sigh, I have to say that only Victor is capable of making a group of… Special people get along so well.' She didn't want to say the word Yandere.

And if it's worth mentioning one thing that Victor doesn't lack in having, that would be his love.

As his name says, he is an Alucard.

He is a being unlike Dracula.

Everything Dracula did wrong, he sought to do better, and one of Dracula was his family.

And that's something Victor never wants to go wrong as fucking wrong as he does.

He was always close to his wives, and even though he was focusing on training and planning, he would always see his wives, maids, and daughters.

He will never stop overwhelming everyone with his love, and that's something they all loved.

A walking freak that contained a great love, a being they all loved.

He really did look like someone blessed by the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

Violet silently waited for what her mother would say. She was already planning on making the 'conditions' to secure her position, but never in her wildest dreams did she think her mother would say this:

"I want to get a divorce."



Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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