Chapter 436: Dotings Fathers.

"Vlad, the decision is up to you now." Scathach suddenly spoke after the moment of silence.

"...." Vlad looked at Scathach.

He fell into a moment of silence, he was organizing his thoughts, the information he had from his acquaintances, and his plans.

'Honestly, my plan was very different from theirs, I just called them here out of formality... But I can't ignore their ideas now, they're all very good.'

Initially, Vlad just planned to do as usual, he would make his plans, and not inform the Vampire Counts or the high-ranking people of his country, but after remembering the events of the past, and Alexios's sermon,

Vlad decided to call the Counts to discuss this matter, but internally, he had already decided what to do and had treated this meeting as a formality.

He was planning to go to Hell, rescue Lilith and make her his kin, and use her influence to take over the Demons. Consequently, he would gain an army of Demons under his command, and a Demon Goddess with the same power as the Gods of The Underworld like Hades and Hela.

Not forgetting the Godslayer artifact Lilith had, he would gain a lot from this war.

Although this plan was going to be a little time consuming... And this plan needed more revision, after all, he would have to infiltrate the world full of high level Demons, and beings that had the same power as the Greater Gods of Mythologies.

'...Can't I do both?' Vlad was calculating in his head how long it would take to put into practice what Victor suggested, and try to rescue Lilith.

'Diablos will not leave Lilith's side, she is an important part of his plan. Without her, the gates of Hell will not open, therefore his legion of Demons cannot invade the human world...'

Vlad's head began to spin at high speed:

'Alexios can easily invade Hell, and in the event of an emergency, he can get me out of there... Put that together, and the favor that that man owes me, Lilith's rescue is 100% guaranteed... Now, will she agree to become a Vampire, and my subordinate?'

Unlike weak humans, and other Supernatural Beings, Gods have stronger souls, even Vlad himself cannot influence a God's soul without the God's own permission.

Of course this would be different if Vlad himself were a God.

'...She wouldn't stoop to that level. For her, as a Demon Goddess, to become a Vampire would be a humiliation... Unless she was in a vulnerable state...' Vlad's inner smile grew.


"Yes?" Agnes looked at Vlad.

"Is it possible to stabilize its power so that it acts as a false 'sun'?"

"...." Agnes looked at Victor for a few seconds, it was as if she was trying to catch something of Victor's expression, but Victor just remained with a neutral expression, Victor's violet eyes met Agnes's.

And for a few seconds, the woman was breathless:

"If there's a way my power energy doesn't leak out... It's possible..."

"Hmm...-" When Vlad was about to say something, Agnes continued.


Vlad raised his eyebrow and looked at Agnes, meeting the woman's eyes, he heard:

"I will need the help of Count Alucard, and my maid Hilda."

"...." Victor's eyes twitched a little, but no one saw it, everyone was focused on Agnes.

"Not even I can create a fireball big enough and stabilize it like the mini sun that Count Alucard did in the previous demonstration."

As a woman proficient in the power of fire, she could easily do what Victor did, but this is on a small scale, to make a perfect representation of the sun, she would need to create a gigantic sphere, and stabilize that sphere, and not just that.

She needed this sphere to be as stable as a star, and that required an absurd level of control and energy.

Because, as long as she was trying to stabilize the energy, she would gradually get weaker.

"In this case-."

"I refuse."

"…Eh?" Vlad looked at Victor:

"But I didn't say anything."

"It's pretty obvious that you would order me to do that." Despite being his own plan, Victor wouldn't do it without benefits, and the benefits were:

"If you order me to do this, I will ask for Ophis in return, I want my daughter."

"I refuse!"


The three Countesses felt like facepalming now, were these two men the most influential in Nightingale? The two were just two doting parents!

... Somehow, the three Countesses couldn't help but think that Ophis was lucky, after all, the person causing her trouble would be fucked in every possible way.

Having two bloodthirsty Progenitors on your ass is not a pleasant experience.

Victor narrowed his eyes: "Vlad, haven't you played with Ophis enough? Let her stay with me for a while, Nero wants to play with her!"

"Don't think I'm stupid, you just miss her, don't use your daughter as an excuse!"

"Ugh." Victor couldn't deny that.

"And I just started getting along with my daughter, she doesn't even call me Evil Father anymore! I won't let you ruin everything!"

A vein bulged in Victor's head:

"It was because of me that you got this! If it were up to you, you'd still be acting like an Emo and wouldn't approach Ophis! You owe me!"

"Ugh." Vlad couldn't deny that.

"I know it was thanks to you that I got closer to my daughter, and I appreciate that..." He spoke with a grateful face.


"But." Vlad's eyes gleamed dangerously:

"This and that are different!"

"What!?" Victor's eyes started to glow brighter too.

"She is my daughter! Mine! I want to spend more time with her!"

"I still haven't shown her the whole world!"

"She's my daughter too! And I also have the same right! I want to spend time with her!"

"And I also want to show her to the world! Along with Nero!"

"......" What is this fight? When did the meeting become a protective parenting meeting? Are they in the wrong country?

The Countesses looked wordlessly at Victor and Vlad staring at each other, they could have sworn they were seeing two sparks clashing in the air.

"...Wait, Vlad."


"If Diablo invades, there will be no more world for Ophis to see..."

"......." Vlad opened his eyes wide, and after a few minutes he realized that Victor was right, the two looked at each other and a tacit agreement occurred between them.

"Alexios, show the Earth world map!" The two spoke at the same time.

"YES!" unconsciously, Alexios spoke louder than usual.

A world map appeared in front of Vlad.

"First, Japan." Victor, who at some point was beside Vlad, spoke up.

"True, Ophis' family lives there." Vlad nodded and circled the country.

"For economic reasons, the United States and China need to be protected..."

"Ugh, both countries are very big and it'll be very difficult to extend our influence, especially in China. And China doesn't need to be protected, they have a very tight mythology there and their population of Supernatural Beings is large, they will be able to get by with Diablo's invasion."

The other reason was that Vlad didn't want to get in the big bubble called China, it was just too troublesome, they had so many factions, clans, young masters, sect elders that it would be a huge hassle to get involved in it.

"So the United States?"

"Yes." Vlad circled the United States, much like he did Japan.

The country was troublesome because it had influences from many Supernatural Beings from different factions in that place, but since he already had a certain influence in that country, it will be much easier than in China.

"Okay, we already have the military might, and the economic might, the next one is agriculture…"

"In this case some countries in Europe..." He made some circles in the countries of Europe, leaving only countries that the Gods have control over, like Greece where Mount Olympus was, and the countries where Norse mythology rules.

And leaving countries he considered useless.

"Don't forget Brazil."

"Oh that's true, the Amazon is important."

"Not only that, they have a lot of unexplored lands, it will come in handy."

"True, True." He circled in Brazil too.


"Troublesome, same reason as China."


"Same reason as the previous one."

"Not to mention I don't want trouble with that country's mythology, Shiva is my friend after all."

"The God of Destruction, huh."

"Yes, the bastard is strong, his country will be safe... That's if he wants to interfere in the invasion."

"What do you mean?"

"Just like every God, he has his quirks, and let's say his quirk is one involving destruction."

"He likes to destroy things... The probability of him helping his country is 50%."

"It will all depend on luck."



"What in the name of the Seven Hells is happening? Since when did they become so friendly with each other?" Agnes asked Scathach.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Aren't you the oldest in the room?"

A vein bulged in Scathach's head: "Vlad is the oldest, not me."

"Okay, you're the second oldest in the class."

"Darling, Darling~. What are you doing?" Natashia asked as she approached Victor and held his arm.

Veins bulged in Agnes and Scathach's heads when they saw Natashia's attitude.

"Circling countries of high importance that I will be taking Ophis to visit in the future."

"They will also be useful in case the country needs protection. We can take control of the country when they are at their most fragile. Of course, this is just in case the invasion progresses further than expected." Vlad continued, they seemed to be in sync.

"AND! I will take Ophis."

"Humpf, keep dreaming about it." Victor snorted.

"..." Alexios just watched all this in silence, while displaying a small smile:

'So his status quo is with Ophis, huh...' The head of the most loyal subordinate started to spin, thinking of a plan. The realization that the two Progenitors would work together as long as Ophis was in the middle was an important point.

"Ohh...I see." Natashia looked at the world map, and looked at a specific part.

"Why not Australia and South Korea?"

"South Korea is very small, and in the Supernatural Community, they don't have that much strength. Even if we enforce our influence on that place, the benefits will be minimal." Victor was the one who spoke.

"Australia is where one of the portals to the Witch Kingdom is, if something threatens that country, the Witches will intervene." Vlad continued.

"…Eh?" The three Countesses and Victor looked at Vlad in shock.

"..." Looking at the people in the room, and thinking about what he said, Vlad said:

"Shit." This was important information that he wanted to keep secret.

"Vlad, do you know where the Witch portals are?" Agnes asked the question everyone wanted to know.

Seeing that it's no use hiding since he spilled the beans, he said:

"Just a portal, the Witch Queen took me back in her realm when she and I did the Wedding Ritual Magic, and Vampire Slave Magic."

"...." The group was silent thinking that his reasoning made sense, after all, everyone knew this story.

"Done." Vlad spoke.

The group looked at the world map.

And surprisingly, Vlad had circled only a few countries.

Most countries on the globe were without the circle.

"... We will interfere and help against the invasion when these countries are at their most fragile, with that, we will use our influence in the human world, and we will make that influence grow."

"At the end of this invasion, I want to have at least the United States, Brazil, and part of Europe under my influence."

"...I wouldn't be so optimistic." Scathach spoke.

"I know... The likelihood of other Supernatural Beings and the group that is helping the Demons doing the same as us is high."

"Everyone will fight for this big cake called 'Earth.'"

"But that's just our third plan."

"The first and second are still focused on making a city in Nightingale, and recruiting humans, and various races to this planet."

"The third plan only involves increasing influence over these countries, not getting the land itself."

"We don't need land after all." Vlad finished his reasoning.

Even though the planet where Nightingale was, was not safe, it was still a planet that has several unexplored lands. In a matter of land, Vlad had no interest, he was interested in influence.

"Vlad, don't forget the nature of humans." Agnes spoke to Vlad.

"I know, I've been dealing with humans for over 5000 years, I'll make sure their greed doesn't grow too big." Vlad spoke in a serious tone.

"...Hmm..." Victor's eyes gleamed slightly as he looked at the countries, he seemed to be thinking about something:

'I can use this to my advantage...' Victor looked at Japan, and a woman with long black hair with nine tails appeared in his mind.


Victor was more interested in recruiting warriors to be his subordinates, because currently that's what he lacks a lot.

Vlad has his own personal army, the same goes for Agnes and Natashia.

Scathach didn't need an army, she is her own army.

But Victor?

He only has his Maids, he needs more subordinates if he wants to make a city.

"...." Agnes and Natashia narrowed their eyes slightly as they felt the feeling emanating from Victor's connection.

"We are done here, our plan will be as follows, we will build a new city next to the Snow Clan, this new city will be divided into two areas, the supernatural area, and the common people area."

"I'm going to talk to this… Witch of Greed?" Vlad said as he looked at June's card.

"And I will start building the city."

"Agnes, as the city will be on your territory, I want you to help economically with all this."

"The same goes for you Natashia."

"Okay~/Yes." The two had no problem with that, they knew they were getting a big part of the pie that will be this new city, spending some money won't be a problem.

"Any design suggestions for the city?" Vlad asked Victor.

"…What would a dome look like, then in a circular shape?"


"It would be nice if we had a Witch who controls space... Oh, wait." Victor looked at Alexios with his eyes shining.

"...." Alexios swallowed hard when he felt Victor's gaze.

"Why space?"

"Eventually, the city will get crowded, but what if we use the power of space to 'stretch' the space of some buildings, and houses?"

"????" No one seemed to understand what Victor said.

Victor blamed his bad explanation, and continued:

"Example, the outside of the house will be small like a simple house, but when you enter the house, it will be ridiculously big."

"......." Everyone opened their eyes wide, slightly surprised.

"Victor, you are a damn genius!" Vlad spoke with his eyes shining.

"...Stop, it's no use flattering me, I won't give up on Ophis because of this."

'And I'm not a genius, that's a thought everyone would think if they knew about Alexios' power.' Victor thought.

"Piece of shit..." Vlad felt like spanking this man now.

"So? Is it possible Alexios?"

Everyone looked at Alexios, and then he...


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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