My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

​Chapter 379: Scathach wants Victor just for her

Chapter 379: Scathach wants Victor just for her.


"That is my mother." Violet quickly cut off the two women.

"...Ohh..." The two reacted at the same time.

"You're a lot like her." Jeanne said.

"Even the aura is the same." Anna said.

"Actually, she seems to be a little crazy that Agnes..." Jeanne continued.


"Who are you bitches?" Violet wasn't satisfied.

"Ugh… Even that bad mouth, she inherited it from her mother." Anna felt a slight irritation in her head when she heard Violet's tone.

She sniffs the air for a bit, and again, she feels her instincts being overwhelmed.

'Ugh, I need to get out of here.'

"My name is Jeanne d'Arc... Vlad's ex-wife."

"…Jeanne…That Jeanne?" Even though Violet didn't pay much attention in class, she knew who Jeanne was. The name of a saint isn't easily forgotten after all.


"...To think that old man got his hands on a saint...Disgusting." Violet felt like throwing up.

"..." Jeanne didn't know how to react to Violet's words. Should she be angry or neutral?

To be honest, she doesn't even know if Violet was insulting her or Vlad, considering Agnes' personality... The former Agnes, who acted like a delinquent, she was probably insulting both of them.

"Anyway, ex-wives are not welcome here now. Come back another time."

"Shoo, Shoo." Violet spoke as if she were kicking two dogs out.

"...This bitch, she's annoying just like Agnes." Anna's eyes glowed slightly blood red.

She didn't even want to know her name! She completely ignored her existence!

"Although I disagree with Violet on many things, I agree with her on this one. Come back another time." Ruby was the one who spoke this time.

"...Fine, it's dangerous to stay here anyway." Jeanne took the lead and spoke:

"We'll come back later-..." Jeanne stopped talking abruptly when she heard the woman's groans cease since she understood that what they were doing was over, "Well, I guess I don't have to anymore."


An hour later, Victor came out accompanied by Sasha.

He was wearing a black Yukata with gold trim.

Sasha was in a bathrobe, and her entire body was glowing faintly, while she had a very satisfied smile on her face.

The moment she appeared in the room, she couldn't help but blush a little when she saw Ruby and Violet's gaze and smile. They had the look of someone who completely understood what Sasha was feeling.

"Umu...?" Victor looked around curiously:

"Where are Ophis and Nero?"

"We couldn't let the girls hear what you were doing, right?"

"Oh, Make sense." Victor nodded slightly.

"...!?" As Victor nodded in satisfaction, he felt the gaze of a predator looking down at his body. Quickly looking towards that gaze, he saw Scathach's neutral eyes.

Her expression appeared neutral, and she had a small smile on her face while she was looking at him with eyes that contained a dangerous glint.

A glint he had never seen before in Scathach.

"???" Victor was completely confused, he prided himself on understanding the woman with a single glance, but now... He couldn't understand the woman.

"Not Enough... Yet..." He heard Scathach mutter something.

And that only made the question marks in his head grow.

'What's up?'

Victor looked in the direction of Violet and Ruby, and the moment he looked at their wives, the women looked at Victor and then quickly looked away.

It was painfully obvious that something had happened. He didn't even need to be a good observer since Ruby's feelings completely showed that something had happened...

And that 'something' is related to Scathach.

"..." Time around, Victor started to slow down and looked at Scathach. He took in everything about her, every breath, every look, her heartbeat, everything...

'...She's changed...' It didn't take just a few seconds for Victor to understand that Scathach wasn't looking at him anymore as a disciple or something to be protected. Instead, she was looking at him as a potential fighter.

Her little disapproving look might be small, but it was definitely there.

"Hmm... Anyway, I'll get back to my business. If you guys want something from me, you know where to find me."

"Darling, Darling."


"Don't forget that you promised to date your new 'daughters'." Violet spoke.

"Going out with my daughters?" Victor turned his head in confusion.

"…When did I say that?"

"Now." Violet smiled.

Victor laughed a little. He understood what Violet wanted, as it was basically a nice way of saying to take her new daughters for a walk.

In other words: 'Take the kids somewhere. We're busy.' That's what Violet meant.

'She seems to be planning something… But knowing my wife, she probably doesn't know how to deal with children yet.' Victor thought

"... Fine, it's not like I don't want to spend time with Nero and Ophis."

'I can take advantage of this time with the two of them and teach them how to kidnap Japanese noble vampires, thus killing two rabbits with a single move.' Victor thought he was a good father now.

He also wouldn't give up on a possible way to get stronger by learning to control the Youki.

"...." Scathach watched Victor silently.

Her gaze was no longer the gaze of someone looking at a disciple but the gaze of someone who was judging her potential mate.

'... Weak... But he has potential... As expected, it's a shame he was born at the wrong time...' Now that Scathach knew her feelings, she wouldn't be quiet for long.

As her mother said, if she finds a potential mate and he's not strong enough, she just needs to make him stronger.

'But... He can't get any stronger... He's already at the height of the baby vampire's strength, and even if he has the strength of an adult vampire because of being a progenitor, it's still not enough... '

As a woman born into a society of warriors, everything in her culture was resolved by force. She would not accept a weak partner, she would not accept the man she called 'husband' to be weaker than her.

But... who was Scathach? She was the woman who trained Victor, she was the one who most knew his limits and his potential. She knows that if she challenges now, she will win, and that can't be called a fight.

They need to be on the same level for a fight to happen and a winner to be decided, and that winner is who will be the 'Dominant' of the relationship.

Her pride doesn't allow her to challenge Victor as he is now because she knows she won't be challenged.

Even her mother did the same. Her father was weak as hell, she made him stronger and challenged him when they were on the same level of strength, and yet the man lost, and her mother became the dominant of the relationship.

There is no honor in fighting a duel you have already won.

'Ugh...fuck...' Scathach was impatient, the feeling she got now was something she'd never felt before, and it made her impatient.

'...I need to take it easy... Yes, I need to give it time. When he gets his first boost, I'll try to think about it again-...' Scathach stopped when she felt a familiar scent near her.

Before she knew it, Victor was in front of her.

She lifted her face a little and saw the man's face.


His heart was taken aback by the man's godlike appearance, an appearance he wouldn't have cared for in the past but now seemed to be very deadly.

Victor lightly touched Scathach's waist and pulled the woman close.

His muscular body bumped into the older woman's curvy body.

"..." Scathach took a deep breath, and the man's scent was very overwhelming.

Victor, without saying anything, wraps his right arm around Scathach's body and lifts her face a little while his violet eyes meet Scathach's blood-red eyes.

Soon, he flashes a small, sneaky smile, as if understanding what happened, and he turns away and shows his neck to Scathach.

"...!" Scathach didn't need words to understand what was happening.


"You used your powers a lot before, right?"

"I don't want your bloodlust to affect your thinking."

"...." Scathach's body trembled slightly when she heard Victor's gentle tone.

He looked like an incubus who was trying to seduce her, though... She knew he was just acting like they normally did.

It wasn't Victor who changed... It was her.

Scathach wraps her arm around Victor's chest, and slowly her face approaches the man's neck.

... When she was about to bite his neck, she spoke in his ear:

"You'll be mine." She tightened her grip on his body and spoke possessively as if declaring her possession:

Victor's smile grew wider, and he smiled like he'd never smiled before in his life, his heart was pounding like crazy, and his eyes gleamed with possession, love, and desire...

Wish for a battle.

Sexual desire.

Wanting and possession.

His lust was out of control.

"Wrong..." He hugged the woman's body even tighter:

"You will be mine... Forever and ever... not even death can separate you from me..."

"Heh~." She licks Victor's neck a little, "You speak with such possessiveness. It makes me happy..."

"But unfortunately..." Scathach's eyes shone brighter, and a dangerous aura left her body, "For those words to make sense..."

"You'll have to defeat me first..."

"!!?" The women around him looked at Scathach with a glint of fear in their eyes. The aura she was giving off now had no comparison to anything the women present had felt before.

It was completely different.

It was a dark crimson red, it was heavy, suffocating, and most of all… They could feel the chill of death coursing through their entire body.

It was terrifying.

"Only when this feat has been achieved will I allow such possession for myself…" She licked the man's neck more seductively.

"And it's impossible to defeat me. Even if you have the same strength as me, my victory will be inevitable..." Just like your mother and father.

She was the one who would be in charge of the relationship. After all, no one can defeat her, not even Victor.

"So I'll be the one in charge-..."

Scathach stopped talking when he saw that the man she was hugging had turned into something dark, an utterly dark existence with only bright red streaks that looked like blood was seen...

"...." She opened her eyes wide when she realized what was happening.

"...That's..." Anna and Jeanne opened their eyes wide when they saw this form of Victor.

And they weren't the only surprises, even Ruby, Sasha, and Violet were shocked.

The vampires present could feel it clearly, their whole existence could feel it.

... A progenitor was standing there in front of them.

"...Let's not put the cart before the horse, my dear Scathach." Victor's dark hand lightly caresses Scathach's head and slowly works its way down through her crimson red hair.

Victor pulls away from Scathach and looks into his face.

Looking at the existence in front of her, even Scathach herself could feel...

She could feel her blood begging to unconsciously follow this man.

But...! She won't!

She bites her tongue and wakes up from her stupor.

Victor's face distorts, and his smile grows as a big grin filled with sharp fangs that encompass his entire face.

This was no longer the smile of a humanoid being but of 'something'.

Yes, something unknown and monstrous.

As an entity completely unlike anything that has ever been seen.

This being takes both his hands and holds Scathach's face:

"Master... Scathach... You taught me yourself."

"In a fight, many variables can happen, terrain, opponent's condition, weather, everything can be a variable that will determine victory or defeat... You can't count victory ahead of time... Especially for beings like I..."

"After all... I am the biggest variable that can exist in this world."

"..." Scathach's eyes widened in shock. Yes, how can she forget this basic knowledge?

Who was Victor really?

He was a progenitor, a progenitor who was not born a full vampire, a product of many coincidences that, in theory, should have been impossible.

Looking at it from that perspective, his very existence could even be considered a bug in the god's perfect god system.

Slowly, his eyes were closing and getting less intense:

"Yes, indeed... You are correct." She displayed a small, calm, gentle, and somewhat peaceful smile.

Was she somehow feeling lighter?

'It's like a weight has taken off my body.' Scathach couldn't understand why she was feeling this way.

But one thing she was sure of, when she heard what Victor said just now, her impatience began to fail to make sense.

Even if master and disciple were basically declaring war on each other, a war to decide who was the dominant of the relationship, a war to decide who would be the king or the subordinate, the alpha or the beta. The predator or the prey.

Even though she knew that…

Scathach felt very peaceful…

"..." Victor just chuckled lightly, and slowly his body started to return to normal, as he ignored the body aches from having used this form, even if it was just to prove a point to his dear and lovable master.

He turns his face a little:

"Where were we again?"

"…Somewhere in the middle of me drinking your delicious blood~." She laughed with a sensual smile, and without further ado, she wrapped her arm around Victor's chest and bit his neck.

'This is going to be quite a fun war…' She couldn't help but think about it as she tasted the blood of the man she basically claimed as her own.

While feeling his blood being absorbed by his lovely master, Victor strokes her long hair and looks at the ceiling as if he finds something interesting there.

His eyes, dark as a black hole, were filled with thoughts that only he knew what they were.

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