Chapter 804: He Will Decide Everything.

"Victor, what happened to you-..." Jeanne stopped talking and shook her head. "No, this isn't the time for that. Give me your orders."

"Orders, huh..." Victor's gaze went to everyone present, and seeing their determined eyes, he displayed a small smile. "Very well." Soon he began to float skyward.

Stopping above their group, his Dragon Wings spread wide, reaching over 50 meters in diameter.

The wings were majestic and instilled a unique feeling of powerlessness in all who witnessed them.

"My will remains the same." A violet Power with shades of red began to cover Victor's body.

"Olympus will fall."

When that statement was heard, Magic Circles began to be created as hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of Magic Circles began to appear and cover the entire sky.

"… The dimension was forcibly closed." Alexios opened his eyes, showing his galaxy-shaded eyes to everyone, utterly shocked by what he had just felt.

"My Authority... I can't use it." Persephone opened her eyes wide when she felt it. She literally couldn't access her Authority in The Underworld anymore.

Persephone couldn't comprehend what was occurring,

'What's going on? Why can't I use my Power!?'

The Primordial Entities looked upon The Judges of The Abyss.

"Don't tell me he…" The Owner of Limbo muttered.

""Yes, he blocked The System."" The Judges of The Abyss "... How did he lockdown The System? Shouldn't that be impossible for a Mortal?"

"Yes, but if an individual has very great control over the Soul and Creation, they can do this temporarily."

"The current traits of this Progenitor grant him these abilities; the Vampire Aspect provides him with the Power of Souls, and the Dragon Aspect endows him with Power over Existence…"

"Another factor that aided him in this feat was his influence over that Dimension and the fact that Dimension is highly unstable due to battles among powerful Beings. Thanks to all these conditions, he managed to temporarily halt the functions of The Underworld System."

"Even if the Anomaly had been rectified, he is still a ridiculous Being." The Owner of Limbo muttered.

The Abyss Judges and Universal Tree remained silent. Even if they didn't say anything, they silently agreed with The Owner of Limbo.

Back to Olympus.

"He became even more irrational." Kaguya lightly laughed when she saw this sight.

"What do we do, Boss?" Maria asked.

"We retreat." Kaguya didn't need to think when giving that order. She pulled all the women into her shadow and left the battlefield.

"Wait, Kaguya, I still haven't got Athena and Poseidon!" Medusa spoke.

"Don't worry, Darling won't forget about that," Aphrodite spoke.

"…Oh." Medusa realized that she was right.

"These Magic Circles…" Seth narrowed his eyes.

"Strategic Class Magic… An Original Spell from Albedo... Just how can he use it?"

The answer to that question was simple. The memories of thousands of Ancient Demons he killed in the war and absorbed. Due to his new body, his ability to process memories was off the charts, and due to this body, he could use his Soul Powers to fully explore a Being's Soul and receive whatever information he needed.

It was no secret to The Demon King that Albedo Moriarty dabbled in Demonic Contracts when she wasn't yet a Goddess, and it was also a fact that many of those Demons she contracted with, she killed when she no longer had need of them.

When a Demon dies, they simply return to Hell and would be reborn years later in the future. Typically, these Demons would have lost their memories, but... That was not completely true. Their memories would be stored in their Soul, and only High-Level Demons could access them immediately after reviving.

That was why when Beings like Pillar Demons died, they still remembered how they died.

Victor clearly remembered seeing an Elite Demon being killed by Albedo through her Magic. He also very clearly recalled the Magic that Evie Moriarty herself used while around Diablo.

Inside him now, he had the memories of billions of Beings, and they were being processed and archived for utility, while any useless memories were being destroyed as they served no purpose. This whole process was automatic, and it happened passively.

Even a normal Dragon couldn't do what he was doing now. Usually, they needed to sleep for several years to organize all their memories, and that was what Zaladrac had done in the past. She had thousands of memories of her Ancestors inside her, but she couldn't access them all at once, she needed time.

Victor no longer had this limitation, and the reason for this was simple. It was because he was The First-Born of a whole new Species: The Vampyric Dragons.

"What are you doing!? Stop staring in a daze, and get ready!" Apollo, with his whole body suffering from numerous injuries, spoke.

""...It's useless."" Ares and Athena said at the same time.

"We're surrounded, and that damned monster has brought his army." Ares spoke.

"Are you confident fighting someone who fought off 4 Primordial Gods and made Typhon, something who even we fear, disappear like an annoying fly?" Athena asked. Long ago, she had already resigned herself to her fate and didn't care anymore.

The sight in front of her was just too hopeless. This must be the first time she and Ares agreed on something.

This was also a notion that all Olympians here agreed upon. They were simply at a complete disadvantage, and that thought intensified even more when they saw the Magic Circles in the sky creating multiple spears of different Elements.

'That's not Albedo's Magic... He altered it.' Seth thought. He needed to get out of here. But, the moment he was about to make a move,

His instincts screamed. He eyed Victor warily and stopped moving.

'Damn monster, he's still watching me.' Seth didn't doubt that Victor could disappear from his location and appear in front of him in an instant.

The meaning of distance meant nothing to someone as fast as he was.

"Surrender, Erebus." Nyx snarled as she whirled her scythe and pointed it toward the sky.

"Look. You don't stand a chance. Victor will never let you get away. A cliché escape will not happen here."

"That may be true, but I won't go down without a fight…" Erebus stopped talking as he felt his connection to Mount Olympus slipping away.


"Did you just now notice?" Nyx's eyes glowed in disdain.

"Did you think he was standing around doing nothing? He is slowly taking control of Mount Olympus."

"That's impossible! Only The Rightful God-Kings can do that! Even Zeus himself cannot sever my connection to Mount Olympus! I am The First God to be born in these lands."

"He consumed Zeus and Kronos, you fool. He became the Rightful Ruler of Olympus." Nyx spoke dismissively.

"Before, he couldn't access that Authority, but now that he has evolved into a Dragon, a Being that manipulates Creation, he can use that Authority now."

Of course, this feat was only possible because, currently, the 'Rightful King' of Olympus, the Being that controls that Entire dimension, had been consumed by Victor. Normally, even a Progenitor Dragon would not be able to do that; after all, the King of the Dimension had more Authority there than a Dragon.

"Your defeat is just a matter of time. Surrender. Submit to me."


"Fool," Nyx spoke dismissively, and soon they were engaged in combat again.

"Hmm..." Vlad touched his chin as he looked at the Gods and those Elemental Spears in the sky. Feeling the Power each spear held, he shuddered inwardly.

'Bloody monster.' He grumbled a little.

"Victor, are you really going to kill them?" He asked.


"That's a waste of resources, you know, right?"

"I don't care. Mount Olympus is past its expiration date."

"Hmm~, at least leave some useful Gods like Dionysus or something. The God of Wine can make Divine Wine, and with your new constitution, I bet you can eat normal food now."

Victor faltered a little when he heard what Vlad said.

"…Should I take the food-related Gods then?"

"Yes... I would normally point out the Gods of Agriculture, Land, Medicine, etc. But you already collected those, so the rest are useless."

"Hmm..." Victor saw that Vlad's words held merit. Therefore, he was going to kill everyone; save for Dionysus.

"Mm, sounds good. I'll kill them all, and I'll just leave Dionysus."

Dionysus didn't know how to feel overhearing the conversation between the Vampire Progenitor and that monster; he felt like a cheap commodity.

'Is this how Humans felt when we played with them?' Dionysus reflected.

"What are you going to do with The Greek Underworld?"

The Gods of The Underworld focused on Victor's next words.

"… Conquer and integrate them into my Hell."

"Oh? You're not going to destroy them?" Vlad asked.

"That would not be honorable. Even if indirectly, they helped us in this war. This help has been acknowledged, so they will not be annihilated."

The Gods of The Underworld, especially Persephone, were feeling pretty sour right now.

But what could they do? He was the strongest here. And because he was the strongest, he was the judge, jury, and executioner; he who decided everything.

The Gods, who were always used to being on the side of the victors, now felt the humiliation of defeat and insignificance deeply.

The same feeling Mortals had when they were exploited by those same Gods.

The irony of this whole situation was that it was a Mortal who made them feel this way.

"I have a better idea, Victor," Vlad spoke.

"… You are quite talkative today, Vlad." Victor raised an eyebrow.

"It's not every day I see a Pantheon of Gods dying like dogs. It's honestly quite refreshing to see these arrogant Gods in such a state." Vlad commented cordially with a happy smile on his face.

"Look at this sight," Vlad smiled widely.

"These 'superior' Gods are so afraid of you that they don't even dare to move. They're just sitting there like pigs waiting for slaughter. After all, they know that if they did anything, you'd just kill them in the blink of an eye."

Vlad's words influenced Victor's group a little, and they began to see this situation in a more 'fun' way. The feeling of sadism grew in everyone's hearts when they saw this sight.

Mainly people like Agnes, Natashia, and Morgana, who held particular disdain for the Gods.

Victor looked naturally at Vlad and then at his people, who reacted to Vlad's words. 'Well, he's not a King for nothing.'

"Well, what do you suggest?" Victor asked.

"... Annihilating them with just one move would be boring. Why don't you let them fight with our Elites?"


"They are, after all, High-Level Gods; they are good punching bags. Those who fulfill their role properly as a good punching bag will have their lives spared."

'But they will still be our slaves in the end.' Vlad thought.

And Victor did not miss Vlad's hidden words.

'Basically, use them until they run out of uses. Those who survive this process will still be useful slaves... Hmm, I have a better idea. I can use them as a suicide squad in future wars!' Victor's eyes sparkled excitedly.

And everyone who knew Victor knew that he had just thought of something terrible.

"I've decided." Victor grinned widely. "Congratulations, Olympians, you have been promoted to cannon fodder."

"…Cannon fodder…?" Athena muttered incredulously.

Seemingly hearing her mumble, Victor replied, "Yes. In future wars, you will be the vanguard. You will be the first to die. As you are immortal, as long as the enemy doesn't use specific Concepts, it's the perfect job for you, right!? You will be my army of Immortal Gods!"

"Rejoice, Gods of Olympus."

"I, Victor Alucard, have found a meaning to your pathetic existences!"


Everyone couldn't help but think that this man was indeed a Demon who had come out of The Depths of Hell... And they weren't wrong.

"...I refuse!" A God from Olympus spoke.

"I will not go-."

A Spear of Violet Fire in the sky was shot towards the God's head, and before anyone could react, his head was blown off.

A silence fell around, and everyone watched the God's body fall to the ground lifeless. A few seconds later, this body shriveled up as its blood gushed out of it, and this golden blood flew to Victor's mouth.

"Mm, the best meal is definitely the Gods. Although it loses in quality to the Primordial Gods."

All the Gods felt a chill down their spines when they saw this sight.

It was at that moment that all the Gods understood that what was in front of them was not just any monster. It was a monster that was their Natural Predator, a Dragon that devoured Gods for food.

Upon understanding this, everyone fell to their knees and lowered their heads toward that Dragon.

"I surrender." The words of the Olympian Gods echoed around in unison.

This scene would go down in history books. The scene of an entire Pantheon of Gods kneeling before The First-Born Vampyric Dragon, Victor Alucard.

The Underworld Gods who survived this encounter would, in the future, make a painting of this scene so that all generations of future Gods would remember the consequences of their ancestors' actions and so that they would not make those mistakes again.

But that was a story for the future; for now, Victor had a job to do.

"Good." Victor smiled in satisfaction and looked to the horizon, specifically at the Primordial Gods, Nocturnus, Erebus, and Seth.

"Hii!" Nocturnus screamed when he saw Victor's gaze.

He felt very weak now. He'd completely lost the support of Olympus; he couldn't even wield the Power he had before, and that fact terrified him. He just wanted to get out of here, but... He knew he couldn't. The dimension was closed, and he didn't see a future where he could escape that monster's eyes.

Nocturnus blinked his eyes, and in the next moment, Victor was in front of him, his wings retracted behind him, and his body glowed with dense Red Lightning.

NOBODY saw what happened, not even Vlad or Scathach herself. The only ones who saw what happened were the Primordial Gods and, to a lesser extent, Jeanne and Seth.

"Hiii! Go away! You monster!" Nocturnus started throwing Void Spears at Victor's body, but it was useless. Without the support of Olympus, and with Victor's body covered in Negative Energy, the Void Energy couldn't even get past the natural Negative Energy Barrier around Victor.

He didn't even need to raise his Power.

"I must thank you, Nocturnus." Victor held Nocturnus' head.

Nocturnus looked at Victor through the gaps in his hand, fear painting his entire expression, the arrogance long gone from his face.

"You, along with your father and uncle, almost completely eliminated me. This was the third time in my life that I came that close to actually dying."

The first was when he faced Mizuki for the first time, and the second was when he faced Natashia.

"Thanks to you, I was able to discover more things about myself… As a reward for this feat, you will become my food."


Half of Victor's body deformed, and the head of a Dragon made of crimson and violet Energy appeared, and soon after, this head swallowed Nocturnus' existence.

"Nocturnus, nooo!" Erebus screamed.

At that moment, Nyx's scythe pierced his belly.

"Losing focus in a fight... What an amateur mistake, Erebus." Nyx swung her scythe and threw Erebus' body in front of Victor.

"Tell me, Nyx. What do you want from him?"

"Explanations about the past, and about his betrayal...above all."

"You don't want to torture him?"

"I don't care. I just want information. A long time ago, I stopped having feelings for him… Although my anger remains."

"Very well, in that case." Victor's leg deformed.

"Damn you, Alucard! Damn you! Your irritating existence! Why did you come into existence!? You always were-."

"Shut up." Victor stomped on Erebus' head, killing him, and then he absorbed the God's body.

Erebus's memories flashed into his brain. Victor automatically filtered out the memories he desired, and the next moment, he tapped Nyx's forehead.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Nyx's eyes flew open, and soon she was given all the memories of the past through Erebus's point of view.

A few seconds passed, and soon Nyx returned to reality. She frowned and said:

"I see..."

"Looks like even Erebus wasn't immune to Zeus' disease, huh," Victor commented.

What happened? It's quite simple. Erebus got sick of Nyx. Because of that, he went after another woman. It was around this same time that he had the thought of trying to raise a son who would naturally break The Balance.

He held this thought for many years until a group of Gods approached him and recruited him for Diablo's plan. A plan to create a Pantheon composed of only the Negative Beings of all Pantheons, a Pantheon of Darkness.

In the end, it was all about Power and desires, just like all Gods and Beings.

'To think that not even someone like Erebus would have information about New Dawn. It seems that their organization merged with an already existing organization that was created by the Gods.' The more Victor tried to put the puzzle pieces together, the more this situation resembled Diablo's.

New Dawn was being supported by another powerful organization composed of Gods, most of them being Gods related to the Negative Side of The Balance. But in Erebus's memories, he had also met with Gods on the Positive Side of The Balance.

'Doesn't this feel like an entirely new Pantheon?' Victor thought as he analyzed the memories, mainly those related to Nocturnus' mother, a foreign Goddess not part of Earth.

"I will give you all his memories."


Victor didn't listen to Nyx and touched her forehead again and gave her all of Erebus' memories.

"Victor Alucard, I ask that you release me, or do you wish to go to war against the Egyptian Pantheon?"

'...The audacity of this worm.' Victor narrowed his eyes.

"Do not think me a fool, Seth. You dying here will cause a war, but… You don't have to die, right?"

Seth shivered when he saw Victor's smile.

Victor appeared in front of Seth and grabbed him by the neck, as pure hatred exuded from his eyes.

"Do you think I forgot the sight of you trying to stab my Wife in the back?"

Seth tried to use his Soul Powers, but before he could raise his hand, his arm was ripped off.


"You will not die, Seth. You will return to the Egyptian Pantheon… But no one will guarantee that you will return in one piece. I will make sure that you will return as a vegetable."

With Victor's Power of Souls, crippling a God was very easy. He just needed to completely shred the God's Soul in such a way that it remained whole but broken at the same time, that way, he would never heal, or function normally again, left as nothing but a vegetable.


"Shh… I know. I understand." Victor smiled, "You are happy, right?"

An incredulous expression appeared on Seth's face.

"I will make time in my super busy schedule, especially for you. Rejoice, Seth. You've gained my attention, and I will make sure you wish you never had."

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