Chapter 768: Fenrir.

Maya and Tasha observed the scene with a mixture of intense emotions. Witnessing Victor subduing Volk Fenrir with such ferocity and ease, they felt a fervent excitement coursing through their bodies, a vibrant thrill in the face of the display of Power and control by a True Alpha.

Maya, especially, felt a burning flame of desire ignite within her. Her eyes shone with a dark lust and an insatiable thirst for that aura of dominance and superiority that Victor emanated. She longed to be by his side, sharing the power and submitting to his will.

On the other hand, Tasha experienced an almost obsessive excitement witnessing Victor's immense strength. Unbeknownst to her, her devotion to him was intensified, and she felt even more attracted to his dominant and imposing figure. The scene awakened an uncontrollable desire in Tasha to be possessed and protected by Victor, to surrender herself completely to him.

Because she knew that even if she did that, he would not want to subjugate her, he would not treat her as if she were unimportant, and he would value her efforts.

A mixture of pleasure and desire overcame both women at seeing Volk, a powerful adversary, being humiliated and controlled with such ease. The sight of Volk's submission before Victor's dominance fueled Maya and Tasha's fantasies.

In that moment, they were drawn to Victor's dark and imposing side, seduced by his Power and ability to subdue those who defied his authority.

'No!' Tasha shook her head several times from side to side.

What was this idiotic brain of hers thinking!? She couldn't do that!

'Control your instincts, Tasha!' She was not an animal controlled by those foolish instincts, she wouldn't allow it!

Tasha looked at Maya with slight irritation as she saw that the woman was completely out of it and said, "Maya!"


"What is that book you're reading?"

"... Book?" Maya spoke, confused. She looked at her hands and saw the book she was reading. Her mind went blank for a few seconds; after all, Tasha would never be interested in these kinds of books. But then she opened her eyes wide when she realized what Tasha was doing.

She looked at Tasha, and, seeing the Queen's serious gaze, Maya nodded to herself, understanding that she must regain control of her emotions.

Although Maya felt a growing reluctance within herself in the face of her instincts and intense desires that dominated her when witnessing the scene of Volk's subjugation by Victor, she was aware that her impulses were overriding her thoughts. She needed to control them, but she struggled to contain the overwhelming force of these emotions.

For a brief moment, Maya gave in to the dark desires that attracted her to Victor's Power and dominance. However, she quickly regretted and reproached herself for allowing her instincts to take over. Her conscious mind cried out for control and rationality, recognizing that she could not surrender to these uncontrollable urges.

Victor found himself in an amusing situation. He just wanted to put Volk in his place to prevent him from continuing to be a bother and interfering in his affairs. However, the reaction of the two women accompanying him was quite interesting.

'These Werewolves... They're quite thirsty, aren't they?' Victor thought with amusement. He understood Maya and Tasha's perspectives a little bit.

Maya, in a simple way to understand, resembled Scathach. She had always been superior, never having found someone who truly interested her, someone truly 'exceptional'. For this reason, when she encountered Victor, her granddaughter’s Husband and someone powerful but with a gentle and understanding personality towards his Wives, Maya couldn't help but be interested.

On the other hand, Tasha was a competent woman who had never been valued due to the culture she lived in, which was based on subjugating others. As a proud Goddess, she would never bow to Volk.

Unconsciously, she compared how Victor treated his Wives to how Volk treated her, which created a rift that left her feelings quite complex.

Victor turned his face toward the two women, smiling neutrally. "Shall we?"

"Y-Yes," Tasha responded, stuttering a bit. She took a deep breath to regain control over her own body, returning to her Queenly posture.

Tasha passed by her husband, completely ignoring him, and walked toward the corridor.

Victor followed Tasha's lead and left with her.

Maya quickly put away the manga she was reading earlier and started to accompany Victor. Throughout the journey, Maya never looked at Volk; only Victor was present now in her vision.

Her instincts were intense before, but now they were in a frenzied state. Maya's scent of excitement was so strong that it even bothered Tasha.

Although bothered, Tasha didn't complain, as she fully understood Maya's reaction, After all, while it was painful to admit, she felt the same.

Victor awakened in Tasha a feeling she had never experienced with any other man, a feeling so intense and deep not even Volk had been able to awaken.

It was the feeling of pure and obsessive desire.

'He really needs to leave. This man is dangerous in various ways.' Victor's presence was like an irresistible honey that unconsciously attracted everyone around him.

Reaffirming her desire to get rid of Victor as quickly as possible, Tasha quickened her pace.

While the two women were facing their own internal chaos, Victor observed everything with neutrality and amusement.

'Just how incompetent are their husbands for them to desire me so much?' He wondered as he looked at the Queen of Werewolves.

With her long black hair reaching down to her waist, Tasha exhibited a stunning appearance. Her curvaceous body was a symphony of sensual shapes combined with incredible strength. Dark and seductive eyelashes framed her deep and expressive emerald green eyes, which conveyed an intriguing mix of mystery and determination.

Her skin was a delicious tone of milk chocolate, inviting to the touch and enveloped in a natural glow. Every smooth and feminine curve was accentuated by defined muscles and six-pack abs, reflecting her dedication to health and strength. Tasha was an exotic combination of softness and power, a true Egyptian Goddess incarnate.

Dressed in Ancient Egyptian apparel, a flowing dress adorned with intricate patterns and symbols wrapped around her body like a second skin, she exuded the elegance and sophistication of bygone eras. Her waist was emphasized by a golden belt studded with gemstones, highlighting her sculpture-like figure.

Luxurious accessories complemented her magnificent appearance. Bracelets adorned her wrists, emitting a slight tinkling with each graceful movement. An elaborate necklace with a scarab-shaped pendant rested elegantly between her peaks, symbolizing protection and renewal.

Tasha's presence was remarkable, radiating an aura of confidence and power. Her walk was confident and elegant, like a Queen walking amidst the crowd. Her charming and captivating smile lit up her face, radiating grace and magnetism.

Tasha was the embodiment of an Egyptian Queen, with a stunning beauty that left a lasting impression on all fortunate enough to cross her path.

Victor had seen many women in his life, both in memories and personally, and few women were capable of such an imposing presence as Tasha.

'There is beauty in women who achieve results through their own efforts.' Unlike the other Goddesses, Tasha had to fight to get what she had, and Victor saw a certain beauty in that effort.

'It's a pity she's committed.' It was unfortunate. If it weren't for that small detail, he would have already taken action to make her a Yandere. She had a lot of potential to be even crazier, reaching the level of Violet, Aphrodite

and Scathach.

Although it was unfortunate, Victor wouldn't dwell on it. After all, he was not a degenerate who went after committed women, not to mention that this particular woman was his friend's mother. That kind of behavior was not in his personality.

But that didn't mean he would hold back his personality to ensure that women didn't become enchanted by him. He would never do that. He was always true to himself.

Volk clenched his fist tight, his fingers trembling with contained anger. His face was contorted in an expression of pure hatred, evidencing the whirlwind of emotions consuming him. The feeling of inferiority surrounding Volk was overwhelming, as if an oppressive shadow weighed upon his Soul, undermining his confidence and self-esteem.

With each word uttered by that Demon, the sensation of being a mere pawn in a dark game grew stronger, a small insignificant figure in the face of the imposing presence of the sinister entity. Volk felt helpless and powerless, struggling against the overwhelming oppression of the Demon's unshakeable power.

The realization of his own weakness in the face of the Demon's dominance fueled a whirlwind of negative emotions, corroding his courage and self infiltrated every fiber of his being, paralyzing him and leaving him at the mercy of the dark and cruel whims of the Demon. The feeling of powerlessness was like a prison, suffocating his fighting instincts and replacing them with overwhelming anguish.

Volk felt trapped in a vicious circle of anger, frustration, and despair as the intimidating presence of the Demon pushed him further toward the edge of an emotional abyss. He longed to resist, to show his strength and challenge the Power of the Demon, but the feeling of inferiority held him captive as if he were entangled in invisible chains.

Hatred boiled within Volk, fueling his determination to overcome his own inadequacy. He struggled to find a spark of courage within himself, to rise against the oppressive dominion of the Demon and prove his worth.

Every fiber of his being yearned to reverse the situation, to show the Demon that he was not just an insignificant shadow but a being capable of defying and resisting.

However, Volk was caught in an internal battle, trying to find a balance between the desire to confront the Demon and the constant reminder of his own vulnerability. Anger pulsed within him, driving him to fight against the feeling of inferiority, but the persistent fear continued to whisper doubts and insecurities in his ear.

'No! I am an Alpha!' He roared in his mind as he stood up from the ground.

He swallowed all his negative feelings and focused on his pride. He was a King! The King of Werewolves! He would not remain silent while a Demon did as he pleased in his Kingdom!

He is Volk...

His thoughts couldn't materialize due to a shiver that he felt go down his spine. Volk immediately turned his head toward Victor. Although he was only seeing his back from afar, he knew that Victor was looking at him. He could feel it with his entire existence.

The moment Victor stopped walking and began to look back, Volk immediately sat down on the ground and pretended that nothing happened.

“What's wrong, Victor?" Volk heard Maya's voice, a voice that seemed more infatuated than usual.

“Hmm, it's nothing. I just thought I heard something" Victor said in a playful tone.

A tone that seemed mocking to Volk.I think you should take a look at

'Damn you, Alucard! Damn, my weakness! hate this!' Frustrated tears threatened to fall from Volk's face.

Adam, who had just opened the door, didn't know exactly what to do now.

'Should I announce my presence?' Adam wondered. He looked at Volk's current state and felt no desire to defend his King, After all, what should he do? The man who did this to the King was his daughter's Husband and the cursed Demon King. Attacking him would be an act of foolishness, considering that all he was doing was negotiating with the most competent people in the Kingdom.

There was a reason why Tasha was the one who always handled the Nation's negotiations; she was better at her job, and even Adam recognized that.

Despite being without reaction, Adam couldn't help but think that Victor should immediately leave this planet. The longer he stayed here, the more chaos he would cause simply by existing or by his own actions.


"... Even though you're weak, you're beautiful, boy" Victor said, his eyes shining with admiration as he looked at Fenrir.

Fenrir, despite his debilitated appearance, exuded a wild and majestic beauty. His fur was a harmonious combination of pure white and deep black, creating a striking contrast. Each strand of his coat seemed to glisten in the light, displaying a silky smoothness and impeccable texture.

Like pools of celestial blue, his eyes shone with intencity and indescribable mystery. They reflected ancient wisdom and unwavering strength, even amidst his apparent frailty. The expression in those eyes conveyed a deep serenity, blended with the imposing aura that "END" represented.

Fenrir’s presence was striking, even in his weakened state. There was an intrisic majesty in his posture and movements, revealing the grandeur of a Legendary Beast. Every muscle in his body was defined, even though momentary frailty robbed him of some vitality. He exhibited a natural elegance and noble bearing as if he were the very King of Wolves.

Despite his debilitated condition, the essence of the END remained strong in Fenrir, He emanated an indomitable magnetism as if he were a being from another world, a Guardian of Ancestral Secrets. Even weakened, he still commanded respect and admiration with his imposing presence.

Fenrir was a creature of indescribable beauty, a manifestation of raw strength and wild grace. His flawless fur, mesmerizing eyes, and powerful presence made him a fascinating and respectable figure, even in his weakened state. He embodied the primal essence of a majestic beast, capable of inspiring reverence and admiration in all who beheld him.

Fenrir opened his eyes and growled soflly, "Grr."

"Hahaha, I know. I apologize for calling you 'boy'" Victor casually smiled.

Not only Tasha, Hassan, who had joined the group at some point, and Maya, but even Fenrir himself was surprised when he saw Victor responding to him.


"Of course," Victor smiled. He could clearly hear and understand Fenrir’s weak yet majestic and sharp voice.

"How?" Fenrir asked.

"Let's just say I am beloved by the Spirits of Animals," Victor smiled enigmatically.


"A Demon King who is loved by Spirits..." Maya sighed. "Is that possible?"

"For me, it is."

Victor's response left Maya speechless.

"... Haah, I wonder why I still get surprised," Tasha sighed.

Throughout the conversation, Victor never took his eyes off Fenrir. Even though he was weakened, he could clearly sense the danger the beast emanated. All his instincts warned him about it, and because of that, he was completely on guard, ready to act at any moment.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom "So, this is what it feels like to confront the 'END'?... No wonder Odin is shitting himself in fear of Fenrir," Victor grinned widely. Even though he was facing a creature that could bring his 'END', he did not tremble or show weakness. Instead, he stood tall and erect as if nothing could bring him down.

Victor began to float towards Fenrir.

Sensing Victor’s approach, Fenrir stood up and roared, "Leave!"

Now that he was standing, Victor could see the full majestic glory of The Apocalypse Beast. It was worth noting that he was quite satisfied with what he was seeing.

"Fenrir, he's here to..." When Tasha was about to explain the reason for Victor's presence, the man himself interrupted her, holding onto the top of his clothes.

"It's alright, Tasha."


“I don't want him to 'let' me get close... I will come closer." Victor ripped his shirt apart, revealing his muscular chest.

Victor opened his arms in the open-chest position and flexed his muscles, fully showcasing his upper body muscles. The onlookers from behind had the image of seeing a Demon's face on Victor's back.

Every line and curve, every shadow and contour combined to create a disturbing representation. The Demon's eyes seemed to flicker with malice, its mouth twisted in a sadistic smile. The image conveyed an unsettling sense of Power and dominion, as if a True Demonic Spirit were embodied in Victor's back.

The stunned onlookers couldn't help but shudder. The sight of the demonic face on Victor's back left a lasting impression on their minds, an indelible mark that evoked a mix of fascination and unease. It was as if hell itself had left its mark on Victor's physical form.

Maya was the first to snap out of her stupor. Victor’s current state was simply delightful to her eyes, but she wouldn't focus on that now, but rather on the words he spoke earlier.

"... Don't tell me... He's planning to fight Fenrir?" She couldn't help but think it was madness, Even weakened, Fenrir was an "END" beast. If he were bitten by Fenrir, he would be completely erased from existence.

Tasha snapped out of her stupor and shouted, "Demon King! I brought you here to heal, not to harm!"

Tasha's cries fell on deaf ears as Victor remained unfazed.

"Come, Fenrir. I will face you as your equal." Victor's smile distorted his face in a rather predatory way. Soon after, a blood-red Energy with a very Natural feel began to

envelop Victor's body.

The beast's eyes shone in celestial blue as he sensed the Energy emanating from Victor's body. At that moment, Fenrir understood that the man before him was not just a mere Demon King, but someone like him, someone connected to a World Tree, someone of the same 'status' as him.

Understanding this, Fenrir judged him as worthy. Soon, the sense of 'END' completely faded from his presence.

Even weakened, he would not back down from a challenge to prove his worth.

'... Fenrir accepted his challenge!? He judged him worthy!? Why...? What does he have?' Tasha was utterly shocked by what she was witnessing, and it was worth noting that not

even Volk was deemed worthy of a challenge against Fenrir.

Only when she looked at Victor again with more intensity did she understand.

'He can harness our Energy!? Huh!? What's happening!?' Tasha was extremely confused now.

Similar to Victor, a Green Power with a very Natural sensation began to cover Fenrir’s body, and in the next moment, a roar from The Apocalypse Beast was heard throughout the city.

Ar oar that made everyone's existence tremble except for one.

"Hahaha, this is what I've been waiting for!" Fenrir leaped towards Victor in an attempt to bite him.

Not wanting to test his luck, Victor dodged Fenrir's attack. Seeing the tear in space, he felt relieved by his decision.

Even if he wasn't using the concept of <END>, The Fangs of The Ragnarok Beast were still dangerous.

Victor's fists began to glow with blood-red Energy, and he quickly punched Fenrir in the face.

At that very moment, instead of feeling pain as he expected, Fenrir felt an immediate sense of relief. It was as if all the weakness in his body vanished with that punch.

The remarkably expressive face of the wolf looked at Victor in confusion. He was clearly asking what had happened.

"What? I don't want to fight you in your weakened state" Victor assumed a Martial Arts Stance, and his fists were completely covered in the blood-red Energy, forming a pair of red gauntlets.

"Come. Let's dance!"

Fenrir’s eyes shone in celestial blue, and Tasha, Maya, and Hassan swore to themselves that they saw the beast smile.



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