Chapter 758: The late-night visit of a King to the chambers of a Foreign Queen.

On a beautiful night in the city of Eclipse Ventus, The Royal Capital of Werewolves.

In the Werewolf Queen's personal mansion.

A woman with chocolate skin and long black hair was looking at the moonlight with a melancholic look.

The moon illuminated her body, and her black nightgown fluttered in the cold night wind, giving her a very noble and beautiful appearance.

Unlike Nightingale, where the planet's climate was colder and experienced endless nights, Samar had an environment similar to Earth, Except for one small detail: gravity was much stronger here than on Earth. Gravity was so intense in some places that untrained Werewolves couldn't even enter without suffering the consequences.

Though this detail was irrelevant for powerful Beings like Werewolves and was rather something welcomed; after all, the higher the gravity, the more they could train and become stronger.

"... Haah..." The woman sighed and slowly tuned her face away from the night sky. "Don't you know that entering a Queen's chambers in the dead of night, especially when you're a visiting King of another Race, can cause a lot of problems, Alucard?"

In a dark corner of the woman's room, a man sat comfortably on the sofa as if he owned the room himself.

Unlike the appearance of him she'd seen at the meeting, he was wearing more casual clothes: black pants, white sneakers, and a completely white sweatshirt. Anyone looking at him now would never think for a moment that this man was The King of Biblical Hell; they would think he was just a very handsome young adult.

“It's a beautiful night, isn't it, Queen?" Victor smiled neutrally and unassumingly as if he didn't mean to harm her.

Tasha sighed again when she realized he hadn't deemed it necessary to answer her question. She walked toward her room and closed the sliding glass door that led to the balcony.

“Why are you here?" She walked toward the minibar in her room and took a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

“I was just on one of my usual evening strolls." Victor replied as he watched the woman walking with the bottle in one hand and the two glasses in the other toward the armchair in front of him.

“Do these evening strolls usually entail entering the personal quarters of a Queen?" Tasha asked with amusement in her eyes as she filled their glasses.

"Who knows?... I don't follow a plan when I go on my walks, If I want to go somewhere, I'll go. If I don't, I won't. It’s that simple.”

Tasha raised an eyebrow, "...You seem awfully free for someone who is a King”

“That's the beauty of having competent subordinates,” Victor smiled slightly.

"I wish I had your luck in finding good subordinates." Tasha commented lightheartedly. She didn't feel like being serious.

"I have good eyes for people." Victor commented nonchalantly.

"..." Tasha looked at Victor's Dragon Eyes for a few seconds and then nodded: "A King needs to have good eyes for people."

Tasha took the half-full glass of whiskey and offered it to Victor.

Victor shook his head in denial: "Unfortunately, due to my Race, I cannot drink anything other than Blood or water.”

"... Sounds like a sad existence; food is, after all, one of life's pleasures." Tasha set Victor's glass on the table and took a full swig from her glass.

"You are not wrong.”

Feeling Victor's gaze on her body, which was hidden by a thin nightgown, Tasha was amused that he had no dark desires for her body. It was as if he saw her in much the same way as when she was in her Queenly attire.

A fact that left her slightly upset at his apparent lack of desire for her body and also a litte relieved. After all, that meant he hadn't come here for that. Even though she was married to Volk, she didn't have the confidence that she

could refuse the Progenitor's seduction if he made a move.

One interesting fact she realized was that the thought of sleeping with Victor didn't make her feel sick, something she normally would when it came to members of his Race. Clearly, Victor's Race didn't matter here. He was so charming that not once during the entire encounter did she think about his Race.

Finishing off her drink, she looked at her empty glass and placed it on the table.

“I would feel bad about not serving a guest properly...” Slowly, she started pulling her nightgown off and showing off her chocolate-colored, healthy-looking arms.

"Would you like a drink?"

Victor stared at Tasha's arm with amused eyes. She was offering the Blood of a Fallen Goddess and, simultaneously, the Blood of a woman Blessed by Fenrir.

“It would be inappropriate to refuse the host's courtesy."

"..." A silence fell in the place, and Tasha, with light steps, walked toward Vietor. Stopping in front of him, she raised her arm in front of him.

Tasha didn’t know what was going through her head right now. She didn't even know why she was acting the way she was, It was as if all her inhibitions had completely disappeared in front of this man who looked like the incarnation of desire.

Her body shivered when she felt Victor's hands gently holding her arm and his warm breath on her skin.

His touch, his scent, his presence on her; it all felt so... right.

The moment he bit her wrist and began to drink her blood, all the while maintaining eye contact with his violet eyes staring into her green ones, a sense of euphoria she'd never felt before resonated through her entire being.

'... So this is how it feels when a Noble Vampire sucks your blood.' Tasha thought. She knew such euphoria only occurred within her because Victor was the Noble Vampire doing this. She fully understood that if it were another Noble Vampire, she would just be disgusted, but the word "disgusted" didn't seem to exist when describing Victor.

There were many horrible adjectives used to describe him, like monster, Evil God, the next Being to cause The Apocalypse.

But out of all of them, no one had ever called him 'disgusting'. That was an absolute fact.

"Mm, you have delicious blood, Tasha.


"... Eh?" Tasha looked at Victor in disbelief.

‘Is it all over so quickly?' she wondered.

The whole blood-sucking process only lasted a few minutes... awfully long minutes for Tasha. But when that process ended so abruptly, she wasn't sure how to react.

Tasha's legs felt weak, her heart was beating rapidly, and an imperceptible blush formed on her face. She knew she was making a longing expression right now.

But she couldn't help it... He was simply irresistible.

It took a few seconds for her to regain her mental faculties. She gathered all her mental strength and regained her sense of herself. Soon, she took a deep breath and turned her face away.

“Mm, that's good" She nodded, satisfied... Satisfied with something she didn't even know, and walked toward where she had previously sat.

Despite being acutely aware of Tasha's internal struggle, Victor did absolutely nothing. He just sat there and watched it all. Just by being here, Tasha's senses were thrown into disarray.

Desire was a very powerful emotion, Even Gods could not rid themselves of their desires, and among those desires, there was a specific one that was more powerful than the rest.

Sexual desire.I think you should take a look at

Sex was a Concept that pervaded any society, whether futuristic, dystopian, medieval, or modern.

No matter the place, no matter the world, sex would always be sought after.

No wonder it was said that the oldest profession in the world was that of sex workers.

Victor was the male version of Aphrodite; his very presence, even if he did nothing, would subconsciously make Beings think of him that way.

He was, in fact, like a very hot woman who attracted, everyone and everything,

Victor couldn't help chuckle inwardly at the irony. He had come here for an overnight visit as a guest, and it was not he who was lusting after the host but the host lusting after thelr guest.

Putting that aside, he thought about what he had just done. 'The Blood of a Fallen Goddess is not much different from normal Blood.'

Despite being called a Fallen Goddess, she was still a full-fledged Goddess. But even after drinking her Blood, Victor felt nothing, not a burning sensation in his body, no damage, nothing.

Victor thought this was due to his body's resistance having grown stronger. He was no longer a simple Progenitor; he had the body of a Dragon and was powered by a Negative World Tree. His base was a Progenitor, but everything else was different.

'Let's try Aphrodite's Blood next time,' Victor mused.

Drinking the Blood of a Goddess like Aphrodite had never crossed his mind before. After all, Aphrodite wasn't just any Goddess; she was a Titan and the embodiment of Beauty. Her level was completely different from someone like Tasha's.

"Now that drinks have been served tell me, Demon King. What is it that you want, coming into my chambers so late at night?"

"... To make a new friend, of course. Why else would I come here?"

"..." Tasha looked at Victor with a look that said, 'Does this man think I'm a fool?'

"Don't look at me like that." Victor smiled slightly. "I'm truly interested in learning more about you."

"... Why?" Tasha couldn't understand the sudden interest.

“Why not?" Instead of answering, he asked back.

Tasha narrowed her eyes. She couldn't foresee the meaning of this conversation. If he didn't come for her body, why was he here? Was it about their agreement? But there was still time for the deal to conclude, and she still hadn't read the scroll he gave her.

Observing Tasha's silence, Victor decided to initiate a conversation that would interest her:

"Recently, my beloved Wife became involved in a rather ambitious project," he smiled lovingly.

A smile that caught Tasha's attention, causing her to focus on the topic of the conversation.

"Before I talk about the project, let me tell you a little about my Wife." With the same loving smile on his face, he started to explain.

"My Wife is someone who will do anything to keep her Family safe. Any means are justifiable as long as her Family is protected from everyone and everything."

'Is she like me...?' Tasha felt she could identify with this woman.

"Murder, torture, manipulation, experiments on our enemies, she'd dip her hands into all sorts of dark matters for us."

'Yes, she's like me.' She thought.

"From others’ point of view, she's definitely a villain, but I don't care what others think. She may be a villain to them, but to me, she’s my treasure."

"Now that you understand her personality, I'l tell you about her ambitious project."

Tasha found herself more interested than she should have been in the conversation that Victor had started on his own.

"She wants our Family to be untouchable."

Tasha waited... then waited even longer... But the following words did not come out of Victor's mouth.

"...Is that it?"


"I mean, don't you have more details of what she's doing or planning?"

"I have an idea, but at the same time, I don't. She's doing this project in conjunction with my other Wives, but that's all I know. I know nothing about the project's specifics or methodologies."

"... Huh...?"

Tasha couldn't comprehend such nonsense.

"How can you not know anything? This is a project involving your entire Family, right? You, as the Leader of the Family, should know. That's common sense."

"You are not wrong" Victor nodded.

"Right? Then why don't you know anything? How can you be sure she isn't planning something against you?"

"That's an easy question to answer." His smile changed to a gentle one.

"Because I trust her."

"...Huh?" Victor’s words had a huge impact on Tasha. They were such simple words, but the weight behind them was so heavy that, for a moment, Tasha forgot to breathe and merely stared in disbelief at Victor.

"...You trust her...?" Those words seemed so foreign to Tasha that she responded unconsciously.

"Correct." Victor nodded with the same conviction as before.

"If she wanted me to know something, she would notify me. If she wanted my help, she would ask me. I don't cage her; she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and however she wants. Ultimately, all ask of her is her commitment to me, to trust me, and to ask for my help if she needs it, which she always does."

"My Wives shine brightest when they do what they enjoy." Victor's eyes slowly started to become darker, as if they were two violet black holes.

"If my Wife wants to play God and burn the world to the ground, I'll let her do so with a smile on my face."

"If she wants to make a plan that will leave our Family untouchable, again, I will let her do so with a smile on my face, and I will always support her with whatever she needs."

"..." Tasha visibly flinched when she saw Victor's eyes.

"This is crazy" she commented, as much to him as to herself. She couldn't imagine a relationship that way.

"Wrong. That's called trust, the foundation of every sucessful relationship. If you don't trust your partner... What's the point of being together with them?"

But aren't you afraid of being betrayed...?" Tasha asked with her own misgivings in her heart. After all, she knew very well that she didn't have much 'free rein' in her Kingdom because Volk feared her betraying him.

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