"Back to the subject." Scathach began to speak.

"Knowing that old man, I don't doubt that he was already doing this from the moment he saw Victor's new strength but decided to act now because we announced our alliance."

"That is something he would actually do." Jeanne nodded.

"What should we do then? Are we going to let him do whatever he wants?" Morgana asked.

"We are not going to do anything."

"... Huh?" Morgana looked confused at Victor.

Victor smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter if he's increasing his strength or not. It doesn't matter if this is a plan for him to gain more power or not."

"This has nothing to do with us."

"..." The women in the room narrowed their eyes.

"I don't think it's wise to sit idly by. If Vlad increases his power further, it could be troublesome in the future." Agnes spoke.

"My beloved Agnes, you are completely correct."

Agnes frowned when she felt the feeling of amusement coming from Victor. Not knowing how to interpret these feelings, she decided to continue the conversation:

"... Right? Then we should-." She couldn't finish speaking because Victor interrupted, saying.

"Tell me, Girls. Who is in front of you?"

Natashia wasted no time and immediately spoke: "Victor

Alucard, the Second Progenitor of Vampires and King of Hell - Oh..." Her eyes widened at the end as she understood what he meant.

"Morgana, my dear, tell me, how many Demons were there in Hell when you were a Demon?"

"Countless..." Morgana replied, the number so great that she couldn't even count.

"And even with the wars that have occurred, the number of Demons has not decreased significantly." Victor's violet eyes gleamed with an overwhelming power that made the girls shudder, and Scathach had a big smile on her face:

"I am The King of The Largest Hell. In my Hell, there are still billions of Demons at my disposal. All I need is to give an order, and Hellish Hordes of Demonic Creatures will do whatever I want."

"Not to mention, I have my lovely Wives who are not only beautiful but also very competent at what they do and are strong enough to crush any fool who would go against our Family."

It was worth mentioning that Victor gained some affection points when he spoke the last sentence. The women in the room were staring at him as if they were about to attack him at any moment. The smiles on their faces were very similar to Scathach's.

"Vlad is not a concern right now," Natashia spoke.

"We should focus on increasing our influences in the Mortal and Divine Worlds rather than worrying about Vlad," Agnes added.

Victor's smile grew in satisfaction. Obviously, this was the correct answer he was trying to convey.

"But we shouldn't lose sight of Vlad either. Caution is needed when dealing with someone like him." Jeanne added.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, huh..." Scathach smiled, "Looks like you haven't forgotten my lessons, My Disciple."

"I will never forget." Victor smiled.

"Good." She nodded in satisfaction.

They weren't talking about the lessons Scathach had taught him when she'd trained him for six months when Victor had just become a full Vampire. Instead, they were talking about the lessons they'd learned from each other through countless spars and conversations.

The Disciple learned from the Master, and the Master, in turn, learned from the Disciple. This perpetual cycle allowed the two to become even stronger, both physically and mentally.

"Instead of worrying about Vlad right now, we should focus on another, more important objective."

"Our influence, right? You've already said that." Morgana pointed.

"Wrong, My Dear." Victor laughed gently.

"...Our base... Our City. We must build our Home." Jeanne spoke.

"Correct." Victor raised his palm as if to catch something in the air.

[Kaguya, give me the green Orb with blue details.]

[Yes, Master.]

Pure Darkness covered Victor's hands, and then the Orb that Victor requested appeared in his hand.

Victor sent his Energy to the Orb and threw it lightly in the air.

The Orb stopped in the middle of the room, and the next moment the entire room was covered with plant-like holograms detailing plans for the new city.

"..." They all looked around in wonder at the sight.

"This is my 'ideal' Home."

The women studied the blueprints as Victor continued to coddle Natalia.

"Victor... My Disciple... This is insanity." Scathach couldn't help but say.

"Just how long have you thought about this, Darling...?" Morgana asked.

"Every spare moment in between my training," Victor replied. "... Your level of dedication is awe-inspiring." Morgana had nothing else to say other than that. It was genuinely majestic how Victor was always thinking of his Family.

And when she thought she, too, was included in this 'Family' he cared about, she couldn't help but feel sweet inside. She felt like she might fall head over heels in love with him all over again.

"Is this really possible to do? I mean, the level of technology required to make this city is insane." Agnes commented in disbelief. She wasn't very tech savvy, but even from her amateurish view, she could deduce that it would take a lot of technology that didn't currently exist.

"At first, I didn't think it was possible, but a recent discovery has allowed me to see a possibility."

"Discovery? What are you talking about?" Natashia asked.

Victor smiled gently at Natashia and responded as his gaze shifted to Scathach: "Draconian Runes."

The moment Scathach heard his words, she opened her eyes wide in shock, then her expression changed to amusement, and she started laughing in amusement.

"..." The women looked at Scathach as if she had completely lost her mind.

'Why is she laughing?' they wondered.

Victor watched Scathach's expression with a smile on his face. Seeing her laugh, he confirmed his hypothesis that he wasn't on the wrong path.

When Scathach stopped laughing, she spoke, "It's never boring when I'm around you, Victor, and to think that you would think of such a thing. You really are crazy."

"But it's possible, right?"

"In theory, yes. But you will need an even more competent Master at this craft. Any small mistake could cause a catastrophe capable of destroying a planet."

"Who do you recommend, My Love?"

Scathach shivered slightly when she heard Victor's loving tone and felt his gaze on her body. She really liked it when he called her that, though she wouldn't admit it.

"To accomplish something of this size... My Master, Dun Scaith, Odin, The All-Father, and Freya, The Goddess of War, would be necessary."

"Your Master and Freya might be possible, but Odin... That's complicated."

"Oh? Do you have confidence that you can convince my Master to help?"

"No woman can deny my request, Scathach." Victor smiled, and with just that smile, the whole room seemed light up from his good looks.

"...." Scathach rolled her eyes, but she couldn't say he was wrong. He was just that perfect.

"My Master will not fall for your games of beauty and seduction, Victor."

"Even if my beauty does not convince her, she will be convinced by my talent."

"...That's...possible. She's a lot like me in that regard. She really enjoys being a 'teacher'."

"Can you guys let us know what's going on? Being left out of the conversation is not a very good feeling." Natashia narrowed her eyes: "What are you talking about? What does Victor want to do?"

Scathach looked at Natashia and the other women:

"Victor wants to enchant an entire continent with Draconian Runes and make this place our base in the future."

"What...?" All reacted in disbelief.

Jeanne looked at the hologram in the air that showed the projection of an entire floating island.

"Victor... Don't tell me you plan to make an entire floating continent?"

Victor smiled broadly: "Not just a miserable continent, Jeanne. I want a mega continent with lots of floating islands on it."

"That's insanity!"

"A madness that is achievable. I just need the Witches, Dwarves from the Norse Pantheon, a competent God of Smithing, four Highest-Level Rune Masters, and a large piece of land...." Victor looked out from the window towards one of Nightingale's moons.

When the girls followed Victor's gaze, even Scathach herself, who was being convinced by Victor's ideas, couldn't help but gape at his ridiculous idea.

Agnes looked at Victor with a deadpan expression, "Are you crazy? Wait, don't answer. That's a rhetorical question... But asking the question again, you're completely crazy, right? Has fucking so many crazy women made you go completely insane?" 2

"You know you're criticizing yourself, right? After all, you are one of the crazy women he fucks." Natashia pointed.

"Shut up, Natashia! This is important! This is no time for games!"

"Bleh." Natashia stuck her tongue out at Agnes.

Veins start bulging on Agnes's head. She really wanted to punch Natashia right now.

Victor controlled the Orb and took it back in his hand.

"Don't fret about this plan of mine. This is something more for the distant future. For now, we are going to make a temporary city near Clan Adrastella, and after getting the necessary resources, we'll think about doing this."

"Are you really going to pursue that goal...?" Jeanne asked.

"Of course. Even if it seems impossible, I have faith that I can accomplish this feat."

"Haah..." Agnes sighed, "Just why would you want to do something so crazy like that?"

"Hmm? It is not obvious?"


"I am doing all this so our future children will grow up safely."

"...." All of the women's thoughts shut down completely, and they just looked at Victor in disbelief... A disbelief that changed to kindness and love right away.

Victor stroked Natalia's head and snuggled her into his chest. He laughed gently when he saw the goofy smile on her face:

"Not just our children, but also my subordinates and their families."

"As a King, it is my duty to ensure the safety of my people." He chuckled lightly, "Although I am a flawed King who wouldn't hesitate to throw away all my subordinates' lives if it were to save my Family, it is still my duty to protect and guide them. You know me, I never do anything half-assedly. If I'm going to put in the effort to do something, I will make sure that something is perfect."

"..." They didn't know what to say now, but one thing was certain. All the negative thoughts that told them this was an 'insane' idea, an impossible feat to accomplish, completely disappeared from their minds.

No matter what kind of madness this man wanted to do, they would support him with 100% of their strength.

'Haah... Why does this man have to be so perfect and, at the same time, so troublesome? He knows that if he wants something, he could just ask us, and we'd help even if it's something strange. But to remove the doubts from our minds, he deliberately, calmly, and kindly explained his goals.' Jeanne thought. She was feeling an extremely sweet sensation that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she could die of diabetes. He was so sweet!

"You are not a flawed King, Victor. Just a Greedy King." Jeanne began to speak.

"A Greedy King?"

"A King who doesn't just want to protect his Family, but that of his subordinates, what can that be but greed?" Jeanne smiled.

"Oh... You're right." Victor smiled slightly.

"But you know what?" Jeanne walked toward Victor and leaned on the armrests of the chair with both hands. Jeanne stared into Victor's violet eyes with an intensity that surprised even Victor.

"I prefer a Greedy King who wants to have everything and fights for that goal, rather than a Perfect King who gives up his Family for his people."

"I-Humph?" Victor couldn't say anything because Jeanne attacked his mouth.

"Ahhhh!" Agnes, Natashia, and Morgana squealed at the same time in surprise.

Scathach just laughed at the whole situation.

'It's always the quiet ones and the more serious ones, huh.' For some reason, this thought led to her daughter Ruby who was always so cold, but in bed, she was like a Succubus. In that same line of thought, she remembered that her other daughter Pepper, who was usually very innocent and kind, was worse than Ruby. She was very 'thirsty'.

While Scathach was lost in her thoughts of her youngest daughters,

Jeanne pulled away from Victor and licked her lips as if she had eaten something very delicious.

"I will help you with anything you want, Darling... I really want to live in a place where my children can grow up and have a normal life away from all the conflict."

Victor looked at Jeanne's smiling face, and made a point of recording that smile in his memories, then he smiled slightly and said:

"It is the responsibility of the elders to ensure a future for the younger ones...." Victor raised his hand, and just as before, Pure Darkness began to form in his hand. Soon, six orbs similar to the one he grabbed earlier appeared.

"That way, they won't have to grow up in a world of wars."

Scathach narrowed her eyes when she heard Victor's statement.

"Are you sensing something is going to happen, Victor?" She felt that she couldn't ignore those words. After all, Victor had the gift of seeing the future. Even if he disliked using it, she still trusted his instincts.

"... Times are changing, and a New Age in which the

Supernatural World is no longer hidden is dawning... And just like every New Age, turbulent times will come."

Gods and Mortals interacting and mixing together? This was the perfect recipe for chaos. Just look at the history of the Greeks. There was a reason why they had the most tragic Heroes.

Victor did not believe that the future would be as peaceful as it was now, mainly because, unlike before, Mortals would no longer accept how the Gods treated them.

...Of course, all this could just be Victor's paranoia, and maybe nothing could happen, but... He wouldn't live with that uncertainty. He would prepare himself for whatever may come in the future.

The women didn't say anything about what Victor said because they were all old enough to understand that he was correct.

Victor used his power and sent an Orb to Jeanne, Agnes, and Natashia; only Scathach got three.

Victor looked at the redhead: "Give the two remaining Orbs to Aphrodite and Haruna."

"Okay." Scathach readily accepted the request.

"Who should know about this?" Natashia asked.

"All my Wives must know this... And only my Wives must know this." Victor spoke objectively for them to understand: "This matter must not be spoken to our allies right now."

"Not even your parents can know about this?" Jeanne asked just to be sure.

"Not even my parents." Victor nodded seriously.

"Why is that, Victor? Isn't it better that everyone knows this?" Natashia asked.

"The more people know, the more the chance of leaks will increase."

"Oh? And do you think none of the girls will carelessly leak it?" Agnes asked. "Some girls are quite careless with information."

Victor looked at Agnes: "None of my Wives will leak information."

"How can you be so sure?" Agnes wasn't trying to be mean or anything like that. She was just worried about the risk of information leaking out.

Victor smiled gently: "If I, as a Husband, cannot trust my Wives, the women I love and trust the most, who can I?"

"...." Agnes and the girls opened their eyes slightly in surprise. They wondered how he could say things that made them feel so sweet inside so easily and so naturally.

Agnes opened her mouth to say something but stayed silent, unable to utter any words. In the end, all she could do was sigh while smiling gently.

"Haaah... You really are irresistible, adorable, kind, and a good man." If her Husband had so much faith in her, how could she not have faith in him?

"I know." Victor smiled, then stood up, picking Natalia up like a princess.

"Kaguya, get the Maids; we're leaving."

"Yes, Master." Victor's shadow stretched and broke away from him, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Morgana asked curiously.

"I'm going for a walk." Victor flashed a small smile.

"Just don't cause an international incident; if you do, at least wear some mask or something," Agnes spoke even though she knew it was pointless.

"Me? Wear a mask?" Victor laughed in amusement: "If I wear a mask, it will be a crime against all existence."

See? He was very narcissistic. Agnes huffed in exasperation. "Just try not to cause too much trouble."

"I can't promise anything. After all, problems love me."

"Haaah..." Agnes just took a long breath.

"At least tell us where you're going, so when a nuclear incident happens, we'll know when to act," Natashia asked.

Victor was speechless. Why were they talking like it was obvious he was going to do something? He wasn't going to do anything! After all, he was a good boy!

Seeing that it didn't hurt to say where he was going, Victor replied:

"... I'll visit an old friend with the stink of a wet dog. After all, I promised him." Victor displayed the smile of an innocent child, and then he turned around and started humming like a child who was going to visit his childhood friend.

'......" Jeanne, Morgana, Scathach, Natashia, and Agnes looked at each other, and in the next moment, they nodded as if deciding something.

"I will contact our Husband's Demon subordinates," Morgana spoke.

"I'll prepare the assassins of Clan Blank and the warriors of our Clan," Agnes spoke.

"I'll train my daughters, Sasha, Violet, Ophis, and Nero. I will have them ready if something happens." Scathach spoke.

"I'll go talk to Aphrodite and Hestia. We have to get the Amazons ready if something happens." Jeanne spoke.

"In the meantime, I'll also go talk to Haruna to place her armies on standby."

"Here, take these two Orbs, and give them to Aphrodite and Haruna." Scathach tossed the two Orbs to Jeanne, who caught them easily and put them in her bag.

"I will talk to my sister and my nephew. I will train them even more intensely so that they can react to whatever is

necessary." Natashia spoke.

When everyone finished talking, they simultaneously nodded in satisfaction with what they heard.

"Ladies, let's do our job," Scathach announced.


If Victor had seen this scene, he would have wondered if the girls were getting ready to go to war or something. He was just going to visit a friend on a night out! Why so much drama!?

What Victor didn't know was that based on the woman's experiences, the possibility of a problem occurring when Victor went to visit his Wolf Friend was over 1000%. That is, it was no longer a 'possibility' but an absolute certainty.

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