[The Sigma Male came online]

[Goddess of Love came online]

[Goddess of War came online]

[AManOfCulture came online]

[CourtingDeath came online]

[TheMostBadssGoddess came online]

CourtingDeath: Oh? Unexpectedly, everyone came online. Is it because of our member who spends more time away than on Chat?

The Sigma Male: Unlike someone else, I'm really busy. CourtingDeath: I'm sure you are. Everyone here in the group has heard of your deeds. [Gif: Mad Respect ]

Everyone in Chat: +1

[The Sigma Male changed his name to Victor]

Victor: Oh? I didn't know that you had heard of my deeds. [Goddess of Love changed her name to Aphrodite ]

Aphrodite: I don't think there's a single Soul that doesn't know of you today, Darling. Probably only those who live under a rock don't know you now.

CourtingDeath: That's true... That Negative Energy, I could feel it even from here in my Pantheon... Just what kind of monster are you, Alucard?

Victor: How rude, calling me a monster. I'm just a simple Noble Vampire. [Gif: Innocent eyes like a child.]

CourtingDeath: Bullshit! If you're just a simple Noble Vampire, I can't even be called a God!

Aphrodite: I agree. Don't underestimate yourself too much, Darling... You are among one of the most powerful Beings in the world right now.

Victor: Hmm~, but it's still not enough.

Chat: ...

TheMostBadssGoddess: ... [Just how much stronger do you want to get?]

Victor: As long as there is someone stronger than me, I will still train to get stronger.

TheMostBadssGoddess: ... [To become the strongest of all, huh... A difficult task.]

Victor: But not impossible.

TheMostBadssGoddess: ... [True.]

CourtingDeath: Buhahahaha, that's the attitude of a warrior! Always reach for the top, Young man! [Gif: Bright smile] Aphrodite: Why are Loki and Freya so silent?

The Most BadssGoddess: ... [They don't know how to talk to Victor; after all, it's not an exaggeration to say that in terms of strength, Victor has surpassed them now.]

Aphrodite: Oh... They're acting like a couple of shy virgins.

[Admin Aphrodite has changed the name from AManOfCulture to Chicken.]

[Admin Aphrodite changed the name of Goddess of War to Whore.]

Chicken: Oyyy! 2 Whore: Oyyy!

Aphrodite: Ara, they showed up.

CourtingDeath: That's cruel...

Aphrodite: Hmm? Do you want me to change your name too, Susanoo?

CourtingDeath: Of course not! Why are you acting like a tyrant, Aphrodite!? Where's the democracy?

Aphrodite: I am the Wife of The Demon King of Tyranny. Democracy died a long time ago. [Gif: Evil laugh]

CourtingDeath: Ugh...

Victor: Is it okay to go around revealing your status, Aphrodite?

Aphrodite: It's okay. There are few Beings bold enough to provoke you now, Darling. Your show of defeating Diablo provoked fear and awe in many Gods... My concern is the women; after all, women of the Supernatural World desire strong men. Just look at Freya; she's acting like an innocent virgin just because you're online.

Whore: Who's acting like a virgin, Bitch!? And change my name back to normal soon! Ugh, why am I not an admin?! I'm one of the oldest members!

Aphrodite: Hehehe, she's finally back to normal.

[Admin Aphrodite has changed Whore's name to Freya]

TheMostBadssGoddess: ... [Change my name too, Aphrodite.]

Aphrodite: Oh? Why the sudden interest, Kali? You never really cared about your name.

TheMostBadssGoddess: ... [Makes me want to change.]

Aphrodite looked at her cell phone in amusement. As a Social Goddess who could read her surroundings, she didn't miss this 'small change' in Kali. Just like she had said, Kali would never have cared about her name or trivial things like that. Something must have triggered this reaction. The Goddess of Beauty was betting all her chips that this 'something' was Victor.

Of course, she could be overthinking, and this could just be a sudden urge, but from her experience, she firmly believed that this was not the case.

Aphrodite: Okiee~.

[Admin Aphrodite has changed the name of TheMostBadssGoddess to Kali.]

Chicken: Hmm... Can you change my name, too, please?

"Heh~, Loki showing respect and etiquette? Did the Trickster God hit his head or something?" She hummed in amusement.

"Could my Husband's demonstration have affected the Gods so much? Or is it because Loki is in trouble?" Whatever the reason, Aphrodite could work it out and gain more influence in the Pantheons.

Aphrodite went back and typed on her cell phone.

Aphrodite: Of course, Loki.

[Admin Aphrodite has changed Chicken's name to Loki.]

Loki: Thank you.

CourtingDeath: Hmm, now I feel uncomfortable being the only one with a nickname. Can you change it to my normal name?

[Admin Aphrodite has changed the name of CourtingDeath to Susanoo]

Aphrodite: Done.

Susanoo: Thank you.

Victor: Aphrodite, the others and I are in the bath if you want to come.

Aphrodite: Ehh!? You guys are having fun, and you didn't invite me!? Wait, I'm coming now!

Aphrodite quickly pocketed her cell phone and used her power to appear in front of the bathroom.

Hearing the girls' voices of amusement, Aphrodite quickly stripped completely naked and entered the bathroom.

"Girls! If you were here, you should have invited me too!"

"Geeh, Aphrodite." Violet made a disgusted face.

"What's with that reaction, Violet?! It's like you saw something disgusting!" A vein bulged on Aphrodite's head.

"Yes, indeed. I'm looking at something disgusting and perfect at the same time. My feelings are complex."

"..." Was that a compliment or an insult? They all couldn't tell.

"Anyway, I'll go take a shower too!"

"Huh? Are you dirty?" Natashia asked, confused, "As a Goddess, can't you use your Power to get clean?"

"Of course, but nothing beats the feeling of a good shower."


"I agree."

"Bathing is the best."

Several confirmations resounded around.

Victor laughed gently at this situation and soon returned his attention to the cell phone.

Susanoo: You're in the bath with the Goddess of Beauty!? So jealous!

Loki: I can't help but agree with that.

Freya: Bunch of Simps! It's because of men like you that that woman has so much influence! Damn, Aphrodite! [Gif: Angry Bear.]

Kali: ... [Are you jealous, Freya?]

Freya: I'm not jealous! Just irritated that everyone pays attention to her!

Susanoo: That sounds like envy to me.

Loki: +1.

Freya: Ugh, I'm not jealous!!

Freya: Actually, shouldn't you be the one who's jealous, Kali?

Kali: ... [Hmm? Why would I be jealous?]

Freya: I mean... She is the Goddess of Beauty...

Kali: ... [And I am the Strongest Goddess]

The Chat was silent. It was a simple statement, but everyone could see Kali's small smile in their minds.

And that smile sent a shiver down everyone's spine, including Victor.

If one were to ask anyone in the Supernatural World: Who is the Strongest Male God?

Without exception, all would answer: Shiva, The God of Destruction.

In the same vein, if one asked any of the most important and influential Gods who was the Strongest Female God.

All these influential Gods would respond to Kali, the Goddess who embodied The Aspects of Active Destruction.

Often referred to as the counterpart of Shiva, Kali was a Goddess that few could talk about or even meet in person, the reason for this being her own Divinity.

While Shiva could turn his Divinity on and off, Kali's Divinity was always active. Because of this, she was a danger to all who were not strong enough because the mere act of her 'speaking' could destroy a weaker Being, erasing them from existence.

In terms of the pure Concept of [Destruction], Kali was a Goddess who was above Shiva.

Nobody knew who was stronger, Kali or Shiva, and probably nobody would. After all, a fight between them would cause great catastrophes of incalculable levels.

There was a consensus among the God-Kings that Kali was the strongest for one simple reason: The Goddess penetrated so deeply into the Concept of Destruction that she almost became the very Concept herself. When a God took on a concept for themselves as Kali did, that God evolved to become something more than a Primordial God.

A Primordial Entity, a Being that was part of the very Aspect of Existence.

Kali was the only known Goddess who was one step closer to achieving this state.

Incorporating a Concept into one's existence to become a Primordial Entity was extremely difficult, even for Primordial Gods who were already born with enormous proficiency in their Divinity.

What was the essential difference between a Primordial Goddess and a Primordial Entity?

The answer to that question was simple, their Soul.

Taking all aspects of the Soul as an example, a Mortal had a lower quality of Soul than a God.

The Soul of a Low-Level God did not have the same quality as that of a Primordial God.

In order to reach the next level, the Primordial God needed to cause a significant change in their Soul.

A Being that had reached the Primordial Entity stage was an existence that had transformed their own 'Soul' into a Concept, progressing them to become part of an Aspect of Existence.

It can be said that a Primordial Entity was genuinely immortal. After all, they will exist until the end of Time, and no one can really kill them like other Gods, who had weapons capable of killing them permanently.

Because of this, it was not an exaggeration to say that Kali was the 'Strongest'. After all, she was someone who was one step away from becoming a Primordial Entity of Destruction.

Although, this was all speculation. Kali and Shiva hadn't fought to decide who was stronger, and Shiva wasn't weak because he could 'control' his Power better. Thus, it could be said that he is stronger than Kali.

After all, Power without control was just a weakness.

Kali's confidence when she declared that she was the strongest was not unfounded. However, it wasn't certain who was the strongest between Shiva and Kali. These two Beings were definitely in the top 3 most powerful Beings, and those in the group knew this fact and could only remain silent in the face of her statement.

Victor himself also understood this fact. From the memories he'd received from Diablo, he 'understood' very well how dangerous Kali was.

Victor couldn't help but look at Aphrodite, who was playing with the other girls.

"The Power of Socializing is frightening...'

Aphrodite's strongest Power was her ability to socialize with everyone. She even befriended Kali, a woman that all Leaders in the Supernatural World feared.

Kali and Shiva were one of the reasons the Hindu Pantheon was so untouchable. Who would be foolish to cause chaos in that Pantheon?

'Ah, Diablo was.' Victor thought of amusement, soon he went back to typing:

Victor: You're the strongest... for now. Keep the Throne warm for me. I'll take it off your hands soon enough.

Kali: ... [Oh~?]

Everyone in Chat: Wh-What!?


Above the clouds, a floating island could be seen. On that island, a gigantic Temple occupied a significant amount of space.

Inside that Temple, a woman with long blood-red hair was floating in the lotus position. Not only was she floating, but so was her long red hair. She had so much Power within her that every strand of her hair carried an absurd amount of Energy. With a combination of all that Power, her hair and body seemed to exude a red aura that acted as natural armor.

Nobody could touch it because they would be destroyed. Only the truly strong could be in her presence without the risk of disappearing.

This was why she was isolated from her entire Pantheon.

With her eyes closed, she 'looked' toward the cell phone floating at a safe distance so that it would not be destroyed. Victor: You're the strongest... for now. Keep the Throne warm for me. I'll take it off your hands soon enough.

Reading the message again, a smile of amusement began to grow in her, and along with that feeling, there was also a feeling of incredulity and disbelief.

"Hahaha~" She laughed in a very elegant, playful way.

That simple laugh made everything around her disappear, destroying everything the sound touched. Even though she realized it was destroying the Temple, she couldn't stop laughing.

A few seconds passed with this unintentional destruction until she stopped laughing, and mysteriously, the destroyed Temple began to regenerate as if going back in Time.

'Haah~, I haven't laughed like that in a while' She showed a small smile.

Opening her eyelids, the two exotic dark red eyes, ones without irises, appeared. Her eyes looked like a lake of blood whose inside was full of 'Beings'. These eyes were the physical representation of Destruction, proof that she was about to Ascend to the Primordial Entity State. Kali predicted it would take a few more millennia to Ascend fully, a long time for Mortals but a brief period for a God.

Unlike the Concept of 'END', which simply erased everything from existence, 'Destruction' merely destroyed so that 'creation' could occur once more.

In Nature, nothing was lost or erased; everything was simply transformed from one form to another.

The Concept of Destruction represented this saying well.

Kali kept looking at the chat group, who were in a frenzy over Victor's statement.

'Defeat me, huh? Does he realize what he's saying?' Thinking of Victor's goal, she thought:

'He wants to become the strongest, huh.' She smiled slightly.

Kali closed her eyes again. She didn't need her eyes to see. She could feel everything around her very clearly as if she were seeing. The reason she opened her eyes was simple. She wanted to see the True Essence of Victor.

With just one look, even if he were literally in another Universe, Kali could see the True Essence of Victor, and what she saw put a smile on her face. The man was indeed a 'monster'.

Kali thought it had been a while since she had been interested in anyone to the point of using her abnormal senses.

'Eventually, he will have to come to me; after all, no one can declare themselves the strongest while I exist.'

Kali thought about answering Victor's statement but decided to remain silent. She knew that even if she said something, he would do it anyways; after all, it was his goal.

She just read the Chat with an amused smile on her face. The confidence Victor had in himself was something she liked a lot, his statement could be seen as the arrogance of a man who didn't understand reality, but she didn't think so.

Kali knew that Victor understood her 'Power' very well, but even so, he dared to say that. The reason for that was simple: he was confident in himself, his ability, and his monstrous talent, allowing him to achieve such a high level in just a few years.

Looking at his achievements, she could understand very well why he was so confident.

Kali almost started laughing again when she read the text:

Victor: Why are you all screaming like headless chickens? Stop being cowards! That's why you don't get stronger.

Susanoo: [Gif of an arrow hitting the heart]

Loki: [Gif of a depressed character sitting crouched, drawing circles on the floor]

Freya: ...This has nothing to do with being a coward or not, Demon King.

Victor: Oh? Explain.

Freya: Kali is simply unattainable. There is a difference between insanity and cowardice.

Freya: What you declared is insanity.

Victor: Freya, I am a man who, in less than four years, achieved the level of a God-King. If someone from the past told you that this would happen, what would you say?

Freya: ...That person is insane.

Victor: And yet, here I am.

No one in the Chat could say anything in the face of this statement. When it was shown that the group was typing again, Victor's message appeared, leaving everyone silent again.

Victor: Just shut up, and watch me.

Chat: ....


Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

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