Some hours later.

Victor's personal room.

Sitting on the bed with his back to the wall, Victor, wearing black pants, stroked a woman's black hair and fox ears.


"You've gotten lazier, Haruna." He laughed gently.

"It's your fault." She groaned as she snuggled deeper into his thigh.

"Well... That's true..." He stroked her fox ears a little, and a big smile broke out on his face when he felt the ears twitch.

'So cute...'

One of his favorite pastimes was spoiling Haruna when she was being lazy, the only time the supreme commander, who was very strict, became a docile and lazy little fox.

Victor glanced at Haruna's nine tails that fluttered every time he touched her ears.

Clearly, her ears were sensitive, but she was letting him touch them as a show of confidence.

Haruna suddenly sat up abruptly and looked at Victor with a blank expression. Her cheeks were a bit red, and her breathing was a little heavy.


"Hmph." She snorted and soon lay down on the bed again. The next moment, she placed her tails in his lap, and right after that, a hair brush appeared in Victor's hand.

He could obviously tell Haruna's intentions, but he couldn't help thinking inwardly.

'When did she become so cute?'

Following Haruna's wishes, Victor started stroking the fur on Haruna's tail, immediately noticing that her fur had become fluffier than before!

Haruna, who was glancing at Victor to gauge his reaction, smiled in satisfaction when she saw his expression of surprise. She had also been shocked when she discovered the changes caused in her body due to her 'intimate' acts with Victor.

Not only was it easier for her to gather the Natural Energy of Senjutsu, but practicing Ki was also more manageable than before.

Not to mention the minor changes to her external appearance, such as her hair getting darker and shinier, her tail getting fluffier, and her body getting more 'defined'.

Haruna shuddered a little when she felt her tails being brushed.

She bit her lower lip and moaned softly from the comfort and pleasure she was feeling. She didn't understand why, but since the day that Victor first stroked her tails, she could no longer forget that feeling of comfort and pleasure. It was very different from the dull feeling she got from doing it alone.

"Haruna, how do you feel about this?"

"...About what?"

"Our relationship."


"Not that. I'm talking about the incident a year ago."

"Mhm~" Haruna shuddered in pleasure as Victor picked up another tail and started brushing it.

A few seconds later, she narrowed her eyes at Victor and spoke seriously:

"It's too late to give up on me. You've devastated me for others, stolen all my firsts, and branded me with your scent. From everything we've done, I wouldn't be surprised to find I'm pregnant now."

"I would never give up on you, Haruna." He replied with the same serious tone.

"Then why are you bringing it up? Are you worried about what happened?"

"Mhm." He nodded.

"In that case, you don't have to think about it too much. All the women in that room had feelings for you. They weren't coerced by the situation or forced into it by peer pressure."

"You gave everyone a chance to leave that day, yet they decided to stay."

"...That wasn't what it looked like at the time."

Haruna sat on the bed and looked into Victor's violet eyes: "I can't speak for others, but I can speak for myself. In that situation, even if it seemed like I didn't have a choice, that's not true."

"I'm Otsuki Haruna. I am The Supreme Commander of The Youkai and a Noblewoman of The Otsuki Clan. That day, I made a decision. I stayed in that room, knowing the consequences of that decision, and everything happened by my will, as with all the decisions in my life."

Haruna's expression and voice were the characteristics of a natural Leader, the characteristics of someone who forged their own path, even if it was a road full of thorns and difficulties.

"Do not underestimate me, Victor Alucard. I am not so weak as to make a decision because of 'pressure' from others."

Victor's smile grew, and the feeling he had when he saw Haruna for the first time grew even stronger in his heart as he gently caressed Haruna's face.

"That's true... You've always been like this, a warrior, a noble, strong-willed woman, willing to bear all the pain of her subordinates alone in a war."

The image of Haruna using the Technique that transferred all damage to her body in the Youkai War appeared in Victor's mind.

Haruna rested her head on Victor's hand and smiled lightly: "I just do what I want, even if it's something harmful to myself."

He laughed gently: "I know, after all, I'm the same as you." Then, he brought his face closer to Haruna's and kissed her.

A gentle, loving kiss that made Haruna melt with the care and love he had for her.

'I must show my feelings too.' The nine-tailed fox wrapped her arms around Victor's neck and pulled him into an even stronger kiss.

The battle between tongues lasted for a few minutes, and at some point, Haruna found herself sitting on Victor's lap while something hard and familiar brushed against her honey pot.

Reason was quickly being thrown out the window, and soon Haruna's instincts would dominate, and she would practice an enjoyable, pleasurable, and tiring 'activity'.

"If we continue, you'll be unconscious for a long time, you know? Don't you have to go back to Japan?" Victor spoke between kisses.

"Ugh, Kuroka and Genji will take care of everything." She grumbled between kisses.

"Don't forget we have an audience."

Victor's last words made the horny fox wake up from her stupor and stop attacking Victor for a bit.

Haruna's flushed with a panting expression. Her eyes were completely clouded over. Because of the desire and instinct to mate, there was only a tiny sliver of reason left within those eyes, and that sliver was enough for Haruna to pull her rational side hard and push the tension away from her.

Soon her expression returned to a blank expression that she showed everyone. Then she looked towards a group of Maids working on altering part of the bedroom to make a cinema


"..." The white-haired Maids were utterly red in the face, not just from Haruna's public display of affection but also from the sight of the man who was the Heiress's and Leader of their Clan's Husband.


"N- Nothing!" They quickly turned away and went back to their work.

Haruna narrowed her eyes and thought a bit about her situation.

It was a well-known fact now due to the girls' year-long 'adventure' with Victor. Practically all Nightingale already knew about this 'adventure'.

The Second Progenitor, and King of Hell, Victor Alucard, had a Harem of women whose members were the most influential women in Nightingale's society.

Everyone now knew what kind of influence The Second Progenitor had in his hands, and the influential Vampires were a little scared by this development, but... What could they do? This was the man who fought Diablo and defeated him, the man who had Legions of Demons at his command; he was the King of Hell. Not to mention that he was revered as a God by a massive group of Mortals on Earth, having a religion that made up more than 90% of the world's women.

It was no exaggeration to say that the Blood God Religion had become the second most influential religion on Earth, second only to Biblical Angels.

He was on a completely different level. Even the King of Vampires, Vlad Dracul, couldn't do much right now without provoking direct conflict.

And a conflict now would not only lead all the strongest and most influential Clans to turn against Vlad, but he would also be making an enemy out of all the Demons of Hell, the Youkai, and various other Races taking refuge in the City of the Snow Clan.

It was foolish to challenge Victor.

And as the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. And that's the attitude Vlad had right now.

The old Vampire had a face thicker and more shameless than several Gods put together and could do it easily.

But Vlad wouldn't be Vlad if he stood still, only to be forgotten in the annals of history, and due to witnessing Victor's rise in power and Victor and Diablo's struggle...

Vlad burned with the flames of ambition. The Vampire King was no longer quiet; he was moving more actively and gathering more power for himself.

As someone who was 5000 years old, he had many contacts, and given the current situation on the planet, it was the perfect time to gather power actively.

Due to these facts, an 'imbalance' in power was happening in the Supernatural World. The Noble Vampires were ranking ahead of all 'Mortal' Factions regarding power and influence. From an outsider's point of view, even if Vlad and Victor didn't have a good relationship, they didn't see the two men's Factions as opposing entities; after all, they were both Noble Vampires.

Even if Victor and Vlad didn't work together for various reasons, they still wouldn't do anything to harm the Noble Vampires; everyone knew that.

Vlad was King of the Noble Vampires and would not harm his race. On the contrary, as King, he wanted to see his Race prosper.

Victor had many influential Vampire Wives in Nightingale and would not abandon the Noble Vampires if something happened.

Two powerful Progenitors. An old monster and the greatest genius the world of Supernatural Beings had ever seen, two Beings who had much influence in the Mortal World and the World of Gods.

Victor and Vlad became the faces of Noble Vampires.

That was the outside view of the Supernatural World, but that view wasn't exactly accurate.

Victor and Vlad weren't exactly friends or allies despite not attacking each other.

They were in a complicated relationship that only maintained relative peace because of one girl in particular.

Ophis Tepes, the only girl who could sway the two Progenitors, where any request of hers would drive them to do their best to make it happen.

'... Wait, then, isn't she the Final Boss...?' Haruna thought, dumbfounded.

"My niece is amazing..."

"Ophis? What about her?"

Before Haruna could answer Victor's question, the door opened abruptly, and Leona, Rose, Eleonor, and Mizuki appeared.

"Viiiictooorr!" Leona leaped towards Victor like an animal chasing her prey.

Haruna sneakily got off Victor's lap and lay on the bed; she didn't want to be sandwiched between Leona and Victor.

Haruna watched with narrowed eyes as the Werewolf took her old spot and passionately kissed Victor.

Haruna pouted and snorted, then grabbed a pillow and squeezed it with her hands and legs.

'Stupid mutt.'

Suddenly, she shuddered and moaned when she felt someone touching her tail, "Hmm~" Quickly, she bit the pillow and looked with accusing glances at Victor.

Leona stopped kissing Victor and hugged him tightly.

"We were looking for you."

"We?" Victor looked at Mizuki, Eleonor, and Rose.

"Mhm, we have a request." She spoke in an innocent, cute

voice as if she were a child who wanted something from her parents.

"Oh? Tell me; I'll help however I can."

"Spoil us!"

"....." Victor raised his eyebrow and looked again at Mizuki, Rose, and Eleonor.

Eleonor had an utterly red face, while Mizuki and Rose looked away, avoiding looking at Victor. A slight blush was noticeable on their cheeks.

Victor laughed internally; 'How can these women be so cute? Inside the room, they were so wild, but when it comes to simple gestures like this, they get embarrassed.'

"You don't have to ask, you know? If you want to be pampered, you just have to approach me; I don't reject closeness and affection. In fact, the clingier you are, the better." He spoke the last part with an extremely grave expression.

As a 'Yandere', he was delighted with girls being clingy to him, and depending on him, it was something that brought him a lot of satisfaction.

Although he also liked to see them develop without depending on him too, after all, this was proof that they were competent and conducive at what they did, and Victor loved women like that.

'... Ugh... Complicated feelings.' Because of these contradictory feelings, Victor sometimes felt confused.

He wanted his Wives to be clingy and dependent on him! BUT he also wanted them to be independent and strong in their chosen area of expertise!

'Hypocrisy at its best.' Victor chuckled internally.

Leona smiled and looked at the three girls: "See?"

"...." Rose, Mizuki, and Eleonor rolled their eyes in exasperation, but the smiles on their faces were evident.

Victor chuckled inwardly when he saw this; it looked like Leona was taking her job as 'Leader' of the Harem seriously. 'Looks like I have to reward her later.' Victor thought.

"Victor, we need to talk." Eleanor declared.

"..." Victor raised his eyebrow. Seeing Eleonor's and Rose's serious expressions, he could deduce the conversation topic.


Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

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