"Viviane, tell me, are you used to your new home? Are you dissatisfied with anything?"


"W-Wait, Lady Violet-"

"No excuses! Get ready!"


Hearing Victor's question, Vivian couldn't help but ask incredulously, "...Are you really going to ignore this?"

"Do not change the subject. And as for Violet, she's just making new friends."

"..." Viviane and Hestia looked at the Amazons, who were being routed without a chance to fight.

'Is beating someone into submission a way of making new friends?' Both of their lips trembled in exasperation.


"Y-Yeah, everything is going well; I'm not feeling dissatisfied. Living in the forest created by Lady Roxanne is the best home I could have asked for." She answered honestly.

"Hmm... That's good." Victor nodded in satisfaction. "What about the Fairies? Are they being born again?"

"It might take a while for new Fairies to be born; after all, we just recovered from a deplorable state. Not to mention that Fairies are not born that fast; it can take a few decades before the first group of Fairies is born."

"This is unacceptable. As with any Race, their most basic desire is to breed in order to have new offspring. As their Queen, it is your job to ensure that basic goal."

"That's true, but it's not like I can do anything about it. The process of new Fairies being born is time-consuming.

"I understand that. Therefore I offer my help."

"H-huh?" Viviane stammered. She looked at Victor's face and blushed deeply; it was not like she was against this development.

Despite being the Demon King, the Energy that Victor emanated from his body is not Evil or impure like Demons, but a natural 'Negative' Energy. One of the natural Aspects of the world, because of that, the Fairy part of her said that he is exceptionally qualified to breed.

The Goddess part of her also agreed with this development; after all, he was the most qualified man she was likely to find...

Subconsciously, her imagination ran wild, and she imagined things that weren't appropriate for someone 'pure' like her.

"V-Victor! What are you saying!?" Hestia stammered in a similar fashion to Viviane.

"Eh? I'm offering my help, isn't it obvious?" Victor spoke in confusion.

"You can't do that!"

'As someone of your Status, you can't sleep with just any woman so suddenly! Think of your Wives! What would they think of that!?' Hestia wanted to say that, but she was too embarrassed to say anything, not to mention that she thought it would meddle too much in Victor's affairs.

Hestia was too polite to do something like that; after all, the personal relationship Hestia had with Victor was now just something like a Goddess that Blessed his Family.

And their professional relationship was just subordinate and boss, in this case, the 'boss' being Victor, and the 'subordinate' being herself.

"Why not?" Victor asked, confused.

"It's inappropriate!"

"Huh? How is that inappropriate?"

"It's inappropriate! Think of your Wives! Your daughters! You cannot do that!"

Victor's confused look only accentuated further: "I don't understand... How is giving my Energy to her to make new Fairies inappropriate?"

"... Eh?" Viviane and Hestia looked at Victor with a puzzled looks.

Victor's smile grew, "As Roxanne's Husband, I am deeply connected with her. Therefore I can use Natural Energy as easy as breathing, and as you two experienced women know, Fairies are born from Natural Energy; I would just help Viviane with that."

"O-Oh." The two blushed even more furiously when they saw Victor's smile of amusement. They really wanted to bury themselves now for making that misunderstanding!

Viviane, in particular, was utterly mortified when she thought of the thoughts she had had regarding Victor. Although Fairies could procreate naturally like other species, it was not very common. Instead, they were usually beings born from the Natural Energy of a World Tree.

"For virgin maidens, you two have quite active imaginations, huh? What did you think was going to happen?"


"Fufufu." Victor's eyes gleamed with a sadistic light.

Hestia and Viviane shuddered when they felt Victor's gaze.

"I-I have something to do; see you later!" Not knowing how to deal with this awkward situation, Hestia ran away from there, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

Viviane didn't even make excuses. She just flapped her wings and flew to the mansion... At least, she tried.

Victor gently held her hand, just strong enough for her not to run away:

"Wait, you didn't answer my question."

"...I-..." She swallowed hard as she became even more embarrassed, then the woman turned her face away and replied in a very meek way:

"I accept." Even though she was dying right now because of the shame she was feeling, she was still a Queen who cared about her people.

Victor nodded and let go of Viviane's hand: "I will visit your home in the future, and I will recharge the main tree with my Energy."

Viviane opened her eyes wide; all her embarrassment vanished in disbelief:

"You know about that?"

"Roxanne's Husband here. Did you already forget?"


"I have something similar."

Those words made Viviane's shock grow even more. "You have a Tree of Creation!?" Viviane asked.

"Oh, you call it a Tree of Creation... Hmm, I think it's appropriate; after all, new life is born from it.." Victor nodded, and shortly after, he answered Viviane's question:

"Of course, I have one. In fact, it would be weird if I didn't, considering who my Wife is.

"..." Viviane opened her mouth to refute what Victor said, but she fell silent right after; after thinking about it for a few seconds, she realized he was right.

"Though, what you call a 'Tree of Creation' is probably different than what I have."

"... What do you mean?"

"The Tree of Creation you speak of is just an Original Branch of Earth's World Tree, a branch that has lost Power over time and has been recharged by Roxanne."

"What I have is my Wife's Main Body, the World Tree itself."


"D-Do you know where Lady Roxanne's Main Body is...?" she asked with shock and a little bit of anticipation.

"As I said before, it would be weird if I didn't, right?" Victor smiled.

"..." Viviane suddenly felt her IQ had been decreasing from the back-to-back shock sequences.

"Can I live there?" She asked cautiously but with expectation. Living near the Main Body of a World Tree would be like an orgasmic dream coming true. She was very excited! And this excitement grew even more when she saw Victor's smile grow, but unfortunately, his answer shattered her budding hopes.

"I refuse."


"I don't want anyone to know the location of her Main Body; after all, the more people who know, the more the risk of the information being leaked grows, and if that information leaks, many people would covet my Wife. Consequently, a new war would break out because most of those Beings interested in my Wife would be powerful Beings like Leaders of Pantheons or Factions."

"And unlike with the Demons, this would not be a War of Conquest, but a War of Extermination."

"..." Viviane felt a chill run down her back as she saw Victor's handsome face distort.

"No one covets my Wife and lives to tell the story. I will kill everyone who dares, and consequently, I will become the new 'Ultimate Evil' that needs to be eliminated, causing me to become Public Enemy #1." 

"Thanks to my acts of extermination, the Balance would be broken, and the Primordial Entities would have to intervene, and you know my personality, I would not take it in silence... The consequences of this event would be something that not even I could predict."

"Do you understand now why no one should know her location?"

"..." Viviane couldn't say anything but nodded in agreement.

It may seem that Victor was exaggerating, but that was not true. The World Tree was something that all Ancient Beings coveted. Because of this, when sentient Beings start to be born on the planet, the World Tree hides from everyone's view.

In the 700 years that Victor trained, he talked a lot with Roxanne and learned more from her about The World Trees and their significance in the world, and by hearing everything straight from Roxanne's mouth, he understood why everyone coveted a World Tree. Thanks to this knowledge, Victor invested a lot of time in the Arts of Protection and Concealment to protect his Soul from plain sight. Roxanne also helped him with that; after all, it was also for her own safety and that of Victor, her Husband.

Probably the only ones who could see through Victor's Soul now would be the Primordial Entities, or if a God of Death touched Victor's Soul directly, something easier said than done.

The first group posed no problem; their job was to keep the Balance. As long as nothing happened, they wouldn't interfere too much. The second group was also improbable; Victor was very wary of them.

"... I'm sorry, I didn't think much about it," Viviane spoke.

"Some knowledge is best kept hidden from everyone," Victor spoke more gently. "As someone who has lived a long time, you should understand that."

"Yes..." She sighed. Because of Arthur's Legend, many Supernatural Beings had tried to enter her old home, all lusting for the Fairies' ability to 'Bless' an item with Holy Energy, or even the Fairies themselves.

"... Wait, if Lady Roxanne is so important, why is she walking around unsupervised?" Viviane asked.

"..." Victor flashed a gentle smile that Viviane could very well identify as a 'cruel smile'.

"What a silly question; of course, she's not unsupervised." Viviane truly thought her IQ was being affected by being around someone as Handsome as Victor. His presence stoked all her feminine desires, which she thought she had forgotten.

"To answer your question," Victor looked at Violet, who was 'training' with the Amazons.

"All of my Family members are being protected, not just Roxanne."

"Everyone?" She asked a bit incredulously. How much manpower did it take to protect everyone? She didn't even want to think about the logistics of it.

'Well, he's the Demon King. He must have enough manpower.' She thought.

"Yes." Victor nodded: "Not to mention that Roxanne also learned to hide her presence. From the outside, she just looks like a Supernatural Being who can use Natural Energy like Haruna.."

The proof of this was that Roxanne had spent a lot of time in the presence of a Dark Elf in the Religion of The Blood God, and the Elf Herself did not feel Roxanne's presence as a World Tree.

'... That's a relief." She sighed.

"..." A moment of silence passed between the two, and as she watched Violet train with the Amazons, a sudden thought popped into Viviane's head.

'Why is he telling me this?' Viviane wasn't stupid. Although her IQ had dropped a bit with Victor's presence, now that she was getting used to it, her intelligence was returning, and with that intelligence back, she realized that there was no reason for Victor to reveal so many 'secrets' to a 'stranger' like her.

Yes, they were allies, but Viviane wasn't in Victor's 'inner circle'.

Since she couldn't figure out why, she decided to just ask:

"Why are you telling me this?"

As the smile on Victor's face grew, Viviane realized she had walked into a trap.

"I have a job for you... A very important job."

"...I-..." She swallowed hard.

Victor laughed: "Of course, you can refuse, I'm not a tyrant, but you will lose the memories of our conversation just now."

"... You know that everyone here is a Supernatural Being, right? Did they not hear our conversation?"

"My dear, Viviane... Do you think I would be so careless?"

"Eh?" Viviane looked around, and only now did she notice a thin layer of Energy covering the two of them. She was basically in an isolated space where no sound could escape.

"Just what is this?"

"A complex blend of Witches' Magic and other things. It's a combination of my Powers."

"From the outside, we appear to be standing beside each other and talking occasionally. They can't hear us, which means they have no idea what we were talking about."

"Of course, they also can't read our lips for information or use a God's enhanced senses to spy." "I learned to do this to discuss important matters in meetings like the gathering of Supernatural Beings, something I will participate in in the future as the Leader of Hell."

"...." Viviane was impressed. The man had prepared everything so silently that she didn't even notice, all because she was too enchanted by his appearance.

'He's dangerous... Devilishly dangerous.'

"So? Will you accept the request?"

"... Let me hear the first request."


"Through your connection to Earth's World Tree, I want you to open a path for me to the Norse Pantheon."

"...How in the Seven Hells do you know I have-..." She trailed off when she looked into Victor's Draconian Eyes.

She, as a Demi-Goddess, and a Fairy, could see The Truth of The World since her birth, but that didn't mean they shared a similar ability level.

A High-Level God would see more 'details' of The World's Truth than a Low-Level God.

Victor, who had the Eyes of A Dragon and was a powerful Being, could most definitely see the world in more detail than she could. Viviane didn't doubt that every secret she had was practically laid bare to someone like Victor.

"Damn, Dragon Eyes." She grumbled.

"..." Victor displayed a small smile.

"Haah..." Viviane sighed, "Which of the Kingdoms in the Norse Pantheon do you wish to visit?"

"Norse Hell, Helheim."

"Why do you want to go-... Do I even want to know? No, I don't want to know about it. I feel like the more I let my curiosity get in the way, the more problems I'll get into, and I'd like to live a life of peace; thank you very much."

"Curiosity killed the cat. That saying is popular for a reason." Victor chuckled lightly. "You made a good decision to stay out of this after all. The more you know, the more I can't let you go~."

He spoke with a lyrical, loving tone that sent shivers down Viviane's spine. She even considered asking more for a moment, but she quickly shook her head to dismiss those thoughts. She could not let her instincts act here! She needed to act rational!

'Damn, diabolical man! He's a Demon!'

"I accept the request; I will speak with Ratatoskr to escort you through the World Tree's branches."

"Mm, pleasure doing business with you."

Viviane rolled her eyes. She wouldn't call it a business but a threat!

"I am curious about one thing, though."


"If you have a connection to Earth's World Tree, why did not you talk to her? She could have easily solved your problem, right?"

"Haah... It's not that simple. Earth's World Tree is being protected by Odin. If I contacted the World Tree asking for help, Odin would know, and he would do everything to capture my kind, claiming it is for the 'good of our species'."

"Which is just a roundabout way of saying I would become a slave to the Norse Pantheon, and I didn't want that."

"Heh~, that old man is one of those hypocrites who commit atrocities in the name of 'righteousness', huh."


"I see. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity." Victor looked back at Violet's training and the Amazons as he thought internally that he should talk to Aphrodite to learn about the personalities of the main Norse Gods.



Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

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