Chapter 709: 'Enemy' of Humanity. 2

Fortunately, this common 'enemy' was only labeled so by the ignorant and fearful masses.

For Beings living in the Supernatural World since its beginnings, Victor was a new powerhouse, a possible ally or possible future enemy who could make waves in the great game of influence.

The Pantheon Leaders weren't fools. Even if they decided at the next gathering of Supernatural Beings to try to 'hold Victor responsible’ due to him being the New King of Hell who 'started' all this trouble, They would also be labeled as liable due to their respective Hell's involvement, which prevented each of them from being able to act in time.

And even if they tried to force that situation to happen, It would not happen because the most righteous Beings, like Shiva, The Heavenly Father, and The Warden of Limbo, would side with Victor and Vlad himself, who was Victor's ally.

It was understood that the problem only lasted so long because of everyone's incompetence in responding to situations expediently.

Despite so much chaos, one thing became a common topic... An immutable truth that upset hundreds of thousands of men, whether they were Mortals or Gods.

The new Evil God was very Handsome, and practically all women wanted him, whether they were Mortal or not. They even had a hidden 'photo' of him, a photo they used to 'pray' to that one day they would be 'devoured' by him or even be treated as his 'toy'.

Ironically, those with these dark desires for him were women who weren't quite right in the head, like psychopaths, assassins, yanderes, etc.

Despite being hated as the Ultimate Villain, he was still desired by many and had the respect of many.

And thanks to that, a new cult was forming in the darkness, a cult dedicated only to the God of Blood.


In an ancient mansion, a morbid ritual was taking place.

Several figures in completely black clothes were looking at the platform where three men were seen.

The first man was hanging from a rope tied to his feet.

The second man was tied up, sitting on the floor, unable to move.

The third man was tied up with the second man.

Near these men, four hooded figures were present, and from the silhouette of their bodies, it was clearly visible that the individuals were women.

"Blood for the Blood God."

"Bitch! What are you doing - AHHHHH... Gughughg..."

The man's throat was slashed, and blood fell onto a strange Magic Circle on the ground, slowly filling it.

"HII!!!" The second man screamed in fear.

The figure that cut the man's neck looked at the other figures with knives.

"Murder of sinners for the God of Murderers." The female voice continued.

"Wait, wait, wait, we can talk about this -'""The man's voice trailed off as his throat was cut.

The man struggled as he held his throat, and blood spilled onto the floor and was smeared into the Ritual.

The third man, who was silent, just sighed peacefully as he looked at the Magic Circle on the ground that started glowing blood red and looked at the figures next:

"Can I know why I'm dying in some kind of Hellish Ritual?"

The voice of the first woman who cut the first man was heard:

"Jonathan Eric Gonzales. Age 32. Criminal wanted for trafficking women, rape, child abuse, and murders of disabled men and women on the grounds that you were cleansing the world of 'defectives', a monster that should have died on doomsday."

"Interesting... You speak with such hate in your tone. Are you one of my victims?"

The woman grabbed her hood and threw it back, revealing a woman with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and an aged appearance. She looked to be in her 35's to 40's.

"Oh... You are not familiar to me..."

"Valeria Alekerth, mother of Vanessa, a 16-year-old who was killed, raped, and dismembered by you." The woman's eyes glittered with anger and hatred.

"Ah yes, the mother of the one who was my last target... I see. Is this for revenge?"

The man's monotone and nonchalant tone further irritated the woman, not just her but everyone else present.

Realizing that the woman was going to lose control at any moment, the hooded woman nearby spoke:

"Valeria, calm down. Complete the Ritual, and he will get what he deserves."

Valeria took a deep breath and swallowed her hatred and anger. The feeling of revenge of a mother who lost her daughter was determination enough to be able to do it. She knew she could kill the man easily, but that wasn't what she wanted. Instead, she wanted him to suffer.

"With the Blood of Sinners, the Murder of Sinners, we feed the Ritual enough to summon a Being."

"Let me guess, a Demon from Hell?"

"Correct." The woman's psychotic smile was seen: "But it isn't just any Demon; it is their Leader."

The man's face finally showed an expression as his eyes widened in shock.

"... You are summoning the Evil God...."

"Evil God was a Title the ignorant masses gave our savior." The woman beside Valeria spoke dismissively.

"If not for him, doomsday would not have been stopped, and mankind would have been wiped out!" Again, fanaticism was visible in her voice.

"Humanity should have been grateful to him, but instead, they spat on his name! Bastards!" she yelled angrily.

"... But it's okay. If they are too blind to see the greatness of our God, we will show them. With his teachings, we will control these lost sheep and guide them to a bright future!"

"... And they call me crazy..." The man grumbled.

"Valeria, finish the Ritual."

The older woman took the knife and cut her hand:

"The Blood of A Faithful Devotee given of their own free will."

When Valeria's blood touched the ground, the Magic Circle started to glow brighter, and the room's temperature lowered.

"... Did the Ritual go wrong?" Valeria asked nervously.

"No." The woman's smile behind the hood grew: "It was a success."

A portal appeared where the Magic Circle was, and a tall Female Demon with chocolate skin, snowy hair, eyes, a tail, and horns the same color as her hair appeared.

"I'm Valefar. According to the old contract, I have answered the call."

"Holy shit, it really worked! You called something!"

Valefar raised an eyebrow as she looked at the man, then the women.

"I see... You are my Lord's devotees."

"Yes, that is correct." The woman stepped forward and removed her hood.

The face of a woman with red hair, freckles on her face, and blue eyes appeared.

"You are?"

"Roxanne, Archbishop, responsible for spreading the teachings of our God to the Mortal World."

"... Oh, I remember you... You were in Hell a few years ago. Our lord was quite fond of you."

"Unfortunately, I died because of scum like that." She spoke with disgust and hatred as she looked at the man, shocked by what he was hearing.

"Fortunately, my God appeared and gave me a second chance to take revenge, and thanks to his teachings, I can finally clean this world of garbage."

"..." Whispers began to be heard from the crowd behind.

Valeria opened her eyes wide. At first, she hadn't believed the woman named Roxanne when she appeared at her door; she was just a helpless mother broken over the loss of her daughter in this cruel new world. She had just decided to come here and participate in the Ritual because the culprit who committed atrocities on her daughter was captured by the 'cult' of the Evil God.

"Did you like your present, Roxanne?"

Roxanne's smile grew, and her eyes flashed blood red, "How can I not like it? Thanks to my God, I was reborn... I left my fragile shell and became something...


The Archbishop looked at the crowd and Valeria with her eyes glowing blood red.


"Why the surprise?" Roxanne smiled, "Our God is also the God of Demons and Vampires."


"Thanks to this gift, I am immortal, I will never age, I will always be young, and I have more strength than ordinary Humans. I will never feel powerless again."

The women gulped at Roxanne's statement.

'... Look, I may be scum, but I'm not stupid. I smell manipulation a mile away.' The man looked at the Demon and Roxanne: 'They are working together."

"As your most Loyal Servant... I will not sit by and watch them tarnish my God's name. He is a benevolent God who hates scum like him, an honorable God who values Martial Honor, a God who, above everything, values Family and Home."

The women opened their eyes wide from behind their hoods.

"Humanity has tarnished his name, and I will not allow it. Therefore I have come to seek support from those who have suffered the same as me in the past.

Everyone here has lost someone to scum like him." She pointed at the man again.

Roxanne smiled when she sensed the feeling of hatred growing in everyone, inciting more hatred with her Powers, as she continued:

"And we will have our revenge."

Valefar grabbed the man and threw him straight into the portal to Hell.


Soon the women saw the image of hundreds of Demons in different forms torturing the man.

"He will be tortured for all eternity." She whispered to Valeria, and those words made the woman focus even more on the man's pained expression.

A sadistic smile appeared on Valeria's face.

"Can I watch?"

"Take it." Valefar delivered an Orb to Valeria.

"With this, you will be able to watch him be tortured forever. You just need to sacrifice some of your stamina to activate the Orb, and you can even suggest ways of torture to your liking."

Valeria looked at the Orb as if she were looking at a priceless treasure.

"Our God is kind and benevolent, but for those who harm ours, and the innocent... We will have our revenge!"

"Because, above all, our God is also the God of Revenge!"

"OHHHH!" The women raised their hands in the air with a scream, each with a sadistic expression as they watched the man being tortured.

"All Hail, Alucard!" Roxanne prompted, and they responded in unison.

"All Hail, Alucard!"

"All Hail, Alucard!"

The entire mansion trembled before the fanatical chorus.

And that sight made Roxanne and Valefar's smiles grow even wider.

Edited By: Davo 2138, IsUnavailable If you want to support me so that I can pay artists to illustrate the characters in my novel, visit my pa treon: Pa More characters images in: Like it? Add to library!!

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