I knew it!

It was right here!

HAH! After years of searching and exploring the far reaches of interdimensional travel... I finally found it!

Bucky Barnes had no idea how he'd react when he finally found what he was looking for. For years, he had looked far and wide for this beast... and now that he found it, he felt like his journey was all worthwhile. His years of dedication finally bore fruit. And that fruit was right in front of him, seemingly hibernating.

On his hand, he held two Grens (as a recap, this is this world's version of a Pok*ball), each with their own engravings that marked which type of tamed beast was contained. Two out of these three Grens already had a tamed beast inside, and it took Bucky Barnes a span of ten years just to hunt them.

Now, the last beast in his collection has finally appeared, and he would go to extreme extents just to capture it... all for the sake of his Disciples.

"Who would've thought I'll come this far? Perfect timing as well. Now.. how long would it take before I capture this thing... hopefully less than a month." Bucky Barnes said to himself.

As he walked towards the hibernating beast, he remembered his experience with the prior two beasts which he captured by himself. He almost died trying to tame them, but he succeeded in the end. All of those seemed like a distant memory since it took him ten years to complete the search.

A certain sense of nostalgia hit him. He grinned. "After this... my journey will come to an end... or rather, it would be the beginning of a new age. Now... I guess there was no time to waste."

"Lava Hydra, Lochness Monster, I choose you both!" Bucky Barnes said, throwing the two Grens he had in his possession.

The first tamed beast to come out was a flaming snake with eight heads. Its skin color was akin to scarlet. Flames and smoke came out of its mouth when it hissed. As for the second tamed beast, it was as large as the gigantic Lava Hydra, the only difference was it had one head, and it had four flippers that acted like legs.

"Let's go!" Bucky Barnes called out, his arm outstretched as he directed the two tamed beasts— the result of ten years of his hard work and dedication.

With a resounding roar, the Lava Hydra unleashed an earthquake that terraformed a portion of the forest into lava-infested grounds. As for the Lochness Monster, it shot a high-pressure water beam at the hibernating tamed beast.

The third tamed beast in question was a giant panda. Just like the first two, it's also a Representative. Even if it's a two-on-one battle, Bucky Barnes knew that they'd have a hard time bringing down this third tamed beast.

That's right, the Lava Hydra and Lochness Monster were also Representatives. Bucky Barnes had been hunting Representatives for the past ten years, all for the sake of his goal.

A glint appeared in the eyes of the Bamboo Panda as it woke up. Its hibernation was cut short, and it really pissed off the Bamboo Panda. With a deafening roar, the Bamboo Panda clapped its hands, deflecting the water beam that the Lochness Monster shot at him. It then activated its special hardening skill to reduce the damage it received from the fiery terrain.

Fortunately, the sun shone brightly on its back, and the Bamboo Panda could charge up a solar beam in an instant. Before the Lochness Monster could fire another bout of water beam, the Bamboo Panda opened its mouth and unleashed a powerful solar beam, aimed directly at the Lochness Monster.

Even though Bucky Barnes was a distance away from the fight, he could tell just how powerful that Solar Beam was. Even though he was a Manager, he wasn't sure whether he could tank a single hit on that Solar Beam. He could only imagine himself being obliterated as soon as that attack connected.

"Dodge it, Lochness Monster!" Bucky Barnes commanded.

To his relief, the Lochness Monster dodged the solar beam just in time. Just like the other two, the Lochness Monster boasts great agility, that's why it easily dodged a sudden attack.

At the same time, the Lava Hydra unleashed a flamethrower right when the Bamboo Panda shot its solar beam. Bucky Barnes didn't even tell the Lava Hydra to attack, but it did anyway.

Then again, Bucky Barnes knew that the Lava Hydra had great instincts in battle. That's why it attacked right when the Bamboo Panda's position was fixed. The Lava Hydra was aware that the solar beam couldn't be fired when a tamed beast was moving around. After all, the recoil would be too much of a strain on the body.

That's why it attacked as soon as the Bamboo Panda fired away. And because of that, the flamethrower connected, landing a clean hit on the Bamboo Panda.

Clearly, the Bamboo Panda suffered serious damage. However, it didn't show a shred of cowardice or weakness in front of its two opponents. In essence, it acknowledged the Lava Hydra as a bigger threat than the Lochness Monster.

"Lava Hydra, use overheat. Lochness Monster, use Earthquake!" Bucky Barnes called out.

Overheat allows the Lava Hydra to increase the temperature of the surroundings, giving it more attack power while weakening grass-type beasts in the vicinity. And since the Bamboo Panda is a grass type, it would severely be affected by the attack.

As for the Earthquake, it gave the Bamboo Panda uneven footing, making it unable to activate its powerful solar beam attack.

Out of desperation, the Bamboo Panda let out a roar before it countered the Earthquake with another Earthquake. Doing so doubled the damage to the forest, but it did give the Bamboo Panda some breathing space.

That didn't cancel out the effect of Overheat though, and the Bamboo Panda continued to weaken as seconds passed. At this rate, it was going to lose to the two Representatives.

"Let's keep at it! I guess this wouldn't take that long thanks to you guys." Bucky Barnes called out, commanding the Lava Hydra and the Lochness Monster to continue using Overheat and Earthquake. It was a battle of endurance, and the side with more numbers would usually win in a battle of endurance.

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