After a somewhat long gaze, the Quasar Lightning Snake scoffed at Satoshi before it cleared its throat. Satoshi could tell that it was suppressing its urge to laugh while trying to be respectful in front of him.

Of course,  the Quasar Lightning Snake didn't believe that Satoshi would be able to tame him. He's one of the most powerful Representatives out there, and there was no way he'd allow a child to tame him.

Throughout the years, a handful of people tried to tame him but none succeeded. During that time, the Quasar Lightning Snake was going all over the dimensions, trying to find a nice quiet corner for himself where he could stay without being a bother to anyone.

Shaking his head, the Quasar Lightning Snake tried to forget a certain memory but he couldn't. He heaved a sigh before turning to Satoshi for a second time. At this point, Satoshi had no idea why the Quasar Lightning Snake was acting weirdly, but he decided to not ask anything.

"Well then, if you're really keen on taming me, then let's battle it out. Of course, I'm going to take it easy on you since you're just a child. But be warned, I'm still formidable even if I hold back." The Quasar Lightning Snake said as it floated backward a little bit.

Nodding his head, Satoshi immediately integrated with a certain familiar which surprised Dex. He had not integrated with this tamed beast before, and now he's doing it. This scenario certainly surprised Dex since he didn't expect Satoshi to do something out of the norm.

"Orb Oboros, I'm counting on you," Satoshi called out as his usual sling bag disappeared from view and integrated with him. For a moment, Satoshi was a tad bit afraid that Orb Oboros would let go of his created dimensions the moment he integrated with him. But fortunately, something like that didn't happen. Satoshi didn't have to worry about his other familiars being out in the open while he was fighting with his dimensional familiar, Orb Oboros.

The beast integration was successful, and Satoshi didn't appear as different from before. He still appeared like the usual Satoshi, except that his body would glitch everywhere from time to time. "This is weird... but I'd be able to get used to this," Satoshi muttered to himself as he glanced at the palms of his hand.

It's as if his hands were oscillating at a rapid pace while disappearing and reappearing at the same time. Curiously, Satoshi put his hands together to see if they would touch. To his surprise, both his palms passed through each other. His mouth hung open in delightful shock as he glanced back toward the Quasar Lightning Snake.

"Neat trick, but you won't win against me."

Before Satoshi could refute what the Quasar Lightning Snake said, it prepared an intense beam from its mouth, shooting it off in a snap of a finger. Satoshi barely had time to react, so he just closed his eyes and hoped for the best. This was the first time he saw such a quick beam attack and it totally caught him off guard.

Satoshi flinched. He could certainly feel the heat of the beam attack passing through his body.

Wait, passing through?

As soon as the beam shot off from the Quasar Lightning Snake's mouth, Satoshi shut his eyes tight as he assumed the worst. But now, Satoshi felt like he was still alive. Mustering his courage, he opened his eyes.

Simultaneously, the Quasar Lightning Snake stopped its attack, certain that Satoshi would've been obliterated to nothingness by now.

However, Satoshi was still alive, and he didn't suffer any damage. Somehow, the powerful beam just passed through his body without harming him. "Oh, you were just trying to scare me, is that it? Is this part of your test?" Satoshi asked, unconvinced that the Quasar Lightning Attack didn't do it on purpose.

His reaction irked the Quasar Lightning Snake a little bit since he gave his all when he shot that beam. He couldn't understand how a human managed to slip through the beam without getting damaged. It wasn't just any particular beam, after all, it was a beam made from the pure energy of a Celestial Type. That's why there was no way a human could come out of it unscathed.

"Heh, interesting." The Quasar Lightning Snake called out as it fired another beam. Even though he couldn't feel any animosity from Satoshi, he still felt like he was insulted due to how confidently Satoshi asked him about his attack.

This time, the Quasar Lightning Snake let out an even more potent beam. He wanted to see whether Satoshi's invincibility wasn't a fluke or not.

| сom The results were the same. After his attack, Satoshi came out unscathed.

While all these were going on, Satoshi was slowly learning the abilities of Orb Oboros. It was more powerful than he thought, and it could even rival the strength of some of the Representatives he knew.

Nevertheless, there was a drawback in Orb Oboros's strength. Most of his skills were purely for support. In other words, Orb Oboros is not an offensive tamed beast, but a pretty powerful support just like Sera. As such, it was too much of Satoshi to ask him to battle it out with the Quasar Lightning Snake.

From the depths of his mind, Satoshi could sense the uncertainty within Orb Oboros. Despite how formidable it was, to the point that it made Satoshi pseudo-invincible, it still doubted its innate capabilities. "I got this one, Orb Oboros. We're going to win this." Satoshi muttered, giving Orb Oboros a pat on the back as thanks for lending him its power.

The Quasar Lightning Snake was a tad bit enraged now since his attacks didn't hit. With a grunt, it struck Satoshi with its tail.

Despite its size that could rival any skyscraper on Earth, it moved pretty fast. Satoshi dodged its tail whip by a hair's breadth. As soon as he found an opening, Satoshi threw a spatial orb at the Quasar Lightning Snake. The spatial orb was invisible, so it was near impossible for the Quasar Lightning Snake to dodge it. As soon sa the attack connected, the spatial orb expanded, teleporting a small chunk of the beast's body and making it bleed.

Of course, to the Quasar Lightning Snake, it was just a small chunk. To it, the attack felt like a bite of a mosquito. It didn't hurt, but it was annoying to the core.

In an instant, the Quasar Lightning Snake flew toward the cloud which surrounded the mouth of the volcano. Satoshi had no idea what it was doing there but he assumed that it was probably trying to power up.

He was right.

As soon as the Quasar Lightning Snake disappeared from view, a couple of lightning could be seen happening inside the cloud, followed by numerous ear-splitting thunder. Well, Satoshi had nothing else to do but brace himself for the upcoming attack. This was going to be the final showdown between him and the Quasar Lightning Snake.

A few seconds later, the Quasar Lightning Snake came down from the cloud, its body filled with electricity and it was glowing like a bright light bulb. It opened its mouth and lightning shot out of it. Satoshi barely had time to register what was happening and he started dodging and parrying the lightning with spatial orbs.

Once the lightning area-of-effect attack was over, the Quasar Lightning Snake managed to get behind Satoshi and squeeze him, constricting his body on him as he drained the life out of him. At the same time, he activated another bout of lightning attacks.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

The sound was mild, but Satoshi felt his every being electrocuted. He tried to scream, but no sound came out.


Left with no choice, Orb Oboros took over Satoshi's body and teleported him to another dimension before teleporting him back to where the fight was. There was no time to lose.

As soon as he locked eyes with the Quasar Lightning Snake, Satoshi extended his hand and trapped the beast in an enclosed dimension. He then squeezed his hand as much as he could, trying to bear the weight of the Quasar Lightning Snake without letting it escape.

the enclosed dimension started compressing, getting smaller and smaller as the Quasar Lightning Snake was squeezed to death. If it doesn't forfeit, it's going to die.

"What's going on?!" The Quasar Lightning Snake exclaimed as blood spilled from its mouth and the sockets of its eyes. It was a pretty mortifying thing to look at.

Satoshi didn't plan on killing the Quasar Lightning Snake though. Furthermore, the reason why he was able to pull it off was that he caught the beast by surprise.

Without further ado, Satoshi used up all of his energy to manifest the blue flames that would tame the Quasar Lightning Snake. The moment the enclosed dimension broke, Satoshi shot the blue flames at the Quasar Lightning Snake, and it connected.

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