With an effortless wave of his hand, Jonathan transferred Jana to another dimension, intending to surprise Yun Zhe as soon as the Official Beast Tournament had concluded. There were plenty of ways he could've disposed of the body, but he opted not to since he wanted to show everyone that Jana was dead.

Slowly, his lips curved upward, and an ominous chuckle came out of his mouth. But before he could fall deeper into his maniacal state, he realized that Yun Zhe didn't do anything wrong to him. He bit his lips in frustration. "In hindsight, Yun Zhe's better off without her. I'll keep her body far away; no one will ever know."

The thought of their master briefly appeared in his head, and he realized that by the time he got rid of Jana, their master would probably be aware of what he had done. There was no escaping the consequences of his actions, but at least he was able to accomplish what he set out to do.

"Even if this means death, I'll gladly accept it. With this, their souls could finally rest in peace." Jonathan mumbled to himself before he teleported back to the Official Beast Tournament.

And as if nothing had happened, he walked towards his respective seat, hoping he won't get to meet Yun Zhe before the finals commenced. That would be the most awkward and fateful event ever to occur— or so that's what Jonathan said to himself.

Jonathan looked at his hand. There was a golden ring fitly wrapped around his index finger. Before taking another step, he adjusted the ring, rubbing his skin.

It wasn't that noticeable, but if one were to look closer, one would immediately notice Jonathan trembling with every step.


"So this is the infamous candy apple, huh? It's glistening, and it looks wonderful! Ahhh~ I wonder how it'd taste!" Yun Zhe drooled while saying his monologue about the candy apple. He wiped his salivating lips with his hand before bringing the candy apple closer to his mouth.

From his peripheral vision, he noticed a certain man who was at least as tall as him. His build was not unusual, but somehow, Yun Zhe felt like he had met the man in the past.

"Is that who I think it is? No, that's impossible. There's no way he'll show his face after all this time." Yun Zhe incredulously spoke to himself as he pushed his body through the crowd. He intended to call the attention of the young man clad in black.

"If that's really him, then he's got a lot of explanation to do." Yun Zhe gritted his teeth in slight frustration after remembering the traumatizing event that had transpired a few years back.


The guy in front of Yun Zhe flinched, but before Yun Zhe could see his face, he vanished in thin air, leaving only his black hooded robe, which Yun Zhe tightly clutched. "What?" An exclamation came out of Yun Zhe's mouth. He didn't even detect any usage of teleportation. Somehow, the young man vanished without a trace of energy.

"Who was that?" Yun Zhe muttered to himself, still half-convinced that it was Jonathan whom he'd seen.

Yun Zhe shook his head. Now was not the time to think about a particular murderer in the past. For now, he had to focus on the fight ahead of him. "Finally... it's time for my much-awaited fight against Satoshi, huh? This is going to be fun." He told himself, finally taking a bite of the candy apple he was balancing on his hand.


"Why is this so tasty?!" He screamed in delight, finishing the candy apple in an instant.

Meanwhile, Jonathan had appeared in his seat, breathing heavily. That was a close call. Had he not listened to his instincts, he would've been seen by the last person he wanted contact with. Fortunately, he decided to teleport before turning around. It was a good call.


Shiroi had been utterly dejected after the misunderstanding, but she knew she just couldn't sit around and do nothing after contemplating it. Right now, she had to know whether Satoshi was going out with Emma. It was up to her to get to the bottom of things. After all, Satoshi had not told her anything about it.

She finally mustered the courage to confront Satoshi about it. If they were going out, then she should've been the first to know since she's his childhood friend and all. "Also, d-d-d-didn't we hold hands... why did we hold hands if he's already dating someone? Mou~!"

Fueled by her jealousy, or rather, her rage due to Satoshi's disloyalty, she finally reached the infirmary, where she saw Emma and Satoshi go in. She pouted, grabbing the sliding door handle with the full intent to shove it open.please visit

But before she could do so, she felt nervousness creeping from within her heart. She began wondering why the two of them had to go to the infirmary when they could spend time together just fine without going there in the first place. After a couple of seconds, Shiroi's face became ghostly pale before it transitioned into a nice shade of red.

Needless to say, her thoughts had finally gone wild, and she began imagining things that shouldn't be allowed in a general audience novel such as this one. Filled with embarrassment, she covered her face with her hands before collapsing to her knees.

"E-e-eh?! What are they going to do inside? Are they going to k-k-kiss?!" Shiroi muttered to herself, nervously swallowing her saliva before she grabbed the sliding door handle a second time.

"I shouldn't d-do this but... I have to! They can't do it in the infirmary! I have to stop them no matter what." Shiroi told herself. Mustering her courage, she slowly opened the door to the infirmary, taking a peek inside.

Just as she thought, Emma and Satoshi were really inside the infirmary. One of them was lying down on the bed. No matter how much Shiroi strained her eyes, she couldn't see who was lying down and who was standing. After all, the bed was covered with curtains on all four corners.

"What are they doing?" Emma muttered to herself.

That's when the shadow of the one standing leaned in. As for the one lying down, he or she stayed completely still. Emma's eyes widened.

"No, what are you doing sneaking by the entrance?" A voice of a lady suddenly addressed Emma, causing her to stumble forward, hitting her head on the edge of the sliding door, which was partially open.

The voice was from none other than Nishimura Haruka, also known as the 'Nurse', her superhero name.

Haruka was clearly glaring at Shiroi, and like a lost puppy, Shiroi averted her gaze, rubbing her forehead since she had hit it pretty hard.

"Come on, let's put an ice pack on that forehead of yours. You have lovely silken white hair, and it would look bad if you got a lump on your forehead." The Nurse muttered, helping Shiroi to her feet and leading her inside.

Shiroi finally got a clear view of the two people covered by the curtain. To her surprise, Satoshi was leaning down on Emma to adjust the wet towel on her forehead. "Eh?!" She let out as Satoshi opened the curtain and greeted the Nurse.

"Haruka-san, you're just in time. My friend Emma here got a fev— Shiroi? What are you doing here?" Satoshi cut himself short upon noticing that Shiroi was also in the room. He didn't expect her to appear out of nowhere; hence he was caught off guard.

"I-I-I could ask the same thing!" Shiroi blurted out before she even thought about what she would say. "I t-t-thought you were doing something indecent after you—"

Shiroi's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth before she could say another word. Meanwhile, Satoshi had plenty of questions in his mind. He had assumed that the last thing Shiroi would call him was indecent, yet here they were.

"Indecent? Me? Wha— why?" Satoshi let out as his mind went into overdrive. He had no idea how Shiroi came to that conclusion, and the more he tried to think about his recent actions, the more he got confused.

"Eek~ Tsumetai~" Shiroi exclaimed after the Nurse pressed the ice pack on her forehead.

With her free hand, the Nurse grabbed Satoshi by the ear before pointing at the ice pack. "You hold it. The two of you can wait outside by the line of seats there. Your friend here's burning with fever. It'd be preferable if she could rest in a quiet place. The two of you lovebirds should bring your quarrel somewhere else."

"Lovebirds?!" Satoshi exclaimed, letting out a huge exhale as he spoke.

"Yes," The Nurse nodded before pointing at Shiroi. "And you, you misunderstand a lot of things. You didn't see the kiss, right? So why were you assuming that they kissed?" The Nurse pointed out out of nowhere.

"Kissed?! What?!" Satoshi screamed, cutting off the Nurse's fuse short.

Before they could react, the Nurse had already shoved them out of the infirmary. "I hope you won't raise your voice in the hallway. If I hear you... well, let me just warn you that it won't end well for the two of you." The Nurse smiled, slowly sliding the door shut.

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